Author Topic: Mate Begging  (Read 3236 times)


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Mate Begging
« on: April 13, 2014, 07:24:57 pm »
I've been in feral heart for the past 2 years and I keep getting random whispers saying "Will You Be My Mate?" and it is getting on my nerves. It is also non-stop. Other people have been complaining about this as well. I really hope someone will put a stop to this! Every time I tell them no, they walk of telling me "I'm going to report you." or "I'm a mod, you must be my mate."


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Re: Mate Begging
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2014, 08:07:34 pm »
Mate Beggin' has been around for as long as I can remember. Even today, there are those who will saunter on up to Vespian and try to flirt with him. While it may be annoyin' given the severity, if one were to think carefully on the matter they'll realize that it isn't as bad as people perceive it to be. In fact it's sometimes a bit exasperated. I've read and listened to many conversations regardin' this subject and I too have learned a thing or two. For one, mate beggars are sometimes not in it just for the mates but for the role-play as well. He/she may be too shy to join a large organization and/or their preference is to find someone to temporarily (or permanently) role-play a relationship with. Immediately proclaimin' this as a wrongdoing can be a bit brash and unnecessary/unfair for every member has a different outlook on matters such as this. I'm not sayin' that every mate beggar does what they do for this reason alone. Only some of them.
Now, this is a wrongdoing:

"I'm a mod, you must be my mate."
That is a big no-no and should be reported to the staff for impersonatin' a staff member is a big violation towards the rules established. I wouldn't worry about the empty, "I'm going to report you because you didn't do this" threat though. The old fashioned ignore and block button is a good cure towards these members and those who spam ye' with whispers pleadin' for yer character to love them.
Members who are utterly bored also sometimes mate beg and seek out their character's perfect lover just to waste some time. This can also be tied in with the first reason. And lastly, believe it or not but sometimes members mate beg just to seek out someone to talk to or become acquainted with.
If I am mistaken in any of my statements, feel free to correct me as I'm speakin' solely on my analysis towards these members that do this.
Personally, however, if someone were to mate beg me (which normally it doesn't get as severe as what ye've witnessed yerself), I'd kindly turn them down. If they were to start threatenin' or quarrel, I'd ask why is it that they'd want Vespian to become infatuated with them so much and try to learn the reason behind their actions and come to a compromise. This can vary between role-playin' with them without havin' Vespian become tied to betrothal (a friendly role-play between two strangers) or give them a bit of advise and encouragement in seekin' out their perfect someone without comin' off as annoyin' or a pest. Rarely have I ever had to block someone just because they asked to be my mate but this is just my experience alone.

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Re: Mate Begging
« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2014, 08:28:58 pm »
I think Vespian pretty much hit the nail on the head with that reply.

There is a difference between mate-begging, as in someone coming up and pestering the fool out of you to be their mate, even when you've (kindly or more firmly) told them you aren't interested. If they persist or get rude, that much certainly can be a pestilence. If they bully you over it, or goodness forbid impersonate staff and insist that you are obliged to be their mate, take screenshots of this and report it. (This way something can be done about it).

However, when people say "stop the mate-begging!!!" to someone who simply asks, "Hey, does anyone want to be my mate?" once, this much is blown quite out of proportion, and is not rule-breaking at all. They asked a question, and are only seeking someone to roleplay with, rather than joining a large group. This said, ostracizing someone for searching for a RP partner in a large RPing community is quite absurd in my eyes, and so with respects to someone simply asking for a mate, there's no need to take action against someone who does this (so long as their behavior is within game rules).

When someone does ask, though, they just need to be kind about it--as all of us do.
Giving someone the benefit of a doubt and being kind is the best way to approach these situations. Give them your answer in a kind way, take it as a compliment, and move right along. However, if they do become rude, blocking and reporting will move the issue right along to the staff, who will gladly look into it on a case by case basis, as we do with all rule-breaking.
« Last Edit: April 13, 2014, 08:31:21 pm by WhiteLightHeart »
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Re: Mate Begging
« Reply #3 on: April 13, 2014, 08:35:13 pm »
The mate begging... Luckily I managed to avoid it but I have seen people have lots of problems with this. They mostly hang out in fluorite and bonfire is what they call home, especially because of mate centers. Those mate beggars are just too lonely and desperate to find a relationship and probably forget it after few hours. Still that doesn't mean they are allowed to annoy you or any other users. Enough blabbing about not so needed stuff, you need to chase them away from you. How? First, block button is your friend. They can't see you, you can't them, nor you can talk. Second, you can just redirect them to mate centers and kindly tell them that you aren't interested. If they are "mods", again, ignore them since you can't get reported because of saying no and walk away.
In short: Ignoring does wonders.
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Re: Mate Begging
« Reply #4 on: April 13, 2014, 10:38:01 pm »
WhiteLightHeart and Vespian have a straightforward point. They are not always looking for attention or to annoy you. I think, if they are bullying you into it, it should be considered mate begging. But simply sitting in a circle in Bonfire and asking people to Role Play with them shouldn't be considered "begging" because they are showing no form of force. Yes, they may ask over a couple of times but they may be simply just bored and a little desperate to find someone to talk to. I have been playing FH for over 2 or more years (I really can't remember) and as long as I have been here, people looking for mates is a normal and regular thing! There is no need to put it to stop unless it gets serious are my thoughts :)

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Re: Mate Begging
« Reply #5 on: April 18, 2014, 03:06:26 am »
All my feedback would be is... No, just no.~
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Re: Mate Begging
« Reply #6 on: April 18, 2014, 01:00:31 pm »
Yes, all these answers are great and straight to the point. Well for my thoughts and input about these 'Mate-Beggers' is I know that they bother other users and such, but Y'know there's a block button for a reason! And the mighty ignoring, yes it does wonders. But the whole mate-begging thing that users do is just simply..Hm how do you say it? Childish. But the game is more focused on kids, Also I don't think they mean to do the things that mate-beggars do, because I just generally think they want to be your friend or engage in a conversation and roleplay with you, but don't know how to start it, and turn to 'mate-begging'. But anyways there's a block button and the power of ignoring that person. Simple, problem solved for users who are irritated of the 'Mate-Begging'. Just my thoughts floofs (:


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Re: Mate Begging
« Reply #7 on: April 18, 2014, 05:05:02 pm »
I can see how that's annoying you OP, but I've developed a technique to deal with that, so lemme share it with y'all!
First of all, upon receiving a "will you be my mate" whisper, I like to congratulate myself for creating a smexy character worthy or someone else's interest purely based on appearance. Then, I proceed to nicely decline the offer and if the person persists to bother me, I just block them c:
You know, just try to be positive about it.
"They like my character? I'm glad, because it took me X hours to make! Happy days!"
Anyways, that's my input. I hope you eventually find your way to deal with mate beggars :3

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Re: Mate Begging
« Reply #8 on: April 24, 2014, 12:29:12 pm »
"I'm a mod, you must be my mate."


Number one off, That is impersonation, A huge N to to O, And that is greatly NOT accepted, I suggest the next time

someone says to you, take a screenshot and report this, it is highly not tolerated in the Feralheart community.

He/she may be too shy to join a large organization and/or their preference is to find someone to temporarily (or permanently) role-play a relationship with. Immediately proclaimin' this as a wrongdoing can be a bit brash and unnecessary/unfair for every member has a different outlook on matters such as

Vespian is completely right, but ive gotta say, can they just ask to be your mate to get a good RP going? Honestly, if they

said that and I was up to making a new character....sure, why not!But still, Its very annoying, I admit, I did mate beg

when I was newer to FH, just because I saw someone else doing it, But soon enough, I quickly learned that was a N to

the O. Thats one of the theories I think that could be possible in the population of Mate beggers, But, To be fair,

Vespian has a point too, there is no conclusion or right answer why most people mate beg, when I was new, my reason

was that I thought it was the right thing to do since thats what I saw, I was tricked pretty much.Now, I have no

opinion on a outlook on this since Vespian taught me that, so, to be fair, I think I would be neutral about matebegging,

but if its something about impresinating a mod or anything like that, I would definatley go to the rant side of this topic.
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Re: Mate Begging
« Reply #9 on: April 25, 2014, 01:36:03 am »
And.. to add on. It would be quite hard to stop what you call "mate-begging" since so many people do it. Even if you made it a rule that mate-begging is not allowed, people would still do it since many people don't visit the website at all. I suggest, used the blessed block button or simply try to ignore 'em~

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