Author Topic: .:TFoS:. Warrior Cat Roleplay!  (Read 2476 times)

Offline Ylrai

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.:TFoS:. Warrior Cat Roleplay!
« on: May 12, 2014, 02:50:25 am »
The Forest Of Secrets

A NEW, mapped, Literate, Sited, and Active warrior cat roleplay.

Two years ago the forest our cats live in today was a neighborhood infested with Twolegs, but about a year ago a tornado hit the town, and destroyed the neighborhood. The twolegs went and built somewhere else, abandoning their homes. A forest grew over the crushed houses, and twoleg items. The four clans found this place and decided to use the twoleg's stuff to their advantage as dens, and borders. All is well till twolegs start to show up in the forest again with signs of rebuilding the houses, and what can the clans expect when leaders are receiving mysterious dreams of strange cats in their lands.

Leader: ---
Deputy: ---
Medicine Cat: ---
Medicine Cat Apprentice: ---

They are dark, mysterious, and quiet. Swift fighters with an attitude; but they are noble. They are quite snarky, and stubborn at times, and they don't like help from anybody. But they are respectable, and yet sometimes, vicious.

Leader: Poppystar
Deputy: ---
Medicine Cat: ---
Medicine Cat Apprentice: ---

They are sweet, and gentle with friendly personalities. These cats love the water, and are powerful swimmers. They're graceful personalities, are sweet, but also determined, and strict when it comes to training, and getting what they want.

Leader: Wolfstar
Deputy: Cougarfur
Medicine Cat: Willowsong
Medicine Cat Apprentice: ---

They are noble, and proud; determined, and fearless. They fight for what is true, and are generally cats that follow the rules proudly. They may be a self-confident, and intimidating at times, but they are also friendly. They DO NOT like the water, and are very good at climbing.

Leader: Amberstar
Deputy: Wolfmoon
Medicine Cat: Starlingjaw
Medicine Cat Apprentice: Mint

These cats are loud, athletic, and energizing. They use their voice, and fighting skills to intimidate others, but they are also wise. They are sometimes too confident, but they have spirit, and honor as well. They are strong jumpers and climbers too.

Apply to join, and to be a highrank here if you want, but I'm only going to say this ONCE: If you fail to be active, and follow the rules, I will NOT hesitate to de-rank you. PLEASE. PLEASE. PLEASE. Do not apply for this just because you want to be above other people... Don't do it just for the sake of being a staff. Do it because you want to help this roleplay.

Forum Username:
In-Game Username:
Cat Name:
Have you been a staff in a roleplay before? (Only answer if your applying to be a highrank)
Roleplay Sample:
« Last Edit: May 13, 2014, 05:19:36 am by Riley »

Offline SilverWolfyNight

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Re: .:TFoS:. Warrior Cat Roleplay!
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2014, 11:23:41 am »
Forum Username
In-Game Username
Cat Name
Have you been a staff in a roleplay before?
Roleplay Sample
The sun shined brightly onto Hollywing's calico fur. Her misty blue eyes sleepily opened as she awoke. She stretched her paws, then rose. Her fur was moist from the rain last night, yet she felt warm still. She shook off the pieces of  moss attached to her fur, and made her way out of the warriors den.

Offline FallingStars

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Re: .:TFoS:. Warrior Cat Roleplay!
« Reply #2 on: May 12, 2014, 12:20:31 pm »
Forum Username: [|]FallingStars[|]
In-Game Username: FallingStars
Cat Name: Poppytail/star
Rank: Leader if you wouldn't mind, if not then warrior.
Have you been a staff in a roleplay before? It wasn't really a roleplay in a game, but I was an admin on a roleplay site.
Roleplay Sample:

 Poppytail opened her heavy eyes slowly. The dawn light was already breaking through the gaps in the warriors den. She got to her paws after a moment of laying there, then walked out into the clearing. Her gaze shifted around. The dawn patrol was leaving just then. Poppytail parted her jaws in a yawn then sat down, turning her head to lick the ruffled fur along her back and sides. After a moment of doing that she began to lick her paw and draw it over her ears. She got up and trotted towards the leaders' den. "Sagestar? May I come in?" She meowed. "Come in. Yes, Poppytail?" The cream coated leader asked. "I was wondering if you've arranged hunting patrols? I could help if not." She offered. "We haven't. Go down and get two warriors and an apprentice." She meowed. Poppytail dipped her head and trotted back into the clearing. She poked her head into the warriors den and did a quick look around before speaking. "Kestraltail and Shadeheart, hunting patrol." She said. She could see the two warriors shuffle and soon get to their paws. Satisfied, Poppytail went and poked her head into the apprentices den. "Honeypaw, hunting patrol." She meowed. The apprentice jumped up instantly and padded out of the den to clearing. The two she-cats went and met the others at the camp entrance before setting off.

The four cats pushed through the undergrowth. Their eyes and ears alert. Poppytail stopped as a scent wafted into her nose. She lashed her tail as a sign for the trio to stop aswell, and slowly got into the hunters crowch. Poppytail slowly stalked forward, her tail down, before spotting her prey. Once she was close enough she lunged forward. The vole tried to run but she was too quick, and had the body of the small creature in her jaws in no time at all. By the time the four had gotten to camp, they each carried two pieces of prey. The all dropped it into the fresh-kill pile then retired to their dens for a rather well earned nap.

Offline Ylrai

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Re: .:TFoS:. Warrior Cat Roleplay!
« Reply #3 on: May 12, 2014, 11:47:06 pm »
Accepted both of you. Silverwolf, choose a clan you'd like to be deputy for, except Fireclan(It's taken), and Fallingstars unfortunately only Fernclan leader position is open, if that alright with you.

Offline Ylrai

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Re: .:TFoS:. Warrior Cat Roleplay!
« Reply #4 on: May 13, 2014, 12:15:59 am »
Sorry, not Fernclan xD  Pebbleclan. I had to change it 'cause I realized both Fire and Fern clan would be FC.

Offline FallingStars

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Re: .:TFoS:. Warrior Cat Roleplay!
« Reply #5 on: May 13, 2014, 12:27:35 am »
That's perfectly fine with me. ^.^

Offline Ylrai

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Re: .:TFoS:. Warrior Cat Roleplay!
« Reply #6 on: May 13, 2014, 01:11:04 am »
Alright, the site is

1. Register there
2. Read the rules
3. Friend me on FH (I'm AprilGreenFlower), and meet me there when you can.

We can start whenever I see you c:

Offline Ylrai

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Re: .:TFoS:. Warrior Cat Roleplay!
« Reply #7 on: May 13, 2014, 04:12:58 am »
Ranks are still open.

Offline .Undertaker.

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Re: .:TFoS:. Warrior Cat Roleplay!
« Reply #8 on: May 15, 2014, 04:06:29 am »
Forum Username: pompeii.
In-Game Username: .Undertaker.
Cat Name: Lioncrest
Rank: Deputy of NightClan
Have you been a staff in a roleplay before? Yes, more than 7. I've been here since 2011.
Roleplay Sample: Bristling hackles rose along the tom's individual vertebrae, much like quills of a porcupine. A booming snarl bellowed from Lioncrest's ashen jaw, alert of trespassers nearby. His russet pigment blended in with the clay-colored foliage, his camouflage seeming to fool the naked eye. Small steps at a time, the young warrior let a hooked set of talons jut out of his paws as he pinned the intruder. "And who might you be?" he bellowed, turquoise irises alight with hostility. The simple refusal of letting the rogue flee glowed in the set of aquamarine optics as Lioncrest shook the cat violently. "Tell me! Who doth trespass upon NightClan?"

Offline Ylrai

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Re: .:TFoS:. Warrior Cat Roleplay!
« Reply #9 on: May 15, 2014, 04:44:19 am »
I sent you a Pm ^^