Author Topic: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))  (Read 53275 times)

Offline Stuck in Limbo

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Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
« Reply #260 on: June 26, 2014, 06:49:15 pm »

Cry seemed to have been asleep for some time as the next time she had woken, the place was in ruin and Ezekiel and Maddi were no where to be seen. Staying as a gibbon, she wonders from it. Oblivious to what had been happening. She scales the fence and makes her way through the town.

Despite her attempts to stay out of sight, she is seen by cops who immediatly give chase. After a few minutes she is able to lose them as she comes across a house. In curiosity, the gibbon looks through a window to see Ezekiel and Maddi. She lets out a hoot of relief and excitment as she knocks on the glass, hoping to get their attention.
(Sorry I didnt want to read through 20 pages of posts)

Tomoko ?

Offline seopard

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Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
« Reply #261 on: June 26, 2014, 06:53:50 pm »

Within an hour, Maddi had managed to locate her brother, and it turns out he wasn't living that far away. Infact as she approached the city limit of the town called Capsborogh after only 45 minutes of running. She then cautiously shifted back into her human form, running her fingers through her hair to rid it of tangles before looking down at the small telephone book clipping in her hands "Mr. Jack Burke, bounty hunter extraordinaire." She chuckled darkly "How come you never visited your little sister?"
She arrived at the house in a matter of minutes, keeping an eye out for unwanted attention as she knocked on the old oak door of his small cottage.
"My eternal cockiness will not allow me to not believe..."

Offline Jane-Doe

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Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
« Reply #262 on: June 28, 2014, 03:19:41 am »
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

The massive black panther strode forwards through the forest with a silent, quick, and skillful precision, trying to follow the dim light that would lead him to Maddi. However, after an hour or so of tracking, Ezekiel switched back into his human form when he reached the town of Capsborogh. What would she be doing here? If anything at all..? And not to mention that this place was crawling with weirdos and wackadoo's. Ezekiel's pale blue eyes flickered as he stood at the edge of the forest, eyes locking onto the "city limits" sign. A sigh escaped him, and he only hoped that he would find Maddi.
"The mouth speaks what the heart is full of."

Offline seopard

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Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
« Reply #263 on: June 28, 2014, 12:43:51 pm »


Maddi almost grinned when the door opened and she caught a glimpse of her brother in years. He had gotten taller, much taller, and his features had sharpened slightly. His hair was no longer a thick mop on his forehead and he had a stubble forming on his chin, but it was still Jack. He gaped at her slightly and she frowned slightly, did he really not remember her? What's the matter Tyler? Don't you remember your only little sister?" After a moment, he whispered her name quietly and then dragged her into the house "Don't fret big bro. Maddi Annamarie Burke, at your service." She gave a little bow before she turned serious once more "Well actually, I need your help."

Jack Burke

Jack was woken from is light slumber when the door of his house was knocked on repeatedly. Knock-knock-knock, pause, knock, pause, knock-knock-knock, pause, knock. It was a sequence all to familiar to him even though he hadn't used it in years. So when he opened the door, it was a shock to say that She was standing on the porch, looking rather impatient. It can't be! She's dead! He continued to stare for a few minutes, gaping and trying to form words. "What's the matter Tyler? Don't remember your only little sister?" She said, putting emphasis on his middle name and the words little sister. "M-Maddi?" He whispered hoarsely, still in shock before he quickly pulled her into the house "Maddi? Is that really you?"
« Last Edit: June 28, 2014, 01:04:52 pm by The_Bubble_Ninja »
"My eternal cockiness will not allow me to not believe..."

Offline Stuck in Limbo

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Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
« Reply #264 on: June 28, 2014, 01:00:25 pm »
I'm just wondering, should I stay in the rp? Cause I dont see how Cry could fit into it anymore)

Tomoko ?

Offline Jane-Doe

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Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
« Reply #265 on: June 29, 2014, 12:29:53 am »
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

Ezekiel finally catches up to Maddi, but halts several meters away, hidden by the shadows of the alleyway. His icy blue eyes scan over the house, and the figure of a tall man as he opens the door. For a minute, the young lad tenses up, a growl rising in his throat. But as Zeke examines the man, he realizes that he holds several similarities to Maddi. Was that her brother? Seeing no real threat, Ezekiel leans back against the wall, crossing one leg over the other. He pulled a cigarette out of his jean pockets, and a lighter. The young Meta only smoked when extremely stressed out; and now, was a perfect time to do so. Ezekiel pursed his lips, and perched the tabacco stick inbetween his lips, before lighting it and inhaling deeply. As he returned the lighter and carton to his jean pockets, Ezekiel holds the cigarette and exhales a cloud of smoke.
"The mouth speaks what the heart is full of."

Offline seopard

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Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
« Reply #266 on: June 29, 2014, 01:09:21 am »
((well, it's really all up to you. You do what you feel like is okay))


Maddi gave Jack a slight smile and shut the door behind her, "You know Jack, you could have visited me at least once in the two years I was stuck with Dad." Her brother smiled sadly and shook his head "Trust me, I tried. I wrote all the time, but you never answered so I assumed you didn't want to see me." the girl frowned, slightly confused. She had never gotten any letters, in fact she had never gotten mail of any sort when she had lived with her dad. "Mail what mail? I never got any..." she questioned, but Jack wasn't paying attention, instead he was looking out the window intently. "Hey Mad? You know this guy?" She rushed over and almost growled out of frustration. "Unfortunately, yes." she then yanked the curtains closed "We lived together for a while, but it just wasn't working... He wasn't supposed to follow me."


Jack was quite confused, he had sent his sister so many letters asking if she needed any help, but she had never gotten them. The only reason he could think of was his dad keeping them from her, but why would he do that? Any way, now he was staring through the curtains and out the window at the boy smoking across the street. He was also confused as to why Maddi would stay with this guy, he looked like the perfect gang member, and he knew for certain that years ago his little sister was easily frightened. It was unlike her to even begin to trust a boy who looked like that one did. "How exactly did you come to trust him? I know you Maddi, and this isn't the type of person you normally associate with." Jack watched her shuffle her feet, "There's no one else here right?" she asked, looking around the room nervously, when he shook his head she relaxed a tiny bit before finally spilling the secret that she had kept from him for years.
"I'm a Meta."
"My eternal cockiness will not allow me to not believe..."

Offline Jane-Doe

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Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
« Reply #267 on: June 29, 2014, 02:20:02 am »
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

Ezekiel glanced up just in time to see the curtain yanked close, obscuring his view from Maddi and her brother. His foot tapped in a nervous rhythm. Inhaling and exhaling another cloud of smoke, Ezekiel's eyes shifted around the street, then back to the house. Should he go in? -short-
"The mouth speaks what the heart is full of."

Offline seopard

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Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
« Reply #268 on: June 29, 2014, 02:52:31 am »

Maddi shrunk away from her brother as he picked up a lamp and hurled it at the wall behind him, watching the blue glass case shatter into hundreds of tiny blades. "Why didn't you tell me?!" He shouted, whirling around to face her. Maddi simply stared at him with wide eyes, too frightened to speak. Jack then loosened his shoulders, his demeanor changing dramatically "Sorry Mads. It's just, that's not the story Dad told me." When she shot him a confused look, he explained "I went to the house to check on you about a month after you left, of course that lying bastard didn't tell me you ran away... Noooo he had to say you were taken by the Meta! Probably long dead!" Her heart rose a tiny bit and she smiled before sitting down on the couch "Calm down Jack. I'm still alive."


Jack, quite startled by the sudden turn of events quickly felt his shock turn into fury, and before he knew it, a lamp lay shattered on the floor. That stupid old man had basically told him his little sister was dead, not to mention that he was too drunk to even shed a tear over his daughter's disappearance! Jack had spent months grieving before he vowed for vengeance. He became a bounty hunter, master of tracking and disguise. His main clients had him slaying Metas, which he was perfectly happy with until right now. Just noticing Maddi almost quivering in fear, he took a deep breath to calm down before facing her and telling the rest of the story. When she said "Calm down Jack. I'm still alive.", it only caused him to grimace, here comes the worst part. "Maddi. You realize I have to report you, right? Otherwise I'll lose my job, and I'm barely paying bills as it is."
« Last Edit: June 29, 2014, 03:07:40 am by The_Bubble_Ninja »
"My eternal cockiness will not allow me to not believe..."

Offline Jane-Doe

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Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
« Reply #269 on: June 29, 2014, 09:39:40 pm »
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

Ezekiel's pale icy blue eyes bore into the gritty, cracked, and trash-littered concrete below him, and the alley way to his left. The night was so silent, you could've heard a pin drop, and the only noise was the flapping of disease-infested pigeons, and the inhale and exhale of Ezekiel's smoke-ridden breath. Running a tired hand through his messy black hair, Ezekiel was about to just up and leave.

That was before the sound of shattering glass echoed throughout the alleyway beside the house, and Zeke's muscles tensed- he was afraid he'd burst from the sudden clattering of glass echoing throughout his eardrums. Quickly tossing the cigarette to the floor and crushing it under his sneakers, Ezekiel neared the house. He gave a knock, waited a second, then gave an even more impatient- and much louder- knock.
"The mouth speaks what the heart is full of."