Author Topic: Memorable characters & their deaths  (Read 5291 times)

Offline LordSuragaha

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Memorable characters & their deaths
« on: May 28, 2014, 01:41:57 am »
Most of us have roleplayed during our time on Feral Heart and most of us have developed a character or characters that we spend a great deal of time on or just roleplaying with. At one point or another whether you tired of the character or your roleplay plot had a sudden drastic twist some of our most beloved characters have met a tragic end. Here is the place to remember and share the stories of our deceased but unforgettable characters.

You are all welcomed to join in.

 Questions to consider: Who were they? Who or what killed them?

~ Feel free to add a screenshot(s) of the character(s).

~ Don't get to graphic though if they died in a nasty way. (Keep the descriptions to an appropriate level).

« Last Edit: August 13, 2019, 11:16:56 pm by LordSuragaha »

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Re: Memorable characters & their deaths
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2014, 03:38:58 am »
A Low content wolf-dog
She lived in a hellish post-apocalyptic world. While many struggled to survive there, and just tried to get by, she took that world, wrestled it to the ground, and made it hers.

Not only did she survive, mock, and make FOOLS of the infected, vicious creatures that tried to hunt her down, but she was also crippled, and incapable of moving quickly. Her wit and will to survive got her through. Batu never had friends, she refused to get emotionally attached, save for one. One male, who she crushed on, before he too disappeared. After that, she became 'That loner'. She had to move dens often, stayed distant, hostile. By the time she was 9 years old (An incredible, extremely rare age for that rp), she had her ribs crushed in on one side, couldn't breath properly because of it, had a chunk missing from her lower back, weakened hind legs, and a crooked upper jaw. By then most infected actually ignored her.

She eventually caught pneumonia, and died because of it, curled up in her den with a kitten who she'd adopted as her own in her last few months of life. She's still my most successful survivor character, and one of the few in that RP who has attacked a patrol of hunters, and lived, uninfected, with only minor injuries. I believe the handful of others had groups on their sides, too, while she was alone.

He was a shy gentleman when he was young. His inexperience made him a very poor choice for deputy, but he was a kind cat with his heart in the right place, so he got the rank anyway.
He never should have made it to be a leader. By the time his leader began to decline in health, his own clan disliked him. He had only a handful of allies left in it, and actually had more ties and connections in his RIVAL clans, then in his own. Most of it was due to a stupid accident. It should have never happened, and no cat knew why it had ended the way it did, but he was blamed anyway. An aggressive co-deputy also did not help. He often got verbally beaten on for things the other cat had done. As a deputy, he also tracked down a troublesome rogue, and out of pity, allowed him to live despite having mauled multiple clan-mates. For once, his decision didn't bite him back. This ended well, it was one of his good moments.
When he was made leader, Rapid tried his hardest to protect his clan. He ended up leading them into a battle. For once he and his co-leader agreed on it, but of course, he was given the credit for the deaths that occurred. The next friend he tried to make after the battle, he made his apprentice. The young cat promptly crippled another, the daughter of one of his few friends.  Rapidstar became completely withdrawn. He spoke to few cats, only three in fact, as friends. One went missing, the other died kitting moons later. The other was made his deputy.
He spent less and less time around the camp. He was almost a complete loner by the time he died. He'd stopped sleeping in camp, even, and one night was caught in a blizzard. The snow trapped him inside his den, and he froze to death.

Rapid had a very poor life, was treated badly in general. He strived his entire life to help the clan. Because, that's all he had. He had no mate, no kits, and any friend he made died or ended up hating him. His clan was his life, and he would have given anything to save it from himself. He's one of my more favorite characters, one I wish I could just scoop up and hug, because he was SUCH a soft hearted cat, who wanted to do no bad, but couldn't seem to do good, no matter how hard he tried, or how much he hated himself for it.
« Last Edit: May 28, 2014, 03:55:19 am by longjump »

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Re: Memorable characters & their deaths
« Reply #2 on: May 28, 2014, 03:47:57 am »
Ahh~ What character of mine haven't I killed?

Well, for me, one of the most memorable deaths of my characters would have to be my killing of Wolfie (it was for a twist, rather than permanent damage).

Wolfie's only a fourteen-year-old human, quite ordinary (besides her friends and family, though), and has quite the attitude. She's known to back talk and let her mouth run when she's scared or mad.

She had ran into some gang members and fled into the forest, hoping to be able to outrun them. While doing this, she was shot on her arm, and fell down a ditch, breaking her ankle. Nobody she knew was around, making the situation more difficult. The oldest of the group, the leader if you will, decided to confront her, and do some unsavory things to her (best leave that part out).
She grabbed enough courage to backtalk the oldest of the gang, and angered him. She was, sadly, shot, with no-one familiar around.

I've killed almost all of my characters (only for plot, not for permanent damage), atleast once. But, for some reason, I seem to favor my teenaged characters most.

-Wolfie (or according to her friends, Satan)

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Re: Memorable characters & their deaths
« Reply #3 on: May 28, 2014, 04:33:39 am »
« Last Edit: May 28, 2014, 04:39:52 am by Vespian »

Offline LordSuragaha

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Re: Memorable characters & their deaths
« Reply #4 on: June 03, 2014, 08:06:32 pm »
Wow these are all quite sad D; but very impressive characters and interesting rp plots. Its nice to see how you guys develop the characters and the unique ways that you decided would be their ends. These were all very enjoyable to read. Thanks for sharing!

 I like that character of RapidStar. He does sound like such a sweet character <3 He had such an unfortunate existence though aww

As for Vespian's sister I read your character bio a short while back and found it so tragic D; Sadest was when he kept searching for her and drowning himself in sorrow and madness. Quite an interesting character in general!

And Wolfie has such a terrible demise D; I hope she got avenged =o
« Last Edit: June 03, 2014, 08:08:24 pm by LordSuragaha »

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Re: Memorable characters & their deaths
« Reply #5 on: June 03, 2014, 11:59:58 pm »
One story I have is of my old character Sky, a two year old lone wolf that I roleplayed in my early days of FH.

Her parents had always hated her for some reason. They had always favored her sister, Lock. Sky and Lock were twins, and they always looked out for each other, they played with each other, they loved each other, they did everything together. Lock was loved and well-cared-for by their parents, while Sky had no attention or care towards her and often went hungry some nights as a pup. As the two siblings reached their first birthday, their parents would be gone all day to hunt. While Lock waited for their parents' return, she would often play fight with Sky, and the two would often build skill from it.

However, several months later, Sky and Lock's parents returned to their den with some other, cruel-looking wolves. Because Lock, Sky, and their parents were the only four wolves living on the territory, they tried their best to avoid wars with other packs. The wolves that had followed their parents home were the alphas and betas of a large, neighboring pack. The leaders of that pack had explained to them that their pack was growing quickly and they needed a larger territory to support themselves. They wantedto kick the small family from their home so the could have it. When Sky and Lock's parents heard this they refused and responded with violence. They were slaughtered right before their eyes.

The pack's alphas told Sky and Lock that they had no choice but to join their pack. Lock, terrified, did as she was told to avoid getting killed. However, Sky was too stubborn for her own good. Even if she was disliked by her own parents, she still loved them. She wasn't going to join a pack that had killed her own parents, but she didn't want to die either. She sprinted off, not knowing where she was going. She stayed in the pack's land, following them, scavenging their hunts and to keep an eye on her sister.

Sky lasted about six months on her own until finally one of the pack's scouts saw her on the territory. The scout attacked, and luckily she was able to defend herself and fight off the wolf. The wolf ran off to alert the rest of the pack, and Sky just laid on the ground, bleeding heavily. She may have been able to survive the attack, but she no longer had the strength to stand.

Meanwhile, the pack's scout had reported to the pack of Sky. Hearing of her sister, Lock ran off to find her, and it wasn't long before she did. Lock laid there beside her, until finally Sky closed her eyes and never opened them again
Farewell everyone<3

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Re: Memorable characters & their deaths
« Reply #6 on: June 06, 2014, 05:24:21 pm »
I honestly think my most Memorable Character's Death would be my already dead fursona BlackBerry now that I think long and hard about him.

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  Aye yes this character brings out the full me. I find myself roleplaying as him even more now that Summer is coming along quite nicely. He died when he was still A Human around the age of.....hmm say Twentythree? Twentyfour? His death was long and slow and full of misery I guess you could say. Because all the Laboratories/Factories are being watched because of all the animal abuse (etc.) going on that now buildings and companies like these now take donations and volunteers. BlackBerry however (His human name is Nick/Berry first name Nick last name Berry you can call him whatever you like.) never really noticed that he indeed dragged himself into his own death when instead of going to prison for Gang Activities that he didn't even want to be in he signed a contract for Volunteer work down at who knows where? Because guess what? He didn't even bother to read the warning signs and what not. Did he even read the paper he was signing with his signature at all? I doubt it. Because he was A lazy kind of person he didn't even bother trying to find out where this 'volunteer' building was. The government for these companies found out where he lived in his trashy apartment and took this opportunity to snatch him up for themselves.
  Taken back to a tall dreary building by A Government you didn't even really want to sign up for clearly isn't the best way to go. Seeing as the Company failed at pretty much all their products like skin care cream and sunscreens totally just made his back raw and red. You know how you get marker/ink marks on your hands when you color? Do you think it would hurt allot when they draw on your back with acid like markers? Yea you would think. Those Ink Pens certainly won't be published by Crayola anytime soon I can tell you that. And It's bad enough they use him as A Test Dummy for Cars only to have both of his legs smashed in a car accident. And then replace his broken legs with metal ones by their Mechanic. He lost all his good looks by then for sure. Instead of having his very tall and lean body with fluffy blonde hair, he now had bags under his eyes because how could you sleep in a place like that? And peeling red itchy skin all over his back with scars that looked like you pored hot wax down his back. Oh and A pair of sleek metal legs. How nice is that? And they kept him there because He was the one who had signed his life over to. Wow nice going Berry. You could tell he wanted to die so when he tries to escape for goodness who knows what number this attempt was he goes through the control room where there are hot coals to power up the towers and whatnot. Great. Even better when he accidentally  opens up the door to the giant like oven god and starts A fire. Fire mixed with water pipes is not good. Not good at all. Do you think so? Yea it's not good that the factory ends up blowing up killing Berry as well as everyone else. Good job you mess up.
  Now he has no charming looks just A inky back with long metal legs and a burn covering half of his shadow skinned face with A drooping dead eye hanging in the socket. He doesn't even remember who he was or how he became A Shadowed freak but he does know one thing. Only trust beings like Him. The ones with The Shadowy, Inky pelts. The Kreptis Species.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2014, 05:27:17 pm by Berrymutt »

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Re: Memorable characters & their deaths
« Reply #7 on: June 07, 2014, 12:40:57 am »

Raptorstar, my most memorable character

Raptorstar was one of my most favorite characters. I don't play Feralheart anymore, but she will always be there. Since I can't describe her in simple description, I will recreate her life.

Raptorstar was born in a small cave to two loners. Angelwing was her mother and Demonfrost was her father. Angelwing spent most of her time in the cave milking Raptorkit. Demonfrost did most of the hunting. He defended the cave from everything, from cats to even a badger. Raptorkit lived a happy life. When Raptorkit became 3 months old, her parents began taking turns hunting, so that her mother could get some air while Demonfrost watched over Raptorkit. As a result of this method, both parents got fresh air and Raptorkit loved both her parents equally. When Raptorkit became 4 months old a terrible lightning storm struck. It struck near the cave and a fire erupted. The family fled, but they became trapped by a ring of fire. The circle was quickly closing in on the three. Angelwing and Demonfrost turned to Raptorkit, and Angelwing spoke softly, "Raptorkit, Mommy loves you. And Daddy loves you. Be strong for Mommy and Daddy, Ok?" Raptorkit nodded and Demonfrost pick her up and threw her across the fire. Raptorkit instantly turned around, waiting for her parents but they never came out. When the fire stopped she set off sadly. She soon came across Streamclan. The leader, named Bluestar, took her in. They cared for Raptorkit, and soon she became and apprentice. Her name was Raptorpaw. But it wasn't just the clan she liked. She met a Tom named Robinpaw. It was love at first sight for both the cats. Together they completed 6 months of training together. Raptorpaw became the apprentice of Icefrost, who later became deputy. When the two became warriors, Raptorpaw became Raptorclaw, for her unusually long claws, and Robinpaw was Robinwing. Raptorclaw had one down side to her though. She was the prime target for a group of evil spirit cats called the Dark Forest cats. One fateful afternoon, an evil ghost name Thornstar started to possess Raptorclaw's soul. Thornstar made her attack her clanmates. But one cat named Pheonixwinf figured it out, and soon all the cats had been able to remove Thornstar's evil spirit from her body. But when Bluestar was killed in a cougar attack,Icefrost became leader. Raptorclaw wanted to be deputy. But she became disappointed when Firestorm was chosen deputy. But she shrugged it off, he was older and more experienced. Plus Raptorclaw wanted to be mates with Robinwing. When they were in camp and every one was out he pulled out a rose and asked Raptorclaw to be his mate. She accepted and both were happy. But a few months later, Robinwing was struck with cancer. The medicine cat tried all she could, but to no avail. Finally one sad day she emerged saying Robinwing was dead. Heartbroken and over the roof with sadness, she sat vigil the rest of the day and all night, not even moving an inch until he was buried the next morning. But then Firestorm died days later as well. But this time Raptorclaw was ready. But she wasn't picked. Overnight the she cat snuck out of camp. She gathered up some rogues, loners, and found the perfect spot for a camp. There, Raptorclan was born. With Raptorstar as leader, the clan grew and grew. Raptorstar then met a handsome tom named Tigershadow. Raptorstar and Tigershadow soon became mates. They had a male named Wolfkit. He grew into a fine young warrior. Raptorstar knew she had an almost perfect life. Her clan was the most powerful in Fluorite Plains. They easily conquered land for the growing numbers. But Raptorstar was growing old. She went on less patrols and was visually growing weak. Her muzzle and tail tip turned from glossy black to dark grey. She usually sent the deputy, Redtail to substitute for gatherings.
One fateful day, Raptorstar was ending a clan meeting. But when she placed her foot on a pebble she fell to the ground. Cats gathered and the medicine cat checked her. She was ok. But the next morning she wouldn't get up. She was still alive, but she legs were too weak. She was moved to the middle of the clearing. The medicine cat tried to help her, but the black she cat just laughed, "There is no cure for old age." She lay her head down and fell asleep. The Great Raptorstar was dead.

I was ultimately saddened when I made Raptorstar die. She was one of my favorite characters and will never be forgotten. As for Raptorclan many people have tried to make copies, but in my mind. There is only one. And it was led by Raptorstar.

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Re: Memorable characters & their deaths
« Reply #8 on: June 07, 2014, 01:43:27 am »
Well, this one, for me, is fairly recent.
In a story I've been writing down (hope to turn it into a comic soon, once I figure out how to do that and hone my art skills more) it involves my fursona, who lots of you know- Jackdaw, and his less known mate, Ashera.

(This is the only drawing I have of them at the moment. X3 )

Dun worry, Jackdaw's just fine & dandy ;3

I'm not going to explain the whole backstory leading up to the event, because it's quite lengthy and I don't want to ramble, so I will summarize a bit.

.... Forgive the novel....

Jackdaw & Ashera, -after a series of epic events involving pack wars, betrayal, action, a psycho wolf named Molek, and stuff that I'm not gonna go into (sorreh >;3)- ended up becoming the leaders of Ashera's birth pack, and even having two pups of their own. (Ash's oldest pup is the son of her previous "mate," Kelso). But, as things seem to be going well, their old enemy, Molek, who had survived -insert life-threatening battle event that I'm not gonna spoil, here- wasn't going to give them their happily-ever-after so easily. What had begun as conquest and a lust for power, had turned into a twisted game of revenge in his mind, and it didn't take long for him to hatch a plot.

In his lust for vengeance and for power, Molek located a friend of his- a stray mongrel who was well known recently due to his rabies infection. Molek convinced the mutt to assist him, and with the help of another few secretive followers who happened to be members of Jackdaw & Ashera's pack, they managed to lure Ashera away from the camp by faking an emergency. She disappeared after that for a few days, making it obvious to Jackdaw that something was going on. Putting his half brother in charge of the young pups, and the Beta in charge of the pack, he set out in search for his mate, only to be confronted by his old rival, Molek. As Jackdaw prepared himself for another fight, his old foe stepped aside to reveal a vital asset working on his behalf. He had used his rabid pawn to infect Ashera with the virus, knowing Jackdaw would never fight his own mate, and possibly allowing easy access to the pack. A killing two birds with one stone type of thing in Molek's mind- even if Jackdaw didn't chose to fight his own mate, who at this point in her infection didn't even recognize him, she would still eventually die from it, leaving Molek's adversary not physically hurt, but emotionally- which would work just as well.

Obviously, due to the rabies, Ashera stood snarling and foaming at the mouth at the father of her pups. Before Jackdaw could even utter a word, the she-wolf had charged him, treating him just as she would a bitter rival. Her virus-fueled body launched attack after violent attack while Molek stood smirking sadistically as he watched. Jackdaw, while he knew to dodge her jaws to avoid catching the virus himself, did little else to fight back. How could he hurt his own mate- even if she wasn't in her right mind? As he got pushed around and constantly barreled over, he continued to duck and shove back with his paws to keep Ashera's snapping jaws away. Living in-town all his life, he knew this virus and what it would eventually do, if the humans hadn't already done it. It always brought death- and if he left her as she is, it would be a slow, agonizing one. He knew he had a decision to make. He couldn't allow her to die such a horrid death- especially since she'd only go on to further unconsciously hurt those she used to love- and he feared not only for the pack, but especially for their pups; and he knew that she would not want her last moments to be used by killing those she always held so dear. For the sake of Ashera, and their pups, Jackdaw had to do it.

Once again, he found himself be barreled over by the rabid wolf's charge. Laying on his back, he kept his forelegs stiff against Ashera's chest as she stood over him, barking and viscously snapping at his face and throat. Her eyes were already glazed over, and it was obvious that the female he once knew as Ashera was no longer there. From the corner of his eye, he noticed that Molek had disappeared from the ridge where he previously stood watching, but that was the least of his concerns right now. Maneuvering a forepaw, he managed to shove the black she-wolf's head away and wriggle out from beneath her. It took every ounce of energy and will to make his next move- quickly clamp down upon her throat. It was the right thing to do, and he knew it, but even still his jaws grew weak at the thought that the creature he was suffocating was once his beloved mate, and the mother of his own pups. She would have wanted this, rather than unknowingly murder her loved ones. Before too long, her struggling and unnatural snarling grew softer and fainter as Jackdaw forced himself to keep his jaws firmly clasped upon her windpipe, eyes clenched shut. A few moments felt like an eternity before the she-wolf let out one last gurgling huff and went limp in her mate's jaws. Growling to keep back tears, Jackdaw gently released his grip and laid her down on the earth at his feet, just as his half-brother- Gringo and pups showed up behind him, the pups having convinced gullible Gringo to take them out of camp to search for them.

Aaannnnnd dramatic cliff-hanger dun dun DUUNNN. (Lol I actually haven't come up with anything to happen after that yet, so yeah. XD)
In-Game as: Jackkdaw
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Re: Memorable characters & their deaths
« Reply #9 on: April 22, 2015, 11:11:11 pm »
I feel like it's a good time to revive this old topic of mine since I'd love to hear more interesting stories about users' various characters. Feel free to join in on the discussion guys!