Author Topic: {Hunted} | Coyote RP | Open  (Read 10829 times)

Offline OreoHeroz

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Re: {Hunted} | Coyote RP | Open
« Reply #10 on: April 03, 2014, 11:31:55 pm »
(( @JimMoriarty: I've added a new character and changed Torshe's image. I hope that is fine with you. c:

@Oakfrost: Alright :>

Furthermore, this post will be edited later as a roleplay post. ))

Offline Jackkdaw

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Re: {Hunted} | Coyote RP | Open
« Reply #11 on: April 04, 2014, 12:26:11 am »
[['Tis fine, no worries, Taco-Hat. c:

For future note, if anyone already has a character that's been accepted, any other character you'd like to add is automatically accepted, though keep in mind we're lacking female characters. x3 ]]

"Marching out of time- to my own beat, now."


The sound of gunshots split the otherwise quiet morning sky of the Wetlands. Down outside the barbed wire fence of the local ranch, a slim coyote scrambled in serpentine motions- a limp chicken hanging from his jaws- one of the cattle ranch's few free roaming hens. The canine flicked a large ear backwards as a bullet whizzed by. Damn this guy's got bad aim. the male thought to himself with a snicker as he made a break for the cover of the swamp up ahead. Behind him, he could hear the mad barking of the two farm dogs who usually helped with the herding and guarding of the cattle, though they didn't phase the cocky coyote by now. With a swift leap, Manasa sprang and dove into the safety of the Cyprus trees, his small paws slamming down into the marshy ankle-deep swamp water with a wet thud, splashing the mud up to cake his thick chest fur. After taking a few strides farther in, he halted, knowing the dogs would never dare enter the swamp without their master- who Manasa could hear back at the ranch madly shouting curses. A smirk spreading the male's maw, he turned forward and pressed further into the swamp- a place he was proud to call home.

Trudging through the sludgy marsh that often sucked at his paws with each step, Manasa carried the flopping lifeless chicken in his jaws, leaving a subtle trail of feathers in his wake. He was much relieved to come across solid ground again, and didn't hesitate to scamper out of the shallow muck. A Cyprus log felled across the deeper water marked a landmark near his established home. Hopping up onto the thin log, the canine trotted boldly across, his claws making faint scraping sounds on the old rotting bark until he reached the other side where he leaped down onto the leaf-littered earth. A large above-ground rooted tree marked the end of the road. It was here, nestled safely in the tall strong roots where Manasa felt comfortable enough to call home.

He paced in a few slow ritualistic circles near the back of the hollow 'den' before finally plopping down onto his belly, resting his spoils at his forepaws. With his side to the back wall of his uprooted shelter, Manasa placed a paw on the limp hen and began to pluck the few remaining feathers with his incisors until the poultry was suitable enough for consumption. While he knew he wasn't really a picky eater, he'd found he prefers the more difficult to obtain food items to the easy pickings of your simple frog around here- it brought more satisfaction at the end of the day. Licking his chops, Manasa wasted little more time before diving in to his home meal of raw chicken, not caring for any mess he made in the process. Not like he'd have company anytime soon, anyway, so why bother with manners?
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Re: {Hunted} | Coyote RP | Open
« Reply #12 on: April 04, 2014, 01:18:16 am »

"Hope is a waking dream."

Quick Info
My name is Rien. I am five years old, and I am of the male. I have been drugged and tagged by scientists.

His paws trembled as he nosed through the garbage. The vile scents swirled together, breezing into his nose and clinging onto his fur. Rien wasn't worried at all - what he cared more was to find food. His ears flicked as a few insects hummed around him, but he ignored them and continued to rummage. His eyes gleamed with delight as he noticed a bright object, lying nearer inside the garbage can. He shuffled closer, sticking his muzzle inside the container, releasing his tongue as it swiped against something salty. His tail perked with interest, and he pulled the stalk out, and crunched on it. Salty flavor flooded into his mouth, and his taste buds danced with delight as they consumed the flavor. His eyes widened at the new taste, and he immediately ducked his head to check if there were more. Only three stalks remained, and Rien quickly gobbled them down without any hesitation.

Swiping his tongue over his muzzle to collect any strayed bits of food, he stared wishfully at the packet, which had held a delicious meal. He wished there had been more for him to consume. However, he was thankful that he had at least got something down, and had not been disturb at the moment. Bending down, he stuck his tongue out and swept it around the packet, collecting tiny salt grains and the oily liquid which stuck to the sides of it. He was slightly surprised at his behavior - usually he wasn't this excited about a type of food like this.

It would be nice to know what this is, he murmured to himself. When he had finished, he shoved away the bright packet, and continued to rummage around for more food. Something bright and flashy caught his eye; he glanced over towards it, seeing a bone-like material, and curiously headed over towards it. Dirty smeared the sides. Thinking it was food, he snatched it in his jaws roughly, eyes widening at the squeak which erupted from it. He quickly released it from his jaws, and backed away.

"The stars'?" He muttered, tilting his head to stare at the strange object. Whatever it was, it definitely was not edible. With a cautious step towards it, he swiftly slammed a paw down onto the bone, making it squeak again. His eyes narrowed in suspicion. Was it alive?

His thoughts were interrupted as the noise of a door slamming shut darted into the open air. Alert, Rien's head jerked up, ears perked in alarm. A young child thumped down the steps of his house, blabbering a few words, with anger swirling in them. The human boy seemed not to notice the coyote across from him, in his neighbor's lawn. Locked with fear, Rien remained still, watching the child with cautious eyes. Suddenly, the boy looked up - staring directly into the eyes of the coyote. The human's jaw dropped in surprise, and his hands released their grip from the straps of his bag.

"M-Mommy!" the boy hollered,. He dropped all he was carrying - and bolted for the door.

Hesitating, Rien wildly glanced around, before darted forward and snatching the strange object by its end. With a sharp turn, he tried to sprint over to what he called "home", but his paws slipped on the garbage. Thus, he slipped, sprawling onto the ground, with the object still latched tightly in his jaws. The door of the house reopened, and instead of the boy emerging, a large, bulky man appeared, carrying a black stick in his hands. His cold eyes meet the coyote's, and tension crackled in the air. With a snicker, the man clicked the stick, before aiming it directly at Rien. Before he knew it, the trigger snapped, and a sharp noise pierced the open air. Right behind the coyote, the black stone slammed into garbage can, causing a dent to form on the metal. At the noise, Rien let out a frightened snarl - and darted off.

He could feel the stone rushing straight at him, and as he glanced to his side, he noticed it. With a abrupt stop, he stumbled, tumbling to the ground in attempt to avoid the attack. A grunt escaped his jaws as he felt something sharply graze his left ear. When he was sure the black stone was gone, he rose himself and continued to amble towards the safety of the trees. Branches whipped past him as they clawed harshly at his fur. He tripped several times, but regained his balance. When he finally inhaled the familiar scents of his home, he abated somewhat, before flopping down with exhaustion near the fallen trees, where he called home. He was embarrassed - he had chickened out back there with the humans and the black stick. A low sigh came from him. With a trembling paw, he rasped his tongue over it. The strange object laid in front of him as he began to nurse his wounded ear.

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Re: {Hunted} | Coyote RP | Open
« Reply #13 on: April 04, 2014, 12:43:17 pm »


"You're feeling nervous, having your doubts. Don't be embarrassed if you don't fit in the crowd. Keep standing tall and hold your ground. Show them its not okay to let them kick you down..."

The beautiful and relaxing sound of the birds singing in the trees caused the young Coyotes ears to swivel around in every which direction as she listened to their relaxing song-her tail tapping gently across the ground in a quiet rhythm. Sudden beams of lights shone onto the eye lids of the female causing her to silently stirr then give a brisk shake to her head. As usual all seemed quiet and none of her species was in sight. Although at times Riana wasn't very social she did dislike the fact of now having any company around. Shrugging she lifted to her slender legs, her soft pads pressing against the rouch surface of the uneven rock-her whiskers twitching as she took another glance around. Quickly she leapt from the rock.

Riana seemed to always walk with a straight posture, and her tail followed neatly behind as she trudged along through the swamp. Unlike most Coyotes she didn't mind getting her paws muddy and infact it was one of her favorite things to do. Ruana had always been on the more tomboy side and would often be found jumping in rivers or rolling through mud-many would look at her in disgust but what did she care she was having fun. As a light breeze ruffled her fur it carried many scents along with it, ones she recognised as humans, food and of course other Coyotes. But with the groans of her stomach that took over her thoughts her intentions were more on searching for food. So she did.

As the birds continued their song Riana contined her journey through the forest in search of food, her paws quickly tapped at the ground as she weaved in and out of trees-her senses seemed hightened as she was in the zone of hunting. Being close to the suburbs you couldn't help but hear the constant beeping of car horns, humans shouting or the local pets making their usual noise which kind of destroyed the beautiful songs from the birds. The scent of what seemed like a bird caught the Coyotes attention causing her to pick up her pace. Soon she would have a delicious meal.

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Re: {Hunted} | Coyote RP | Open
« Reply #14 on: April 04, 2014, 02:02:53 pm »
(I've never actually roleplayed a coyote before, and this looked interesting.)

"Lies can both save you and drown you."


3 Years


Quite the Sass queen. Kaos follows her name - She's chaotic, mischievous, devious, sarcastic, selfish and cruel. Or, at least that's what others view her as. She's not worried about danger and doesn't fear death, for she has come into close contact with it far too many times. Nobody would really call her friendly, more of rude, unresponsible, disrespectful, etc etc. She turns a deaf ear to all these insults. However, despite these bad qualities, she's actually pretty quiet and doesn't bother others if she has no need too. She isn't shy though, and responds with her own sarcastic, sassy little remark, and that alone sometimes is enough to irritate anybody. Kaos herself can be irritated as well - She dislikes others in close proximity, gets tired of dumb pups, and people who can't seem to stop talking. This coyote's also gone a little nuts in the head, as some would say, because she sometimes happens to mumble to herself, words piling on top of each other quickly, often too fast for anybody to understand. When she does this, she has a little faraway look on her face, but speak to her and it's gone as fast as a frightened rabbit.

When she's angry, she doesn't respond with violence as most others are to do, but rather with words. Her words become more cutting and hurtful than ever, and she tends to insult that one person who has angered her a lot. She mostly holds a grudge, but doesn't let anybody know that. Her own emotions are kept inside, only showing this mask that she's wearing. She does actually show compassion and worry, though seldom, and it comes in strange, weird forms. She doesn't know when to stop when provoking others, but she's actually intelligent and clever, which is why she's escaped danger and death a thousand times, and fooled others even more. If you want to come close to her, here's a hint - She gets confused heavily if somebody still acts compassionate to her even after knowing all that she's done, and will be prone to do.

Fairly simple. Her mother gave birth to a small litter of 3 near the ranch, and one supposedly didn't make it after getting killed by the dogs at the ranch for being too slow. Her mother, like her, was cruel and unsympathetic, yet kind - She didn't make any exception towards her weak pups, and didn't bother to save that one pup. Kaos and her young sister survived and made it until they grew, whereas their mother suddenly chased them out and away from her. They soon found out the reason, for she was killed a day later by a poacher who was tracking her, and their mother simply wanted to keep them out of harm's way. Afterwards Kaos found her sister as a burden to her and tricked the younger to go to the town with her words, after which she left secretly and wandered around without anyone else.

Accompanied by(family/friends)
None. She's a lone coyote.

-She can swim pretty well.
-Another reason why she's called cruel - She eats just about anything, from a decayed dead bird to dog or cat pups. When she's really starving, she starts to go after coyotes, her own kind.
-She has a small scar at the side of her eye. Hardly able to see.

[This application looked weird to me. Tell me if I need to change anything.]
« Last Edit: April 05, 2014, 11:33:28 am by Kaos~ »

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Re: {Hunted} | Coyote RP | Open
« Reply #15 on: April 04, 2014, 11:48:35 pm »

Offline Jackkdaw

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Re: {Hunted} | Coyote RP | Open
« Reply #16 on: April 05, 2014, 03:03:24 am »
[[Both are accepted, welcome!
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Re: {Hunted} | Coyote RP | Open
« Reply #17 on: April 05, 2014, 02:21:54 pm »

"It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light"

A deep yawn came from the furred canine deep within his sheltered rock. The pale milky light illuminated patches of his grayish-brown pelt, warming his groggy body. He had been drifting in and out of sleep for most of the morning, and felt content enough to stay in his shaded shelter for the entire day. It wasn't until the hunger pains began clawing at his stomach when the coyote stifled a groan and popped open his golden orbs, fully awakening from his slumber. He ears twitched at the sounds of the morning becoming more audible. The distant chirping of birds, splashes of the creatures lingering in the water, the crackling of broken twigs- It all flooded to the male's ears like an endless stream. Sven rose to his paws that were caked with crumpling dry mud from the previous day and scattered the dead leaves that were hopelessly littered around his sleeping place before pushing himself out of the opening to the rock. He couldn't ignore his stomach forever.

A full blast of sunlight rays hit Sven as soon as he stepped through the entrance. The coyote let out a sneeze, squinting his eyes in the bright light that was partly hidden behind the tree tops. He tilted his head in surprise, as he noticed his companion, Torshe, wasn't sitting outside his 'den'. He wasn't a usual early riser in the morning, and typically found the younger coyote up before him. He chuckled to himself sniffing the area around the rock shelter for any sign that the female had been here earlier that morning. "Perhaps she went to look for food, wondering what has become of me," said the grayish-brown swirled coyote to himself as he brought his muzzle close to the dampened grown around him. Or, Torshe was off on her own for the day. Or still snoozing away like he had been. All were likely answers for the female's whereabouts. Especially since they had roamed around a lot the previous day, later being chased by the stupid mutts of the ranch with their lolling tongues and one-goal mindsets. They had escaped just in the knick of time before their obsessive barking alarmed the humans. To them it was more of a game, rather than a threat. It was apparent in their ogling eyes that never drifted away from the target for a second. Sven always assumed they were given some sort of reward for chasing them off, a way to celebrate the small victory. Why else would a creature who was supposed to be some distant cousin of theirs want to lick Man's feet forever? The whole concept seemed strange to the coyote.
Huffing, the male took several small hops to leap up onto the surface of the rocks that made up his 'den'. He nosed the broken twigs and sticks, pushing them off the small boulder to make a comfortable spot for himself. Sven had decided to wait a little while longer for the female incase she was around and planned to arrive. Maybe they could hunt together later, if she hadn't done so already. He tucked his paws under his body and wrapped his furry tail around his side to rest it under his nose. His lids began drooped down, half closing and would flinch at the occasional growl in his stomach. The sun just felt so good on his fur, and he couldn't seem to resist bathing in its glory. He had a feeling Torshe would stop by soon, and slowly began to wonder what the two would do for the day.

« Last Edit: April 05, 2014, 02:28:15 pm by Oakfrost »

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Re: {Hunted} | Coyote RP | Open
« Reply #18 on: April 05, 2014, 04:38:54 pm »


Sharp, amber eyes carefully watched the small structure sitting on the ground, the large, attentive ears of the coyote perked up high. The female had already went around this large house twice, always peering into the windows to check. Either the owners of this building were out, or sleeping, for she couldn't see them. Now, though, her attention was more focused on the dog kennel at the backyard. Or rather, the small, meek sounds coming from it. With a small smirk etched on her features, the coyote finally left the safety that was behind the white fence, easily squeezing through a gap in the gate like a snake, albeit slowly and cautiously - Lest she awake the mother dog sleeping nearby.

The knife-thin smirk widened as Kaos moved along the perimeter of the yard, sticking close to the walls of the fence and far from the adult dog, who was situated on the porch. Her gaze flickered between the kennel and slumbering mother, always pausing whenever the canine shifted just a little. That was bad - She was going to wake up sooner or later, if Kaos guessed correctly. The coyote mumbled a small curse under her breath, eyes narrowing. With that, her steps became more hurried and rushed as she quickly made her way to the kennel, successfully not waking up her potential predator.

When the coyote finally reached the door to the kennel, She gave one last glance to the mother, before sticking her snout into the small door. Her attention rested on the little squealing pups - A litter of seven. Perfect. The pups weren't too young, but their eyes were still unable to open - Which was good, but they could still clearly scent that this was definitely not their mother. Before anyone of them could cry out for their dam, she hurriedly snatched up the fattest one, then without further ado, retreated out from the small doorway and bolted to the fence. As she did, she caught a quick glance of the the mother waking, letting out a loud growl and a bark when she noticed the slim coyote with one of her pups already dead in it's mouth.

Kaos stopped just near the gate, eyes still trained on the dog with a smirk. As predicted, the mother immediately got to her paws and ran after her pup's murderer, all threatening and baring it's teeth and whatnot. As the dog got closer - Now running as fast as her legs would carry her - Kaos finally moved, running towards the fence and jumping up, her hind legs catching on the tip of the fence and using it as leverage, kicking on it and pushing herself a distance away from the fence, just in case. It was satisfying to hear a dull bang where the mother hadn't managed to get across the fence, followed by a series of angered barks and snarls. It didn't deter Kaos one bit as the coyote laughed through the limp body in her jaws, running across the street without even stopping to look about. She just barely managed to slip through passing trucks and cars, tail tucked close to her hind legs until she made it to the other side of the street. This wasn't new to her - She had recklessly ran across the street a bunch of times, though sometimes she was unfortunate, but today she was lucky.

She gave one last glance behind her, mischievous eyes meeting enraged ones from across the street.
« Last Edit: April 05, 2014, 05:08:50 pm by Kaos~ »

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Re: {Hunted} | Coyote RP | Open
« Reply #19 on: April 05, 2014, 07:43:28 pm »
"Why not show-ff while you still can? Not like we're gonna last long anyway.."
Name: Killion

Age: 2 Years

Gender: Male

Personality: Killion, at first, may seem secluded and unwilling to meet you, but that's because he's just shy for a moment before starting to be an egg head. After a while he'll begin to be playful and childish, but he's just young, what do you expect? He doesn't know much about the humans except that they should be avoided. He's very mischevious and will often get caught on the ranch, nipping at the cattle. He's also a show-off and loves to do just that. The older males will often get laughed at by the older males while he tries to impress. If he happens to impress even one female, he'll end up doing something else stupid and being laughed at but that never damages his pride. Due to his past, he often has moods, consisting of hatred or sorrow but either way, stay out his way.

History(optional): He was born in the swamps with two siblings, Dakota and Jasper. He and his brother Jasper often get into things they aren't meant to and always enjoy it. Only a year ago, he and Jasper were out messing with the cattle when a rancher came out along with his dog. He had a gun and the dog was already after them. As instinct the two bolted but out of the blue a loud bang erupted into the atmosphere, causing Killion to yelp realizing that a bullet ripped through his right ear. Just as Killion and Jasper were close to the fence, out of nowhere the dog came out and took down Jasper. Killion imediately turned and attacked the dog but wasn't capable of killing it, all he could do was chase it off. He was heart broken as he carried the limp body of his dear brother back into the safety of the trees. He was blamed for his brothers death, even by his own sister. Now when Killion does something stupid they remind him of his brother to make him feel bad but that only angers him.

Accompanied by(family/friends): He isn't accompanied by anybody but Dakota. His brother and mother have both died and he has nobodyt he would consider a friend.

Extra: He has only half of his right ear.

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