Author Topic: Join the gathering ferals! It's story time.  (Read 10345 times)

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Re: Join the gathering ferals! It's story time.
« Reply #20 on: January 08, 2015, 04:56:29 am »
*Flops in like a fish* Here's my own take on Bonfire Island because asdfghjk))

  Vess, a young, and rather skinny Cheetah, stirred slightly and raised his paw. "If you'd like, I have a bit of a tale of my own to tell." He paused and gave a quick glance around. "This was an old story my Grandfather used to tell me. It's about Bonfire- I know, I know, That place isn't really known for its... Intelligence.. However, it wasn't always such a mundane and daft speck in the ocean."

  The lanky Cheetah took a breath. "Long before your time, or your Father's time, or even your Father's Father's time, Bonfire was ruled over by beautiful winged creatures. Some sporting the strong, willful physic of a Canine, and others had the elegant, agile body of a Feline. But, despite their physical differences, they both were blessed with two grand, colorful wings planted upon their backs, and their pelts flashed with glorious colors, each hair gleamed as if lined with a rainbow, and their fur sparkled in both the light of the Sun and the glow of the moon. These magnificent creatures were dubbed 'The Beasts of the Light' in honor of their radiance."

  "These 'Beasts of the Light' were highly revered leaders, nurturing young Bonfire with good heath, prosperity, and strong leadership. The most renowned of all of these creatures was a winged Lion known as Haffiner, whose pelt shone bright with vibrant oranges and reds like a flickering flame, and his mate Fadin, whose wings gleamed like the stars themselves. They carefully guided our dear Bonfire, and its visitors grew happy and thankful for their glorious leaders. Years past, and Fadin birthed a cub, who she named Ficho. The other 'Beasts of the Light' rather distraught by Haffiner's new son, as Ficho's pelt was not beautiful and perfect like the everyone else. Instead, little Ficho has splotched with horrid reds and greens, and his fur was patchy with specks of blue springing up like sores from a plague. Haffiner insisted that his son should not be judged, for 'My dear Ficho may not be perfect, but that does not make him any less than us. He is still a a child of the Light.' Haffiner spoke with wisdom, but Ficho's torment continued."

  "As a cub, poor Ficho was constantly avoided. His ghastly pelt driving away anyone who was near him. Cut off from any attention, even refusing to talk to his own parents, the little cub shattered inside. Anger warped his vision, his view of the world. Hate crushed his feeling, his ability to love and to bond. As Ficho matured, he began conducting a few... Experiments. As a cub, he would slice open frogs, choke and die. Scarring and warping their faces, making them into grotesque rag dolls. Then, he moved up to squirrels, then fish, then birds, even playing with his food. The very prey that gave their life to sustain his, he would torture, beat, and break. Haffiner and Fadin were worried, their son would leave for days on end, not returning. His obsession grew, moving on to new subjects day after day, night after night until.... He did it."

  Vess closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "Ficho. Dear, little Ficho, kidnapped a pup... A defenseless child, taken from its family, to be broken and suffer the wrath of a scarred... A scarred Monster.... This time, Fadin and Haffiner heard the screams. They confronted Ficho, who stood over his 'handiwork': a crunched, battered pup. Haffiner was furious, Fadin was in shock. Ficho's father gave him a swift cuff to the side of his head, he didn't want to hurt his son, but Ficho had made a dire mistake. Fadin scooped up the broken pup and flew away as Haffiner interrogated his son who he had loved all these years. Ficho's only reply was, 'I am ugly. So I made them ugly too.' and the hideous beast flew from his Father's grasp. As time ticked on, Ficho's motives shifted from causing pain to ruling all of Bonfire himself. He would show them that he is powerful enough to strip them of their freedom, and seek revenge for the years of torment they caused him. Ficho gathered a group of followers, a cult if you will. Each member painted themselves with bright yellows, deep blues, and neon greens to match Ficho's horrendous fur. They layed low, trying to draw as little attention to themselves as possible, slowly excavating a complex tunnel system directly beneath Bonfire. That tunnel became known as Ficho Tunnel, after the one who declared its construction. I take it some of you may reside there?"

  The Cheetah looked around, noticing a few nods from his audience, and continued. "Anyway, dastardly Ficho hatched a plan. At the dawn of the first full moon, he and his followers would attack. Dethroning his parents, and creating a new order. and Order of which he would rule with iron claws. They readied themselves, prepping for the grand battle. Upon the the dawn of the first full moon, a mighty roar rung out across Bonfire island, and from beneath the spiraling mountain, Ficho and his followers ran out, smashing through the weakened stone and leaving a gaping hole in there way. Canines and Feline alike, all of them had hideous, color-splotched coats, reflecting their leader."

  "Old Haffiner rallied his own troops, trying to fend off Ficho's rather impressive forces, despite how ragtag and ill-minded they seemed to be. At last, Haffiner faced his own son, twisted and shattered, his grotesque pelt now slicked with deep crimson and sooty black from the battle. Ficho immediately launched himself at his Father's leg, in an attempt to cripple him. Haffiner rose into the sky with one swift stroke of his wing, Ficho following close behind. They fought above the Island, which was snow raging with full on war. Jaws snapping and claws slicing. Haffiner finally grabbed his dear son by the paws, locking their feet together, and whipped around, smashing Ficho's head into a rock. The impact killed him, falling limp in his Fathers grasp. Haffiner let out a roar, signaling that the war now had no purpose, as the opposing partie's leader was defeated. Ficho's remaining cult were either exterminated or had escaped, avoiding the victors grasp. Haffiner, however, could not bare so see Bonfire again. The destruction and hatred that his own, dear son had spread as too much for him. He, and a small group of his subjects, left the island permanently. To where, no one knows for sure, but he swore to never return. 'The Beasts of the Light' soon lost their respect, being called out for leaving their post. They were rejected, even called 'Sparkle Critters' as a mock name. Without a solid rule, Bonfire Island slowly slipped away, becoming a gaudy, mundane landscape compared to the prosperity it had felt before. Slowly, it became the Bonfire Island we know today."

  With the final words of the story said and done, Vess bowed his head and left quietly.

Oh my, that was a novel, huh?))
If I had a nickel for every meme that has tainted my blood, I could buy at least 4 yachts.


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Re: Join the gathering ferals! It's story time.
« Reply #21 on: February 28, 2017, 01:05:44 am »
Bumping this topic since it's still relevant and I'd like to hear some more ideas of FH lore from you all :3

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Re: Join the gathering ferals! It's story time.
« Reply #22 on: February 28, 2017, 08:35:17 am »
Ficho was once really tiny and the mountains above it don't have vegetation on them yet due to the fact that Schrodingers cat found the secret of why fluorite crystals glow bright blue.  Schrodingers cat was unable to tell anyone because they went thermonuclear when beta decay from the crystals reacted with them and the resulting explosion thrust up the mountains.  This is how the original bonfire island burned own and became the scattering of ultra weathered volcanic cone with some hot springs it is today.
  (Actually i just made this up and the cat wasn't even real).
The Japanese concept of wabisabi:
The closest concept in english would be 'rustic'
They might have an old thing, one example is a favourite bowl or dish, it's broken, pieces are missing, why fix it?  With gold and pieces from other dishes?
"Because it was my favourite & I like it"

Offline Enoki

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Re: Join the gathering ferals! It's story time.
« Reply #23 on: February 28, 2017, 08:36:42 pm »
"Gather around, dearies! I shall tell ye the tale of this realm the way m'granpa always did..."

"Long before time was as vast as the stars there was one vast land known as many names. There were four guardians: there was the Guardian of the Sea- a majestic serpent, he who was full of bravery and loyalty to the ocean depths; the Guardian of the Land- a bear, he who was of wisdom and prosperity; the Guardian of the Skies- an eagle, she of elegance and mercy; the Guardian of Light and Shadow- a dragon, he who held the knowledge of the world and guided the lost and weary traveler through the world, giving they, the traveler, the light of the sun and moon from his realm where both were always present.

"Now, where these Guardians came from is a mystery to most, but I feel 'twas the wise Elders of m'land who put them there. The Elders, hm? The Elders were the first of all and 'ave been taking care of us since the dawn of time. They still live to this day, hidden from the eyes of the world.

"Each with their own domain to protect and rule with their many gifts and insight. The world was bare in the beginning and without a people to tend to the Guardians' kingdoms. Each agreed that they would seek out their own people- traveling to other worlds, beseeching the people to embark on a journey to new land in promise of a life of happiness and joy. Each Guardian was successful in bringing back a people f'er them to care f'er, who would in turn care f'er the land of their Guardian. The people of the world was now diverse in species and culture.

"Time passed, and the world went on. But all things come to a definite end if given time. The people of the land sought out the world above, and asked the Guardian of the Land to give it to them. The people of the sky asked their Guardian for the world of ocean and their many islands. The people of the ocean asked for the realm of Light and Shadow, so they could live forever- where time does not move. The people of the light and shadow asked f'er the vast reaches of land, where they could live out day and night separately and leave behind the endless balance of both.

"Each Guardian was troubled, f'er they did not want to lose their people. Afraid of the other Guardians becoming jealous and greedy of their own people, they set out f'er war, demanding territory from the other Guardians so that they may please their peoples. The world was divided. War was waged and blood was spilled. The Guardians soon realized they could not defeat their brethren and would lose their people if this quarrel would continue.

"The Guardian of the Land was the first to leave, using his wisdom to carry his people inland to the forests for protection. The Guardian of the Sea beckoned his people to the depths of the water and brought his islands and cities with him. The Guardian of the Sky, full of anger, stole from the Guardian of the Sea, and took islands to the sky with her and her people. The Guardian of the Light and Shadow saw the inevitable future if he were to continue this quest, and ushered in his people to his realm of infinite time, and shut the rift that allowed people to pass through- closing he and his people off from the outside world forever.

"Peace was at an end. The Guardians continued to influence their people, guiding them and teaching them the ways of their homeland, but their time was, too, at an end. Each Guardian soon passed on to a new world where they would be at rest f'er all eternity. The only one to stay behind in the world of their people was the Guardian of Light and Shadow, f'er he could not pass in his realm of eternity; his days were grief-stricken as he could not go with his brethren and make peace.

"The outside world, however, carried on. Soon the Guardians were things of legend and carried throughout the hearts of their people through stories and tall tales of great things that 'ave come to pass. Without the Guardians to keep watch, their people soon spread out, taking residence where they pleased. Diversity was once more strung through the world like a decorated banner declaring peace between cultures and race. The people of the Guardians shared their teachings with one another and built cities with each other, making the world the way it was intended to be- together."

La Fin
« Last Edit: February 28, 2017, 08:52:56 pm by Enoki »

Tmw you planned a ten minute nap but instead took a whole year.
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Re: Join the gathering ferals! It's story time.
« Reply #24 on: March 08, 2017, 03:42:25 am »
The small feline gem shouted "ALRIGHTITSMYTURN" She giggled
"Long ago sky's rim and ascension island were a connected island. One day a huge earthquake had made the part of sky's rim fall apart and drift away. Ascension island turned into a small island. A young lion god had walked to the small islands. He said "This island is barren. There must be something to do with them.. He had taken weeks to think about it and had an idea. His father had told him that a part of this island that made it huge had drifted away. He flew and flew and flew across the ocean for hours. He had found the missing pieces of the island and had used his power to pull them back. He levitated the rocks and carved them to squares. He pulled out the islands and placed them in the sky. He made a portal on the top of the many floating platforms. He made rings to the platform that held the portal. "Perfect. My time here is done. I shall return to my home." He vanished but the blocks were still floating beyond his power. They are still floating to this day and a few months ago before the feral animals had decided to move lands. This island was filled with adventurous young and old canines and felines. but since the feral lands' community had moved to a new land it is far far far far far far far fAR away."
The gem gasped "And there you have it."
Sorry that was quite short (oh i just killed the thread cri)
« Last Edit: March 22, 2017, 02:21:54 am by Ponyo »

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Re: Join the gathering ferals! It's story time.
« Reply #25 on: March 23, 2017, 12:00:09 am »
The crimson-striped black tiranig glanced around at the wide variety of animals gathered. They were each telling a tale they had heard from either rumor, an elder, or even a relative. She listened in silence for a long while, considering what each had said. When no other began a tale of their own for a while, she stepped forward.

Still unfamiliar with everything in this new, strange land, she took a moment to ponder how best to begin.

"Greetings, my name is Lenora." Her voice was soft, much like a mother speaking to their child. "I come from a land now sealed off to me, with an idea on just what this place truly is." She had to resist giving life to a sad sigh, thinking back on her friends and family, now entirely out of reach. "There are only two things I have heard from near everyone I've spoken to, and heard from, that remain the same. One, that this land is called FeralHeart. Two, that the place called The Grounds has always been around, since a time that no one knows. Does no one wonder why some lands you may have visited are now gone, and others have appeared in their place?"

Pausing, she once more glanced around. Most were curious now, though some seemed curious from the instant she had mentioned being from a land that could not be returned to. Giving a small nod, both to tell the animals gathered that she would continue and to encourage herself to go on, she went on.

"When you travel across distances, you see black gateways that take you to other lands, do you not?" She smiled warmly, well practiced in hiding most of her sharp teeth so that she appeared almost entirely harmless. "Those gateways are not tunnels, no. They are openings of time and space, connecting entirely different realms. When you pass through, you are actually entering into a different world. The Grounds, as it's called, seems to allow these gateways to exist. Somehow, by either magic or science, the small land of FeralHeart connects many, many different worlds together, allowing it to seem so very much larger than it actually is."

The image of a large, two-legged lizard flicked through her mind, causing a small chuckle to rumble through her throat. It wasn't a dragon, being wingless as it was. Also, it had called itself a 'dinosaur.' There was also a strange canine with curved horns and what appeared to be bones on various parts of its body. That one had called itself a 'Pokemon.'

"A few of you have mentioned a place called the Temple of Dreams." Tilting her head slightly, she couldn't help but wonder about it while she spoke. "Such a place does not exist here, as far as I have seen for myself. I do not doubt its existence, however. Perhaps that place that was named for dreams was actually a world of magic. And, perhaps, it was the very first realm to connect itself to this one. Magic flows where it pleases, after all, and it just may have wanted to see this smaller land."

A surge of hope went through her with her own words. If such magic could happen, maybe she could find a way back home. That hope softened her eyes more than they already were, giving them an almost dreamy-like appearance. "The magic it held could have easily flowed into FeralHeart when the two realms connected. Magic flows where it wants, so it's even possible that that place was what gave this land the ability to connect to so very many different lands. Most gates seem to be closed right after ventured through, whereas some remain. When a gate closes, however, there is no definite that it will not return another time.

"In the world I come from, the deity who watches over us all was a great phoenix. He created a guardian under each element to help him maintain balance in the world. I mention that because of Enoki's tale. It told of guardians that each had their own domain, and that watched over those within their domains. Though the domains are different than those in my world, the fact that there are guardians remains. Where did these guardians come from? In my world, they are born gifted with their power and status from our deity. Here, however, there is no known origin. It is my opinion that those guardians came from different lands. Perhaps they were the first four to enter into this world, this realm. Perhaps they came from this Temple of Dreams that has been spoken of, which is why they held so much insight and influence."

Sighing very lightly, she looked around at all those gathered around. "If this world is connected to many other realms, as I expect it is, then it means one thing." She paused for a few moments to build the curiosity of those listening. "It means that this world we know as FeralHeart has unlimited possibilities. An unlimited amount of species that can gather to know more about others. This land of FeralHeart has the ability to be a true land of all lands."

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Re: Join the gathering ferals! It's story time.
« Reply #26 on: October 17, 2017, 05:50:33 pm »

„No one knows exactly how the universe began. Some theorize that in the beginning there was only Chaos and then out of the void everything was born, bringing along the beginning of order. Though the exact origins of the chaotic universe remain certain, most believe that a God, an all-powerful entity, decided to send two brightest creatures, the Sun and the Moon to ornate the earth with light. They became the protectors of our earth, shaped the worlds and called them "Feral Lands". They raised mighty mountains, large mounds, rivers, waterfalls and yet, no place, which they could call "Home". After some time has passed, they decided to live in The Grounds, a scattered place with vegetation and structures, where there were also their palaces. The lands were soon inhabited by animals and the two brightest creatures decided to have a meeting place, where they could move their palaces and have their stormy discussions. They raised two hills, close to The Grounds, so they could watch and observe everything from above. The inhabitants called this place "The Twin Peaks".“

Note: To Be Continued
« Last Edit: September 13, 2018, 11:15:16 pm by Moontwist »

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Re: Join the gathering ferals! It's story time.
« Reply #27 on: September 13, 2018, 11:12:04 pm »
I'm bumping this topic to give it some light. Again.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2018, 08:55:31 pm by Moontwist »

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Re: Join the gathering ferals! It's story time.
« Reply #28 on: September 14, 2018, 02:17:44 pm »
On a planet in the goldilocks part of the solar system, was mostly large cave, sunlight only got to peer through gaps in the land that sat above, and the creatures were used to the darkness. Above the ceiling, there were giant bearded dragons, and they were all happy until one day the planet was invaded by giant leopards, and those leopards were hungry. All the leopards set foot on the planet at the same time, about to eat the giant bearded dragons, the ground began to shake and those lizards had a defence mechanism, the lizards teleported and no one knows where they went, while the leopards lifted off again as the ground gave way. The planet sprung into action and used its magic to hold up some structures that were in chaos due to the loss of the ceiling, and even chunks of the ceiling were held up by magic, those would become Temple Of Dreams and Sky's Rim, some stones were held aloft to form a path to the islands. Light flooded the large caverns, but Ficho Tunnel kept its darkness. Most of the creatures went extinct because they weren't adapted to the light, then new creatures begun to inhabit the land. The new creatures were there for years, and new species constantly evolved onto the planet at a rapid rate. Portals appeared that led to other planets all across the universe.


Years later, there was a massive earthquake and the planet's magic temporarily went out all of a sudden due to a nearby supernova, and the sky fell to the ground... Well, the atmosphere stayed intact, but all the floating structures were no more. Chaos erupted again, species went extinct from the supernova and some creatures were crushed under pieces of the falling Temple Of Dreams in what would become Cherika Valley, and many creatures fled through the portals. Multiple cave-ins expanded Ficho Tunnel while Bonfire Island split into pieces, and the water level was lowered somehow, growing Bonfire Islands and forming Kiwimbi Beach. Rocks fell in Ficho, blocking the way to Lonely Cave as well as Flourite Plains and Bonfire Islands... But new ways appeared leading to Cherika Valley and The Grounds. The Grounds led to Eastern Pass which had pathways toward Bonfire and Kiwimbi. New creatures evolved onto the land soon after the earthquake, and creatures migrated back to the land.

My presets.

Good things take time, so I'll take an eternity and create something so good that the human brain can't handle the sheer goodness of it.