Author Topic: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|  (Read 156319 times)

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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #270 on: June 17, 2014, 09:44:52 pm »
"Do I look like a dog for you? No? Then stop telling me what to do."

Theo quickly took the glance of the shot, noticing both of them down, as well seeing the drunk girl jump at raven-haired girl. "Hey, calm down!" he spoke, slowly placing two figners on Alex's crossbow and moving it on Chris, heading towards the drunk girl just to grab her by her arms and walk her off the girl.

Releasing her, he offered raven-haired girl a hand to stand up. As much as he hated this group, they will get along, hopefully.

"Oh stop crying, this will never end, deal with it."

Chris stood there, not taking her eyes off Alex just after the shot. It didn't alerted her, but she was surprised that Theo pointed the crossbow on her. "Seriously?" Chris glared at Theo who was sorting everything out, as usual. Grunting she focused on Alex and with another grunt she rammed her hands on her waist.

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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #271 on: June 17, 2014, 10:04:18 pm »

Tomoko ?

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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #272 on: June 17, 2014, 10:05:56 pm »

"When you feel like quitting think about why you started!"

Kennedy-Leigh McCally

Despite Kennedys anger and rage she had to agree - although her stomach turned with doing so - if these two left the city in attempt to find freedom and civilization they were only going into a one way trap of death row. On a previous journey on the outskirts of the city Kennedy had walked for miles and hours - looking for a way out of the dammned city, hungry, hurt and aggitated - her dog exhausted and also hungry. It was all to much for her at the start, she felt like quitting, she was handy with a gun - so could protect herself and knew her way around rather well. But with the sudden change it all went to hell. Where was their notice? How did this happen?

She remembered it like it was yesterday, dragging herself through the outskirts of the city - Hunter right by her side as usual. Although the skies were black the sun some how managed to peak through the thick layer of clouds and devostation - everything was deserted and destroyed. She had never seen the city like that before - it was like her childhood memories were about to be wiped out. It was a Thursday, 1pm when she left her shelter and ventured into the outer city and towards the fields and forests. But it wasn't until something grabbed her leg she realised the amount of zombies that filled the fields - she had fended those she could off but had no choice to run back. Ever since, she had stayed in the city.

Being in her day dream didn't stop the young woman from hearing what the others had to say - more like a dream she couldn't escape from, but now she was free. Looking down at Hunter she realised the dog had took it upon himself to sit down and glance around calmly, probably aware of the situation gradually improving. Smiling at the dog she turned her attention to Alexander who was still holding his ground, although his comment about the outskirts was true. Gently pushing past the male she looked at the woman up the street then the duo across the way "From experience an tell you the outer city is much more dangerous, you'll be gonners as soon as you guys get out there - despite your weapons and skills you'll hardly stand a chance.." she admitted with a serious expression on her face - although 'disliking' the due she didnant more beings to be getting hurt.

Again, the 23-year old stood quietly as the two males past comments back and forth - seeming to grow rather aggitated with one another - chuckling to herself the brunette shook her head a little and looked towards the drunken woman then at Tonx. Sighing, her attention drifted back onto the two just a way away - it seemed they had assumed Alex was the leader, but that wasn't true - they all made decisions together, there's been many times when Kennedy had made decisions. Shaking her head making sure she didn't get lost in her thoughts again she looked back "Yeah, Alex isn't the 'Alpha' he may come across as one but I'm probably just as dominant and stubborn - we make decisions together." she stated just to get things across

But the sound of loud gunshots caused the womans head to whip around, a surprised expression grew across Kennedys face as she watched Tonx hadnle two biters that had clambered down the street - unseen by all but her. A smile grew across the brunettes face, despite her state Tonx handled the situation well - almost like a pro. Saving the woman that called her a coward? She sure does have a kind heart. But Kens eyes narrowed as the woman grabbed the raven-haired females hair and began to drag her towards the ground. Hunter charging up the street defensively ready to attack the drunken woman - this time Kennedy wasn't willing to call him off - if it wasn't the woman, it was her little mutt.

Whipping out her sub-machine gun Kennedy pointed it towards the womans feet and shot it at the ground to stirr her up - then at a bin beside her. "You crazy son of a bitch, she was trying to help you! the green-eyed she snapped "I would have let them tear your head off, least she has a kind heart you asshole!" she spoke angered once again. Her short temper seemed to get ahead of her sometimes and cause her to say things or act in an un-needed manner. Stepping further up the street Kennedy walked towards the situation the help Tonx up - she wasn't on planning on hitting the drunken woman, just warn her with a few words if needed.

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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #273 on: June 17, 2014, 10:19:40 pm »
Mother its cold here. Father thy will be done.
Thunder and lightening are crashing down.
They got me on the run, direct me to the sun.
Redemption keeps my covers clean tonight.
Baby we can start again.
Only the young can break away.

Offline DangusMangus

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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #274 on: June 17, 2014, 10:58:06 pm »
"Do I look like a dog for you? No? Then stop telling me what to do."

Theo helped the girl up and watched her run behind Alexander, hiding just like a little girl. Turning around to face the 23 year old, he sighed, his brows no longer showed frown. "Well, if you are fine with it, and Raven girl is as well..." he sighed, taking one of his guns down his shoulder and handing to Chris, knowing that she won't shoot them or at least try to.

He fixed his bags in comfortable position, calling Major to stay beside him. He watched Milo sit beside Chris, his dark brown orbs were watching three people and two dogs.

"Oh stop crying, this will never end, deal with it."

Chris on other hand wasn't calm at all, she still couldn't deal with the thing that is going on now. Grabbing the gun and harshly taking it in her grip, her finger was already pressed on the trigger, in case something goes wild and she'll need to kill someone, as she was up for that.
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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #275 on: June 18, 2014, 12:04:43 am »
Alexander Thaddeus Way
"We will fight or we will die either way the enemy will fear us today."

Alexander then backed up, keeping a hand placed on Tonx so he wouldn't trip on her, until he was beside Kennedy once again. Adrenaline coursed heavily in his veins, and made his finger clench and unclench near the trigger. It would be simple. Easy. Effortless, even. But his gut raveged from the inside, telling him not to. He was still a human- and so were they- If he killed them, wouldn't he be no better than those flesh-eating biters? Alexander shook his head, letting out a loud sigh. "I-I'm sorry." Alexander said with a light huff. Oh, he wasn't in the wrong- he just wanted a way for everyone to calm themselves and lower their weapons.

Hopefully the shock of Alexander actually apologizing would buy them some time. "Just. Do whatever you want. But if you hold your gun anywhere near my group, I'll personally make it my life task to destroy you. Slowly." Alexander spat before backing up, arching an eyebrow at Kennedy and Tonx, seeing if they followed through with his plans to retreat back into the bar. His malice filled tone held a threat and sincerity. He didn't want to hurt anyone- but he would if anyone in his group was in danger- he would gladly exterminate someone from this world. "Sorry again." He muttered, before turning to leave. "I think we're done here." He grumbled, letting his crossbow swing over his shoulder and run a hand through his messy hair.
"The mouth speaks what the heart is full of."

Offline DangusMangus

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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #276 on: June 18, 2014, 10:58:27 am »
"Oh stop crying, this will never end, deal with it."

Chris giggled coldly, watching him leave. "This gun will always be in my hand. And hun', I want to kill you as well." spoking coldly with a small smile behind her mask, she kept standing next Theo, will follow him when he will go, obviously.

A pub? there is a better place than a pub. Chris isn't happy when it comes to room sharing. But eh, someone should think about changing places quickly.

"Do I look like a dog for you? No? Then stop telling me what to do."

Theo sighed at Chris' comment. "This fight will never end." mumbling quietly to himself, he threw a cold look at drunk girl who now understood what was going on. "First /think/ then /act/." yelling at her with his brows furrowed in a frown, he glanced at Kennedy before heading towards the door.
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Offline Luna FreeFaller

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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #277 on: June 18, 2014, 03:04:32 pm »
Clark listens to all of this and flinches at Theo's yell. She pets Alma's head. She screwed up and she knew she had screwed up but she had found that un-necessary even if it was in the right. As she saw the male known as Alexander leave she runs up to him but stops a number of feet away. With the young female behind him, he did have the right to lash out at her for hurting her.

"Listen..." She says, making her voice as clear as possible "listen I'm sorry I did that and I'm sorry I haven't been the nicest of people. It's just that it haven't been around people much and your the first humans I've seen in months... I know you probably don't trust me, and I don't blame you... I just thought I'd apologise..." She says before directing her gaze onto the ground. Waiting for a reaction either from him or the two females.
(On phone so short)
Mother its cold here. Father thy will be done.
Thunder and lightening are crashing down.
They got me on the run, direct me to the sun.
Redemption keeps my covers clean tonight.
Baby we can start again.
Only the young can break away.

Offline Stuck in Limbo

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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #278 on: June 18, 2014, 03:26:34 pm »
No internet sorry))

Tonx jumps as she feels Alexander push we back a little. It makes her stumble a little but she is able to keep her footing. She grabs him by the shoulders in an attempt to comfort herself. Pain was still present in her back and her coccyx from her fall. Her eyes dart nervously but she lets out a little huff of relief as he turns around with Kennedy to head back to the pub, still gripping his shoulders, she follows him.

But when the drunk woman's voice cut into her thoughts she practically jumps onto Alexander's back with the fright she got. She expects her to shout or lash out but she was intrigued to see that the female spoke in a clearer voice and explained the possible reason for her aggressive behaviour.

She keeps looking at the woman but with curiosity rather than fear. It doesn't justify the woman's attack on her but it did explain why she reacted the way she did. She still clings to Alexander but keeps looking at the woman. It made her feel bad seeing how she hadn't seen another person for so long. Did she think she was the only survivor? That must have felt awful believing you are completely alone in this hell hole.

Despite the sympathy for her, Tonx is not totally convinced that this woman is trustworthy. But what if Alex and Kennedy allowed her to stay? Sure it would give her the human company she seemed to be craving but it unsettled the black haired girl. Yes it would be good for her to have companionship after months of solitude with only a canine for company but... She was clearly an alcoholic. Something that frightened Tonx a great deal. She had bad memories of being around drunk people at a bad time ad she had the scars on her arms and neck to prove it. The last thing she wanted was to relive it all.

Tomoko ?

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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #279 on: June 18, 2014, 10:09:41 pm »
[[My phones running a little slow so no pictures]]

Kennedy-Leigh McCally

As Kennedy quickly arrived at the current situation it appeared the dark haired brute she knew as Theo - by one or two people mentioning him - she dipped her head as if to say thanks for him helping her friend. Yeah she was unsure on the group but, if someone helped her friends or family she respected them - not a great amount, but enough needed. Sending a bitter glance in the drunken womans direction Kennedy shook her head slightly dissappointed - although she wasn't sure on how drunk the woman was, when Ken was drunk she could just control herself which was something the brunette seemed unable to do. Looking at trooper Kennedy made a clicking sound with her tongue, assembling to Shepherd from his attack and for him to return back to her side.

Heading back down the street towards the pub Kennedy looked at Tonx who seemed a little more in pain from the sudden fall, feeling sympathy for the younger woman Ken let out a sigh "Are you alright?" she questioned feeling rather concerned for her young friend - but their conversation was soon cut short when they arrived back at Alexanders' side - seconds later the drunken woman had spoke which caused Tonx to grip onto Alexs' back. Looking at the woman alls Kennedy could do was shake her head - being angered wasn't really good for the blonde, she made decisions and said things she would later regret. For now, Kennedy would ignore what she had to say and headed infront of the others towards the pub before she spoke something mean.

Stopping at the large doors Kennedy allowed Alex, Tonx, Hunter and Trooper to pass by - her head turning to glance at the three beings around the street - despite feeling sime hate for them Kennedy knew with time they would be able to form a strong group, with the skills and weapons each had along with the canines to help? They were sure to get along, if kicking the drinking habbits from the other women up the street.

Raising a hand Kennedy ran it through hair waist long hair, her green/brown eyes dashing across the street several times before she heard the rough voice of Thea - although she was unaware of if he was speaking to her or the drunken woman - or both. "Believe me if I had thought before every decision I've made - a lot of people would be dead." she spoke rather coldly but yet with a hint of a joke in her tone as she walked into the pub - unsure whether the rest would follow or not. Plopping herself onto a seat in the pub she watched outside as the drunken woman spoke her apologies again - but it wasn't up to her nor Alex, it was up to Tonx.

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