Author Topic: Who Have You Let Go?  (Read 1868 times)

Offline trinitylovespink

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Who Have You Let Go?
« on: June 14, 2014, 12:45:43 am »
Welcome to My Semi Emotional Thread!

Not To Long ago I found out that one of my best friends on feral-heart had passed away from their sister on skype. I was extremely upset and Let go Of feral-heart for a while to try and get over it. Even Though I didnt know them IRL They were very close and we would talk almost every day on Skype and in the game itself. I truthfully never got over it mostly because they told me about how their attempt at suicides failed and they couldnt stand their at home life.

I Remember one time while we were chatting on skype there parents came and yelling and slammed the computer shut. I was so nervous that I hung up the skype call and waited a couple of days to talk to him again. When I did he wasnt happy at all and seemed completely different (as he was when we first skyped). After a few weeks I had not heard from him and I got a Bit worried, but not to the point that I would call. I saw that His sisters rarely messaged and the last time they did I heard the news.

In Honer of Him and His sister, I keep the character I was his mate with and Kept his Skype in my contacts.

Question 1: Who Have You Had to Let go? And What Happen?
Question 2: How did you deal with it?
Here To Help!
Ingame: trinitylovespink
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Offline Liepi

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Re: Who Have You Let Go?
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2014, 02:21:43 am »
Question 1: Who Have You Had to Let go? And What Happen?
Question 2: How did you deal with it?

1. I had to let go of my best friend. Don't laugh at me either because my best friend was my dog Chance. He had become aggressive and attacked other dogs and he actually bit me once. It wasn't that I was scared of him after that, I think it was just the fact that he was my dog and bit me so I was shocked. Eventually we had to put him down. ;-;

2. I sort of gathered up some pictures I had of him and made it into one big collage. So now shen I look at it, it reminds fo him. Though honestly, I really haven't truly let him go and quite frankly, I don't feel I must.

Offline Wolff Hybrid

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Re: Who Have You Let Go?
« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2014, 08:01:58 am »
                             Question 1: Who Have You Had to Let go? And What Happen?
                                               Question 2: How did you deal with it?

1. My best friend growing up was my Labrador retriever Buddy. He came to me unexpectedly as someone else's dog. My father always would take him back to his correct owner but every few days he would keep showing up at our house repeatedly. The original owners decided to just let me have him because they believed he chose me. We had wonderful times together, i taught him to play basketball and soccer. He followed me as if he was my other half. Everyday i would leave for school he followed me to end of my driveway and watched me leave. When i would come home he would be sitting in grass just waiting for me. There also has been a time where my dad got a phone call about a golden lab and a German Shepard in there yard. So my dad and i went to see if it was buddy. Which was about 2 miles from our house. They told us they witnessed our dog pulling the other dog across the road from being hit by a car. We took the Shepard to the vet immediately found no owners so my dad decided to adopt her. But before we could get the papers signed she passed away.So many fond memories of him and the things he has done for our family.
     What happen: One day coming home from school i got off the bus, and headed toward the house. When i reached the garage i noticed blood on the ground. Wondering what it was, i called for Buddy and he wasn't coming to me like he normally would of done. When i got in the garage i found him laying in the corner so i rushed over to him. Not noticing blood on him yet i started petting him, then i saw blood on my hand. When i moved his head over i realized half of his ear has been ripped from his face and he was bleeding servery. I called my dad quickly and we rushed him to the vet. Being at his age 11 years old at this time, i told them to not use the strongest sleeping medicine. Which they said they would not do. Leaving the vet i hugged Buddy told him i loved him and i would be back for him soon. A few days went by i kept asking my dad about Buddy and got no reply. Finally one day my dad told me Buddy didnt make it through the operation. Asking to see my best friend i wasn't allowed. The part that makes me most angry, is finding out the doctor didn't do what they would say. I finally got my real answer that he made it though the sergery but they couldn't wake him up. So they had to let him go. My dad had him cremated in a jar for me to hold onto till this very day.

2. Its been about 10 years since he passed away. Even to this day it still hurts just thinking of the news i got from my dad about my best friend. My parents made a photograph of the last picture i had with Buddy and wrote on side  a message from him. Saying " I'm not with you physically but i am  here spiritually. Even though we can not be together now, i will be waiting for you at Rainbow Bridge. Then we will be together again" Buddy. Even though i know my parents made that message, it means so much to me because i felt i had a bond with Buddy and we could connect more than most people/animals could.  My parents even made a Labrador Statue with a collar that buddy wore. Right now even after all these years i still keep a picture of him next to my computer that i look at everyday. I know he's in a better place that happen to him, and i'ts hard to get over such a tragic. I could never and will never let him go. He is with me in my heart and soul rest of my life.

Offline InuCrazy

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Re: Who Have You Let Go?
« Reply #3 on: June 16, 2014, 06:02:36 pm »
Well...I guess mine isn't as tragic as others, cause this isn't a death..But I know they won't come back, ever or in a really long time..

I met a girl over FH, we enjoyed chatting daily, yet we were just normal friends, nothing really 'amazing' just friends, not besties. We one day were alone together in an rp, and we began to make a plot to kill a character in this rp, because of something she did. We had loads of fun. Then...It was my dumb idea for us to annoy people on FH, and I got her banned...(this WAS two years ago, and I've realised my mistakes, I was quite a noob back then) and then we could only communicate by using another chatting website. We became so close, sharing random and funny pictures, we shared pictures of eachother and I shared my art with her, we spoke 24 7. We even knew where we both lived, cities too...But we were so far from eachother. We made plans to meet up when we got older. One day, she had so many issues and lied, telling me she'd be gone for a year. So...There it started. I became SO upset, life had its ups and downs, I cried every day and I met some people who I got close to, but they left me or were too busy. It was too much for me to take, I was lonely and nobody knew me. Then, she came back. I was so happy, we were close, everything was bright and nice, my days were easier. But then I made a BIG mistake. We were both having a bad day, and I got angry when she left me for no reason..So I messaged her something I deeply regret. She sent me something, and in the end it said; I'll always remember you, even if you don't. And that was that. This was only two weeks ago, but feels like 2 years. I've looked for her everywhere, she promised me she wouldn't miss my birthday again, because she did. And worse, she actually had access to the internet at all times.. I hate knowing I'll spend my birthday upset. I've looked for people whop can distract me, but it's no use, because I'll never have another friend like her in my life.

Offline Jane-Doe

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Re: Who Have You Let Go?
« Reply #4 on: June 16, 2014, 09:12:24 pm »
Question 1: Who Have You Had to Let go? And What Happened?
I have let go of many friends, in-game and in real life. The pain to deal with amounts to the same, because I hold all of my friends very dearly to me. I've even had to let go of my father, in real life. I know this will sound extremely childish, foolish, or maybe even a little cold-hearted, but the worst person I had to let go wasn't even a person at all. It was my first horse, Boo. She's a black and white paint horse and I've had her since I was four.  She is still alive, but I no longer own her- because of my father. When my parents got divorced [my mother found out that my father was cheating on her, she forgave him and gave him another chance but he divorced her and left us. He abandoned us. For his new girlfriend (well, fiance now) and took the horses with them because he knew my mother, (now a single parent), couldn't afford it.] That was my best friend, even how cheesy that might sound, I would talk to her, ride her, or just sit in a pasture with her and sing, talk, draw, do whatever. I could be with her for hours and never get bored. She also gave birth to my two other horses, Shammy and Chelsea, who my father also took away. Boo was also the sister to our oldest horse, Chester, who my dad ordered to put down when he got a leg infection. [He was very old too, like around 20.]

Question 2: How did you deal with it?
I dont know how I did, but I just pushed my emotions aside and tried to distract myself with helping my mom through the divorce by helping her out a bit and giving her spiritual and emotional support. I pushed aside my own sadness, depression, and bottled it and buried it away because I realized that I have to make sure my mother's okay and take care of her. She's my only remaining parent that supports me and she struggles heavily, so whatever I can do to help her. I do it.
"The mouth speaks what the heart is full of."