Author Topic: ~Through the Distorted Lens (I.C.'s OCs)  (Read 3956 times)

Offline DayDreamer~

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~Through the Distorted Lens (I.C.'s OCs)
« on: May 23, 2014, 08:20:59 pm »
Well, Figured I might as well keep some Bios for my main characters- the most important ones. Others I come up with for fun.

{In Progress}


Main Character #1: Isra Catori

Name Meaning: "Free Spirit"
Gender: Female
Species: Wolf

Pelt: Isra's pelt is a dark blueish-black, while her underbelly and normal markings are a light steel blue-grey. When in her Daydreaming mode, her eyes seem to glow and she gains light blue spiral markings, along with a blue fiery 'soul-essence' that leaks from her mouth and paws. {Daydream mode will be explained later}
Accessories: She is rarely found without wearing her key necklace, which symbolizes the key to her locked up heart.
Eyes: A blazing, burning icy blue. Her glare is normally enough to send chills down your spine, not that she bothers making eye contact much.


Isra's personality consists of many different aspects, and is hard to summarize easily. Up front she appears to be cold and silent, not having a care for the world or some of those in it. She tends to stay silent unless it is absolutely necessary for her to speak, as her own voice irritates her. Often times she finds herself liking to walk alone at night, listening to the insects and watching the night sky. Her thoughts tend to wander during these tranquil moments. Being such a deep thinker and not that great socially, Isra has come to a conclusion at some point that contact with others is risky, and she would only come across as weird before scaring them off. So she no longer tries to talk to others- instead she builds walls to surround herself and 'protect' her from others. She has a huge lack of trust in other creatures, and strongly dislikes the idea of being tied down to one place. Concepts like family and love are foreign to her.

Despite her up front appearance to others, Isra is caring deep down, and would come to the aid of anyone who needed it- even complete strangers she'd never seen before. She is strong for justice and hates watching the innocent get hurt. If she were to have a friend, she would be loyal to them to no end, even if she didn't trust them. Her mindset is strange like that. But she tends to pull away before friendship is a possibility- to save them the trouble of her isolated heart. Behind everything is a soul who just wants to be free and be happy, even if she believes happiness doesn't exist at times. She doesn't fear much. But she does fear getting close to others, and not being in control of her own destiny.
-To be Edited/Polished-

*The Daydreamer*

While normal in appearance on the outside or just another wandering spirit, Isra has a talent that many seem to not use as much as she does. She can daydream as vividly as if she were living it then and there. When she wants to escape from the cold of the world, her mind wanders off and she goes somewhere else no one will find her.
In her daydreaming state, it's almost as if a part of her spirit disconnects and travels to a parallel dimension. Almost like astral traveling when she pleases. In this state, she gains special glowing marks and a soul essence that leaks from her mouth and paws as she breathes and moves. Her eyes will pick up on old memories or create places she wishes to go. It's a complex and confusing ability, but a cool one at that. While in this state, however, in the physical world her body is paralyzed or she looks asleep, leaving her vulnerable to any passing by.


Main Character #2: Venla

Name Meaning: "Wanderer"
Gender: Female
Species: Feline

Pelt: Her pelt is a lightish red with dark maroon markings spotting her sides like those of a King Cheetah. It doesn't bother her, but to others, sometimes it looks as though blood stains her fur.
Accessories: Venla sports a pair of antlers atop her head, as well as a rib cage guard on her back. These bones are just components of her various collection interests. She also has a gold hoop earring on her left ear, along with a hoop ring which has three feathers hanging from it. She almost looks like a sort of shaman.
Eyes: Her eyes are sun-drenched amber with slitted pupils. They are as intense as flames, and glow bright like the sun when all lights go out. Such lively eyes are enough to mesmerize anyone who looks long enough, although she personally dislikes them to an extent.


Venla is a very interesting individual. Her highly adventurous and curious nature leads her on various journeys across the land, as she searches for excitement and mystery. Sometimes, as it has been seen, 'curiosity kills the cat'. Her adventures could lead her into danger. She is usually more than capable of handling danger, however. With just a hint of foolish bravery, she isn't one to simply turn and run when faced with a problem. It's foolish bravery because at times, it's not always the wisest choice in the eyes of others. But someone like Venla needs no approval from others about her decisions.

Venla also likes talking to others. In fact she thrives when given the chance to talk to someone, for most of the time her odd looks and odd hobbies turn others away. Much of her social life is spent being cast out of groups and ignored, leading her to be a bit distrustful of others, and she tends to worry constantly if new friends will only leave her in the end. But nonetheless she is always ready to help others. Her outgoing personality and prankster like attitude would be more than enough to cheer someone up on a bad day. Even if mostly carefree, she does know when to be serious, and is smart enough to plan things out or come up with solutions when in danger.

She also enjoys keeping a collection of various items. Usually, these items consist of feathers, bones and special looking stones or gems she may stumble across while exploring. These items she stores away in her momentary dens for safekeeping. When it's time to move on, her collection is left behind, arranged in a dazzling manner to surprise whoever may find it.

-To be Edited/Polished-


Venla typically fights with tooth and claw like any other feline. She is swift, she is smart, and she is moderately strong. But sometimes, odd abilities seem to spring up out of nowhere. Things like water, wind or fire might whip up to attack an opponent she is battling, as though she had commanded it. This leads her to wonder if she has some control over elements, although this is uncertain. Seeing this happen is one other reason, aside from her appearance, that others will ignore her presence.


Main Character #3: Quira

Full Name: Llanquiray
Name Meaning: "Fallen Flower"
Gender: Female
Species: Canine

Pelt: Quira has dark blue fur with a slightly darker underside and black celtic style markings on her face and tail. Her legs have black Siamese-style markings and she has a single dark blue feathered wing on her right side.
Accessories: Around her neck she wears a silver cross necklace, and her front right leg carries three silver bracelets. Sometimes she'll wear her old chain bracelet on her left leg.
Eyes: Her eyes are a deep royal blue like the ocean or nighttime sky.


Quira is a highly solitary individual with little to no desire to be bothered by others. She chooses to never speak, leading others to wonder if she might actually be mute. Little do they know that she used to talk all the time. Her past is merely a whispered secret that no one knows the truth of, but one thing is certain- it has changed her life forever.
She enjoys silence and simply watching the stars or the moon, and nothing else is as able to calm her nerves as the blissful night. Her icy and antisocial exterior pushes most others away from her, which is what she wants. But somewhere deep down she knows she only pushes away so hard because she wants to know if anyone would ever push back. She's afraid of betrayal and lies. She's afraid of others.

Her heart longs to be able to fly like she was once able, but with only one wing remaining she will never again take to the skies. Flight was the one thing that granted her a sense of happiness- a feeling she is rarely ever able to experience. Now she can only look back and remember how it once was. Seeing others fly brings fourth a pain from wounds that will never heal.

Overall she is one of many mysteries, and since she's learned to shut down her personality, little is truly known about where she goes, what she does or even her mindset, which seems to change on occasion.

Bonus Note: She absolutely hates her full name, along with the full meaning. She chooses to go only by Quira. And, for its meaning, she chooses to say it only means "Fallen", rather than fallen flower.

-To be Edited/Polished-


-In progress-

« Last Edit: May 29, 2014, 07:00:04 pm by Isra Catori »
~It starts with Pain, Followed by Hate
Fueled by the Endless Questions no one can answer
A stain covers your heart
It tears you apart just like a sleeping cancer
How did you get here and when did it start? An innocent child with a thorn in his Heart~


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Re: ~Through the Distorted Lens (I.C.'s OCs)
« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2014, 03:58:50 am »
Ohhhh, I liked it!
She sounds pretty darn interesting and I love her colors, good job with the bio! Hope to see updates and more characters from you! ^^

Offline TheApplePie

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Re: ~Through the Distorted Lens (I.C.'s OCs)
« Reply #2 on: May 24, 2014, 11:27:51 am »
Amazing character! I like the idea of making her have a daydream mode, not a lot of characters have this sort of forms.

Eyes: A blazing, burning icy blue. Her glare is normally enough to send chills down your spine, not that she bothers making eye contact much.
Gah, I love these lines.

There actually is a key necklace that you can find in the pawesome item pack v4. Download it here. ;D

let's be emo in a gerard way

Offline DayDreamer~

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Re: ~Through the Distorted Lens (I.C.'s OCs)
« Reply #3 on: May 25, 2014, 01:40:57 am »

>////< Thank you so much. I appreciate it c:


Sweet! I'll be downloading that in an instant then :P Thank you!
~It starts with Pain, Followed by Hate
Fueled by the Endless Questions no one can answer
A stain covers your heart
It tears you apart just like a sleeping cancer
How did you get here and when did it start? An innocent child with a thorn in his Heart~

Offline TheApplePie

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Re: ~Through the Distorted Lens (I.C.'s OCs)
« Reply #4 on: May 25, 2014, 07:11:55 am »
You're welcome.
Here are a few plus' and minus' of the item pack.

-If you have a slow computer, FeralHeart can start lagging. (Or even more if it already does.)
- It may take a lot of your space up on your disk so be careful!
+ You will be able to see everyone else's items
+ The items pack is basically other item packs bunched together and put into one, so you can easily have all in one download.

let's be emo in a gerard way

Offline DayDreamer~

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Re: ~Through the Distorted Lens (I.C.'s OCs)
« Reply #5 on: May 29, 2014, 01:39:14 am »
Ahh, sweet! Again, thank you c:
~It starts with Pain, Followed by Hate
Fueled by the Endless Questions no one can answer
A stain covers your heart
It tears you apart just like a sleeping cancer
How did you get here and when did it start? An innocent child with a thorn in his Heart~

Offline TheApplePie

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Re: ~Through the Distorted Lens (I.C.'s OCs)
« Reply #6 on: May 29, 2014, 09:04:23 am »
No problem.
Venla is another great character, applause to you!
For some wierd reason the name reminds me of a word in Polish.
It is close to the word 'Wolna' (Vol-na) which stands for 'Free girl'.
Just sayin' xD

let's be emo in a gerard way

Offline DayDreamer~

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Re: ~Through the Distorted Lens (I.C.'s OCs)
« Reply #7 on: May 29, 2014, 07:00:55 pm »
Thanks ^^ I needed a feline D:

Haha, nice! That name is cool o.o .... *remembers name for later*
~It starts with Pain, Followed by Hate
Fueled by the Endless Questions no one can answer
A stain covers your heart
It tears you apart just like a sleeping cancer
How did you get here and when did it start? An innocent child with a thorn in his Heart~