Author Topic: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|  (Read 156298 times)

Offline Slough Creek

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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #820 on: March 08, 2015, 04:40:52 pm »

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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #821 on: March 08, 2015, 10:18:45 pm »

"When you feel like quitting think about why you started!"

Kennedy-Leigh McCally

Once the woman began speaking, Kennedy remained relatively silent - all her attention placed on the young woman as she continued to fiddle on with the gears and things, seeming rather inexperienced in this. However, she seemed to be dealing with the whole driving thing well, and unlike her on her first test she hadn't stalled or crashed the car. A quick flash back come to the lass as she tilted her head a little, how that day was chaotic yet rather amusing. Thus causing the woman to chuckle to herself again, she remembered speeding, causing the instructor to scream and shout at her, telling her to stop as he held on for dear life. She failed that test, and several after. Until finally passing on her sixth test. A smile still remained on the woman's face, revealing her pearly whites as she listened to Tonxs' 'story' about her previous group. What she had to say made the woman's brows furrow and annoyance struck her as she looked towards the back streets once again. "That group seems like it was full of dicks, if we ever crossed them I'd give them a piece of my mind..." she growled "After blowing their knee caps off that is..." she chuckled, a smirk forming at her lips as she looked out into the open streets - everything still remained relatively quiet and nothing seemed to draw her or anything else's attention.  She wondered what the others were doing.

However, Ken was soon stolen from her thoughts once more as the song on the radio changed. One which she had never really heard of. Furrowing her brows a little the woman turned to Tonx, whom now seemed rather relaxed and contempt - sitting singing along to the lyrics of this song. For some reason the slow, calming car ride seemed to put the woman in a rather relaxed state; the music adding to her ease as she hummed along to the tune of this unknown song. Allowing her gaze to follow onto the streets once again her eyes rested upon the large building which lay before her - this appearing to be a mall. Even though going in there would be a relatively good idea, there was bound to be a threat in there somewhere. If not. it'd more than likely be waiting for them at the other end. Running a hand through her hair the woman let out a sigh as she tapped her fingers against the door. "Should we check it out? Or we could try a drug store in the near by town? Where ever we go there'll be some beasties though..." she sighed.

Awaiting the lasses answer, Kennedys attention turned onto Hunter as he was now standing as tall as he could on his hind quarters, snout poking out of the window - with his tail pointed. The male seemed to let out quiet and slightly muffled grunts and growls as he looked down a distant alley. Following his gaze she noticed a group of around three zombies knelt at a corpse, stuffing their faces like it was the greatest thing ever. Running her hand across the dogs back "It's alright boy..." she spoke reassuringly towards the male. He seemed to cool down a little and lower back onto his haunches, but now his eyes were narrowed as he glanced out the glass, body a little tense, nothing too major though.

(@PokemonXY - you're accepted, would you like a quick recap?)

I'll post for him once Kennedy wonders off for supplies.

"It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change."

Name: Jacob Benedict
Age: 23 years old
Gender: Male
Personality: Jake is a rather laid back young man whom takes life as it comes. With this young laddy things are mostly seen as a joke, and nothing is really taken too seriously. At times some see him as a slightly 'big kid' because of the way he can act and because of his sense of humour. Like any young boy he's the one to taunt and often playfight, as well as being a little flirt at times. His humour isn't seen as dark, even though sometimes it can be, he is soon more of just a happy go lucky type guy - if a girl rejects him, he'll laugh and add a smart remark, if someone directs snide comments to him, he'll often make a joke of it or yet again add a comment. Towards friends and family he is of course polite, friendly, approachable and all in all a down to earth guy. However, despite this lads positive traits he can at times show a completely different side. Of course he is a little stubborn, and can be a little harsh at times. He will often say things which he will later regret and when angered he can be a little unpredictable. Being hot headed means his anger often gets the best of him, however he does try his best to prevent himself for doing anything stupid. He is very loyal, and protective, brave and warm hearted. Jacob is someone you'd more than likely get along with and find amusing, a great friend indeed.

History: When he was younger Jacob lived with a small family in the inner city. He had a brother named Cameron who was older by two years and a sister named Hayleigh who was younger by four years. The three were rather close to one another, maybe it was cause of the age difference, or the two brothers feeling the need to protect their younger sister. Whatever the reason was they were unbreakable. But also they were relatively close to their parents. Jake had a relatively easy life growing up, his parents had a sturdy relationship with sturdy jobs, money was never and issue and they were given anything they asked for. So their life went rather fine for them, and as they grew up things got better, as they thought anyways. However, through Jacobs child hood he had many friends. Both males, and females. But one was his closest and whom he spent most time with, her name was Kennedy. No matter how many arguments they had they still remained best friends, and done anything for one another. Their parents, siblings and friends would taunt them on being 'a cute couple' but they didn't see one another that way and instead seen one another as siblings. Throughout their lives they remained close, even when adults. Since he was 18 he had Tebo and since he was 21 he has had Kaisza.

However, everything soon changed when the sky turned black and a whole lot of weird things started happening. Groans and moans would be heard from out in the streets, screams and cries filled the streets. Despite what he had seen on telly, and what he had been told, Jacob didn't really believe and apocalypse had broke out. Pushing the news to the back of his head he decided to go by his daily business; getting washed, getting dressed then heading over to check on Kennedy. However, when he went over to her home she seemed to have vanished, along with Hunter her dog. Shocked by this he ran to her families, they were gone, going to check on his, they were gone. Panicked yet angered the lad searched the streets, only to find them empty and covered in several corpses. Not giving up his search he continued, until it hit him. It was real. Making him believe this was the run in he had not long after with a bunch of zombies. Now it was real and he was in danger. Great danger.

Once collecting supplies and everything else he'd need, Jacob found himself shelter in a large set of flats which seemed to be boarded up, not to far from a hospital. The only way into the building was if you hopped up onto a wall, walked along it and climbed through a gap which could be boarded up easily by planks of wood. With over 10 floors to venture through, several houses to live, rest and basically mess about in he didn't really have anything to worry about. Until he realised the group of survivors. Where he noticed his friend Kennedy. Even though he was filled with relief, he knew jumping right out would only put the woman in a vulnerable state and she would possibly rely on him for a while, he decided to stay hidden. Over the weeks he has been hiding, he has been watching over the woman and keeping her safe, taking out a few zombies and mutants to help her along. Soon, he shall reveal himself to his life long friend.

Weapon(s): USP-45, Deepfire-M4, Axe, AK47 and a Military knife.

This is Tebo, the oldest of Jacobs dogs at 5 years. His breed is the Caucasian shepherd. Between the two Tee is obviously the most strange, as some may say. However it isn't in a bad way. He isn't like most dogs, and is a lot less friendly. Towards those he knows Tebo is a lot more affectionate and loving, as well as being approachable. At times he will show playfulness between both man and dog, and at times he will get a little over the top and boisterous, his large size meaning he can often hurt others by accident - therefore when interacting with him people and canines will need to be a little careful in order the prevent themselves from being hurt, however he does know when to stop, and he isn't as playful at times. Those whom are able to approach him don't have as much access as Jacob does, having such a bond with this human means that Tee will respond to Jacob, and only Jacob - Kennedy is an acception since knowing her since he was a pup. Those who don't get to know Tebo and are yet to gain his trust will see the more negative side to this beast. Many will say it seems as if he is 'looking them up and down' or giving them 'smug' looks of some sort, as well as seeming a lot more threatening and aggressive. Strangers are completely unable to interact with this dog without either being bitten or shown great aggression. He's a brave canine and will do what he can to those whom gain his trust and love, sadly he isn't that easy to win over. Tebo is one of the most loyalist and bravest dogs anyone could ever meet. He'd risk his own lift to prevent anyone being hurt.

This is Kaisza, the oldest of Jacobs two dogs at 2 years. The breed of this dog is the Perro De Presa Canario .Out of his two companions Kai is a lot more approachable and friendly. Unlike Tebo she is a rather playful young dog who is more welcoming to those she doesn't know. She is less likely to act aggressive towards you, however don't be fooled as she too can at times be a little aggressive and unpredictable, since taking on some of Tees traits after watching him over the years she's been alive. Just like Tebo you need to be a little more careful with her, being younger means she'll throw her weight around as unlike the male she doesn't know when to stop. Kaisza is a lot more affectionate also, but at times can seem a little hostile, unless you manage to draw her attention or somehow bribe her into liking you. Towards strangers she can also seem a little aggressive and wary, but she will welcome you in a lot faster. Unlike the older male she will listen to others, although it will be limited for her and she wont listen to everyone first time, unless Jacob tells her different. Kaisza is brave and loyal, but since her young age she can get frightened now and then, although Tebo seems to push her in the right direction, and gives her a helping hand.
~ Has a scar across his abs, back and left arm at the top
~ Kennedys friend - whom she thought turned into a zombie
~ Will soon join the group.
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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #822 on: March 08, 2015, 11:04:36 pm »

Tomoko ?

Offline magicfairy

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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #823 on: March 09, 2015, 01:46:48 am »
(Yes Taylor, I'd like a recap please. ^^)
vanitas · he/they/it/fae

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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #824 on: March 09, 2015, 02:13:26 am »

{Basically the remaining people are in a group and have decided to make their current 'home' in a hospital which is almost dead in the centre of the city. Even though power rarely works in the city, bar a few buildings, the hospitals generators still seem up and running - making it ideal as it also has heavy doors, thick windows, a large, metal fence around it. Making it a safe and ideal place to hide out. I'd say the group have now been in the hospital roughly a month if that. All members have dogs of their own. Currently there has been a small argument between Dutch and Kennedy, but it is slowly blowing over. Chris has been bitten by a zombie, but she appears to be immune. Tonx is pregnant and suffers from arthiritis and if I can remember a few other illnesses - I may be wrong. So far Kennedy and Tonx have went to search for supplies. Meanwhile at the hospital a hoard of zombies seem to be trying to enter their 'base'. My character Jacob who is yet to join the group is watching over the pair, and will soon be introduced when saving one or both of them - he is currently watching from a large block of flats.

That is all that has happened recently.)
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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #825 on: March 09, 2015, 08:43:35 am »

"Death is inevitable we can only prolong it."

"Where did they come from!?" Donald yelled, firing rapidly at the beasties as they tried -and failed- to barge through the fence into the parking lot. Clark stood on the roof of the car, her pistols out and Alma at the fence, snarling at the beasts alongside Meg. "I don't know! But I don't think they can get i-" she stopped in mid sentence, remembering something.

She had to watch the emergency exit but she had abandoned it shortly before the demon dogs attacked an she was drunk so... "Oh... F**K! THE EMERGENCY EXIT IS OPEN!"" she shrieks, leaping off of the car, jarring her ankles in the process. "WHAT!?" Doald screams at this news. But he couldn't do anything! There was too many of them at the gate!
Mother its cold here. Father thy will be done.
Thunder and lightening are crashing down.
They got me on the run, direct me to the sun.
Redemption keeps my covers clean tonight.
Baby we can start again.
Only the young can break away.

Offline Slough Creek

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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #826 on: March 09, 2015, 08:33:12 pm »

Offline magicfairy

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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #827 on: March 09, 2015, 11:01:05 pm »
(I dunno where to start. o.o)
vanitas · he/they/it/fae

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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #828 on: March 10, 2015, 07:25:07 pm »
(You could join as a new group member? - getting in before Dutch closed the doors and wondering to where the others are, or wait until they go inside. Or, you could be a loner and soon join the group? If you want to be in the group that is.)

Kennedy-Leigh McCally

"When you feel like quitting think about why you started!"

Kennedy nodded her head as it seemed Tonx wasn't too bothered with what they did - whether they went into the mall or a different store. Letting out a huff the lass nodded her head and looked at the large building which lay before them "Alrighty then, we'll visit here. On one condition...." she trailed off for a split second "If we happen to get attacked, I'm acting as live bait and luring those things out of there, you'll keep both dogs for protection and I'll run. I want you to grab the stuff as quick as possible - the dogs jackets have pockets in also. Then run or head to the car as quick as possible. If I don't return within five minutes you go. Ok?" she'd question quickly, but before getting a reply her attention turned on the growling dogs in the back. Chuckling lightly the woman placed her hands on the holster and moved it around a little, to see if it was on tight enough and to make sure it was firm. Once checking she placed her hand on the lever and pushed open the door. However she done so carefully and slowly, if anything was to jump out suddenly and unnoticed, she'd need to quickly slam it shut.

However, everything remained rather still and quiet. Nothing seeming to approach. Nodding her head the woman closed the door - once again carefully and quietly. Once the door was closed the brunette made her way along to the back door - doing the same gestures to open it. Hunter being the first to jump out and Sooty soon after - with a few quick enticing gestured from herself. Once again the woman quietly closed the door, wanting to prevent any loud noises which could attract those zombies and even worse those ugly mutants which were recently discovered. Seeing as the lass was now in a jumper and jeans, everything was a lot warmer - and she didn't have to worry about her skin being too exposed to biters, nor reveal the many bruises, scars and scratches which now painted her toned, tanned figure. Raising her hand and running it through her hair, Kennedy made her way towards the front of the car, placing her hand by her side and grabbing out one of two guns which had a silencer out. First she'd wait for the lass to exit the car, then they could head in to collect what they needed.

Jacob Bennedict

"It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change."

For weeks now the young lad had been watching over his lady friend whom he had knew ever since being younger. Even though they had been separated for so long, he constantly though of her and what she would be doing through out the day, as he knew she would be thinking the same too - unless she thought he had been turned that is, which was totally understandable seeing as she didn't even know he was so close to home. From a few weeks into the apocalypse he stopped his search for the lass, whom remained rather well hidden - until one day he caught a glimpse of her from the stack of flats he now hid in. At first she seemed to have hid out in a bar with a small group, soon venturing towards a near by hospital. A net idea if he had to admit. He remembers when they were younger, making out scenarios for different situations that could happen; world domination, if they were race car drivers, ranchers and of course an apocalypse. They had everything thought out and acted as if they knew what they'd do. Even though he followed some of the ideas, some he didn't really agree with; smothering himself in zombie blood so they wouldn't notice. Hiding out sounded a lot more appealing than that. Although being away from Kennedy still bothered the lad. And soon he guessed he'd reveal himself.

The sound of a car engine stopping caused the dark haired males attention to wonder onto the once empty streets, where a large black range rover now sat - outside of a mall of course. A smirk grew onto Jakes face as he shook his head and let out a light chuckle as he looked the car over. This was obviously from the woman with the familiar face, seeing as this was her favourite care, and to do with the fact he hadn't seen any other humans around here for weeks, the rest seeming to go into complete hiding and manage to pass his hawk like vision, or they'd been turned and possibly killed. Taking his mind off of the question as to whether there was actually other survivors, his gaze returned back onto the car - which doors soon opened and revealed the lass - Kennedy. A smile lit up Jacobs face as he watched her fiddle on with her weapons, then soon let out two dogs from the car. She mustn't be alone and probably came for supplies. Although he continued to remain silent, his gaze remaining on the lass and her friend who was yet to exit the car. Hunter still seemed to be in good shape too, this certainly didn't affect the male and he still seemed as feisty as ever. The smile revealing his pearly whites.

However, the lads attention was taken off of the people outside as a sudden growl sounded behind him. Turning his head he noticed Tebo pinning Kaisza in the corner of the room. Shaking his head he let out a chuckle "She annoying you old man?" he smirked, watching as the old timer left the youngster be, seeing as he had warned her about her attitude towards him - something he'd often do to make sure she didn't step out of line. It was rather cute and helpful though. Tebo approached the male and sat himself near the window, glancing out down towards the small group, a gruff bark escaping his maw as he looked up, Kai quickly trotting over and looking out -  nosing at her master as she let out a quiet bark. Lowering his arms from the windowsill he patted the dogs craniums, looking back out the window "We'll meet with them soon enough, I'm sure of it.." he spoke reassuringly, in his usual deep, gruff voice.
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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #829 on: March 10, 2015, 07:57:04 pm »

Tomoko ?