Author Topic: Dem Cliches  (Read 3775 times)

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Dem Cliches
« on: March 26, 2014, 08:17:53 pm »
We all know them.

Those charries who are OP due to some 'magic power' and them being the one to save the world from ___, or
where the charrie is apparently forever alone because a ____ killed their entire pack/clan, and they're the only survivor, or
the ones who killed their entire family just because they could, or


Anyways, we all know those people.
I honestly see no problem with it, if they have a good reason on why they happened.
If it's just for sob-stories, then no.
I can't think of anything that supports why I'm OK with them sometimes, but there are some.
But there are some.

I found their theme song!


Anyways, what do yall think about them?
Are they OK sometimes, are they completely passable, or they CANNOT be allowed to live.
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Re: Dem Cliches
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2014, 08:48:04 pm »
Heh, NightCore solves everything


Yes, there are plenty of cliches to find 'round here.

Some more common then others.

But it is the choice of the person to use a, 'Cliche' for the character.

Some pull it off.  And, more often then no, they don't pull it off as smoothly as one would've hoped.

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Re: Dem Cliches
« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2014, 11:29:06 pm »
It'd be nice if people would just be original, -sigh-.
I don't mind the minor things, such as being an orphan or being the poor poor abused kiddie.


Mary Sues are Mary Sues and should be given a nice whackin' on the noggin' for ripping off their favorite anime/movie/book/etc.

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Re: Dem Cliches
« Reply #3 on: March 26, 2014, 11:51:23 pm »
I don't know... they're okay...
Honestly though they're probably just new to role-playing or creating original characters with story lines and stuff.
Plus you know what they say... Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery.
Since there is plenty of dem sad-stuck creatures around FeralHeart they problem see each and think how cool their characters are. They will grow out of it... Or into it.

Just a FeralHeart phase some go through.
You went through a phase some time in your life that other people found annoying so guys just shaddup.
(Like Goths, Scenes, Punks, and Hipsters. Let's all argue how UN-original they all are.)

Also your song choice isn't cliche enough.
I would go with Boulevard of Broken Dreams, Leave Out All The Rest, or In The End. Not that I would know much about them moody characters...
lol i lied i hang out with these guys all the time just cuz they are easy to make friends with and ya kno they aint dat bad such orig such taste

@ Cless ; Nah, I don't think so. Let's not perform acts of aggression on our fellow Feral Heartians. They don't mean no harm. Just gotta mold em'.
« Last Edit: March 26, 2014, 11:56:00 pm by FieldsForever »

Offline Wizardmymom

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Re: Dem Cliches
« Reply #4 on: March 27, 2014, 12:44:58 am »
Heh, NightCore solves everything


Yes, there are plenty of cliches to find 'round here.

Some more common then others.

But it is the choice of the person to use a, 'Cliche' for the character.

Some pull it off.  And, more often then no, they don't pull it off as smoothly as one would've hoped.

Yes, yes it does.


I completely agree with that.
People can pull it off, but some can't.
And as Cless said, it's their charrie.

Also your song choice isn't cliche enough.

I'm sorry, I had to laugh at that. XD
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Re: Dem Cliches
« Reply #5 on: March 27, 2014, 01:08:59 am »
 I don't mind cliches, as they can be done very well. The orphaned past is an easy way to explain not having relatives, or maybe even deppressed or villainous character. And for generalization cliches (goth, hipster, punk), I don't notice or mind the to much. I find it more fun to mock these cliches than to follow them!

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Re: Dem Cliches
« Reply #6 on: March 27, 2014, 01:28:16 am »
    I can tolerate having the cliches but from a view of literary devices and how they're played into the plot they're in and towards character development (or regression) and character reasoning/explanation. Surely, these sort of trivial and sad events for characters give a molding that'll follow them but, it does get strange in the FH community when sometimes, they are completely ignored and do not lead to problems for the characters (unless explained otherwise like someone being optimistic or losing family when young and thus, establishing no emotional connection/bond with community or family).

A lot of people don't show comprehension as to why these cliches are used and often recycle from very popular and common source material from shows, books, comic books, movies, plays, or poems but add their own 'twist' to them that'll surely dull out what essential life and uniqueness that their creation can bring. That is when these characters are be even painful to watch to read in both the forums and and the game.

Now, some cliches can bring out relativity from other RPers and readers (those not participating in the RP). Unfortunately, there is a reason why it is common to see such things like abuse cases for characters. Some say it can be used to vent out turmoil from the writers, to discuss a point that the author is trying to make (or bring to light an issue) , or the simpler route: that the author just wants the character as they their personality (or attentino they can draw).

But, that's just me putting in my two cents.


@FieldsForever and MochaCocoa
Goths, hipsters, and punks are 'cliques,' not cliches. Cliques are groups that are contrived by a common interest or action that pulls them together (mind you they're labels and are negative and offensive as they generalize human beings).  Character archetypes should be the ones you're going after in talking about cliches. Find some beautiful archetypes over here and you'll find A LOT that'll have to do with characters in this link:

Archetype List

« Last Edit: March 27, 2014, 01:39:30 am by SoaringAway »

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Re: Dem Cliches
« Reply #7 on: March 27, 2014, 03:22:38 pm »

Just a FeralHeart phase some go through.
You went through a phase some time in your life that other people found annoying so guys just shaddup.
(Like Goths, Scenes, Punks, and Hipsters. Let's all argue how UN-original they all are.)

And for generalization cliches (goth, hipster, punk), I don't notice or mind the to much. I find it more fun to mock these cliches than to follow them!

WRONG! Those are not cliches, those are stereotypes... or cliques, as Soaring Away has said. Those are pretty much labels people put on others based on their style, fashion, tastes, and so on. So you pretty much have the wrong idea here with those. I see characters like that from time to time, especially the goth and emo kind. But I really don't mind them at all. As long as they are following the rules of the game and are doing no harm to anyone, they are fine in my book.

When it comes to the whole cliche business, I can tolerate them as long as the person playing the character doesn't over-emphasize it. Like the orphan characters for example, they sure are common. But most of them like to remind everyone that their parents or family died in a horrible fashion every five minutes, and that they pretty much cry about it through the whole RP. It gets to the point where I think that those people are just dying for attention rather than roleplaying seriously. It's like, "Okay, I get it. Your parents died horribly because of ___. Can we move along now?"

The characters with special powers.... I rarely see them. Maybe if I were to RP in Sky's Rim, I might see them more often. I don't really mind characters like that, as long as they roleplay fairly with others. In other words, no magic moves that will instantly kill others. No powers that will destroy the island. No over-the-top hocus pocus.

Offline FieldsForever

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Re: Dem Cliches
« Reply #8 on: March 28, 2014, 01:30:37 am »

I'm going to put a warning this time that I'm not trying to offend ANYONE or purposely label them. This is just my personal opinion and I'm not posing any threat to society with my words. Nor do I wish to do that... because that would be terrible. I may, however, be viewed as ignorant and naive. Now you have been warned.
@ Everyone; I didn't mean ANYTHING negative when I said goth, punk, hipster, and whatever it was. When I said let's all argue how UN-original they are I was being SARCASTIC. I just copied words that other people made up and use every day. I don't think of these things just so I can purposely reach out and offend someone. That's not the point. These are very well known "words" and we all can relate to. I also understand how "just words" can offend someone and I'm not trying to offend anyone by saying that either.

Also, tell me where I said they were cliches please. I don't feel like I had wrong ideal at all. I was using example of "phases" people go though. Believe it or not I used to define myself as "Goth" back when all I wore was black. Did I mind being called goth? Uh, duh, no. Because I defined myself as goth. It was what I called myself to fit in. Whether or not I was truly YOUR definition, I don't know, I don't care. It was a phase and I'm over with it. I must have been terrible for negatively labeling myself? I actually encouraged people to call me goth. No matter what, labels are ALWAYS going to be around and people are going to use them being negative AND positive. I'm pretty sure we would all be lying if we didn't look at someone at least once and had a picture in our head of what we thought they were like. There is no such thing as "Not Judging A Book By It's Cover". Wow look, someone wearing a 1D shirt. Obviously in my mind I'm thinking "They must be a fan so they're a Directioner." Some people have negative connotations of the word "Directioner" and some don't. Not my problem. It's not like I spend my life standing on the corner of the street pointing people out and labeling them. I don't do that on internet either, although I openly acknowledge these stereotypes exist. I assume, but I assume IN MY MIND, because, you know, my assumptions could be wrong even if they do have a One Direction shirt and know every LP.
Correction, I did label someone on the internet. Past me. I don't think that counts though since we already talked this over and we're pretty close, if you know what I mean.

@ Coalara-The-Eevee; I'm glad I made you laugh, I try to be lighthearted with my opinions and comments.

 (Are we still on good terms everyone?)
« Last Edit: March 28, 2014, 01:32:54 am by FieldsForever »

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Re: Dem Cliches
« Reply #9 on: March 28, 2014, 02:24:46 am »
Ok, wow, maybe I'm just overly sensitive (I know I am but oh well), but that reaction could have been nicer. "Cliques" as I have now been told is very similar to cliches and honestly you can't blame me for mixing them up. And to be clear, when i mentioned "I prefer to mock them" it wasn't in a mean way. I don't go around saying "Your stupid as a hipster" or anything- it's more things like Mochas glasses or other small things.

Thought I'd clear that up.

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