Author Topic: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|  (Read 155572 times)

Offline DangusMangus

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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #1060 on: September 29, 2015, 06:57:53 pm »
Skip me this time, sorry.))
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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #1061 on: September 29, 2015, 10:39:02 pm »

                                         Kennedy-Leight McCally & Jacob Bennedict

"You've got everything it takes. But it'll take everything you've got."

Running her tongue over her teeth, Ken would let out a sigh of relief, Tonx seeming to agree with the idea of her staying instead of protesting to go. She'd stay here, safe, with Jake. The lad didn't seem bothered about staying and in fact, he'd probably be of use wherever he went, his sniper giving him the shot he needed, from the floor they were on he'd be able to at least trace their steps, until they went too far that was. Tightening her holster and sliding her gun firmly in, she'd head towards the weapons back, picking it up and looking through. "Alright you guys, we'll need to get some ammo and change weapons if you wish.." she'd speak, looking back towards Donald and Clark, offering the two a smile. Kennedy already had herself a sub-machine gun, hand gun and a machete, hmm.... Something soon caught her eye though, a wooden club covered in spikes - what a treat. Pulling the weapon out of the bag, the brunette would spin it around a little "I'll have some fun with this" she smiled, holding the weapon by her side. Kneeling down, she'd then slip on one of the vests which they had collected for the dogs, it wasn't the best but it'd keep them safe. "Ok, Jake, you'll be staying here with Tonx, take good care of her or I'll use this thing..." she'd tease, offering her mate a wink "We'll try and be as fast as we can though." coughing, she'd make her way towards the window, taking a look out.

Running a hand through his messy hair, the muscular build lad would look at Ken, then the others who spoke up about joining his pal on their search for supplies. Well, seemed like he'd be at the flats looking after the pregnant lass known as Tonx, who Kennedy seemed rather fond of. Coughing, he'd look towards the dark haired lass smiling, she seemed rather uneasy around most, from what he had seen anways. Hopefully she wouldn't be too wary around him, that'd only make helping her out slightly awkward. Listening to the brunette and watching as she pulled a weapon out of the bag, he smiled. He loved using those things, although the blood splatter once it hit those Z's heads was awful, but somewhat satisfying to know they were dead - less to worry about. Rubbing his hand up his arm, before smirking at nodding his head at what Kennedy had to say about keeping the younger lass safe. "Don't worry, Ken. I'll make sure she stays in one piece, your the one going out with the Z's, after all." a sarcastic tone to his voice, offering the woman a smile, before setting himself down on the couch for a moment whilst the others got themselves together and ready to leave.

Allowing the others to get sorted, giving them around five minutes. Although, her attention was taken as she glanced out the window, her eyes catching a small, red light flashing, what was that .... Narrowing her eyes, she'd try and make out what it was, but she seemed to fail at the task. Hmm, never seen it before, it looked similar to the flashing light of a camera of some sort. That was impossible, everyone was dead? Well, at least she thought they were anyways. Shaking her head, she would pay more attention on the streets. Although they seemed empty, figures still lurked, mostly that of the humans, the dogs and cats seemed to lurk in the shadows. Turning "Ready?" she'd ask as she made her way towards Tonx, offering her a warming smile, she seemed uneasy about them going. But they needed to. Leaning down near her, she'd offer the young lass a hug "I'm always careful, don't worry about us ... We'll be back before you know it" gently rubbing her arm before standing up "You look for danger you little sucker.." Jake would whisper, playfully getting the lass in to a headlock, only to receive a rough punch to his arm. Chuckling he'd let her go "Just be careful! I almost lost you once-" the lad was cut off "Don't get soft on me, lad. You know me, I'll be back before you know it" giving the lad a hug too. Pulling the slab away from the door, grabbing some car keys in case, she'd crouch out "Alrighty you two, lets do this." Taking a deep breath, Kennedy would make her way out, pulling off the wood slab at the end and entering the car park. It seemed rather, empty? ... Shaking her head, she'd wait near the car for the others.

Meanwhile, Jake had waited for the others to leave, saying any goodbyes that were needed. He'd expect them back within the next four hours or so, hopefully anyways ... Putting the slabs back over the gap in the wall, Jacob would turn to look at Tonx, not having Kennedy around seemed to effect her slightly. Hopefully she'd be fine with it just being him and her, he wasn't that bad. Standing the sniper up by the window, he'd look out, few corpses seemed to jerk around, that was a good sign, kinda. The skies had already began lighting slightly, day time was the best time for collecting supplies he guessed. Tebo and Kaisza seemed to be off scouting the building, luckily the room of corpses hid their scent, for now anyways. Giving his head a shake, he'd look at Tonx with a smile "Want anything? A drink? Food? Need a nap?" he'd question, once the other two dogs had returned he'd put out some water for them and maybe a little food, not too much though seeing as they were running low.
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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #1062 on: October 03, 2015, 12:47:55 pm »

Tomoko ?

Offline Luna FreeFaller

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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #1063 on: October 03, 2015, 09:24:59 pm »
Skip me sorry. Just say Donald gave Tonx a hug and they both went out with Kennedy. I'll post next time.))
Mother its cold here. Father thy will be done.
Thunder and lightening are crashing down.
They got me on the run, direct me to the sun.
Redemption keeps my covers clean tonight.
Baby we can start again.
Only the young can break away.

Offline DangusMangus

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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #1064 on: October 07, 2015, 02:31:16 pm »
Skip me too, I feel really bad right now to actually post.))
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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #1065 on: October 07, 2015, 05:46:10 pm »

                                         Kennedy-Leight McCally & Jacob Bennedict

"You've got everything it takes. But it'll take everything you've got."

Should they hop in the car or not? Although she didn't want to really waste the fuel, it would be an easier way to get the supplies back to their hideout and splat a few Z's on the way. Beside, they did have two cars or so, so using one wouldn't be too much of a problem, most seemed to travel on foot anyway so one of the gas stations probably had some gas, if they needed it. Gesturing for the others to get in, Ken would slam the doors shut behind them, all dogs and people aboard. Hopping in the drivers seat, the brunette would start up the car, back the car up then quietly and carefully drive through the car park, getting down to the ground floor in a minute or so. Strange, the street appeared rather quiet? These things were bound to be lurking around, their moans making it obvious. Turning the vehicle down a corner, the lass would watch as few zombies entered her vision, some falling right infront of them. Jake would do a good job up there, until they were out of his vision that was. Deciding the near by street should be checked out, she turned to face the duo. "Alrighty, just scout through these shops and see if you can see anything; food, water, batteries, medication, weapons, clothes, you know, same old same old. Just be careful, these things have a habit of jumping out." Nodding, Ken would grasp her spiked-club firmly, opening the door and stepping out. Hmm, where to look first, a few option, but not many. With Hunter by her side and the others more than likely following closely behind, Ken would walk towards one of the stores. A growl seemed to emit from the canines maw as he ran in to scout a small shop - nothing would be in here, although these local stores did sell canned food, maybe they could get some magazines? Approaching the door, the womans eyes widened slightly as she quietly gasped. Barrelling towards her there it was, a hunched over brain-craving beast. "These things are starting to p*ss me off now!" she'd mutter to herself. Raising her arm she'd swing the club, grasping the handle with both hands and smacking it in to the creatures head. As the corpse dropped to the ground, Kennedy smiled "Could get use to this thing .." she'd smile, jerking it out of the Z's head and entering the store.

Meanwhile, Jake simply nodded to Tonks' response. He'd surely take her word for it. The last thing he'd want was to be screamed at by a pregnant and probably hormonal woman. Everything within the flats seemed safe, for now, Tebo and Kiasza returning from their quick round of guarding. Satisfied for now, Jacob made his way towards the window, pulling off one of the planks of wood, watching as the car set off through the car park and on to the street. Leaning on to the windowsill slightly, he'd look through the small scope, watching the streets carefully. For once it seemed empty? Well, they could only be in the stores, or further in town. Winking slightly, he'd aim at one of the Z's heads, pull the trigger and within seconds the beast would fall to the ground. Grinning and nodding his head, he'd shoot at a few more -  the silencer allowing him to make quick work of them, but he also done it in near enough silence. Now, the street seemed clear. How long would that last? Using the scope to watch the others, a smirk would form at his lips once more as he nodded his head "They'll be just fine, Kens pretty deadly with that new 'tool' of hers, and the others seem quite skilled with guns." not to no one, really, but if Tonx heard and decided to respond, so be it. Leaning the rifle against the wall, he'd turn to face the lass "Soo .... How you finding all .. this?" he'd question, although it was pretty pointless, a conversation would be nice, for the time being anyways and besides, if he didn't look after her, or make her feel somewhat comfortable whilst she was away, Ken would have his head for sure.
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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #1066 on: October 07, 2015, 06:53:23 pm »
« Last Edit: October 10, 2015, 11:54:42 pm by Rumble_Fish »

Tomoko ?

Offline Luna FreeFaller

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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #1067 on: October 10, 2015, 11:50:38 pm »
Mother its cold here. Father thy will be done.
Thunder and lightening are crashing down.
They got me on the run, direct me to the sun.
Redemption keeps my covers clean tonight.
Baby we can start again.
Only the young can break away.

Offline DangusMangus

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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #1068 on: October 11, 2015, 05:36:06 pm »
((completely changing Chris' personality and rewriting bios..))

Christine Parker
"Oh stop crying, this will never end, deal with it."
Christina Parker



23 years old

Chris is mostly seen as a crazy woman that has a huge obsession for pies and cookies. when in stores, she always looks for chocolate chip cookies. If she won't find any, she'd go on a rampage and most likely destroy the whole store. Chris is dependable and quite a role model. She is friendly and nice, always there to lend a helping hand, along with noce and courageous words. She's a good listener and decision maker, an alpha or beta. She likes to joke around a lot, always try to put a smile on someone's face. Chris is strong-willed female, she'll always refuse to give up and will do her best at saving someone or standing last in the battlefield. Crazy, wild woman on loose. Call the police if you see her.

Chris was born in a poor family, her parents were alcoholics and she was the only child. At school she'd always get bullied, but in second grade she stood at the bullies and helped children who got bullied. That's how she became the most known student in school.
Chris got good grades and some parents were curious how girl who's a child of alcoholic parents get better grades than their children. She always showed her physical strength in gym and in class, her sharp tongue when annoyed, and her great learning skills during tests and classes.
The idea of joining the army crossed her mind when she was in 11th grade, during a presentation about soldiers. She joined the army when she was 18, there she met Theo who's she accompanied to today. She prove her strength in battlefield with that male right next to her, climbing to the best spot during those few years. When they were able to leave back home, Chris didn't want to any single bit, but she had to anyways. When she got back, the first thing she saw was a huge mess in her parents' flat, along with stench that caused the girl to head outside for a second. When she came back in with a scarf around her nose and mouth, upon investigating she found her parents laying dead on the kitchen floor, only moments before they attacked the girl. Killing them and then realizing that it's the end of the human race struck the world, she went out to find Theo and survive with him.

M16 (the last one)

Melee weapons
Army knife
Army knife with rope handler

Family ties

Not Blood related family ties
Theo (not blood related brother) (Phroghress)


Milo, Belgian Malinois. Trained to be very harsh with others and listen only to Chris. Gives no trust towards others. Sharp canines, massive build, big strength. Easy to kill another canine. Knows fatal places. Male. chain collar, big brown collar.


Theo Benedict
"Do I look like a dog for you? No? Then stop telling me what to do."

Name: Theo Benedict.

Age: 25 years old.

Gender: male.

Personality: Theo is an easy-going guy that prefers to make friends and stay calm rather than go aggressive at people he doesn't know. Of course, there's a small portion of self-defense and protection is there. He's not selfish, more likely, he's generous. Open minded and strong willed.

History: Ask him in RP.

Weapon(s): Massive, black AUG with strong metal case bullets. Special part - day scope. Can zoom in 30 times. Also carries a small box with sleep-bullets that will effect the predator/animal in 10 seconds. Aswell two pocket knives.


Name of Major. Black, massive german shepherd which is fast, strong, intelligent companion. Survived 3 years, still young (don'tknowwhattowritexd).

Other: Sorry for short bio and 'find out in RP'. I like to do it. Oh, and End!

Not the necklace, though.

Theo had awoken with a slight jump, his eyes shot open with himself almost falling off the swinging chair. Freaked out and lost in time, he took few deep inhales and took a glance at the dark sky, noticing the starry view just above him. Major bolted up as well, worry and curiousity taking over the black shepherd. Reaching out for the black dog, Theo patted the canine on the head, picking up his gun and puling himself off the chair, making his way out from the balcony and out into the empty camp.
As he arrived there, he lit up a match and threw it into the metal pit, lightning up a pile of logs. Glancing around the fences that covered the small field, he glanced at the two tanks that were blocking one way, with only wooden fence on the other side. Seeming like a fortress, Theo was quite happy with this place, soon seeing Chris walk out with Milo bolting towards the black shepherd.
« Last Edit: October 20, 2015, 05:48:08 pm by Phroghress »
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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #1069 on: October 14, 2015, 01:50:30 pm »

Tomoko ?