Author Topic: Guardians Of The Otherworlds. (Greek Mythology/Open)  (Read 15593 times)

Offline Arkayy

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Re: Guardians Of The Otherworlds. (Greek Mythology/Open)
« Reply #30 on: April 12, 2014, 04:04:27 am »

? Faethiel ?

     Faethiel made it back to her chamber rather quickly after the encounter, eager to feel the embrace of sleep. Her hand lightly pressed against the door as she stepped inside, flicking the light on. The light source was rather dim though made the room visible to stroll through without. Her fingers sought out a lighter that was on a nearby victorian stylized table and she walked around the room, lighting the numerous candles and herbal incense burners placed tastefully on display around the large room. The scents always gave her this unique serenity and warmth to kept her calm when she was distraught. Once she had lit the last one, Faethiel dragged her feet towards the bed. She propped herself up a bit while  opening a drawer by her bed, retrieving a book of some sort and a pen. Her hands grazed the bindings of the book before she opening it, scanning it and  flipping to an empty page in the middle of the book beginning to write.

The sun was golden flame,
The air was sweet like honey;
The grass was soft we made
A pledge to keep on running.
The clouds were shied away,
The air was warm and damp;
Oh on this golden day,
You ripped my heart away.
It was the dawn of may,
A lonely blackbird singing,
Now the same melody,
Brings back the pain.

     She read over the lines quite a few times, making sure it sounded as she intended. Faethiel gave off a small seemingly forced smile.  The guardian stashed her book under her pillow before raising back to her feet. There was an odd, unsettling sensation in her being. She couldn't place why for the life of her in the beginning  she felt that way, but her feet moved to the sudden urge's desire. Faethiel ventured the halls turning around the corridor. Her light steps lead her  to the door of Loxius. Rumors of what danger could lie behind the wood barricade wandered into her subconscious. Though she refused to believe, most of them at least. With the back of her hand, she knocked. The noise seemed to echo faintly down the hall. She still was nervous about this first confrontation with him. Though a thought had came to her as to why she wanted to meet him personally. Because she felt quite a bit of sympathy for the man for earlier and just in general. Faethiel refused to believe so though since she didn't want to be labeled as 'soft-hearted'.


Offline AbbyJoyce

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Re: Guardians Of The Otherworlds. (Greek Mythology/Open)
« Reply #31 on: April 14, 2014, 01:07:44 am »
(Waiting for others so we don't get
I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.

Offline Arkayy

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Re: Guardians Of The Otherworlds. (Greek Mythology/Open)
« Reply #32 on: April 14, 2014, 02:04:54 am »
(Alright. That's fine with me :D)


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Re: Guardians Of The Otherworlds. (Greek Mythology/Open)
« Reply #33 on: April 14, 2014, 04:00:20 am »

Orbs of light flickered above from an immense chandelier in the observation  deck with the rims of bronze and ivory. The shelves against the stone built walls were lined with scrolls with different seals branded and strings attached to notify which belonged to which Guardian. Athansia parted the door that swung inward as a loud creak echoed down the dead corridor. A nervous sigh escaped from her lips as the moment she had stepped in her hand flickered,the doors closing on command without an utter of a spell needed. This was power that she kept to herself.  Ringlets of brown were brushed to the side as the Guardian flickered her hand in front of her as the stones changed properties and turned to glass and translucent.

Athanasia saw her reflection, it was troubled and more so, conflicted. Her hands rubbed her eyes with an utter of annoyance from her voice, "Damn the Gods."  The skirts of her gown trailed behind her as she went towards the center of the rotunda. In front of her, the tiles of blue and white ceased and the large insignia of the society in the center. Tapping the hilt of her  Greek sandals near it, a sudden shake came. Athanasia stumbled a bit and stayed her ground as the he insignia began to turn slowly and the glass began to turn pure white and glow. The candles above blew out as all the light was coming from the power now being summoned into the room.

A podium with a long top emerged from the ground. Athanasia slowly edged closer, glossing her eyes covering the mantle.  As scroll came flying towards her, she grabbed it, unrolled it, and spread it out across the top. With her hands tracing over the papyrus, it was clear there was no writing. The inside of the scroll was a dark, dark blue near black as if it were the sky and the stars were there, glimmering and shimmering in the darkness. "Show me Mountain Olympus, home of the Deities." Athanasia's command came as noticed as the white glass soon became to a lighter shade of blue and orange and from there, she was given visuals of the great kingdom that she would never be part of. Never will any of the Guardians will be.

Surely, this sort of sorcery was advanced but, thanks to her father;s work, the Sky was predominantly in her command in the observatory. Well, during the night segments as Erebros was the Deity of the night (or darkens in general). The large elderly figure of Zeus sat on his throne, drinking away and eating bits of ambrosia to his delight. It was obvious that the man was surely irritated and more so, ready to hit anyone. Hera, deity of matrimony, sat alongside and was humming softly while weaving a casket and not once did she meet her husband's glare. It was an odd combination of violence and tranquility within either spirit. Something of this familiarity made the Guardian smirk a bit.

Hestia, goddess of the hearth, was on the opposite end with the other deities speaking away as if nothing had happened. Her heart dropped at the sight of her mother but she shook her head, resuming to watch them and take note of their alertness. The other deities that were irresponsible and gave life to the Guardians were mingling in whispers as her mother was. "If only the king amongst the Gods had better ears, for he would hear the shrieks of lies that will break his ears," for once, she bitterly spoke out. "When will we come out from the dark?"

For once, she realized why her father stayed within the shadows. It was safer not to be noticed or recognized. Safer from the truth that light casts. 'I'm heading out after this,' she reminded herself as her armor was laid on her bed the last time she remembered changing her attire. 'I can't remain this still for tonight. Just for a moment of peace.'

Offline FantasyDawn

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Re: Guardians Of The Otherworlds. (Greek Mythology/Open)
« Reply #34 on: April 14, 2014, 06:31:34 am »

        Calithea walked casually towards the chambers as there was absolutely nothing to make her rush,not even at this time of the day.It didn't take long for her to get there,though,as the chamber was quite close from the portal room.The young Guardian opened the door and stepped inside the all familiar and welcoming room.Without using any source of light,Calithea walked across the darkness that filled the chamber and leaned on her bed.It wasn't that kind of queen-sized ones she prefered to sleep in,but it was comfortable enough to satisfy her.And yet,despite her tiredness,the diety couldn't fall asleep as a  variety of thoughts broke into her mind.What were her parents doing?She hoped the were both alright.To tell the truth,even if Calithea has spent the majority of her life far away from them,she still cared deeply for the two gods.This is why,if anyone was to insult the goddess of love and the sun god,she would quickly snap.
         After lighting a candle,the diety took a book from the nearby shelf and began reading it until the sleep would eventually get her.She wasn't exactly the type to enjoy books,rarely reading them.If she could,she would spend all day long in a balcony,under the light of the warming sun whose presence on the sky she loved.This love for the large star was obviously coming from being Helios's daughter.Calithea cracked a smile when she thought about a warm,sunny day.   


Offline AbbyJoyce

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Re: Guardians Of The Otherworlds. (Greek Mythology/Open)
« Reply #35 on: April 15, 2014, 12:10:08 am »

His deep, crystal gaze eyed the artifact in awe. Oh, the things he could accomplish with the power within this spear. But, they would have to wait. A knock sounded from his door, and he quickly retracted the spear, placing it in the drawer and heading for the door, waving a wrist as the drawer slid shut, his powers always were useful for his laziness. "Enter.", he called out, waving at the door to open it with the flick of a wrist, leaning back against the large golden post of his bed. He crossed his arms against his pale, bare chest, his long hands gripping his forearms. "Ahh," he hissed, an amused smirk twisting onto his thin lips, at the sight of the dark headed Guardian, "Faethial. Isn't this a pleasant surprise." He cocked a teasing brow at her, waving the door shut. "I assumed it would be someome much more liking of me. Perhaps one of those maids, they seem to enjoy my company.", his cocky tone and sexual prowess shining through.

"Tell me, what is it you hoped to gain from visiting my chambers?", he asked. His golden, burgundy room twinkling against the moonlight that slipped in through the higher windows. It was a room barely anyone saw, but it was obviously the chambers of a high ranking being, even if it was a Guardians.

(After this meeting with Faethial and Loxius, we'll skip to the next
I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.

Offline Arkayy

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Re: Guardians Of The Otherworlds. (Greek Mythology/Open)
« Reply #36 on: April 15, 2014, 02:58:52 am »

? Faethiel ?

     Faethiel heard the invitation to enter and did so quietly. Her head was a bit low as she first entered, though it gradually lifted until it met his bright cyan stare. The guardian was a bit taken by surprise at the suggestive playful behavior and lifted a thin eyebrow. "Pleasant? Saying something such as that to the offspring of a professional liar and ruthless hunter must surely be false," She wore a small, smug smirk herself and glanced over her shoulder as she heard the door close. Faethiel rolled her eyes a bit at his next comment, "Gee, I wonder why. I honestly think most maids WOULD love to be in here with you posed as you are now. Though I have the distinct feeling that you find utter satisfaction in luring them here." She teased at him before proceeding a tad closer and seating herself.

     The next question she had been asked made her flinch a bit. She honestly didn't want to say why though thought a bit before murmuring an adequate response, "Well, to be honest, you just intrigue me sir Loxius." This wasn't a lie, as the man has sparked much interest and controversy in her mind. "And not just in the way as those maids gawk at you," Faethiel took in a small breath before continuing, "I suppose I just see myself relating to yourself often. Maybe not in any lecherous desires, but you know. Such as the quarrel you had with your father back there." The guardian lowered her amber vision to the ground, unsure how he would respond to such a comment though made sure to switch the subject, "Well, it seems to have its quirks, now does it? You have a much more luxurious room than myself and probably the others have to stay residence in." She strummed her fingers against where she was seated in a slightly nervous habit. The young girl looked away in silence a bit embarrassed for bringing up such a topic  and sighed lowly.


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Re: Guardians Of The Otherworlds. (Greek Mythology/Open)
« Reply #37 on: April 15, 2014, 03:51:18 am »

The Guardian withdrew from the Observatory after mundane minutes spent away rearranging the scrolls and hiding the podium and reverting the glass to stone. Athanasia finally withdrew to her chambers in the lower wings of the sanctuary and the large wooden door closed behind her. Eagerly stripping out of the dress , it was folded and placed onto her spacious desk where the multitude of books and quills were lined accordingly at the edges. The armor of black shades of her father's color and the hood with a hidden red underling representing the warmth of her mother rested upon the mattress. Quietly, the woman sat down and placed on her armor without any words but her blue eyes often glanced over to her figure shortly being ambiguous of the elegant yet melancholic Athanasia that knew the perfect words to spindle and speak to those of nonsensical woes.

Flexing her fingers through the dark brown leather gauntlets, the Guardian quietly braided her hair and placed it up into a bun to prevent the wild strands from escaping and distorting her vision in the night.  Her bow was grabbed for along with her satchel of arrows as she placed it over her back. The daggers and small pouches were attached to a belt around her waist. Now, as she was fully equipped, Athanasia glanced again at the mirror in her compressed room and sighed at the figure.  Her hand grabbed for a he large collar of her undershirt and pulled it over her face, cloaking her main financial features as the hood gave no access to wondering eyes.

In the instance of the night, the flames of the corridor went out at the fast pace the woman walked in with her strides long yet silent. A hand haunted over a torch that was pulled fro mthe wall without any hesitation. Athanasia quietly soon went down the staircase of the sanctuary as the pearly white walls soon faded to a bleak brown color of the ground. It was an underground route developed by those with parents of the Earth like Demeter, Hades, and many others.

She left behind the regal lifestyle. The glow of the flames licking into the air and growing ever warmly and the Guardian soon would the grand forest and ever so carefully get close to the edge and see the homeland of the deities. A home they all have been denied to.  

[Example of her armor below --Exception being she is wearing pants.]

Offline FantasyDawn

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Re: Guardians Of The Otherworlds. (Greek Mythology/Open)
« Reply #38 on: April 15, 2014, 06:43:01 pm »
sorry guys,but i think i may have to leave this RP since i've been going throught alot recently,and i don't have the time anymore to write.))


Offline AbbyJoyce

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Re: Guardians Of The Otherworlds. (Greek Mythology/Open)
« Reply #39 on: April 17, 2014, 01:44:02 am »
(Well, that's fine. It was fun having you! I will update tomorrow when I am at my dad's house.c: )
I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.