Author Topic: Just stop. Please, just freaking stop.  (Read 4380 times)

Offline angelre0702

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Just stop. Please, just freaking stop.
« on: May 31, 2014, 01:33:45 am »
Well, my God, I didn't think I'd have to post a rant about this.

Arbyaliis: Oh my God, look at that yellow, green, and blue wolf. His char. tag is Raven.. what a troll. The stupid colors burn my orbs, and that guy MUST be illiterate. He also must be an idiot IRL, who'd make a char. like that!? I mean, c'mon..!

Raven: ..Excuse me? I didn't mean to upset anyone.. I guess I'll go change my char :c

Arbyaliis: I think that's best, sweetheart.
- A few days ago in FP. This really makes my blood boil, throwing comments about other people regarding their character or their roleplaying style? I bet when you first joined you made bright-colored characters and was a total dweeb in RPin', too! >:c

I really don't think this is freakin' necessary.. calling people out for their character's looks or for the color's reputations..? My God, just stop!

ILLITERATE ROLEPLAYER "CLICHE" (i.e) [[ Names changed due to privacy reasons. ]]

Starr: Hey, may I join ur rp? :-)

Bandit: Ah, I'd like an RP sample...

Starr: (Ok!) -the she wolf danced along the salty terrain, her eyes gliding across anything she came upon- (What did u think? :D)

Bandit: OMG, guys! Dude, it's tagged a REALISTIC rp.. Are you blind!?! Stupid noobs.]]

.... AGHHHHHHH! /faceplants
That is freaking RIDICULOUS. Judging someone due to the way they RP? "Starr" (Named changed for privacy reasons), here, seemed like a nice lass that could've easily been helped out in roleplayin'. That RP could've helped her advance, nevertheless, "Bandit" decided to be a total jerk and rejected her, only pushing her back from finding another roleplay.
.. I can't even- What have these RP's - and FeralHeart - come to..!?
- Your opinion?
« Last Edit: May 31, 2014, 06:47:22 pm by Re. »

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Re: Just stop. Please, just freaking stop.
« Reply #1 on: May 31, 2014, 01:42:48 am »
I agree with this, I just hate it when other people judge by another character who is Having neon colors I dont see whats wrong with neon colors, Because in Feralheart, you can make anything you want, When I first joined feralheart I myself was a bright pink neon wolf because reasons .-. I was glad no one was judging me since It was back in 2012 there were kind people there also , but since its 2014 everything has changed :/  I hope people will just stop judging other users characters, its just so mean.

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Re: Just stop. Please, just freaking stop.
« Reply #2 on: May 31, 2014, 04:38:36 am »
Holy hole in a donut Batman, it's a GAME where you can CREATE your character freely no matter how sparkly un-realistic or brownie realistic, it's a game where you can create your character however you like.

Indeed I disagree with the unrealistic characters since some 25% of them could be power-players, but as a realistic character, we can't make it all the way realistic like a Gray Wolf, like we must rely on pictures and free preset textures(I recommend RainOfBl00d on DA, sadly however some of his preset textures and such are priced with DA points), but have you see the realism requirements of a certain RP group?

Lets say an Warriors RP group is advertised and they say there Literate and Realistic, then a semi-realistic bicolor tabby comes alone and asks to join, ether if that group wants and RP sample or not, let's say that tabby is a literate Role-player, however the leader of the Warrirors RP rejects the tabby, saying he or she is not real enough, long story short the tabby seems to ether decide to sadly walk away or burst like Vesuvius and call them unfair.

Trust me I was rejected some times, when I was gonna use a Shiba Inu for a RP, the leader requested a RP sample, I sent it in but the leader told me that I'm not literate enough, but I didn't go kaboom like the tabby, I just had to understand and walk away.

Any who I see colorful creatures run around Bonfire, lag-fire or whatever the heck you kids call it, no not the troll-like neon TLK ones, I meant let's say... a horse, I seen unrealistic horses around Bonfire, but since this game only has feline and canine models(Here's a reminder you all know, Kovu left to work on his Facebook game he just recently released, and without the source code, nothing can be changed, except chat channels and such, but for the moderator's sakes, DON'T talk about General!) the person who want's to create a character that's like a horse or a deer and such had to rely on pictures it seems.

Speaking of which the person may have to rely on some markings made from the folks of FH(Mostly the recent version of Mass Markings, but I'm not gonna post a link to it, gonna have to search the forums yo), and that person may require some fan-made markings to prevent seeing those puffy marshmallows.

Creativity and skills are not alone on FH, those two things are also on sites such as DeviantArt, Fur Affinity, etc etc everywhere, however sometimes those newbie people seem to slowly or quickly step up the stairs of skills and seem to go from un-realistic power-player, to a realistic Stephen King book literate.

I indeed too have some skills in creating my characters, but even if we're rejected for being to neon, we must RP even if we can't get into one and/or can't seem to get anymore realistic.


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Re: Just stop. Please, just freaking stop.
« Reply #3 on: May 31, 2014, 04:48:54 am »
Simply despicable. Why some users perform such actions is beyond me but nobody should be judged just 'cause of their looks. Even if they are trollin', god-moddin', power-playin', what does that have to do with anythin' on one's appearance? Completely irrelevant! That has to do with one's character, experience, and/or role-play style. Not appearance. The same thing can be applied to reality. Never judge a book by its cover for, believe it or not, I have come across one or two very reasonable members who possessed neon characters (one was orange with green eyes and bright blue hyena stripes) but I digress.

The poor laddie. If I were there, I would've intercepted. That much I know. Nobody should be greeted with such distaste. Especially if they may be a bit new in the community as a whole. Much more is Raven was actually a peaceful fellow and sought not to quarrel even after bein' snapped at in an unneeded manner- Kudos to 'em. The actions of such inconsiderable users like the one ye've described yerself, Ms., can even lean towards harrassin' and cyber-bullyin'. If ye' come across such disrespectful and intolerable motives that seem a bit out of hand, I suggest ye' take screenshots and report it to the staff. Then, if ye' feel bold enough, step in and kindly aid the user who's bein' picked on.
If they like their character, then their character is beautiful. Everyone has different tastes and opinions towards somethin'. This is why FeralHeart grants the ability of makin' winged lions and bright orange wolves. Creativity is beautiful in the eyes of the creator and I'm sure Raven disliked a few features on Arbyaliis as well but was thoughtful enough not to announce said disapproval out loud.

I understand this rant and I've seen one quite like it many times before. I was only fortunate enough that I was not openly judged when I made my own share of unrealistic neons. Then again.. I did join back in the year 2011 when most users were new. Regardless, like Ms. Shenidan has stated, things have changed. Better or worse? I know not. I do know that I pity the users who experience yer classic, "Ew. Your a neon so you're a troll. Get away from me you bug" or "Illiterate noob... Go away, you're melting my eyes" judgement(s). I too hope that one day wisdom will grace their eyes and they'll come to realize how much hurt they can cause in just one or two sentences. Communication is powerful and is not to be handled callously without awareness as to what may be the result(s) in certain topics.


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Re: Just stop. Please, just freaking stop.
« Reply #4 on: May 31, 2014, 05:05:48 am »
People need to understand that Feral Heart is a game about creativity and roleplay, not strictly REALISTIC roleplay. Users should feel free to make whatever character they desire without being discriminated against or labeled a title, but people stereotype that those who have brighter colored characters are "illiterate" and noobish anyways. It's wrong, and should not be taken lightly. I mean, who would say: "You have a green shirt; you must be a complete idiot." I sure don't. lol
Those who say something along the lines of "Oh, you're character has a blue hue that blinds my orbs," (number one, "orbs?" Orbs is wolfspeak, therefor the "literate" player saying that is wrong themselves. Maybe they should go look up what orbs means.) should just be blocked. They are just being rude to get attention and make you feel bad about your character. Does it even matter what player's characters look like? It's the words that matter. I wouldn't care what that user looked like, as long as I had someone to roleplay with, I'd be happy. Now those who straight up curse or say offensive comments about your character should be reported to a staff member; nothing a simple screenshot shouldn't solve.

Now, what's wrong with a little creativity? Feral Heart was made with a 255,255,255 color(s) option, not just realistic browns and greys/grays. My personal preference would be a semi-realistic character; one who was unique yet nicely colored. My characters tend to stride into browns, maroons and dark pinkish-brownish colors. I have had someone tell me that my character, Nyra, was unrealistic before, and sure, it wasn't nice, but who cares what they say? As long as you like your character, it doesn't matter what they think. If someone is rude to people like that just for being "unrealistic" probably means you don't want to join their roleplay.

Picture of Nyra. ^ Wow, just because she has a different color doesn't mean I can't roleplay. Funny the people who said that were wolfspeak-ing. (Lol.)
Raven: ..Excuse me? I didn't mean to upset anyone.. I guess I'll go change my char :c
If I were you, I wouldn't have changed characters so that they'd accept you. They simply are not worth it. It's the person who matters, not there avatar/character.
Shame people can't figure that out sometimes. Best to just ignore them and move on, no matter how tempting their roleplay is.

Anyways, my opinion on these character cliques would be this: It's rude to discriminate characters just by their coloration. There's a person behind that character, and you shouldn't label them "illiterate" just for being creative.

I'll probably end up editing this later. I keep getting new ideas to add on here.
« Last Edit: May 31, 2014, 05:18:46 am by AlphaEclipse »

Offline angelre0702

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Re: Just stop. Please, just freaking stop.
« Reply #5 on: May 31, 2014, 06:56:42 pm »

I agree with this, I just hate it when other people judge by another character who is Having neon colors I dont see whats wrong with neon colors, Because in Feralheart, you can make anything you want, When I first joined feralheart I myself was a bright pink neon wolf because reasons .-. I was glad no one was judging me since It was back in 2012 there were kind people there also , but since its 2014 everything has changed :/  I hope people will just stop judging other users characters, its just so mean.

@Shenidan || It's totally rude. Everyone has seemingly changed along role-playin', and it really ticks me off..[/i]

Holy hole in a donut Batman, it's a GAME where you can CREATE your character freely no matter how sparkly un-realistic or brownie realistic, it's a game where you can create your character however you like.

Indeed I disagree with the unrealistic characters since some 25% of them could be power-players, but as a realistic character, we can't make it all the way realistic like a Gray Wolf, like we must rely on pictures and free preset textures(I recommend RainOfBl00d on DA, sadly however some of his preset textures and such are priced with DA points), but have you see the realism requirements of a certain RP group?

Lets say an Warriors RP group is advertised and they say there Literate and Realistic, then a semi-realistic bicolor tabby comes alone and asks to join, ether if that group wants and RP sample or not, let's say that tabby is a literate Role-player, however the leader of the Warrirors RP rejects the tabby, saying he or she is not real enough, long story short the tabby seems to ether decide to sadly walk away or burst like Vesuvius and call them unfair.

Trust me I was rejected some times, when I was gonna use a Shiba Inu for a RP, the leader requested a RP sample, I sent it in but the leader told me that I'm not literate enough, but I didn't go kaboom like the tabby, I just had to understand and walk away.

Any who I see colorful creatures run around Bonfire, lag-fire or whatever the heck you kids call it, no not the troll-like neon TLK ones, I meant let's say... a horse, I seen unrealistic horses around Bonfire, but since this game only has feline and canine models(Here's a reminder you all know, Kovu left to work on his Facebook game he just recently released, and without the source code, nothing can be changed, except chat channels and such, but for the moderator's sakes, DON'T talk about General!) the person who want's to create a character that's like a horse or a deer and such had to rely on pictures it seems.

Speaking of which the person may have to rely on some markings made from the folks of FH(Mostly the recent version of Mass Markings, but I'm not gonna post a link to it, gonna have to search the forums yo), and that person may require some fan-made markings to prevent seeing those puffy marshmallows.

Creativity and skills are not alone on FH, those two things are also on sites such as DeviantArt, Fur Affinity, etc etc everywhere, however sometimes those newbie people seem to slowly or quickly step up the stairs of skills and seem to go from un-realistic power-player, to a realistic Stephen King book literate.

I indeed too have some skills in creating my characters, but even if we're rejected for being to neon, we must RP even if we can't get into one and/or can't seem to get anymore realistic.

@MoonwalingZear || So very true. Creativity is in the eye of the master, not someone else. Just because you don't like someone's character doesn't mean you go rantin' about it.[/i]

Simply despicable. Why some users perform such actions is beyond me but nobody should be judged just 'cause of their looks. Even if they are trollin', god-moddin', power-playin', what does that have to do with anythin' on one's appearance? Completely irrelevant! That has to do with one's character, experience, and/or role-play style. Not appearance. The same thing can be applied to reality. Never judge a book by its cover for, believe it or not, I have come across one or two very reasonable members who possessed neon characters (one was orange with green eyes and bright blue hyena stripes) but I digress.

The poor laddie. If I were there, I would've intercepted. That much I know. Nobody should be greeted with such distaste. Especially if they may be a bit new in the community as a whole. Much more is Raven was actually a peaceful fellow and sought not to quarrel even after bein' snapped at in an unneeded manner- Kudos to 'em. The actions of such inconsiderable users like the one ye've described yerself, Ms., can even lean towards harrassin' and cyber-bullyin'. If ye' come across such disrespectful and intolerable motives that seem a bit out of hand, I suggest ye' take screenshots and report it to the staff. Then, if ye' feel bold enough, step in and kindly aid the user who's bein' picked on.
If they like their character, then their character is beautiful. Everyone has different tastes and opinions towards somethin'. This is why FeralHeart grants the ability of makin' winged lions and bright orange wolves. Creativity is beautiful in the eyes of the creator and I'm sure Raven disliked a few features on Arbyaliis as well but was thoughtful enough not to announce said disapproval out loud.

I understand this rant and I've seen one quite like it many times before. I was only fortunate enough that I was not openly judged when I made my own share of unrealistic neons. Then again.. I did join back in the year 2011 when most users were new. Regardless, like Ms. Shenidan has stated, things have changed. Better or worse? I know not. I do know that I pity the users who experience yer classic, "Ew. Your a neon so you're a troll. Get away from me you bug" or "Illiterate noob... Go away, you're melting my eyes" judgement(s). I too hope that one day wisdom will grace their eyes and they'll come to realize how much hurt they can cause in just one or two sentences. Communication is powerful and is not to be handled callously without awareness as to what may be the result(s) in certain topics.

@Vespian (Congrats on becomin' a MiT!!) || It is truly despicable. There is no excuse for plainly rantin' about something you don't like that holds creativity for someone else, it's just plain hurtful.[/i]

People need to understand that Feral Heart is a game about creativity and roleplay, not strictly REALISTIC roleplay. Users should feel free to make whatever character they desire without being discriminated against or labeled a title, but people stereotype that those who have brighter colored characters are "illiterate" and noobish anyways. It's wrong, and should not be taken lightly. I mean, who would say: "You have a green shirt; you must be a complete idiot." I sure don't. lol
Those who say something along the lines of "Oh, you're character has a blue hue that blinds my orbs," (number one, "orbs?" Orbs is wolfspeak, therefor the "literate" player saying that is wrong themselves. Maybe they should go look up what orbs means.) should just be blocked. They are just being rude to get attention and make you feel bad about your character. Does it even matter what player's characters look like? It's the words that matter. I wouldn't care what that user looked like, as long as I had someone to roleplay with, I'd be happy. Now those who straight up curse or say offensive comments about your character should be reported to a staff member; nothing a simple screenshot shouldn't solve.

Now, what's wrong with a little creativity? Feral Heart was made with a 255,255,255 color(s) option, not just realistic browns and greys/grays. My personal preference would be a semi-realistic character; one who was unique yet nicely colored. My characters tend to stride into browns, maroons and dark pinkish-brownish colors. I have had someone tell me that my character, Nyra, was unrealistic before, and sure, it wasn't nice, but who cares what they say? As long as you like your character, it doesn't matter what they think. If someone is rude to people like that just for being "unrealistic" probably means you don't want to join their roleplay.

Picture of Nyra. ^ Wow, just because she has a different color doesn't mean I can't roleplay. Funny the people who said that were wolfspeak-ing. (Lol.)
Raven: ..Excuse me? I didn't mean to upset anyone.. I guess I'll go change my char :c
If I were you, I wouldn't have changed characters so that they'd accept you. They simply are not worth it. It's the person who matters, not there avatar/character.
Shame people can't figure that out sometimes. Best to just ignore them and move on, no matter how tempting their roleplay is.

Anyways, my opinion on these character cliques would be this: It's rude to discriminate characters just by their coloration. There's a person behind that character, and you shouldn't label them "illiterate" just for being creative.

I'll probably end up editing this later. I keep getting new ideas to add on here.

[/i]@ AlphaEclipse || Ah, my point exactly. And you got a quick chuckle out of me for callin' the other a wolfspeaker. Hee.

Sorry for the gigantic post.
« Last Edit: May 31, 2014, 06:59:45 pm by Re. »

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Re: Just stop. Please, just freaking stop.
« Reply #6 on: May 31, 2014, 07:09:29 pm »
It's unbelievable how often this happens! I can't RP near Stone Bridge now due to people getting mad at my bright colors!
And I hate seeing people picked on for their characters. I actually have never RPed with an illiterate neon ever, in my entire time playing this game! So people jumping to conclusions just isn't right, there are fabulous RPs out there with fantastically creative characters. If they can't see the creative beauty behind it, that is their loss. ):<

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Re: Just stop. Please, just freaking stop.
« Reply #7 on: May 31, 2014, 07:32:22 pm »
Floof, dont listen. Walk away and ignore.

I know this may seem sad, but i only have 2 friends in my intire life. You know why? That is because my choices are
 very serious and many laughed about that. Peoples attitude has been passed down from geniration to geniration but it
 is up to people to be good or bad. To be honest, many people are going forward to bad. Some dont even realise they are doing
 the wrong thing. From now on, never ever listen to a person that critisizes you its a stupid untrue fact.
 Everyone is beautiful in their way and i have many neon characters even if i am not a newbie. Its pretty, catchy and creative.

Always stay strong, dont let the fear strike you!

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Re: Just stop. Please, just freaking stop.
« Reply #8 on: June 02, 2014, 10:25:00 pm »
oh... if anyone ever does that, i will write down their usernames and report them immediately!!!!
I'm currently unable to play FH and don't know when I will? Yeah...

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Re: Just stop. Please, just freaking stop.
« Reply #9 on: June 02, 2014, 11:54:02 pm »
I agree with most everything that has been said! It's very unfortunate that people are so judgmental to others...

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