Author Topic: Glitching in certain maps  (Read 1151 times)

Offline Pengu1342587

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Glitching in certain maps
« on: April 18, 2014, 08:11:15 pm »
This happened only a few minutes ago. I was in Ficho Tunnel and then I turned invisible and crashed. The next time I went back to Ficho Tunnel and then I spawned on top of the ceiling and crashed. Then I was my hyena and then I turned into a lion named Nick... Then I crashed afterwards. Can someone help me please?  :(

Offline Vespian

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Re: Glitching in certain maps
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2014, 08:33:35 pm »
Try changin' yer renderin' system, Ms. Here's a quick How To below:

The absolute First thing you want to try is to change the rendering mode for the game. There's different rendering modes you can pick from, usually OpenGL and Direct3D9. This decides which way your graphic card should process the game. This one is at standard set to OpenGL, so we'd want to set it to Direct3D9.

There's 2 ways you can change this setting.

How to fix it!
Either you start the game, go into the options menu, click the Video tab, and then change the rendering subsystem and restart the game.

Sometimes you aren't able to even enter the game, and all you can hear is the menu music, or it just crashes directly after launch. Those who experience this can enter the feralheart folder located in C:\FeralHeart at standard, find the file called "Ogre.cfg" and open it with wordpad.

This file works just as the ingame options menu, but instead of buttons and sliders, there's text.

What we're interested in is the top row

Set the top row text so it is just like in the picture with the text
Code: [Select]
Render System=Direct3D9 Rendering Subsystem
Save the file, and close it. Next time you run the game it should boot with the new settings you applied.

Even though this solves the graphical problems for most, there's still some unlucky ferals out there that the problems still remain for, but there's still 1 more thing you can try, and that is to update your graphic card drivers.

A computer is hardware, and with time it gets old just like any other thing in this world. If you had your computer for a while, and never updated the drivers, this might be the cause for FeralHeart not to work correctly. Installing Drivers for your computer is like installing any other program that it might need, though knowing how to do this might be tricky, so check the tutorial on how to Here!

If you already tried this and it's not working, chances are that your computer is getting old and can't handle the game. Installing drivers might help, but you're still running the same hardware. Try the game on another computer instead.

I also advise makin' sure yer properly connected to the internet as a weak or severed WiFi access can cause the game to not respond and crash as well.
I hope ye' find this helpful and possibly shed some light as to what's causin' yer ordeal.

Offline Pengu1342587

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Re: Glitching in certain maps
« Reply #2 on: April 18, 2014, 09:17:59 pm »
Thank you. But, all I have is one problem: The Direct3D9 rendering system is not in my launcher. I have a Mac, and therefore things are much different on it. I really do appreciate you trying to help me.

Offline Vespian

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Re: Glitching in certain maps
« Reply #3 on: April 18, 2014, 09:45:02 pm »
I see. My apologies madam. I was unaware. Ye' do know there's a download out meant to be used by Mac users, aye? Perhaps it'll run more smoothly on yer computer software if ye' have not downloaded it already.

Click here.

Merely tossin' that out there. I will admit that I'm not too familiarized with Mac computers so I hope ye' find a solution soon.