Author Topic: [Early Signup]The Icegrip Packs|Fantasy|4 Wolf Pack RP|Mapped|Any Literacy  (Read 1773 times)

Offline StormClaws68

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The Icegrip Packs

This is to gain members for the RP while the map is being created. Those who sign up before the map is done, I will send you a message with the map download link (and any other information) once the map is completed

RP Information

The RP is about four wolf packs that live in the snowy, cold, and unforgiving land, Icegrip. Each pack has it's own territory, special skills, and members!
The RP allows your wolf to look however you like (neon, wings, markings, ext.) but, it's pack structure is realistic.
You may RP however you like, but Semi-literate or literate is preferred. No "Wolfspeak" please.

  • DO NOT Godmod or Powerplay
  • DO NOT use Wolfspeak
  • If your wolf dies, it can NOT come back to life.
  • Your wolf MUST age. If you're a pup when you join, you can't be a pup forever
  • If your wolf gets injured, you MUST remain injured for a while depending on the injured (Or in other words, no instant healing)
  • Your wolf CAN NOT have powers (laser eyes, can control lighting, shape-shift, ext.)
  • You MUST RP as a wolf
  • No PERFECT characters. You can't be great at everything, makes it unfair to everyone else  ;)

Failing to follow these rules will get you kicked out of the RP. If you don't understand one of the rules, tell me and I can explain it to you  ;)

Pack Information

There are four packs you may choose to be a part of. Only one is currently named! (I need help naming them, feel free to give suggestions)

StormFire Pack:
The territory is very hilly, with the den area at the top of a mountain. Due to the ground being very rocky, there are very few trees. Most of which growing only along the river that separates the territories. Due to the lack of vegetation, very few big game live there, so they rely on birds and rodents for food.
The StormFire Pack is known for their ability to climb trees and jump very far and high. They are great at hunting birds and rodents. They sacrifice strength for speed and agility in combat.
Alpha: IcePelt|StormWolf68
Beta: None
Lead Hunter: None
Hunters: None
Elders: None
Medicine Wolf: none
Pups: None
Newborn Pups: None

Pack 2: (Needs name)
Heavily forested with one lake in the heart of the territory. There is usually plenty of prey...but also plenty of predators. Bears, raccoons, cougars, foxes, and other animals  pose a threat to pups and adults alike.
They are very skilled at moving silently through dead leaves and plants. They average in speed but are usually very strong from hunting moose, deer, elk, and other big game!
Alpha: None
Beta: None
Lead Hunter: None
Hunters: None
Elders: None
Medicine Wolf: none
Pups: None
Newborn Pups: None

Pack 3: (Needs name)
Flat with a few hills. Due to nothing to block wind, it can get pretty cold at times. There isn't much to hunt except for rodents hiding under the snow. and occasionally caribou.
Due to having to find their prey scurrying under the snow in order to eat, they've gotten a very strong sense of hearing and smell and can easily catch even the slightest sounds and smells. Their fur is thicker than normal to help block the cold winds, and they have very strong front legs and chests from digging through snow for their prey.
Alpha: None
Beta: None
Lead Hunter: None
Hunters: None
Elders: None
Medicine Wolf: None
Pups: None
Newborn Pups: None

Pack 4: (Needs name)
The rivers that separate the territories seem to flow to this territory! As a result it is primarily made up of freezing cold, marshy water. There is almost always a thin layer of ice over the major bodies of water. There is an abundance of fish in the water, and a decent number of trees.
Excellent swimmers and they can hold their breath for a long while. From their diet of fish, and adaption to their watery way of life, they have oily fur. The oiliness of their fur causes water to slide right of them, so they rarely get chilled after a swim. From their skills in fishing, they have very fast reflexes in hunting, and in combat.
Alpha: None
Beta: None
Lead Hunter: none
Hunters: None
Elders: None
Pups: None
Newborn Pups: None

Sign-up Sheet

Copy paste the form below (in orange), paste it in either a message to me, or as a comment to this thread, fill it out, and send/post!
I also put an example of a filled out form in purple  ;)

Character Name:
Wanted Pack:
Wanted Rank:
Character Description:
Character pic (Optional):

Character Name: Ice
Age: Adult
Gender: Female
Wanted Pack: StormFire
Wanted Rank: Lead Hunter
Character Description:
Ice is a light blue wolf with red eyes and paws. She is fast but lack strength. She is caring, friendly, and kind until you make her mad.

Hope you decide to join us!
« Last Edit: May 15, 2014, 01:20:57 am by StormClaws68 »

Kellin <3
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Offline StormClaws68

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Map is almost done, will post pics soon (;

Kellin <3
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If you see me, feel free to say hi!