Author Topic: More Bonfire Drama...  (Read 2373 times)

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More Bonfire Drama...
« on: May 25, 2014, 10:41:49 pm »
Before you go any farther, let me just say this is a rant. Now if you haven't already left, please continue. ^w^

I wouldn't normally post something like this, but it disturbed me quite a bit. Now for story time! Today I was sitting in Bonfire on one of my Wildebeest characters. I had just recently entered the game not a few minutes ago, and there were the usual neon "Centers" situated in the middle of the island. I happened to be scanning the chat at the time, and noticed trouble at one of the Adoption Center characters. This is how it went down;

Wolf Girl (Different name for privacy purposes): Not to be rude, but, all these pups are ugly XD
Random Puppy: NO YOU'RE UGLY!!!1!
Me: Seeing as you're insulting characters only slightly different from yourself, wouldn't your character be ugly as well?

Now, I do recognise that I did not in fact need to intervene. This wasn't such a big deal, and this sort of thing happens a lot in Bonfire. But let me point out to you that many of the characters that had been insulted had far more color and creativity than "Wolf Girl." Her character, as it would be, had the darkest shade of black for a pelt, a pure white undercoat, and no more markings than a few stripes--also pitch black. What happened next however really set me off my guard...

Wolf Girl: Cye, who is a Wildebeast? I will have more mates than you in one day than you will in a lifetime. So shut up, since you think you're sexy.

Me (Who was in fact, a Wildebeest named Cye): I do, in fact, have a mate.

Wolf Girl: . . .

Me: How is insulting a character NOT rude??

Wolf Girl has left.

Wait...what? What?? When, at what point, did I ever say that? And why in the world would you have oh so many mates in one day? Now my character did in fact have a partner, ONE partner. But what would give someone the idea that I would go begging and crawling for one in the first place?

Now, on to the more sensible ranting...

[1] How does someone insult a character without being rude? We all have different views on what is beautiful. If you want an orange lion with purple stripes because to you, it is beautiful, you go right ahead and make that orange fluffer. But nowhere does anyone have the right to put down your charcter in favor of their own.

[2] Has FH really come down to this? People openly proclaiming their mating status to the world? Realistically, it is possible for some animals to have more than one mate, sure. In fact, it's not all that uncommon for them to have +5. But on a game? Where there are people behind each character? It doesn't seem right to go around begging for mates in something you consider "sexy" --  the pixelized version of a wolf.

If there are many errors in this post, please forgive me, or correct me! I'll gladly fix them. But really, if you have experienced something like this, agree with me, or if I am simply being to sensitive to Bonfire's craziness, let me know. What do you guys think on this topic? (If this is too similar to the many Mate-Begging topics posted before me, lock it as needed.)


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Re: More Bonfire Drama...
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2014, 11:30:54 pm »
Sadly this is what Bonfire is mostly about, which is one reason why they have Mate make them seem like they HAVE to have a mate to feel loved. If someone is bragging like that they are probably waiting for the Mate Center themselves, just gotta learn to deal with people like that and if they leave, that means you won. ^^

And don't worry, I've had a LOT worse experiences than that lol

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Re: More Bonfire Drama...
« Reply #2 on: May 26, 2014, 02:40:24 pm »
I'm sorry to say, but...

This is what Bonfire has become.

It's living up to the stereotype that it's had for a while.

And 'Wolf Girl' and her comment on getting more mates than you in a day?

For the absolute LOVE of pete!
WHY ON EARTH, Would she say that?!
It was uncalled for, and Plus, You didn't even say anything REMOTELY like it!




And those comments she said to those other people's characters.... I can't even begin to say how annoyed I am by that.
It's not YOUR place to judge somebody's Character.


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Re: More Bonfire Drama...
« Reply #3 on: May 26, 2014, 05:00:12 pm »
I hate it when people try to bring you down for what you think is pretty or beautiful or whatever. You're thinking:
And when you leave, they have pride in themselves for thinking they made you feel bad, but you're just annoyed by their blabbering nonsense.
If people try to do this, slam that block button! :D

Offline Kenji89

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Re: More Bonfire Drama...
« Reply #4 on: May 26, 2014, 08:19:01 pm »
It sounds to me that this person was potentially intoxicated. I know that this is a children's game but that is how they were coming off just from reading your post. Behavior like that is inexcusable and I'm sorry that you had to see that. I know that there are some older people that play this game and they may do things like this (and I guess have a right to a drink or two...) , but they should also be mindful that there are a lot of children that play this game as well and that they need to keep their behavior in check instead of acting like jerks. 

In the event that they were playing sober and still acting this way... I'm at a loss. This is just... Unusually rude/unintelligent behavior for someone that is in their sober sound state of mind. O.o

Offline Metronome

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Re: More Bonfire Drama...
« Reply #5 on: May 28, 2014, 02:45:03 pm »
I agree with you. I'll most likely make a rant on the drama that has been going on in FH lately. These people have problems.


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