Author Topic: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|  (Read 156342 times)

Offline Stuck in Limbo

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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #410 on: July 17, 2014, 08:03:00 pm »
Clarky gonna post?)
« Last Edit: July 17, 2014, 08:10:03 pm by Rumble_Fish »

Tomoko ?

Offline Luna FreeFaller

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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #411 on: July 17, 2014, 08:09:03 pm »
Mother its cold here. Father thy will be done.
Thunder and lightening are crashing down.
They got me on the run, direct me to the sun.
Redemption keeps my covers clean tonight.
Baby we can start again.
Only the young can break away.

Offline Stuck in Limbo

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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #412 on: July 18, 2014, 03:02:33 pm »
Anyone posting?))

Tomoko ?

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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #413 on: July 18, 2014, 08:24:22 pm »

"When you feel like quitting think about why you started!"

Kennedy-Leigh McCally

With her hand still held out the 23-year old sighed and looked around, is place was like a death ring but also a blood bath. Blood coated the side walks and the balls and bodies ered the streets - the smell coming from the rotting corpses only made things a onehundred times worse - well to her anyways, but it was a smell she had slowly gotten use to so it didn't bother her as much as it would have in the past. As her eyes scanned across the streets the flashbacks of her situation from earlier came back, she wasn't frightened or anything but she just thought she could have done better - instead of being an idiot and receiving several wounds, which she believed was her fault anyways. But, she wasn't going to drag it on, it had already happened and there was nothing she could do - apart from not letting her wounds get in her way and slow her down. She would be strong, not just for her sake but the others.

Suddenly something warm touched the womans hand, but luckily she didn't have to worry - she knew it was Tonxs' hand. Although Kennedy was rather surprised, Tonx often rejected help as she knew she could do it herself but wanted to show others she could also. Turning around to face the dark haired girl Kenn allowed a smile to grow across her face, revealing the pointed fangs she had. Pulling her arm back Kennedy managed to help the girl to her feet, letting go once the younger woman was sturdy Kennedy smiled and reassuringly rubbed the womans arm "If you need anything just tell me." she whispered with a dip to her head. Deciding to now give the girl her own space Kennedy hurried infront of the others - her wound was still bleeding but the pressure from the hoody that Tonx had given her would soon stop the bleeding.

Ignoring the odd sharp pain that would run through a wound or her bodys the blonde woman looked ahead, her eyes resting upon the large white building she recognised as the hospital. Rubbing her hands together the 23-year old turned behind "Well, we gotta go now, the suns already heading down and if we stay here any longer I'm sure more biters will find us" she spoke with a roll to her eyes which was soon followed by a sigh. Looking she noticed Trooper was now interacting with Alma which made her smile - that dog always seemed so professional, it was nice to see him interacting with others of his species. Peeling her attention away from the dogs Kennedy gestured for Hunter to follow her "Let's go!" she chuckled as she limped slowly down the street - knwoing the others would catch up.

But she didn't want them to think she was being ignorant, no! Kennedy just wanted to hurry so that they were all off the streets safe and sound but also so they could rest and eat to build up their strength to survive this hell filled world. If they didn't want another run in with those beasties or even other humans for that matter they needed to move - someone else could take the hospital before they get there so she wanted to hurry. Grabbing the strap of the bag pack Kennedy hurled the heavy bag back over her shoulder and limped up the street - itching at the scratches and cuts now and then - but the woman was unaware of the large, noticable bruses that had plastered her body, but it didn't bother her. She wanted her 'family' safe.

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Offline Stuck in Limbo

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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #414 on: July 18, 2014, 10:21:11 pm »

Tomoko ?

Offline RastaForLife

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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #415 on: July 18, 2014, 10:50:58 pm »

The sky was turning a purple-blue, a sign the two had to find a place to rest. Putting everything back into her bag, she stood up and slung the bag over her shoulder. "Come on," she says quickly, beginning to walk out of the alleyway. She held her bow firmly in her hands, one arrow bent into the strong which she held between two fingers, ready to fire if any infected decided to show themselves. Reverie had no idea where they would go, or if shelter was even close. Frowning, she looks all around her. Far off to the north was a big building, most likely a hospital or apartment complex.

"We'll go there," she states, staring to walk that way with Calixo in tow. If they saw any other buildings, they'd take shelter there for the night then continue on their way. It was slowly getting darker and sneaking past infected seemed to be every two minutes as they became more active. Night time was far from safe  and the ever lasting walk seemed to exaughst the younger girl more and more. She was tired and hungry and her legs ached more and more. She seemed to fell that way all the time now, which probably wasn't healthy.

Calixo could notice his companion'a exaughsted state and ran closer to her, stopping in front of her. "Get on my back." He says, smiling at her over his shoulder. "What? No! We have to stay alert for infected!" She argues, side-stepping him and continuing to walk. "But you're tired." He says, catching up to her. "So? We'll find shelter soon," she argues back. He knew it was no use, so he hangs his head and follows, katana resting on his shoulder.

The stars started to appear and he frowns as they had not found a secure shelter yet. Looking around him, he stops, seeing a small shop to the left of him. No windows were broken and the door was only a crack open. "Rev, look!" He says, waving her over. He watches as a smile etches across her face and she makes her way towards it, stepping inside the dark room. Searching for his flashlight, he turns it on and shines it about while locking the door. Infected seemed to have abounded the place but they had to be sure. The two checked every corner and cranny they could find before setting down their sleeping bags. Calixo decided he'd take first watch as Reverie settled in and soon fell asleep.

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Offline Jane-Doe

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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #416 on: July 19, 2014, 01:37:32 am »
Alexander Thaddeus Way
"We will fight or we will die either way the enemy will fear us today."

Alexander gives a soft smile as Tonx eventually accepts his help. He kept towards the back of the group, one arm over Tonx to keep her upright and moving. Trooper was up ahead, wagging his tail and bounding around Alma in a playful manner, his lithe brown and black frame bouncing his navy blue and white police vest that was a bit too large for the young canine. One arm was wrapped around Tonx's neck and back, trying to keep her moving at a suitable pace, and the other arm remained stuff and limp at his side.

A small huff escaped Alexander, it was amused, seeing Trooper act like one of his kind for once. He resembled his master in many ways, even his playful side- which Alexander could be when needed, although dont expect him to go wagging his tail and barking, too. Alex's silvery green eyes flickered towards Kennedy and Clark ahead of them. "We're on the home stretch!" Alexander calls out with a sharp, upbeat laugh that pierces the silence like a throwing blade. The hospital, a large white building with several stories, a big parking lot, and many military trucks surrounding the area.

In the early days of the epidemic, this was a hotspot for most for a safe place to go. But, where many people dwelled- biters were bound to come. Now, it looked barren, or barren enough- the outside parking lot did at least; minus the mass of dead bodies laying around like garbage. Hopefully, the inside of the hospital wouldn't be too hard to clean out- and due to the different floors, they could clear them out in an organized fashion. A low grunt escaped Alexander, freeing his brain from systematic plans, doubts, fears, and all that jazz. He couldn't rattle his brain right now.
"The mouth speaks what the heart is full of."

Offline Luna FreeFaller

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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #417 on: July 19, 2014, 01:36:44 pm »
Mother its cold here. Father thy will be done.
Thunder and lightening are crashing down.
They got me on the run, direct me to the sun.
Redemption keeps my covers clean tonight.
Baby we can start again.
Only the young can break away.

Offline Luna FreeFaller

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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #418 on: July 19, 2014, 09:34:06 pm »
Mother its cold here. Father thy will be done.
Thunder and lightening are crashing down.
They got me on the run, direct me to the sun.
Redemption keeps my covers clean tonight.
Baby we can start again.
Only the young can break away.

Offline RastaForLife

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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #419 on: July 20, 2014, 03:04:28 am »

Calixo looks over at Reverie, the dim light from a small lantern they found lit up her pale, tattooed body. The two of them have known each other since they were very young, 6at the least. She was always different. He guessed that was how her mother had raised her. Genevieve James was covered in tattoos, same as her daughter. The two were very alike; stubborn, outspoken, honest and trouble makers at heart. Genevieve had raised her daughter perfectly, taught her how to defend herself and stand up for what she believed in. Looking back on, Reverie had always wanted tattoos. He remembered the two of them talking by the lake behind her house when they were 8. The way she spoke about how humans were art and that she wanted to be more than just art, she wanted to be a portrait of beauty. Rev was 15 when she got her first tattoo, and Calixo was sitting next to her with her mother as it happened. Her first tattoo was the one along her forearm, which was beautiful and angelic.

On her 16th birthday, she got the one along her chest. Before she could get her third all this started an he knew it broke her poor little heart. Calixo on the other hand grew up with religious and judge mental parents and siblings. They didn't like the James family and always thought they were just a band of delinquents. Calixo would always defend them as they were more family then his own.

Looking down at the battered watch around his wrist, he saw his time for guarding was up. Standing, he makes his way to Reverie where he crouches down and shakes her shoulder lightly. Of course, she shot up immediately, brown eyes looking into his blue ones. "It's my turn isn't it?" She asks in a drowsy tone and he nods.

Reverie gets up and let's Calixo take her place. When she was positive he was sleeping, she took a picture out of her pocket of her dearest mother. The women that inspired her since the day she could talk and walk all by herself. Her mother encouraged her to be different and unique, just like her. Sighing, she runs her thumb along the various tattoos that coated her mothers skin, her eyes finding the one in honor of herself. It was a heart with devil wings and horns, her full name written in the middle in cursive. Reverie Nicole James. Nicole after her grandmother who was also coated in tattoos.

The funeral for her was sad and heart breaking. She was 13 and she remembered standing by the coffin, looking at her. She had a tattoo on her neck, the same one that was on Reverie's forearm. Grandma Nicole taught her a lot also, she had the same idea of her mother. The three of them were the only ones in the James family that had tattoos. Her grandmother and mother never truly married as they wanted their last names to pass. They argued for hours with the doctors to change the children's last names to James, or so she heard from her grandmother.

Putting the picture away, she rises from her spot, glancing back at Calixo before going to the big display window at the front of the shop. Back before this happened, the city would be alive with lights and music and people, but now is was dark and eerie. Stars sprinkled across the sky, the moon bright in the dark blue horizon. Morning was what she hated most about now. She could no longer go with her mother to  the local coffee shop to have a nice warm breakfast and coffee. There, they would talk about the strangest things. Like why the sky was blue and clouds were puffy and white. Her mother was her best friend besides Calixo who would often join them a little later. Sighing, she puts one hand on the window and stares out, her eyes sparking with fresh tears. Blinking, she turns away.

Reverie never cried. Even when she broke her leg jumping off the roof with Calixo. Instead she sat there and winced in pain. Her mother crouched next to her and said over and over again; "It's ok to cry Verie, it's ok." At that time, Reverie had burst out laughing and the doctors and nurses would stand there in shock. Her mother on the other hand was proud. After that day, her mother knew she could get her tattoo at age 15. That incident happened when she was 11.

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