Author Topic: IF YOU ARE HAVING PROBLEMS LOOK HERE FIRST!!!!  (Read 4472 times)

Offline cozyyote

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« on: May 16, 2014, 10:47:35 pm »
People seem not to be looking at the correct places to find answers for there questions so there filling up help board. o3o
So you mods n' admins don't even THINK about moving this! xD *JK*

Okay the most frequently asked questions are these:

Post 1: HeightMaps
Post 2: Presets
Post 3: Textures
Post 4: Modeling
Post 5: Meshing
Post 6: Markings

So don't post yet! c:
« Last Edit: May 16, 2014, 11:19:56 pm by ~Trapped~ »

Offline cozyyote

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« Reply #1 on: May 16, 2014, 10:47:45 pm »
(If it already exist, please delete.)
Okay, so I saw that most of peeps out here, have problems with heighmap stuff.
I' am like an expert. (Lol)
Anyways, let's get started.
Shall we?

This is important!

1. Use GIMP for creating heigh maps, such as terrain and mask.
GIMP is a perfect place to create such things.
2. Make sure you are using 513x513, GRAYSCALE.
3. For the mask, the same, but only RGB color, such as red, blue or green.
Yes, you can use 6 colour patch, but if only you know how to.
4. When your done, save it as a .png file, ONLY .png not .jpg but .png
5. When you save it, don't forget to add a title such as: (Ex. Wolfterrain.png)
6. You may ask, where should you save it, if your a newbie. Well, go to, Main Disk/C:/FeralHeart/media/terrains/WaterMill and save it there.
7. Enter FeralHeart.exe and go to the Map Maker.
When your there, press WaterMill, and go to World.
8. When your there, be sure to press on Terrain Heigh Map: Wolfterrain.png
Then press on Terrain Alpha Map: Wolfmask.png
Just a few ex.
9. Then your ready to create your map! ^.^

How do I download maps?

Simply! ^.^
1. Download the map you are wanting, and wait til it finishes downloading.
2. Be sure you are using WinRAR, other wise, you will not be able to use the downloaded maps.
3. When it finishes, go to Main Disk/C:/FeralHeart/exports.
Where it says .FHO or .FHM place them into exports.
4. Let's say you have a cycle right? Where should you put it? Right here --> Main Disk/C:/FeralHeart/media/sky.
Place the .sky or .cycle right there.
5. Say? We have a music file too? Where should you put it?
Here --> Main Disk/C:/FeralHeart/media/sounds.
6. And when your finished, go to FeralHeart.exe and choose a character, then go to Cape of Distant Worlds, and look for the map, (Ex. Wolf Map) and enter it!
Have fun floofies! ^.^

I hope this tutorial is helpful for the nebies and other peeps who wish to learn how to make maps and download them.
I wish you luck! ^.^

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« Reply #2 on: May 16, 2014, 10:59:21 pm »
Another way to make a preset New
1. Open a file in photoshop or gimp, go to FeralHeart --> Media --> Textures and chose cheadShade, ctailShade, cbodyShade if you want to do a canine preset. If you want to a feline chose the fheadShade, ftailShade, fbodyShade.

2. Do a new layer and multiply (This does so you can use FH's pelt texture)

3. Color the preset as you want it to look

4. Save it in My_Preset and some of the Preset_1-10. Name it to preset_1body, preset_1head, preset_1tail. Remember, if you are putting the image file in folder 1, name it to preset_1, if you put it in folder 2 name it to preset_2 and so on. And save it as jpg file.

5. If you want marking on one side, and other markings on the other side name the right side to presetright_1body, and the left side to presetleft_1body.
Then open the materialfile in that folde. Open as notepad.

6. Now you have to change the codes, its pretty simple, just add left in end of preset, and right in the other one, save and click yes when it ask if you want to overwrite.
You doing the same with head and eyes too.

7. Then simply open the game, go to Tools and Preset Maker and export your preset. After that, sign in and edit a char/or create a new. Click on IV and Use Preset.

You need photoshop or gimp, (or any other programs) if you not have these program you can download gimp for free here:

Notice: I using photoshop elements 7.0
Open a file in gimp/photoshop, go to FeralHeart --> my_presets --> reference

Open both body_legend and cbody_UV, if the preset is to a feline open fbody_UV. The body_legen file showing what who is what.

Have this to pictures beside each other, so you can look at body_legend so you know where the color/markings will land.

Do a new layer on cbody_UV

Choose colors and start to paint over there you want have the color.

When you are finish its time to save it. Click on save as and save it in FeralHeart folder --> my presets and save it in someone of the preset1-preset10.
If you saving your preset in preset_1 you most name it to preset_1body (if the preset is to the body)
If the preset is to the head you name it to preset_1head, same if its to the tail or eye, preset_1eye , preset_1tail.
And dont delete the file preset_number.material

Save your preset as JPEG file.

Then open your game, go to tools and Preset Maker and click on the number the folder you saved your preset in have.
Export your preset!

Then log in, choose the char you want to have the preset. Go to IV, click on Use Preset and choose the one you wanna have. Then just click on OK

Now you have a preset :)

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« Reply #3 on: May 16, 2014, 10:59:29 pm »

                                            This is how to make Terrain Textures for your maps.
                                     There are Steps  you will need to follow and read everything carefully and make sure
                       you don't skip anything.

                                                                                      STEP 1

                                                                            Open up GIMP and click file and then click new and make sure the Width and the  Height is both 512 pixels . Then, click advance options and make sure the color space is RBG color.
 Then you click OK .

                                                                       STEP 2

                                                                              Now lets start designing.
                         Use your fill tool your paint tool or your pen tool. you may want to use your blur too.
                       Get creative and make somthing you would really like. Take your time you really don't need to rush.

                                         STEP 3

                                                Once you are finished with your beautiful artwork, Name it.
Example: GreenGrass2.jpg
                                                          Then you will need to save it into FeralHeart/Media/Terrains/Textures


                                                                     STEP 4

  Now go In-Game and go to tools Then Map maker. go to the worlds thing and see the texture terrains thing? Well, scroll down to bar untill you find your Texture Terrain.

                                                     Enjoy :3


                                                                     GreenGrass2 Testing
                                                                    DrySand2 Testing

                                                                   Examples of tools for Terrain Textures
                                     SAND -  I usally use Sand drunes and Galaxy tool and the Colors I use are usally Yellow Brownish Yellow and Light Yellowish Orange
                                                                 GRASS - I will use most only full size Galaxy  tool and maybe Sand Drunes sometimes and The Colors I use are Green Dark Green Light Green or Brownish Green.
                                                                 SOIL - I might use Galaxy tool on this a bunch of sand drunes and maybe some felt pen
and the colors I would use would be Light Brown Dark Brown Medium Brown and Brown - Yellow.

                                                                                           Hope You Enjoy :3

« Last Edit: May 16, 2014, 11:13:18 pm by ~Trapped~ »

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« Reply #4 on: May 16, 2014, 11:00:01 pm »
-Understanding how models works at FH.
-Installing meshes
-ZIP, RAR, and 7Z files
-Uploading a lot of small files: ZIPing files

Understanding how models works at FH.

FeralHearth calls resources.cfg

resources.cfg have some lines with the subfolders with meshes, materials and textures. for example:

when you put a .mesh, .material, or any other file inside these folders, FH will recognize it.

when you load a .mesh file, the mesh file will load the .skeleton file wich contain the mesh animation.
currently, FH doesn't support animations at object maker. (make a feature request to kovu :) )
The mesh file calls for some materials names (not the .material file).

Then FH loads ALL .material files looking for the material name.

the material is described inside the .material script

so the mesh works like this:

Installing meshes
The most asked question when you download a mesh and doesn't come with instructions.

Generally, you will find a lot of files with these extensions:
.mesh is the model itself without textures nor animations.
.skeleton is the animation of the mesh.
.material is the script that the mesh use to call the texture.
.jpg .png .gif .tga .bmp, etc. are the textures itself called by the .material script
.object is the script created by FH to load correctly the meshes.

general instructions to install:
copy all files in to FeralHeart\media\objects\my_objects, except .object file.
copy the .object file in to FeralHeart\media\objects.
then at object or map maker, you will see a new group with the same name that the .object file, when you load models saved in this group, you will see the models with textures. (if not continue reading)

if you downloaded meshes doesn't come with .object file, don't worry, continue reading.

open object maker, and type the mesh name to load including the extension, ex: test.mesh
if all is right, it will load the model with textures (if not continue reading):
open the downloaded .material script with notepad, or any other text editor. (if you don't find any .material script you will need to make one)
in the .material script you will find something like this:

         cull_hardware none
         cull_software none
            texture yourimage.png

at object maker, select your loaded mesh and type the material name remarked in red. uppercase/lowercase sensitive.
Note: the .material files can have a lot of diferent material scripts, you need to deduct which is the correct one.

ZIP, RAR, and 7Z files, what i do with these?
actual windows versions, doesn't require any additional program to manage zip files. (but you can use winrar or 7ZIP).
simply, double click (or click explore), you will see the files inside the zip. To extract them, select the files and click copy or (ctrl + C), then go outside the zip folder and clic paste or (ctrl + V).
Note: Don't close the window while extracting.
now you have the models decompresed.

RAR is like ZIP, the diference is you need a program to open it.
you can open a RAR file with winrar, but winrar is a 40 day trial. You can use 7Zip (free) instead to open a RAR file.
install 7ZIP (or winrar if you have it).
Right click in to the RAR file and click extract.
now you have the models decompresed.

7Z or 7ZIP, is like ZIP or RAR, but you can't open a 7Z file with winrar.
download and install 7Zip (free).
Right click in to the 7Z file and click extract.
now you have the models decompresed.

Uploading a lot of small files: ZIPing files
when you upload/download many small files, is anoying to click on every link and save, is better to make all in a single file.

actual windows versions, doesn't require any additional program to manage zip files, but you can use winzip, winrar, or 7Zip if you want.

how to make a zip?:

this screenshots is from windows XP, may work similar with vista and seven.
first, select all files, and right click them.
select send to:
zip folder.

now you have created a zip file!

you may be interested in:
Introduction to the Object Maker Aedre's tutorial.

« Last Edit: May 16, 2014, 11:20:29 pm by ~Trapped~ »

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« Reply #5 on: May 16, 2014, 11:01:17 pm »
Dun give credit to me, theirry taught me first T^T
So I decided to share it with you guys ^^

I dont think it matters what version, and it sure isnt free. If you really want it, I guess you can poke around the internet for a crack. Its not very legal, but everyone does it ;)

Open 3ds max and have a new project (duh)

Now, what I do is I get a sphere instead and kinda use it to sculpt. You get it by going to your 'tool box' and simply clicking the sphere button. Click and drag out to create it, you can scale it also.
The numbers show you the order. First, second, third.

And then you should have a sphere like this (Color varies):

Okay. Now, before you go to the modify tab on your toolbox make sure your sphere is selected.
This is what it looks like when your on the modify tab.

The red circle is what you click to get there.
Go to the modifier list and click edit mesh.

Now that you clicked edit mesh, click vertex under selection.

So, your sphere has alot of fancy blue points around it. Dont panic, they are nothing, really! Just your vertices that allows you to pull out and in and up and down.

Scroll down your tool box and click soft selection. If there is the words and a little plus sign next to it, click on the plus sign and a new drop down will come. Click use soft selection, look:

Select the check box. Make sure it has a check, lol.
Left click and a huge list thing will come up. Dont panic, all you need to do is select 'move'.
You should see a red, green, and blue arrow.

Click anywhere on the sphere. Its okay if the vertices turn rainbow, thats good!
Let me demonstrate what they do~ Blue pulls it up and down.

Red and green pretty much do the same thing.
Pull left and right, forward backward.

Ex is up there~
Ill make an apple for example~ Im using the verticies to move the verticies around.

Theres your apple-ish.  . . . Figure ^^"
"Oh nu, Peachy! Wheres teh steam!?"
To add new objects go to your toolbox's tabs and create. I will use a cylinder as the stem. I will use the same process as the apple to distort it. (Ill fix the apple up, too. .)

I changed the colors.

Any questions? Ask on the thread. . .
Im below a begginer LOL Thats Why I made a simple apple.
Have fun, explore with what you can do with the vertices! <3
« Last Edit: May 16, 2014, 11:27:13 pm by ~Trapped~ »

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« Reply #6 on: May 16, 2014, 11:03:06 pm »
To make a new Marking, without overwriting the files, is this.

Go to your Feral heart folder, and fine the markings.cfg file and open it with Notepad. Scroll to the bottom of either the Feline body, tail, or head or Canine body, tail, or head.

Type in the name of the marking you wish to make,


Were you see the name Siamese is going to be the name of your marking. If the name has a space inbetween like Tiger Stripes, be sure to add that space for the first part of the code, and remove it for the second code.

That way it looks like this
Tiger Stripes;fmarkTigerStripesHead.png

After that place it at the bottom on each section you want.

Next is making the marking, take any of the marking from Ingame and use them as a guide. Remember erased parts on the file will be the marking. When your done, be sure to name it fmarkmarkingBody.png <---- marking is the name you called it in the code. Weather or not it's for the body head or tail is your choice, but you have to capitalize the Head Body or Tail or the code will not work.

When your all done, copy and paste your new marking into media/textures. Then you have to go Ingame to choose your marking, the marking will not show up in preset maker you have to login and go ingame inorder for it show up.

Be sure that your marking does not have white as the erased part, it has to be transparent.

Hope this helps.
« Last Edit: May 16, 2014, 11:48:16 pm by ~Trapped~ »

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« Reply #7 on: May 16, 2014, 11:22:01 pm »
I do belieive this belongs in the tutorials section lol, a staffer maybe will swoop by and move it fir you~

~ Whisper

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« Reply #8 on: May 16, 2014, 11:33:09 pm »
I know, its because peeps who ask for help never notice the help section. -.-

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« Reply #9 on: May 16, 2014, 11:38:34 pm »
Moving this to the tutorials section