Author Topic: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|  (Read 156283 times)

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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #600 on: December 09, 2014, 07:42:21 am »
On phone so no fancy colors.)

"Oh stop crying, this will never end, deal with it."

"Do I look like a dog for you? No? Then stop telling me what to do."

Chris took a deep inhale as Clark didn't seem to notice, which was a huge relief. Her legs brought her down on the floor, and she quickly kneeled down. Chris was lost, unable to think what would've happened if she noticed the missing flesh from her neck. She can't make these kind of mistakes anymore, otherwise she might even end up dead.

Theo looked at Chris as if she is his sister, slowly walking towards her with a sigh. "We will go join them, the blonde and others. It's too hard for me to take care of you and also make this place even better. Sorry for making this descision without you," he'd say with apologetic tone in his voice, slowly getting up. Chris stood up as well, looking at him with a quick nod. "I understand and I'm okay with it, I really am," Chris said with a quick nod, slowly taking up a bag in which she'll place food in.

They both packed things and called their dogs over, Theo carried his and her gun while Chris always stood behind him. When he walked out, their dogs raced towards the hospital with their owners on their heels.

When the pair reached the hospital, they noticed large fence running around the large building with electricity also on. This impressed Theo l, and he smiled at the building, slowly looking at the group he once crossed paths with. He did see new faces, and he understood that in front of him was a conflict between the group and some man with shaggy beard. He looked at blonde with a small grin, slowly walking closer with Chris hiding behind him. "Hello again, /blonde/," he would call her  in his gruff and deep tone, deciding to stay shut till the conflict will end.
« Last Edit: December 10, 2014, 03:15:46 pm by Phroghress »
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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #601 on: December 09, 2014, 08:17:06 am »

Tomoko ?

Offline Luna FreeFaller

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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #602 on: December 09, 2014, 05:20:33 pm »

"Death is inevitable we can only prolong it."

Donald's smirk grows wider at the sight of the male becoming submissive and lowering his weapon. Meg seemed to share his opinion as she relaxes and even goes up to the Labrador to try and make friends with the old timer. The others follow, with the exception of Sooty who stays close to Tonx, who seemed to be exhausted and weak. The male's flash worryingly and he is about to say something to her before  a gruff voice calls out. He turns his head and is alarmed to see another male and a female, who didn't look well. "Who the hell are they? he yelps, jumping back a little. Judging by what the man called over, they appeared to know Kennedy and Clark, how else would they get here? The poor guy becomes frazzled trying to wrap his head around this.

"Friends." Clark responds bluntly. What else was she to say? She flashes an angry glance at the older, unkempt male. Alma, who only now noticed Theo and Chris with their dogs, yowls and runs over to greet Major, her bushy tail wagging furiously. She had missed him. Clark glances at the young girl with black hair an sighs. She didn't look good. She bends down to her level "Hey, I got you some more pills. Um... I also got this. Just so we are sure." she hands the girl her meds and the test before giving her a small run on the shoulder and standing up, her eyes set on the new male. Kennedy seemed to have calmed down but she was still strongly suspicious of him.
Mother its cold here. Father thy will be done.
Thunder and lightening are crashing down.
They got me on the run, direct me to the sun.
Redemption keeps my covers clean tonight.
Baby we can start again.
Only the young can break away.

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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #603 on: December 09, 2014, 09:23:22 pm »

"When you feel like quitting think about why you started!"

Kennedy-Leigh McCally

Raising her left hand the brow-haired lass ran her hand through her long locks, which fell down her back in s way she liked it - she hadn't washed it for a few days but it still seemed in good nick, sometimes a leaking pipe would come in hand. Growing irritated by the itch on her leg Kennedy bent over to lower her hand onto the merely scabbed over gash on her leg, a slight pain running through her leg as she dug in her nails a little and rubbed at the area - until the itch had calmed down, but her leg was burning. However, thanks to Donald giving her the ointment earlier the temptation of needed to itch her wounds had stopped - which was a great relief to her. For a second Ken looked down at her batter body which was painted with bruises, and scratches/gashes, she must have looked a right mess. Maybe that made her look weak to the bloke? Even if it did she didn't care, weak was something Kennedy was not, even though sometimes she may get a little overwhelmed with stress or even get a few beatings/attack when in combat - she wasn't weak. Her lips felt dry and in an attempt to make them softer and a little more moist she ran her tongue across the pink surface several times until they felt a little more softer.

Lifting her gaze back onto the two men who had just previously joined them, or trespassed on their 'territory' her eyes remained narrowed a little as she continued to look at the two. The younger bloke from earlier still remained silent and still, he must have been afraid or maybe just wanting to see how the situation would unfold. Her green eyes then wondering back onto the shabby looking bloke whom had caused them the most bother - but now seemed to have calmed down a little. This did put the lass at ease however, she was still wary of him - obviously he was unpredictable and hostile, and of course must know how to use a gun - but this didn't bother her too much, they had safety in numbers but all of them were pretty skilled when it came to combat. The lasses gun was still in a firm grasp in her hand as her eyes remained rested on the bloke - but a sudden thud behind her caused her head to turn. Kennedy's eyes widened as she looked at the lass slumped in the car "Are you al right?" she questioned, concerned about her well being - something that she was always concerned about seeing as Tonx was like a little sister to her. A smile curled at the corner of her lips as she watched Sooty return to her owners side, seeing if she was al right - her auds then wondering onto the black patched dog who stood protectively at her side, in case the blokes dog decided to attack. Tapping her leg she got Hunter to turn and leap up onto her lap, his two front paws resting on her thighs, motioning her hands towards the dogs head she scratched behind his ear - something which pleasures the dog but also seemed to calm him down.

Before Kennedy or anyone else could speak a gruff tone echoed through the hospital yard, a one which was familiar to her - she remembered hearing it somewhere, but she wasn't at all to sure, it had been so long since hearing it. Hunter seemed to lower himself and start to growl, but his tail also wagged. With a confused expression across her face she looked up, a smile appeared on her face as she noticed Theo and Chris heading towards them; but Chris looked ill, she was pale and black lined underneath her eyes, Ken wondered what was wrong with her. Hushing Hunter she petted him again, he wasn't very keen on Milo or Major since he hadn't really interacted with them and he could remember a fight which broke out when he first met one of the dogs, but this was something she'd have to encourage him to overlook, for this once. As the small group got closer she pushed herself off of the car, her bottom still pressed against the front of the car, but she was now standing. Hearing what Theo said she chuckled "Hello again, Cleo..." she chuckled, giving her left eye a wink as she nodded in greeting to the bloke, usually she would run up and hug a friend whom had just returned, but she assumed that it would be a little weird - so instead she offered to shake the blokes hand, remembering how she never really got on with Chris Kennedy decided to forgive and forget, giving the lass a warming smile, to also welcome her. Turning her head to answer Donald's question she then stopped as Clark answered quickly, having nothing else to say and agreeing with what she said, Kennedy nodded in agreement.

This is what Kennedy is wearing incase anyone didn't catch any of my earlier posts, hence why I may say about her sliding her gun into their holsters or why she's usually cold. Also, I have decided to not have her wearing boots and instead she wears a pair of air max 90, suede black and white trainers.

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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #604 on: December 10, 2014, 03:50:42 pm »

Offline DangusMangus

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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #605 on: December 10, 2014, 04:02:56 pm »
((Uh, since the RP was inactive for some time, I felt like posting just to break the silence.))

Christine Parker
"Oh stop crying, this will never end, deal with it."
Christina Parker



23 years old

Always~ cold, harsh, unfriendly, strict, dangerous, threatening, smart, quiet.
Rarely~ nice, friendly, helpful, noisy.

At age of 18, Chris decided to go in army. There she elarned how to sue gun, how to not give up and always seek for current goal. There she met Theo, the guy that saved her in training. If not him, she wouldn't even get soldier badge. At age of 20, they seperated: Chris went to Chicago, and Theo - back to NYC. Chris lived in small flat in first floor. Small, but comfy. When apocalypse came over, her parents died in the main street. Their guts were ripped out and the only thing she could say was "I'm sorry.". You see, Chris left home just to get rid of her parents, since they always were drunk and played tricks on poor girl. Girl changed her appearance, personality and goal, and curse apocalypse for this massive change.

Black mask, White sleeveless T-shirt with 'Aime' writing on it, black tights with fake zippers and black renzor combat boots.

M16 (the last one)

Melee weapons
Army knife
Army knife with rope handler

Family ties

Not Blood related family ties
Theo (not blood related brother) (Phroghress)


Milo, Belgian Malinois. Trained to be very harsh with others and listen only to Chris. Gives no trust towards others. Sharp canines, massive build, big strength. Easy to kill another canine. Knows fatal places. Male. chain collar, big brown collar.


Theo Benedict
"Do I look like a dog for you? No? Then stop telling me what to do."

Name: Theo Benedict.

Age: 25 years old.

Gender: male.

Personality: Find out in RP.

History: Ask him in RP.

Weapon(s): Massive, black AUG with strong metal case bullets. Special part - day scope. Can zoom in 30 times. Also carries a small box with sleep-bullets that will effect the predator/animal in 10 seconds. Aswell two pocket knives.


Name of Major. Black, massive german shepherd which is fast, strong, intelligent companion. Survived 3 years, still young (don'tknowwhattowritexd).

Other: Sorry for short bio and 'find out in RP'. I like to do it. Oh, and End!

Not the necklace, though.

  Theo watched the blonde for some time, until he shook his own head and looked back at the conflict. He sighed quietly, walked after Clark with Chris right on his heels. He heard her rasp breathing, feeling her hands quickly run around his arm. He didn't pull his arm out, he felt over-protective over his sister, there's no way he would let any one hurt her. He looked at the brunette with a small sigh, giving her a soft smile and Chris replied with her eyes quickly being torn away with the dog excitement, in which Milo was keeping the distance. Her dog pinned his ears and walked to his owner, meeting her gaze, he whined quietly, seeing Chris' hand slowly reach for him, and Milo licked her hand, telling her that if anything he will be there to protect her.

   Theo didn't really payed attention to Major and Alma, all he wanted to do at the moment is settle in some room with Chris and let her have some sleep. The bags that he carried were stuffed with food, medicine and clothes, the smaller bag had all their weapons and what goes in that group, such as daggers, ammo, small guns. Theo was quite happy that he is back with the group, maybe Chris will make some friends after some time. Friends that won't be scared after knowing who she is, or how she looks like under her bandana/scarf.

   Chris looked back at the group, noticing the people she once crossed paths with, slipping her sight over the new male that was quite confused in who we are. She wanted to shot a mean answer to him, but she quickly got cut by Clark, that now seemed to head towards black haired girl. She also looked ill, and she might be pregnant. It will be hard for her to settle in with the people she once was aggressive to, but she'll try her best to not mess things up like she did some time before.

   Chris was listening to the man behind her, quickly turning around just to study the man, which appeared to be the same age as her, or a bit older. With that beard, many would mistaken him with an old grump, and with that thought she quietly chuckled and turned back. Though, she heard his growl, which alerted her quickly. If anything, she will jump on him with all her strength. Two aggressive people isn't a great pair, even between other people they might bring a show. "I'm Theo, she's Christine, but I call her Chris. That's Major," he showed to the black dog 'dancing' around Alma before looking at Milo who had his ears up with it's brown eyes locked on Theo. "And that's Milo. We're all from army," he introduced quickly, facing the man with his finger on the gun he was holding.
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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #606 on: December 10, 2014, 04:46:05 pm »

Tomoko ?

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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #607 on: December 10, 2014, 05:15:07 pm »

{Just waiting for Luna to post}
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Offline Luna FreeFaller

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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #608 on: December 10, 2014, 05:26:44 pm »
Mother its cold here. Father thy will be done.
Thunder and lightening are crashing down.
They got me on the run, direct me to the sun.
Redemption keeps my covers clean tonight.
Baby we can start again.
Only the young can break away.

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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #609 on: December 10, 2014, 07:39:15 pm »

"When you feel like quitting think about why you started!"

Kennedy-Leigh McCally

Everything happened pretty sudden; two blokes whom she had never seen in her life had suddenly appeared, one being silent and the other rather aggressive. Clark had returned with medicine and a pregnancy test, Donald butting in and helping with the situation, the dogs almost getting into a fight, Tonx was clearly in more pain and to top it all off Theo and Christina had returned. Despite all this seemed rather annoying, Ken liked the fact that they had met new people, it was nice to see different faces but also the return of Theo and Chris brought a sense of happiness to her - it had been weeks since they had seen them and she had thought the worse, but they both appeared in good health; Chris not so much though. The brunette could remember the problems that she once had with Chris and the hate they had for one another, constantly arguing and being at one another's throats, along with making constant, snide comments. However, Kennedy decided this time would be different, she wasn't sure on the way Chris would act but she wasn't going to be as harsh on her - it wasn't cause she liked her as much but she felt sympathy for the lass who now appeared slightly weaker and ill, but over time Kennedy assumed that would grow to like one another, it was just a matter of patience and time. It was nice to see that the older bloke had calmed down along with everyone else, today wasn't a day she wanted to be in combat, besides she didn't want enemies in this world, especially with all the troubles they had already been faced with - this was enough, without the grudges between other living beings.

The lass was soon knocked from her thoughts by a rough tone, once she didn't completely recognise - but one she was slowly recognising as the bloke who she now knew as Dutch, her eye's then wondering onto the old timer now know by the name of Jethro. Giving a nod in the blokes direction she allowed a small smile to appear on her face. For a while she remained quiet, listening as the beings exchanged names - so far everything seemed to have calmed down. Seeing as it was best for her to introduce herself, instead of being ignorant and remaining annoyed "The name is Kennedy-Leigh McCally. But just call me Kennedy, or Ken - whichever you prefer. Oh, and this is my dog Hunter!" she replied with a shrug to her shoulders, not really fussed what the bloke decided to call her. Turning her attention off of the now 'known' bloke she looked towards Donald who was petting the black canine, a smile on her face - the pack of dogs now seemed interested in interacting with the dog instead of ripping him apart, something of course she wouldn't let happen. Movement in the corner of her eye caused her head to whirl around, cocking her head she noticed Tonx stumbling back into the hospital, the test grasped tightly in her hand - sighing in sympathy she turned her attention back onto the group, her foot tapping gently across the ground and her fingers tapping against the bonnet of the car, as she awaited impatiently for the lasses return.

After several minutes of waiting the clanks of the door could be heard a short distance away, grasping her gun ready to shoot, a sigh of relief blew past the lasses lips as she noticed it was only Tonx; the look on her face said it all. As she watched the younger female getting closer and closer she could now see how pale the lasses face had actually gone - even thought Tonx had a pale complexion, it appeared even more white, her eyes widened and a shocked expression could just be made out across her face. Had she actually seen something? Was she feeling worse? Was she ready to give up? These questions ran through the lasses mind however, she knew what she was thinking was more than likely just dumb. Smiling at the lass, she turned her head to make sure everything was going good with everyone else, until feeling a nudge which caused her to turn. Looking at the lass with a worried expression the brunette lass tilted her head, but seeing as she gestured for Kennedy to follow she did, a hint of worry but sadness was felt for the lass as she followed quickly behind her.

This is what Kennedy is wearing incase anyone didn't catch any of my earlier posts, hence why I may say about her sliding her gun into their holsters or why she's usually cold. Also, I have decided to not have her wearing boots and instead she wears a pair of air max 90, suede black and white trainers.

This is Hunters new appearance; a German Shepherd x Belgian Malinois. Seen this dog and just fell in love, but also it is crossed between my two favourite breeds!  :)
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