Author Topic: Does wings really make you unrealistic?  (Read 1761 times)

Offline acna2009

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Does wings really make you unrealistic?
« on: April 10, 2014, 12:26:43 pm »
I hope this thread wasnt made, cuz I didnt see it but anyways.
So, recently, I have seen many people calling others 'unrealistic' or 'newbies', just because they use wings.
And they were actually not new players. I even have one myself, she was my first character that I made since I joined FeralHeart, and I still play on her. I mostly play with her at night, since she is that kind of 'night wolf' and stuff.
I have also seen, many people that have wings mostly go to Temple Of Dreams. They consider themselves angels, and say that they watch over the world and other animals, sometimes fly over the 'earth'. But they only do it at Temple Of Dreams; And the question is, why? Well, one of my friends, told me once in whisper, that they doesnt go to other places, because people will call them 'unrealistic' and other stuff.
I honestly think, that they should go to other maps, and fly over and watch other players. Not just lay in those flower circles and look at the sky all the time, doing nothing. They should go and REALLY fly and watch over them,maybe even RP! Thats what makes the game fun!
Now, I want to ask you a question;
Should people stop using them, or just continue being their real characters? Should people stay in Temple Of Dreams and just watch the sky, or go fly over the plains and watch other players and RP?
What do YOU think about wings?

BUDGIES!!! ???

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Re: Does wings really make you unrealistic?
« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2014, 12:38:42 pm »
When it comes to roleplaying and wings, it kind of depends what you're roleplaying in the first place.
As there is no proof of angels, dragons, mermaids, trolls, unicornw and other creatures,  they do class as unrealistic.
It's the same when you write a story, or look for books in the library.

But to contradict this a bit, you do get people who roleplay fish, birds and human etc.
They're forced to use the canine and feline models for their characters.

So I do wonder if wings really matter. It may simply be something they use as items.
But that is up to the leaders of the roleplay to decide.
If someone wants you to remove the wings to be inethe roleplay,  fair enough.
But it's not necessary to call people names such as "noob" for it.

To sum this up.
I do class wings as making your character unrealistic, but it depends what you're really role playing in the first place. 

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Re: Does wings really make you unrealistic?
« Reply #2 on: April 10, 2014, 02:02:28 pm »
It really depends on the character you are roleplaying as.  If you are roleplaying as a bird, then you may be able to get away with wearing wings.  But someone out there is bound to notice and call you unrealistic when really, you are using what you can.  We don't have bird models, only felines and canines.  I think that people should face their fears of wearing wings, if the person RPing with wings likes their character in them then they shouldn't be forced to take them off or make another character because of someone else's opinions.

Basically: It just depends on what you are roleplaying as.
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Re: Does wings really make you unrealistic?
« Reply #3 on: April 10, 2014, 02:06:49 pm »
Let me go ahead and answer this-  If it's on an animal that doesn't normally have them, is an angel, dragon, or anything such as that, then yes, they are unrealistic. However, on birds and bats and other flying creatures, it's completely realistic.
Back again, let's see how long I stick around this time.

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Re: Does wings really make you unrealistic?
« Reply #4 on: April 10, 2014, 03:13:08 pm »
It really depends on what you're roleplaying as. I've seen people roleplay as bats and various types of birds. Those are realistic animals. Now if someone is playing as a winged creature of make-believe; dragons, griffins, phoenixes, manticores, etc. then I can see why people would label them as unrealistic. I've never really seen anyone call a winged character a noob or anything.
There's nothing wrong with having a character with wings. In fact, I do have a character with wings. I sometimes roleplay as a manticore up in Sky's Rim. Sky's Rim is where I find many winged characters, dragons especially. I don't think any winged character should be restricted to using only one map in the game. They should be free to go where ever they want.

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Re: Does wings really make you unrealistic?
« Reply #5 on: April 10, 2014, 03:17:27 pm »
Well, for a realistic RP I doubt wings would be suitable but otherwise I imagine it would be fine, unless you're portraying a bird or something.

Since I've joined FH I don't really understand this problem of 'realism'. Why is it so bad to be 'unrealistic'?

I wouldn't worry about it, as long as you can cope with the haters LOL c:

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Re: Does wings really make you unrealistic?
« Reply #6 on: April 11, 2014, 09:03:28 am »
It depends what you are roleplaying as.

If you are, say, a winged wolf or lion then yes I think that would count amongst the label of 'unrealistic'. In reality, these animals do not have wings.

But if you are, say, an owl or a bat (people can be VERY creative with the basic feline and canine models) then you would be considered 'realistic' as these animals DO have wings in the real world.

Depends on where your creativity takes you!