Author Topic: Ideas for FH and the truth  (Read 1194 times)

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Ideas for FH and the truth
« on: May 08, 2014, 04:43:43 pm »
Just to start off, I will tell the truth about Kovu and FH. Some people know it, but are too scared to ammit it. Kovu has abandoned FeralHeart. He promised items, wings, and prey. It shouldn't take him this long to finish it. People have been waiting LITTERALY 2 YEARS for the new patch with new items, wings, and prey. 2 YEARS! TWO!!!! THAT IS WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY TOO LONG! We need someone who can figure out all of the scripts and codes that run FH and make a new patch for prey, wings, and items. If Kovu didn't abandon FH, then why the long wait? I understand that he might've had family problems or other things to get taken care of, but he would've had some free time and the patch would've been released earlier. So far, I think this is the longest wait for a patch ever. FeralHeart has been losing players lately because of this, and reports of being banned for doing nothing or doing regular things (like sitting or chatting nicely to someone) have gotten larget over these 2 years of waiting for the new patch. One of my friends said that "It feels like Kovu is trying to make the game from scratch it's so long of a wait. Some of us have been banned for no reason, and it feels like the mods are just banning to ban. It could be because of photoshop and how some people use it to make it look like people are doing something bad when they aren't doing anything wrong." Another friend also said that "FeralHeart has been losing players lately because of the wait. Over 50 people have left." We need to do SOMETHING!

Here are some ideas...   1. Mass markings should be banned or added into the game because it lags the servers and hurts people's eyes seeing the bright white of a marshmellow walking by.    2. Mass items should also be included ingame or banned because it also lags the servers and hurts people's eyes when they see that bright white (It hurts my eyes...).    3. Wings should be more realistic and not stick out. The flying pattern should also be fixed along with the 'jumping' form your character is in when he/she is flying.    4. more prey and more items and wings should be added.
5. PREY   6. GENERAL SHOULD RETURN!!!! Movie spams have gotten worse because SOMEONE deleted general! In FP all you see in the chat box are movies! MOVIES!!!!
   Seems pretty fair, right?

« Last Edit: May 08, 2014, 04:49:14 pm by FlareTheAndalite »

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Re: Ideas for FH and the truth
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2014, 05:22:36 pm »
While I do respect your opinion, I have to disagree.

Yes, Kov has moved on in life to other projects as far as I know, but that's an old fact. There are many mods and things you may download to improve your in-game experience, but as far as creating an entire new patch for the game, you have to understand that that may not happen soon. Life gets complicated, and I'm sure Kov has his hands full with other things, rather than patch an already nicely functioning game.

As far as losing members goes, I believe that is false. Feral Heart gains new members to its community often.

I can assure you that mods do not ban for no reason. If you or your friend got banned, you must have broken a rule. Yes accidents do happen as far as that is concerned, but mods do not go out searching for people to ban. Either way, the subject of bans is not something to be discussed about over the forum. If you have a problem with it, I suggest you PM a mod and they can tell you the reason and straighten things out. (:

When it comes to Mass Markings, there is no reason it should be removed. It's simply a fun download offered to the community to improve the way you create your characters. I'm sorry if seeing the marshmallows walking around hurts your eyes, but it is simply just a fun tool for customization, and you could always download it as well to fix that. C:
Items and markings can be downloaded, and there are many helpful threads around the forum that can assist you with installing and finding a good pack to get. As far as wings go, there is really nothing more we can do about their realism, as the source codes for altering such a thing are held by Kov.
If it is prey you would like, I suggest giving Impressive World a try. Lots of awesome maps and prey to hunt if Feral Heart does not satisfy that standard.

General was removed for a reason. It was getting spammed too often and only causing lag and other problems. If it needs to be brought back, then it will, but for now that doesn't seem like a necessary priority.

Again, I am sorry you feel this way towards Kov and the game. It is nothing to get worked up over, though. Like I've said, downloading mods such as markings and items packs can really improve your in-game experience, and maybe even solve some of these issues you feel against the game as it is.

Please do not take your anger out on Kov or on the mods. Things happen, and it's something we've all got to understand, y'know? c:

God bless~
« Last Edit: May 08, 2014, 05:26:51 pm by JimMoriarty »
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Re: Ideas for FH and the truth
« Reply #2 on: May 08, 2014, 05:48:22 pm »
Alright, this is a bit of a wild post, here. Though I feel your heart is in the right place for the most part, we need some clarification on several topics.

KovuLKD and FeralHeart
Yes, he has indeed left FH--this has been public knowledge for some time. He left FH without a word to staff, nor the community, suddenly after the last patch on the game in December of 2011 (the one which included wings, one item, and Sky's Rim). He remained silent and did not contact FH staff for over two years.
Because of this, LKD still had the source code for the game, which is required to properly update FH (there is no side-stepping the need for this code). This is the reason for the lack of updates--LKD is the only one with the power to update it, and he has no intention to do so. Our staff have been maintaining and running the game ever since, and LKD will not speak to us, despite our efforts to contact him.

He did make a post on his Facebook page this February, stating that while he still has FH's source code, he claims he has "no responsibility for FH," and still has not contacted us. He did release a new Facebook game called Feral Tales, which is up and running in a publicly playable Beta mode, but we still have not heard anything from him. That was the only thing we know of his involvement with FH, and we do not expect any further contact with him, though cooperation between us would be desirable.

So, we are aware that LKD has more or less left FH hanging.

FH staff and bans
Because of the discussion of bans is prohibited in our public threads, this topic will be locked. Please keep this in mind before you post in the future.
However, I will say with utmost confidence that our staff do not and will not place bans for "no reason." Truly, those who believe that our staff go out searching to ban users for fun are following on very flawed logic, and I myself would not stay here on the staff, nor administrate or allow such behavior from the staff here if this were the case. No bans are placed without the knowledge of Raz or the other staff. Any questions regarding bans may always be discussed with one of our staff via PM on the forum, and we will happily look into the matter for you, to provide answers as to why a ban was placed. Or, if it was something as simple as a false ban message due to an improperly activated account, we will find a solution.

The best case is to ask the staff--not assuming we have something out to get you. That's foolish to assume such, when we're here to help you.

Again I say, though, we do not discuss bans publicly in our forums or chats, since this is a very tender topic that should stay between staff and users to keep confidentiality and security of those who may have been reprimanded for one reason or another.

Now, on to your game suggestions;
1.) Mass markings
As Jim stated, there's no reason to force users away from creativity by removing a harmless modification on the game. The white blocky characters may appear odd, but they do not lag the game any more than any other character.

2.) Items are much the same, and there's no reason to ban the use of these. They can add a lot of creative fun to the game, and are modifiable, and so removing these seems a bit counterproductive.

3.), 4.), and 5.) Wings, prey, and new actions are something that cannot added or necessarily fixed without access to the game's source code. I'm afraid LKD still has this, and has not given it to us t allow us to fix and update the game in such a way. I'm afraid these aren't in our cards, though the thought is certainly something that's crossed many minds before.

6.) General chat is also a closed discussion. It was indeed removed for the reason that it was inefficient, and became a tool that was abused by trolls and bullies, especially in large maps like Fluorite and South Pole to reach up to 300 people at once, subjecting them all to sometimes very vulgar language and discussion. While it was useful for advertising, we could not allow trolls to continue to abuse this chat.
If it were in our power to perhaps add in an Advertising chat to compensate for the RP advertisements, it certainly would be something we'd love to do. However, again, without the source code, this is not in our cards, either.

I apologize for nipping many of your ideas in the bud, but these are some subjects that needed to be cleared up properly. We can't allow continued discussion of bans in here, however, and so this thread will be locked, I'm afraid. Please message me or another staff member if you have any further questions or concerns, though, and as always, thank you for the input.
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