Author Topic: ??????. [Post-Apocolyptic Roleplay ? Open & Accepting]  (Read 13595 times)

Offline crystwolf

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Re: ??????. [Post-Apocolyptic Roleplay ? Open & Accepting]
« Reply #10 on: May 25, 2014, 04:45:54 am »
[Whoo! Welcome, guys! Thanks so much for joining this RP. c: Feel free to start whenever you want!]

Njal Sverrsson

Health: 18/20
Injuries: A little bruised/beaten up.

"Stop it!"Njal yelled, but once again his cries of anger were ignored. Large, muscled arms tugged futilely at the hands that were struggling to hold him back. The blonde never quite noticed - or cared - that it had to take nearly six people to hold him down, and that the barrel of a gun was aimed at his head. His attention was only focused on the scene in front of him, one that riled his anger and fear.

There, in the middle of the room, was Kenneth, an ugly shark-grin plastered on his face, grey eyes shining with malice as they looked down. His feet continually kicked the stomach of a raven-haired man crouched low, a shaking hand bracing himself on the floor while the other clutched his mid-section, weakly attempting to block the kicks. Njal's brother, Kolr, was breathing harshly, Grey-purple eyes shut tight in pain, body tensed. His face was a bloody mess, an eye nearly swollen shut from a rough punch delivered by Kenneth. Despite this, Njal was proud - even beaten up so badly, his younger brother still managed to not fully collapse on the ground. Once again, the older growled under his breath, attempting to pull away from the men holding him back. He would love to punch Kenneth's face in until he couldn't be recognized anymore,  break his bones and shoot him, watch as he died, writhing in agony and pain.

Suddenly, something caught his eye. He glanced down, half-surprised to see Kolr facing him, clouded eyes looking straight at him with a strange intensity. They conveyed a message to Njal, pleading with him - the eye-contact-speech the brothers always did when they couldn't talk with each other. Slowly, still staring at his brother, Njal stopped struggling fiercely, angry gaze turning into a sorrowful one as he looked back up at Kenneth. The leader, having noticed Njal 'calm down', abruptly stopped kicking, instead leaning down, all the while keeping an eye on the older blonde. A gloved hand grasped at long black hair, pulling back, which ignited further anger in Njal, but he didn't move. Kenneth smirked at this. He glanced at Kolr, whispering something in his ear before roughly pushing the younger boy away, then stood up fully, straightening his shirt and starting to walk out, going past Njal.

"That should teach the both of you a lesson. You try again tonight." Kenneth murmured, before pausing at the door and letting out a dark chuckle. "Fail to bring enough supplies again, and... Well. I'm sure you wouldn't want something like this to happen once more."

Kolr Sverrsson

Health: 9/20
Injuries: Heavily beaten up. Has a lot of bruises, a black eye, and a few fractured ribs.

Well, so much for returning with only three cans of food and water and thinking it was enough. Kolr let out a small huff of breath as another blow landed, jostling his already broken ribs and making it more painful to breathe. His pale hand was spasmodically clenching and unclenching on the cracked ground. Faintly, as though he was underwater, he could hear the angered yell of his brother, as well as a muffled bark that was definitely a distance away. It gave him a small sense of comfort knowing it was Vendla, barking madly as though she could feel her master's pain. Maybe she could. Kolr grunted slightly as another kick pressed his arm painfully against his side, tempting him to just give up and drop onto the ground, curl up into a ball to protect himself further. But no, he was too prideful for that - he couldn't help it, it was like a habit to not show weakness. Even though he was shaking like a leaf and had blood running down the side of his mouth, caused by him biting his own tongue.

Half out of curiosity and worry, Kolr turned his head to the side, eyes fixating on Njal. It didn't take long for his brother to notice, even in his anger, and soon enough the two were staring at one another. Ignoring another agonizing kick, his eyes softened, trying to get Njal to stop resisting. Or else, he could be hit as well. The older seemed to understand, and with a reluctant expression, backed down. Kolr gave a small smile in both appreciation and reassurance, then turned his attention back on Kenneth when the latter abruptly stopped kicking him.

Soon enough, though, he felt a rough hand grab clumsily at his hair, pulling, making his back arch awkwardly. "Seems your brother is smart enough to listen to you." Kenneth murmured, and though Kolr couldn't see his face he could clearly hear the smirk in his voice. In retaliation, Kolr snarled wordlessly, then he was pushed away. He watched as Kenneth walked out of the room, but not before saying when they started 'working' again. He winced, waiting until most of the people filed out of the room, following Kenneth, then only did he yield and fall to the ground with a grunt.


« Last Edit: May 25, 2014, 04:49:23 am by Crystwolf »

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Re: ??????. [Post-Apocolyptic Roleplay ? Open & Accepting]
« Reply #11 on: May 25, 2014, 08:01:38 am »

Evelyn Sawyer




Evelyn has very light straight brown hair that goes well with her hazel eyes and fair skin. She stands at 4 feet 4 Inches and only weighing about 60 pounds. She is normally seen wearing jean pants and a plain t shirt, her hair is almost always down.

?Easily Frightened

Evelyn was in foster care when the world came crumbling down. She lost both of her foster parents in all the chaos but she was founded by a young woman named Anya who took her in. Everything was going great until a man known as Kenneth found them and brought them to his group forcefully. Evelyn was almost thrown from the group but Anya somehow talked Kenneth into letting her stay with them, as long as she didn't slow them down or get in the way. Eve tries her best to help the group but she has a hard time doing things that actually need to be done. Now she just tries to keep out of Kenneth's way and obeying orders.

She has a Bull Mastiff Mix named Tiny. He is very protective of Evelyn but is a friendly dog.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2014, 08:26:26 am by ????????? »

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Re: ??????. [Post-Apocolyptic Roleplay ? Open & Accepting]
« Reply #12 on: May 25, 2014, 08:53:09 am »
Welcome to the Roleplay!~ Thanks for joining, you may start whenever you want. :3)

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Re: ??????. [Post-Apocolyptic Roleplay ? Open & Accepting]
« Reply #13 on: May 25, 2014, 10:43:36 am »

Analyse Mcallister

She goes by the name of Analyse Mcallister, she is of the female. Analyse is a young woman who is the age of 21 years olf. She does travel these parts 'alone' as some might say but she is accompanied by her two canines- Condren and Fletcher. She is currently located in a building and soon moves into the streets.
Health: 18/20
Injuried: a few scratches and a few bruises
Company: Fletcher her merle German Shepherd|Male. Condren her Catahoula Leopard dog|Male.

Everything had came as a sudden change to Analyse - as it would to anyone it had happened to - and although a world full of fantasy creatures may be a young childs dream she could honeslty say it wasn't. Everything didn't seem as it was in books or films such as 'Harry Potter' the griffins weren't tamed nor were the dragons or those mermaid creatures you always heard about - so trying to get close to one would be hard never mind interacting with one - unless you wanted to lose your life that is. Although, she did love the sense of adventure and danger this had all gotten a bit out of hand, especially with groups of people around who would prefer to slaughter and kill you instead of communicating. But Ana needed to try her best.

She had sat for hours in an empty, rubble filled building with only a few tatted couches and tables - rubble, class and trashed furniture covering the floor- no where looked really satisfying anymore and it all felt lonely. But she was thankful of the company she had from her two dogs Condren and Fletcher - unlike most pets they weren't killed and hadn't ran away like a few would - she was happy with them being here and they gave her a sense of safety but also happy ness.

The smashed windown let in some light that did light the dark room pretty well, and it was then when you could realise how much damage the earthquake had actually caused around those parts it was horrendous. Her lazy gaze rested upon the two dogs - Fletcher watching out a window and Condren standing stiffly at the door - they were great protection dogs but they always seemed on the job like they were unhappy in this cramped room - deciding to get rid of her dampened spirits she rose to her feet. Clicking her fingers towards the two "Come on." she spoke in her usualy soft tone as they quietly and slowly exited the building.

Luckily the streets were quiet and empty - nothing around the bother them - although the silence was to loud and any loud noise from the group was sure to draw attention, but the quick rumbling of thunder would soon draw it out - and it was then she looked into the sky and realised it was grew and drowned with clouds - a sigh blowing past her lips. Looking down she noticed her two dogs at either leg, smiling she reached down her hands and patted them continuously reassuring them. "Go on boys stretch your legs, we're going on a walk!" she chuckled and with that they set off. Through the rubble filled streets - shadowed areas helping to hide them - which was an advantage. Although all three were still wary, ready and alert.

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Re: ??????. [Post-Apocolyptic Roleplay ? Open & Accepting]
« Reply #14 on: May 25, 2014, 11:16:26 am »
« Last Edit: May 25, 2014, 02:01:06 pm by Sherlolly »
;;I'm so sorry for my recent unexplained absence. It hasn't been a good year for me so far, but I'd like to say that I'm back for good now;;

If you need any help around the forums, feel free to PM me :3

Offline crystwolf

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Re: ??????. [Post-Apocolyptic Roleplay ? Open & Accepting]
« Reply #15 on: May 25, 2014, 01:03:50 pm »
Welcome! Thanks for joining. :3 Feel free to pop in whenever you like.~)

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Offline FallingStars

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Re: ??????. [Post-Apocolyptic Roleplay ? Open & Accepting]
« Reply #16 on: May 25, 2014, 02:42:40 pm »
On my phone.))

Shilow's eyes shot around the street, making sure it was clear to go. After a couple of minutes surveying the area, she shot across the open street, her eyes fixated on the alley way. Once safely across, Shilow slowed to a walk. She noticed a building with It's door hanging off it's hinges and, being desperate for supplies, walked in cautiously. She drew out her knife that was strapped on her thigh and glanced around the dark room. She stayed in the darkness to avoid anyone or anything spot her. Shilow risked walking forward to search a small cardboard box. She smiled thankfully upon finding a couple bottles of water. It wasn't much but it was something. Satisfied, she made her way quietly back out of the building sliding her knife back in its sheath then continueing down the alley.

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Re: ??????. [Post-Apocolyptic Roleplay ? Open & Accepting]
« Reply #17 on: May 25, 2014, 02:47:56 pm »
Thanks! Changed the picture if that's okay ;3))

Natalia Sofress
Health: 19/20
Injuries: Split knuckles and lip.

You know that feeling that you get when you're somewhere you shouldn't be? Natalia had that feeling now. It was coursing through her blood, tunnelling through her veins to fuel her burning adrenaline. She sat perched on top of one of the few intact buildings, examining her knuckles. It hadn't been long since she had punched him, two hours at the most, so there was still a decent amount of blood trickling through her clenched fingers and her bottom lip stung from where she received the answering blow. It was an act purely out of self defence. Any normal person would of at least punched anyone that tried to that to them. It was downright disgusting. Natalia shuddered and pushed the thought out of her mind, focusing on the more positive note. She had at least fractured a bone of his with her punch. The brief flash of pain on Kenneth's face had proved that and had sent a wave of triumph washing over her.

A faint rumble of thunder relatively far off brought her back to the present and she dug her good hand into Jakub's fur. He answered with a quiet whine and buried his muzzle into her hair, summoning a small smile upon Natalia's face followed by a wince as she tasted blood from the crack on her lip. Her legs were stiff as she bent them to push herself up from her sitting position, placing a hand on the wall behind her to stop herself from stumbling. She shuffled along the thin ledge jutting out from the building until she reached a caved-in window to let herself back inside the building. With a tiny movement of the girl's head, Jakub followed his owner to the top of the stairs leading down to ground level. Before the earthquake, she would of struggled to descend so many stairs, but the lack of forms of transport had built muscles she had never had before on her arms and legs.

Putting all of her weight against the exit doors, they finally creaked open. Natalia held it open first to let the Australian Shepherd through and then slipped outside herself, closing it almost silently to avoid attracting those stupid creatures. If she didn't hurry back to ?onquest's territory, she would be questioned by Kenneth and furthermore draw attention to herself, something she couldn't stand.
;;I'm so sorry for my recent unexplained absence. It hasn't been a good year for me so far, but I'd like to say that I'm back for good now;;

If you need any help around the forums, feel free to PM me :3

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Re: ??????. [Post-Apocolyptic Roleplay ? Open & Accepting]
« Reply #18 on: May 25, 2014, 04:54:36 pm »
I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.

Offline OreoHeroz

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Re: ??????. [Post-Apocolyptic Roleplay ? Open & Accepting]
« Reply #19 on: May 25, 2014, 05:17:30 pm »

Bryce Eldridge

Quick Info
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Group: None
Companions: His sister, Aja Eldridge.
Heath: 17/20
Injures: Minor wound in the head along with a few scratches and bruises.

Darkness clouded Bryce's vision as he gazed around, a little dazed. A small ray of light slipped through a small crack from above, only giving him little light. Where am I? Confusion settled upon him as he slowly slipped into a sitting position, with legs crossed. He felt something wet running down the side of his neck and touched it. Once he drew his hand away, he realized that it was fresh blood oozed from a wound somewhere on his head. "Ugh..." The word he had uttered sounded more like a gurgling sound rather than an actual word. Shaking his head slightly, he slowly shifted and began to crawl towards the ray of dim light, putting his head in front of it, as if it were the only thing keeping him alive. He wasn't even sure if he was alive, anyway. Pressing a palm to his forehead, he began to try and drift back to the past using his memory. It was mostly blurry, but he could make out a few things, hopefully. Yet all he could remember was stumbling over and falling into a ditch with Aja.

"Aja!" Bryce suddenly scrambled onto his two legs, nearly wobbling and falling over. He caught his balance by slamming his hand upon whatever was in front of him. Coolness scurried up his hand as he made contact with the object. Brushing off the feeling, he wildly began to glance around, searching for his younger sister. She couldn't have survived the long fall. She must be somewhere around here. Yet to his surprise, he found no sign of Aja. "Aja!" He hollered. His voice sounded strained and raspy, but he could have cared less. Deciding to try one more time, he cleared his throat and swallowed a bit of his saliva. "Aja!"

"Up here, you idiot." Bryce's head jerked to glance above him. He could now see a shadow partially blocking the ray of light. However, as the figure drew near and squatted down, he could see Aja's face clearly. A sigh of relief swept over him, but he quickly hardened his gaze, a stern expression falling over him.

"How come you didn't answer? I called at least five times." His hand shifted, still clinging onto the strange object, which smelled and seemed like metal. Aja pushed back a few strands of her hand and tucked it behind her ear.

"Three, to be exact. I was standing here the whole time, watching you, she replied, now returning to her full height. She crossed her arms, staring down with a smug expression on her face. Bryce scoffed to himself.

"Whatever. How'd you get up?" Bryce strained to hear her voice as it suddenly grew quieter. He wasn't sure if he had heard correctly, but he didn't want to ask her to repeat herself again. Apparently, from what he heard, there was a metal ladder somewhere. His gazed dropped to what his hand was holding, before he realized that he was holding the ladder. Firmly gripping it, he began to climb his way up, squinting slightly at the sudden brightness that glared down at him. It took him only a few moments to realize that it was a flashlight. "Aja - turn it off!" he snapped, shading his eyes with his hands to fight off the light. A small giggle erupted from his sister's mouth. A small snap was sounded, before the light clicked off. Then, Aja backed up, leaving enough space for Bryce to haul himself up and over the edge of the ditch. When his body touched the hard ground, a huff escaped his lips as he sprawled out onto the ground. To his surprise, the climb exhausted him, even though he played enough sports to keep his body active. Turning his gaze to his sister without moving his head, he uttered, "Where'd you find the flashlight?"

Aja straightened her shoulders, swinging the flashlight to and fro as she answered. "I found it in an old shed over there." Her index finger lifted and pointed towards a ruined pile of wood. It didn't look like a shed anymore. "It took me a while to find it. I was looking for any tools to help us, or like some we?pon to defend us. But I only found this old thingy, so hopefully it'll do us some good."

Bryce frowned, lifting himself up onto his two legs. "We?pons? What for?" He questioned, glancing around them. "Zombies?" He scoffed. If it was zombies, it wouldn't be a challenge for Bryce. He'd played so many video games that included zombies and mythical creatures. However, that was only in the video game. Out here in real life, he wasn't sure if he'd stand a chance. His gaze drifted back to Aja.

"Ha - you'd wish," she replied, crossing her arms again. "No. It's not what you would expect. Take a look at that building," she instructed, pointing towards a half-ruined building. When Bryce shot a glance at it, he nearly reeled back in shock. Two griffins were balancing on it, snapping and screeching at one another over a limp body hanging over the side. He bit his lip, wondering what else lurked around. "And," Aja continued, "I don't really know how they got here, but I'm guessing it had to do something with..the earthquake."

Bryce nodded in agreement, reaching up to cup the wound on his head. "Yeah, whatever. Just stay hidden and remain out of their sight and way, and we'll be safe." Aja rolled her eyes.

"Easier said than done," she muttered, glancing at him. Her eyes widened with shock. "Bryce! Why didn't you say something? You're hurt!" She exclaimed, already at him and pulling his hand away. Bryce jerked his arm free and glared at her, before shuffling away.

"Yeah, thanks, Captain Obvious. It's nothing big. I can handle it," he replied, a tone of annoyance ringing through his words. "Anyway," he continued as he began to set off, "we'd better find a place to rest and stay for the night. It's getting dark, I think. Heck, I don't even know what the bloody time is." Frustration gnawed at him as he headed down the street, ignoring the warm liquid running down the side of his neck. Pressing his fingernail into his thumb to block out the pain, he glanced back to see whether Aja was following or not. Once she caught up and began to walk beside him, he rounded the corner, expecting no one or nothing in sight. However, in the distance, he noticed a figure moving slowly with two smaller figures at its side. He immediately halted, bring his arm up and stopping Aja, who - filled with annoyance - shoved his arm out of the way.

"Stop it!" she snapped, glaring at her brother. However, when a sharp yet quiet "shut up" escaped his lips, she quickly ducked behind him, peering from behind his shoulder. Whatever the three figures where, she hoped they meant no harm.

Edit: [[ I'm going to remove Selcia, so they have no animals/pets, if that's alright, Crystwolf. C: ]]
« Last Edit: May 26, 2014, 12:57:55 pm by OreoHeroz »