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Offline duna the killer

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« Reply #10 on: May 25, 2014, 11:34:44 pm »

"They made me a lady. That doesn't mean I am weak though."

Name: Delilah
Age: 2 years
Gender: Female
Breed: Pure bred Saluki
Personality: A very kind female, she is not snobby like other spoiled dogs. She is very patient and loving. But she also knows how to fight.
Background: No thank you
Crush: None
Mate: None
Pups: None
Stray or Pet: Very spoiled pet
Extra: None

Offline NeverFearTheFall2468

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« Reply #11 on: May 25, 2014, 11:36:15 pm »

"Life is too short to follow the rules."

4 1/2 years old.
Golden Retriever.
A rather quiet dog, who doesn't like to talk much, is Easton. He likes to remain off to the sidelines and is only comfortable in groups with three people or less. Easton is incredibly independent, and hates requesting help. He thinks it makes him look weak and unable. Adventure always seems to be calling, and Easton loves to answer it. He is a very brave dog and is not afraid to take risks, but there are exceptions. Easton is easily annoyed and fast to dislike, it's better to watch what you say to him. He'll snap if you threaten him or annoy him, and sometimes he's aggressive. The beach is his favorite place, mainly because of its tranquility and silence. Never liking to run around much, he would rather drink in his surroundings and relax. Easton has a good sense of humor at times and is very sarcastic. Always cracking a joke or making a remark he may regret. Overall, Easton is a good person once you know him, but until then he seems like a person you would avoid.
On the streets of California Easton was born by a dog who he has no relationship with. He was cast off and made to fend for himself at a young age. He never minded though, his 'mother' was an uncaring dog anyways. Without a father figure he lived on his own. Taking refuge in an okay alley, he spent his days rummaging through garbage cans for food and stealing it from humans having picnics. He was miserable in that time until he came a cross a rather nice male when he was two years old, who helped him with his life. Having plenty of food for the both of them, Easton adopted his techniques and way of life. They lived in the streets where an old building stood, occasionally venturing out to the various ranches and staying near there. One night, when returning to their building from the ranches, a drunk driver swerved about. He screamed curses at ones he hit and had no sense what so ever. When crossing the road, Easton's friend had paid no attention and was hit. Easton ran to him but he was dead. That may have been the first time in his life he cried. With the knowledge he was given he moved on, alone. Easton now feels a great hatred towards humans, and their stupidity. If any single human even attempts to touch him, he'll snapp and attack them. A child is no exception.
This may change.

This may change.

Stray or Pet:
A stray. He would never give in to the soft life of a pet.
Nothing more.

I don't know much about your life beyond this walls
The fleeting sense of love within these God-forsaken walls
And I can hear it in his voice, in every call
This girl who's slept a hundred years has something after all

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« Reply #12 on: May 25, 2014, 11:57:04 pm »

Beautiful applications guys! We may start now.
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Offline duna the killer

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« Reply #13 on: May 26, 2014, 01:00:35 am »


In a large home on a hill, Delilah was snoozing on her bed. She had her own room to herself in this large home. Suddenly the lights flicked on. She lifted her head and a very pretty woman walked in. She smiled and began to groom Delilah. Both smiled and they walked to a great staircase. They looked at each other and walked down together. They walked outside. Delilah's owner, who was named Olivia, was very rich. The two walked in front of a large fountain. Delilah and Olivia sat intro
in front of it. Olivia looked at the white dog ,"How about we go to the park." Delilah nodded, and the two walked about two blocks to the park.

Offline NeverFearTheFall2468

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« Reply #14 on: May 26, 2014, 04:38:02 am »


The streets of the quiet city slowly filled with the beings Easton despised. Lights flickering on and the sun travelling through the sky. Easton sighed as it all seemed to happen too quickly. He was walking along a pathway to the beach, heading hanging. The beach was his go-to place, it was quiet and always peaceful. Except for the occasional event. Picking up the pace, Easton lifted his head and looked infront of him. He really did hope something happened today. It's not too entertaining wherever Easton is, for some reason. Its almost like his presence kills the mood. Easton's golden, silky fur shook with each step he took, reflecting the sunlight. The air was fresh and light, trees swaying and birds singing. Easton slowed down and eventually stopped allthogether. He tilted his head to the side, a fire? Humans were on the beach with fire? This puzzled Easton, he was curious as to what they were doing. He thought this was foolish, not knowing this basic thing. He walked cautiously closer and realized that what he saw was a bonfire. Easton sighed and trotted away, no excitement today. The beach catching fire would have been an interesting happening. Shaking his head, Easton started to make his way to his beach spot.
I don't know much about your life beyond this walls
The fleeting sense of love within these God-forsaken walls
And I can hear it in his voice, in every call
This girl who's slept a hundred years has something after all

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« Reply #15 on: May 26, 2014, 10:45:01 am »


"Momma tried to raise a lady, but daddy won. He raised a lady who doesn't take crap from anyone."

As the sun slowly began to rise so did the large Beauceron, her slumber was undisturbed as she slept it out in an all to familiar alley near the large shopping mall of Cali, where people often cut through and left food behind - which was a bonus to the hungry stray - and she was always guarenteed a meal. Which was what she done as soon as she woke up to ensure she was fed and her grub wasn't taken by another stray throughout the day - and boy did the humans leave great food in those silver trash cans.

As her chocolate eyes slowly opened the she-dog glanced around the alley, few people had passed through in the few minutes but the scent of food already filled the alley. As she scrambled to her paws she crawled from outside a cardboard box she would often find herself resting in. Looking to her left then her right she watched as the humans rushed by, going by their normal routine. Smiling, Lish had bowed down allowing some of her bones to crach and her back and legs to stretch. Her jaws parting and a whine escaping as she drew her legs back into her body and gave her head a brisk shake. The smell of food drew her attention around to a silver trash can, her mouth watering from the scent she recognised as a burger. Trotting towards the bin Lish managed to knock it down with a push of her two frong paws - she begun rummiging through the bin - and found the srove of food quickly wolfing it down.

Today, Laquisha had decided to visit the dog park - where she hadn't been for a few days - there wasn't a particular reason why she jusnt hadn't. But the fact of seeing Bosco the 'Leader' of the dog park made her skin crawl, oh how she hated him and his ways - sometimes she just wanted to rip his throat out, but then that wouldn't really be a nice scene. Shrugging she trotted out the alley.

Moving on she had soon entered the bright streets of Cali, more people had seemed to gather and rarely showing signs of disgust towards strays - which was a relife. Claws clicking against the concrte ground the Beauceron trotted confidently down the street with her tail erect in the air and gently swaying back and forth - weaving through the legs of passer bys. Running her tongue across her lips she had gotten rid of the taste from the chesse burger she had previously had and was now only a five minute walk away from the park, but at her pace she was sure to get there faster.


"I donare what you think about me. I don't think about you at all."

Today was the day that the family had planned on a trip to the beach, Fletcher loved visits to the beach it always meant a picnick, run freely across the sand chasing a ball or frisebee and the chance to bounce around in the beautiful blue waves- what wasn't to love? Despite going many times before the younger dog was always excited when the family went on outings. The weather was bright and the sun was shining, no sign of clouds and the skies were completely blue, they couldn't have picked a nicer summers day to take their visit.

The clock struck 11 am and Fletcher rose bright eyed and bush tailed waiting for the day to begind - but something was strange - everything was quiet. Tilting his head for a moment he listened, but nothing. Letting out a deep bark the Catahoula quickly skidded across the slippery floor and checked the dining room, garden, living room and conservatory but no one was there. The family must have been asleep. Like most days Fletch would take it upon himself to wake the family - he was kind of like their own personal alamr clock.

Excelling into a spring the large harlequin canine bounded up the stairs - his long legs missing many steps - which helped him get up the stairs in seconds. The first ones he would wake would obviously be Jane and Thomas. Padding forward he poked him muzzle through the slightly open door and pushed it open. Stopping at the bottom of the king sized bed he grabbed a piece of quilt that was hanging off and dragged the blanket off the two, then let out a few bellowing, deep barks. "Alright Fletcher we're up." Thomas chuckled and he hurried into Jakes room. Leaping onto the bed of the 16 year old boys bed and barking - obviously just the weight from the dog was enough to wake him "Down boy!" Jake moaned-something he often done. Last but not least he woke Kassidy. Entering her room he gave her a few gently pushed with his snout then licked her face "Hey Fletchy!" the 10 year old spoke as she patted the dog on the head. Barking he left the room.

Scrambling back downstairs the smell of bacon filled the house, Jane was already cooking breakfast for the family of five and she was looking as beautiful as ever - the other three quickly and lazily hobbling down the stairs - all dressed for summer. Jake, as usual complained about the early rising and how he didn't want to go out, but his parents insisted he went so he just went with it. About 20 minutes later everyone breakfast was put out - including his - which was a bowl fiull of bacon. So he took no time in digging in.

Finishing his delicious meal the Catahoula crawled back into his large bed that was placed in the kitchen where the walls went in to a sort of square allowing his large bed to fit neatly in. He had placed himself down and lay on his stomach with his head resting on his paws as he lay patiently waiting. But it didn't take long for the family to get sorted and ready to leave.

Deep, joyful barks escaped the brutes may as he turned in circles at the door, his whip like tail darting back and forth as he leapt up at the pine door in order to be released into the fresh air. Jane seemed to chuckle at the dogs antics so hurried along - clipping a matching blue leed to the loop of his collar - and the door was open. Exiting the house sun instantly beamed onto Fletchers fur - but he did love the sun. Walking down the path way of the garden the gate was opened and Jake was handed the lead. The family were now on their way to the beach.

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« Reply #16 on: May 26, 2014, 11:23:49 pm »


The faint clicking noise of Easton's claws ringed throughout the streets. he kept walking straight, until he was able to see the strip of sand. The waves crashed and birds squawked. Easton took a long inhale of the light and fresh air. Leaves on the palms danced in the slight breeze, carrying the sound with it. Easton let his breath escape and trotted towards the water. It smelt so salty, it wrinkled the retrievers nose. Barely any humans had arrived yet, just the occasional group walking by. Easton's paws flicked the sand up with each step, sending it flying through the morning air. The sun reflected off his golden fur, making it seem as it were glowing. Once he made it to the blue water, Easton took a seat. The water splashed against his paws and retreated to the large pool once more. Closing his eyes, he sighed and stood up. Taking a few feeble steps into the water, Easton opened his eyes and looked out into the horizon. The warm blue liquid soaked Easton's blonde fur and made it heavy. This bothered him, but Easton never left the water. With the warm sun and the water, Easton felt happy. retreating to the dry sand, Easton shook his drenched fur and walked slowly over to the shade of a palm tree.
I don't know much about your life beyond this walls
The fleeting sense of love within these God-forsaken walls
And I can hear it in his voice, in every call
This girl who's slept a hundred years has something after all

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« Reply #17 on: May 26, 2014, 11:59:28 pm »

[[I'll wait for someone to post before I go ahead again]]
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« Reply #18 on: May 28, 2014, 01:06:16 pm »
[[I'll just go ahead and post since no one else has]]


"Momma tried to raise a lady, but daddy won. He raised a lady who doesn't take crap from anyone."

After her five minute walk Laquisha finally arrived at the large gates of the dog park, her tail curled over her back like a hook and wagging continuously. It had been a few days since she had visited the park so she decided she would today. Standing there she glanced into the large fenced in area - people continuing to pass her with their dogs right by their sides, unlike most dogs entering the park  she was alone and not accopmanied by a human. But what did she care? It was better than being hooked up on a leash most of the time. For a few seconds Lish stood waiting for someone to enter the park and quickly followed in - since the gate shut after entry to prevent the dogs escaping.

Instantly her paws brushed across the soft green grass that covered the park, the feeling of it pressing against her pads caused a smile to grow across her face - the feeling of the grass was much more soft and comfortable from the hard, rocky surface of the pavements and the roads. Upon entering the park all you could hear was people chatting and the canines talking to one another. Shrugging, Laquisha set off across the grass.

It was rare to see Lish playing never mind communicationg with another dog - unless arguing that is. She would usually just come here and wonder round, have a drink and maybe a swim, the odd time she would join in activities with other dogs. As she scanned the area with her chocolate eyes straight away she noticed the many groups that were around the park, but the one that always caught her attention was the 'popular' dogs who always took up the space of the fountain and a dog would be stupid to venture up there. The leader of this selfish group was a Doberman, Bosco - who thought he was the 'top dog' of the park. A dog Laquisha hated indeed.

A growl escaped the she-dogs maw as she glanced at the black and tan dog - she hated him with a passion and every visit sbe made to the park seemed to always end in an argument with the self centered canine. Alowing a sigh to blow past her lips the large Beauceron decided to take a lie down. Bowing the front half of her body down she then lowered her hind quarters - front legs sticking forward and her hind legs sprawled out to the side. Her tail brushed across the grass as she watched the continuous activity in the park.


"I donare what you think about me. I don't think about you at all."

As the large canid continued to trot down the street the beautiful golden sand and the sky blue water came into view, this only forced the canines tail to increase its pace as it whipped at the air violentl. The high pitched voice of Kassidy as she pointed towards their location - looking up at Jane Fletcher barked and tugged slightly "Calm down Fletch!" Jake moaned as he was tugged forward slightly by the brute force of the family pet.

Minutes later the family had finally reached their location, the sudden soft and cool feeling pressing against the brutes paws as he turned towards the family, who had begun setting up their chairs, towels and pic-nick half way down the beach. The weather was beautiful and a great day to visit the beach, as he glanced around many people seemed to have devoted their day to visit the popular beach of Cali.

As the family sat down eating Fletcher waited patiently for them to finish eating, his tail wagging as he was tossed some food for himself. Tongue hanging from the side of his maw he panted. But, suddenly he jumped - a high pitched sscream filled his ears and Kassidy bolted past him - tapping his back and holding a tennis ball. "Come on Fletchy!" she called and the Catahoulas eyes lit up as he leapt to his paws letting out several deep barks. Clumsily the brute bounded down the beach chasing after the brunette child as she kept glancing behind her giggling - with long legs his strides were long so it took seconds for him to catch up with the child. Kassidy drew her hand back and launched the illuminous ball into the water - barking he sprung forward. Paws slapping against the water he bounded in grapping the ball and taking it back to the 10-year old who had now ran into the water. The two had begun to romp around.

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« Reply #19 on: May 31, 2014, 02:54:48 am »
Back from a long break.))
If this post was made before June 2015, STOP! My views have changed since then.
Ingame as Mayahzdog09, DancingWithDeath, or Midnight 12!