Author Topic: Do you wanna hear a story?  (Read 1249 times)

Offline Warrior345

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Do you wanna hear a story?
« on: April 28, 2014, 04:55:25 am »

Do you want tah' hear a story?
Well, if y'do, sit down, cause' it's you're in for a ride.

The magic of dreams is that they always stay in the back of your mind. They don't stay on your mind constantly, and eventually... eventually they drift away, never to be thought about again. You don't have your nightmares breathing down your neck at all hours of the day and that is the way it should always stay. If nightmares were to be thought about at all times then we would all drive ourselves to insanity.

It was the same dream I always had, at least near the same. I was in a forest, large pine trees with thick trunks rising from the ground, their pine needles scattered all across the ground. You'd think it to be peaceful. Heh. This forest was never peaceful. I hated this dream, I always will.

I could hear it's screeches from a mile away, hell, you could hear it's screams from a world away. It was coming for me. I turned, I had to start running, before it could get any closer. I forced my legs to start moving, and started to flee. Already it's screeches seemed right behind me, they always did, but I didn't look back. No, I kept running, stumbling over the rough terrain.

My breathing was already getting labored, and I had only gotten about 15 yards from where I started. It's screams had only gotten louder, it sounded as if it was in my head. I had run through this forest every day for as far as I can remember, yet it always seemed to change, nothing ever looked the same.

I had reached a clearing, the trees surrounded it like a circle, and as I stepped deeper into to I could see out of the corner of my eye where I came sprout trees, seemingly out of nowhere. I slowed my pace, taking in everything, it didn't seem like I was in a forest anymore, more of a canyon except instead of surrounded by rock surrounded by trees. The ground was very dry, and was too light colored to be dirt.

I found myself standing in the middle of it all, when suddenly everything disappeared. No. Nothing disappeared. Instead, I was falling, falling down a pit that went to who knows where. I willed myself to wake up before I landed, this had never happened before! I shut my eyes tight, waiting for the impact that never came.

OOC: So, what do you think? This is just a little prologue to the story, the actual chapters will be much longer. xx -A.J

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Re: Do you wanna hear a story?
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2014, 06:17:03 am »
Dang, I can tell you'll probably be a good writer some day; In other words, I can easily imagine the scene and detail it's put into it and it's easy to follow along and enjoy. Thanks so much for sharin' there, AJ! <33
