Author Topic: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|  (Read 156327 times)

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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #880 on: March 25, 2015, 09:38:03 pm »

                                         Kennedy-Leight McCally & Jacob Bennedict

"You've got everything it takes. But it'll take everything you've got."

The lass just simply nodded her head at the older blokes reply, her smile growing wider as she looked off in to the distance. As usual it was silent and dark, yet somewhat beautiful. Letting out a gentle yet quiet huff, the womans blue/green eyes wondered on to the sky above - although it was dark, the sun and the moon seemed to light it up beautifully. However, her attention soon turned back on to the male as he broke the silence, nodding her head she pushed herself up and stepped across the top of the car and on to the bonnet, then jumping off. Landing with a slight thud she turned to look at Dutch "Thank you" she'd simply say before nodding her head at the male, then making her way across the parking lot. Hunter, seeing his master leave, looked towards the old timer and let out a deep, quiet bark - dipping his head before quickly trotting obediently and protectively after his companion. Once reaching the doors, Kennedy stopped and pulled one of them open, her eyes trailing back on to Dutch who sat alone. Feeling something beat at her leg she looked down, her brows furrowing her Hunter. "He'll be alright, won't he?" she mumbled, Hunter seeming to shake his head in a mocking way, before nudging at the womans leg to force her in. Chuckling she shook her head "Alright, alright!" she giggled, the brute letting out a quiet bark as they headed up the flight of stairs which lead to the ward they stayed on.

Entering the room, Kennedy stopped and looked around for a few seconds. Where was Jacob? Shrugging her shoulders she headed further in to the room and sat herself at her usual post - on the window sill. Setting herself on top of it, she looked out the window and down at the streets, which still seemed quiet. Letting out a sigh she placed her arm around the dog which followed her everywhere and whom seemed like a best friend. Pulling the canine closer she gently kissed the top of his had, then began rubbing his side gently. Looking at Tonx she tilted her head a little "Are you alright?" she asked, being rather concerned for the lass. Soon enough she'd be dropping out a baby, and at her state it must have been hard carrying that bump around. However, even though she may not appear this way, Kennedy knew she was strong, and was a fighter. Whilst she waited for a reply from the lass, she pressed her back against the window and looked at the woman with a smile.

Meanwhile, whilst waiting for his 'little sister' to return, Jacob had took it upon himself to look through the hospital. Seeing as it was best he knew his way around this place completely, it wouldn't hurt to get familiar in the place that he'd be staying in for the remainder of his lift probably - unless this mess was somehow sorted. Making his way quietly up the halls, he'd poke his head in rooms to see what they were; some were bigger wards, staff rooms, storage cupboards, toilets and other facilities and some were single rooms. Now and then he'd pass a small vending machine - only two cafeterias were seen throughout the whole building. Jacob wasn't alone though, Tebo and Kaisza seemed to have joined him on his wonder. The younger female seemed to trail behind now and then, then force herself towards the front so she was able to get first glances. Tebo on the other hand remained less excited and positioned himself at his owners heels - hurling his large body along. Only wondering off to quickly check a room or if he scented something. Whilst they made their way through the hospital, everything remained quiet as they made their way towards the top floor of the ward. Where they would then head back down towards their 'base' as they'd call it. Which only took a matter of minutes, since he had already checked places over meant this wouldn't really be necessary to do it once again. Maybe he would in the morning. As they headed back, the sound of chatter entered the blokes ears.

Pulling his muscular frame through the door way, he looked around. Everyone remained rather quiet and still, Tonx being sprawled out on one of the beds looking a little shocked. Chuckling to his self a little, not to be rude though, he looked at Kennedy sitting at the windowsill. Smiling, he made his way towards the lass and patted her leg roughly, but not to hurt her. "Take your time aye ?..." he teased, running his hand across her hair to mess it up"Yeah well, you know me!" she chuckled, punching his arm. Hunter, seeing his two old mates leapt off of the windowsill and trotted towards the duo; Kaisza had now calmed down and was sprawled out on her stomach, muscular tail beating at the hard ground creating a 'thump noise, Tebo had his side pressed against the wall, as if in a casual slouch. Letting out a grunt the Shepherd mix lay himself near the two. Jacob seemed to hop in the dogs place, the brunette lass moving position and now leaning on the elder lad. Raising a brow, Jacob placed her arm over Kennedys shoulder and smiled. His eyes wondering on to the lass in the bed who he heard Ken question before he came in. The lass was now comfortable, pressed against the lad she'd call her 'best friend' and even her 'brother' if some asked - knowing one another ever since being younger meant they could have a close bond without catching feelings. They had always stuck by one another no matter what.
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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #881 on: March 26, 2015, 06:30:24 pm »

Tomoko ?

Offline Luna FreeFaller

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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #882 on: March 26, 2015, 06:38:18 pm »
Skip me, sorry. I'm busy with tests))
Mother its cold here. Father thy will be done.
Thunder and lightening are crashing down.
They got me on the run, direct me to the sun.
Redemption keeps my covers clean tonight.
Baby we can start again.
Only the young can break away.

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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #883 on: March 26, 2015, 08:25:45 pm »

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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #884 on: March 27, 2015, 01:39:28 pm »
Christine Parker
"Oh stop crying, this will never end, deal with it."
Christina Parker



23 years old

Always~ cold, harsh, unfriendly, strict, dangerous, threatening, smart, quiet.
Rarely~ nice, friendly, helpful, noisy.

At age of 18, Chris decided to go in army. There she elarned how to sue gun, how to not give up and always seek for current goal. There she met Theo, the guy that saved her in training. If not him, she wouldn't even get soldier badge. At age of 20, they seperated: Chris went to Chicago, and Theo - back to NYC. Chris lived in small flat in first floor. Small, but comfy. When apocalypse came over, her parents died in the main street. Their guts were ripped out and the only thing she could say was "I'm sorry.". You see, Chris left home just to get rid of her parents, since they always were drunk and played tricks on poor girl. Girl changed her appearance, personality and goal, and curse apocalypse for this massive change.

Black mask, White sleeveless T-shirt with 'Aime' writing on it, black tights with fake zippers and black renzor combat boots.

M16 (the last one)

Melee weapons
Army knife
Army knife with rope handler

Family ties

Not Blood related family ties
Theo (not blood related brother) (Phroghress)


Milo, Belgian Malinois. Trained to be very harsh with others and listen only to Chris. Gives no trust towards others. Sharp canines, massive build, big strength. Easy to kill another canine. Knows fatal places. Male. chain collar, big brown collar.


Theo Benedict
"Do I look like a dog for you? No? Then stop telling me what to do."

Name: Theo Benedict.

Age: 25 years old.

Gender: male.

Personality: Find out in RP.

History: Ask him in RP.

Weapon(s): Massive, black AUG with strong metal case bullets. Special part - day scope. Can zoom in 30 times. Also carries a small box with sleep-bullets that will effect the predator/animal in 10 seconds. Aswell two pocket knives.


Name of Major. Black, massive german shepherd which is fast, strong, intelligent companion. Survived 3 years, still young (don'tknowwhattowritexd).

Other: Sorry for short bio and 'find out in RP'. I like to do it. Oh, and End!

Not the necklace, though.

Chris without any hesitation walked into the patients room, her dark brown eyes skipped around the stuff that they had on the bed that she liked to take a nap on. the two new-comers didn't make quite an impression for the brunette, she didn't even want to introduce herself. Being unsocial and stuck mostly to herself or Theo, she just hid herself in the patient's room.

Theo on other hand had himself seated on one of the chairs in the ward, her green eyes slightly stuck onto the small crack in the floor. It was somehow bugging him, as if it would represent him the world. Once a perfect that needed to be cleaned from time to time until a crack that ruined it. At least that's how he looks at it. With a sigh he strigtened himself, with few quick blinks he stretched his arms out before he would get up from the chair. Looking around, he noticed Milo and Major both lazily laying by the patient's room that Chris was in and with a smile he walked towards the door.

In a faint-hearable roar that came out from behind the hospital walls, Theo was about to push the door handler. Quickly retrieving his hand, with his brows narrowed he glanced towards the window, seeing only pitch darkness outside. Apart from the fact as it sounded like a zombie's shriek, he walked towards the window in loud stomps of his feet. Taking a look outside, he could notice Dutch running into the hospital. From the faint lightning Dutch had around his face, he could see that he's terrified.

Chris walked out from the room with her scarf on her neck, covering the white huge bandage. Meanwhile the ward seemed to be quiet, she could only sigh after almost tripping onto the two huge canines in front of the door. With a grin she walked over them, closing the door behind whilst she headed towards Theo. The silence soon broke with the main door lashing open and Dutch explaining what was the problem, getting both Chris' and Theo's eyes locked onto the bearded male as they both could see he is shitting his pants. With a sigh, Chris looked away, not being in much of a terrified form at the moment, she just held tightly onto her M16 before she would follow the man in dangerous steps.

Just as she end up being behind the bearded male, she couldn't hold herself from grabbing his clothes and turning him to face her, threatening and quite dangerous look in her eyes seemed to be addressed only to him. "Now listen to me, you brat. Calm the f*ck down before you'll be the meal for them, you're a soldier not a crybaby that gets scared of some slow dead people. Your panicking won't do anything good, so calm down and man up!" Chris spat out at him, quickly letting go before she would give him another threatening glare. "If we are going to break out, we need a way, not to barricade every one," she said now in more silenced voice before she would head back to the ground, in silence and in pure calmness.

Theo noticed Chris rush after Dutch, not even bothered to hold her down. He just stood in silence, his arms crossed on his chest whilst he just watched other people. He was awaiting for Tonx to break into panic, Donald hug her to death just to calm her down and Clark take another sip of her liquor, as per usual. Kennedy probably come up with a plan to escape and those two... We'll see what they are capable of.
« Last Edit: March 28, 2015, 03:06:28 pm by Phroghress »
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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #885 on: March 27, 2015, 04:02:47 pm »
Wow... Now I feel bad about my charrie ;n; ))

Tomoko ?

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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #886 on: March 27, 2015, 05:36:40 pm »
(Why is that? :O )

                                         Kennedy-Leight McCally & Jacob Bennedict

"You've got everything it takes. But it'll take everything you've got."

Hearing the younger lasses reply, Kennedy nodded her head in response. Letting out a sigh the woman went back to her quiet state, blue/green eyes scanning over the room once again. Unlike the others of the group, she knew Jake well, so didn't feel the need to introduce herself or find things out about him - seeing as she almost knew everything there was to know about him. Instead, her eyes fell upon the new lass known as Raven. She seemed rather quiet and it appeared that she kept to herself, which wasn't at all like Kennedy - however she liked drawing, something Kennedy loved doing. When having the equipment needed, which they didn't have. Jake also remained quite, the brunette still pressed against his side and his arm remaining over her shoulder. His eyes followed after the woman known as Tonx, she seemed to be offering the new lass some of the food which she had. Well, what was now classed as food. Getting a three course meal now was almost impossible. They'd need to live on packet and tinned things to stay alive and which were easily cooked or didn't needed cooked at all. Jacob himself had barely eaten in the past few days, giving most of his rations in order to keep them in the best health possible. He managed to pull through though, and would probably have something soon. As well as helping out within the group.

Everything within the room seemed rather calm and quiet, no one really doing anything or saying anything - the only ones speaking were Donald and Tonx. But the silence was good, in some shape or form. However, something felt strange tonight. A presence which couldn't really be explained, and it felt as if they were being watched. Something was strange. And the silence was suddenly broke as Tebo and Hunter hurled themselves on to their paws and let out a growl, the two looking at one another then making their way out of the room - Kaisza seeming to position herself at the door in a protective stance. Narrowing their eyes, Ken and Jake looked at one another in slight confusions - but they did hear a quiet bang above their heads. Kennedy pushed herself up off of the window sill "Did you hear that?" Jacob spoke quietly "I sure did..." the woman growled a little - maybe someone had seen the hospital and had managed to enter without being noticed? But that was impossible, they would have realised. Would they have? Narrowing her brows, the woman made her way towards the door, her silenced machine gun in her hand ready, Jacob also grabbing his gun and having it ready. However, a shadow approached and leapt in to the room, causing the lass to jump and tighten her finger on the trigger - her action suddenly stopping before the gun fired at the bloke. It was Dutch. Letting out a huff, the woman listened to what he had to say, her eyes widening a little as she looked back at Jacob "I knew we heard something, how many do you think there are?" he questioned, awaiting an answer from the lad - Kaisza seemed to still be stood at the closed door, clawing at it to get out.

Although the lass was a little panicked by this, she remained calm and somewhat didn't seem phased by this. She was more worried about how everyone would get out safely. If there was a large number, they'd have to work around them, and if they were coming from the top floor, they'd need to grab everything now and run. But there was only one car? Another one would need to be hot wired if they were to escape with everyone and everything. Kennedys eyes followed Chris as she seemed to have approached the bloke and speak with slightly agitation and aggressions. Shaking her head she narrowed her eyes a little, if the others knew she had been bitten they'd be rather angry - although she wasn't one to tell anothers secret. She hadn't even told Jacob. Another loud bang seemed to have sounded, this time a little louder than the one earlier. "Alright, they seem to be on the top floor as Dutch said. Everyone will need to grab a bag so we can take the supplies, if we go now and be quiet, we'll get out fine. However, another car needs to be hot wired..." she mumbled "Is anyone able to do that? I'll fall back and make sure none follow us out until we're ready to go." her eyes trailing towards Jacob, as he nodded his head "I'll stay behind to and help her, unless you'd prefer me to take several of the bags out?" Kennedy would approve of him staying with her, but she left the decision to the others. A sudden yelp and bark sounded from outside of the door, which was quite faint - Hunter and Tebo were still out there. The lasses eyes widened "Hunter and Tebo..." she mumbled, fitting on her weapon holster and grabbing the bag of clothes and a bag of weapons, then heading towards the door in a rush. "Shit..." Jake growled, grabbing two bags of food, awaiting to see whether they'd move out or he'd need to help Ken.
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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #887 on: March 27, 2015, 06:38:26 pm »

Tomoko ?

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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #888 on: March 27, 2015, 08:55:39 pm »

"We aren't here to stay, we are here to make something that will,"

 As she was given the food, she spoke, "I'm not hungry," Raven lied. She felt too nervous to even feel like eating, however at the sound of banging she jumped and grabbed her knife quickly. The knife slid into her hand and she held it upward and was now completely aware of things, but then Tonx suddenly spoke. A memory of some sort that she had never known of. Then she got a sudden surge of panic along with anger, competition, and happiness.

 Great, this was one of her strange feelings. Raven often felt competitive whenever it comes to thinking of running or fighting. The banging grew louder, she walked a bit closer to Tonx. I knew this would be an awful idea, a hospital could carry hundreds of zombies. She thought, Raven stood awfully silent and still kept the thoughts to herself. One came back to her, she needed a pencil and paper.
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Offline Luna FreeFaller

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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #889 on: March 27, 2015, 10:15:10 pm »
This is going to be short sorry))

"Death is inevitable we can only prolong it."

Both Clark and Donald look at each other in worry. Donald goes to give Tonx a comforting hug but pulls away when she walks off. When she mentions the tactic that Clark had used earlier, the woman's eyes widen. "Hm... that could work." She mutters. But Donald was already busy. "Fine, and I'll go hot wire the car, I know how." He does what Tonx suggests and covers himself in the guts before heading out with his gun and Meg.
Mother its cold here. Father thy will be done.
Thunder and lightening are crashing down.
They got me on the run, direct me to the sun.
Redemption keeps my covers clean tonight.
Baby we can start again.
Only the young can break away.