Author Topic: Anyone willing to make me a map? ^.^"  (Read 489 times)


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Anyone willing to make me a map? ^.^"
« on: June 14, 2014, 02:45:55 pm »

   I made this tiny reference map while ago, and I was hoping some one could turn it into a real map! I tried the best I could to make the reference map, so sorry if its confusing!
   For the forests on the main land, It doesn't matter to much. But I'm hoping for tall trees, maybe a few hollow logs for people to use as dens, and perhaps prey if that is possible... And as for the Forest on the smaller island, its kinda supposed to have a eerie feel to it, odd colored trees ((Mainly trees you wouldn't see in a normal forest)), and a few crystals scattered threw out it. Also the smaller island is supposed to have a calming feel to it, since it in the rp it will be used as a gathering place/place to talk to the ancients.
    As for the villages, they don't need to be big. But they at least have to have a abandoned feel to them~! And for the place on the smaller island, it up to you rather you want to put a small cottage/cabin there or a cave. Though if its a cave it has to have a few crystals in it like the forest around it...
  Uh, for the bridge, I really have no clue! So do what ever you think may work for that! And as for the mountains, a few rock-like dens near the bottoms, and prey if possible would be nice.
  So thank you very much if you think you can do this for me! If you want to contact me, you can measage me on here, or just reply to this post. Once again, THANK YOU VERY MUCH!  :)

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Re: Anyone willing to make me a map? ^.^"
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2014, 04:17:01 pm »
I'll look into it. :3
(Do you know where to find meshes of hollow logs? (Nvm) And how big do you want the map to be?) Sorry for the lame questions.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2014, 04:18:49 pm by timidDreamer »


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Re: Anyone willing to make me a map? ^.^"
« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2014, 06:15:06 pm »
I'll look into it. :3
(Do you know where to find meshes of hollow logs? (Nvm) And how big do you want the map to be?) Sorry for the lame questions.

Um, for the size of the map at least a minimum of 6500 Width, height doesn't matter as much, as long as the mountains are a good size~! You can change around the width of the map though, if you need to~ :)