Author Topic: Life is Perfection [Teenage Roleplay][OPEN AND ACCEPTING]  (Read 17673 times)

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Re: Life is Perfection [Teenage Roleplay][OPEN AND ACCEPTING]
« Reply #20 on: July 03, 2014, 04:10:33 pm »
((Thank you. :) ))

Zoe Evans
"Expect problems and eat them for breakfast."

"Zoe, breakfast!" loud voice echoed in the long hallway, reaching white, plain door where Zoe was hiding. Though, she kept placing books in her bag, books, that she didn't need to bring. It's school, only school books are needed, but Zoe brings different books.

Everyone could say that she is sitting under many, many books. The pile is too big for anyone to know how many books she read. Even when she walks to school, she usually reads romance books, when eating lunch - fantasy books, when heading home - romance. Zoe's life is made out of books, she began to read when she was 5. She already understood many things and reading was the best one of all.

Zoe kept standing in front of her huge mirror, still applying make-up on her face. Though, she only used eye-liner, mascara, brown eye shadow and blusher. For lips, she only used balm or something that will keep her lips moist. Zoe never went to school with smoky eyes, bright red lipstick or face covered in foundation. Too much make-up will make you look like a beast.

Zoe was a simple girl. She never went for very colorful things, nor for very expensive ones. She will usually go to thrift shops to buy old stuff and use them as decoration or jewelery stands or to kill time. Even dresses are usually plain and very light, as well white color is her 'thing'.

"Zoe!" there her mom called for her again, this time in loudier but softer voice. Even from long hallway Zoe sensed pancakes with caramel syrup, the smell was driving her /crazy/. "I'm coming mom!" yelling back to her, both her and her mother's voices had Italian accent, very sweet and soft one. Though, Zoe's english is good enough for her to go to school, but she might say words in Italian, when she doesn't know how to say it in english.

Zoe quickly grabbed her white bag and white hypster glasses, quickly placing them on her nose before pushing them upwards so they would be on her head and as well hold her brown curls with golden ombre. Zoe still felt like she forgot something, something, that is very important to her. She has her Mac laptop in her bag, she has her house keys, she has her glasses... Right, her phone. She stood there, thinking if she should take it.

After some seconds of thinking, she decided to take it with her just in case something goes wrong to her father. Her father has cancer, lung cancer. His left lung is no longer there since it shrunk after having a hole on side wall. Doctors said that he will soon die, and no one from her family wants that.

Zoe quickly flew out from her room, heading towards the bar where pancakes were. She quickly gripped on two of them, since they were very small and had no caramel liquid on top. "Sorry mom, I'm late." Zoe spoke with a quick smile, going towards entrance door where her beige flats were. Jumping in them, she quickly reached for small closet by the door, grabbing 'The fault in our stars' book before quickly running through door. "If something happens, call me!" Zoe shouted before closing the door and running to sidewalk.

There she was with hypster glasses on her nose, pancakes in one hand and book in another one. She flipped the pages with her nose, she does that most of the time, just to keep the book without brown, oily spots. Books were her life, they took very big part of it.

Zoe quickly ate the last peace of pancake she had in her hand, quickly glancing at the school door, sighing quietly when she saw other kids walk in. "Here we go." Zoe mumbled quietly, taking a tissue from side pocked of her bag and using it to brush the oil off her hands before she could close the book and put it in her bag. More like, squeeze it in.
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Offline AbbyJoyce

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Re: Life is Perfection [Teenage Roleplay][OPEN AND ACCEPTING]
« Reply #21 on: July 03, 2014, 06:58:38 pm »

Luke William Debre'

With a deep sigh, Luke stepped out of the open limo door. His driver waved a goodbye before stepping aside. Immediately, Luke's eyes scanned the parking lot, his optics pausing at each vehicle, or item with his family's stamp upon it. Debre' Industries. Millions came from the work, but drama always followed. Buyers begging for ownership, lawsuits, accusations, the works. As of now, Debre Industries was on the verge of losing it's owners due to Luke's father's co-workers. One was interested to buy, and the press ate it up. They never relented, even as Luke strolled forward, his two guards close behind as the crowd of paparazzi slipped from the shadows, flashing pictures and yelling questions.

"Does your father plan to retake the control he's given you?"
"Do you plan to sell?"
"Who is the coworker who wishes to buy?"

The guards shuffled closer, pushing the photographers back until Luke could slip into the glass doors of the school. His guards remained outside, pushing the paparazzi away from the door.

I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.

Offline Wolfie_Lover

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Re: Life is Perfection [Teenage Roleplay][OPEN AND ACCEPTING]
« Reply #22 on: July 03, 2014, 07:32:04 pm »
((I'm on mobile at the moment, so sorry for mistakes and horrible-looking formating.))

William Veal

He looked towards his window, blinking a few times. His brows furrowed in a slightly panicked way, but he calmly rolled down his window. "I-I'm sorry," He spoke nervously and a bit quietly. "I didn't c-catch that."
His green-blue eyes searched the girl's face. She looked calm and collective, but he probably looked like a nervous wreck - atleast, that's what he felt like. Yup! This was a horrible idea - abort! He thought, giving a slight gulp.

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Re: Life is Perfection [Teenage Roleplay][OPEN AND ACCEPTING]
« Reply #23 on: July 03, 2014, 08:19:37 pm »

Tamzen Phoebe

Tam couldn't help but smirk at the guy's nervous stuttering. "I-I didn't c-catch that." She leaned in closer, a surprisingly gentle smile on her face. She couldn't help but feel sorry for him, "It's called a compliment, sweetie. Is it your first day? I haven't seen you around before. I'm Tamzen, you can call me Tam. Most people do." She adjusted her hat on her head so that a few loose strands of hair fell over her eyes.

Shouting caused her to turn away from the car and to the source of the sound. Tam narrowed her eyes as numerous flashes danced before her. A sigh escaped her slightly parted lips as she recognised the flashes to be those of a camera. There were a few students that were popular with the paparazzi, so this didn't surprise her. She rolled her eyes in annoyance and turned back to the boy in the car. "Celebrities." She muttered. She didn't intend on expressing the fact that once the press had followed her everywhere, but the thought still lingered at the back of her mind.

What she's wearing:
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Re: Life is Perfection [Teenage Roleplay][OPEN AND ACCEPTING]
« Reply #24 on: July 03, 2014, 11:43:44 pm »

Larissa White

At approximately 6.52 a.m., Larissa White was dressed in black skinny jeans with a belt and a plain gray t-shirt. Navy blue Converses awaited her by the bedroom door with her suitcase. Lars, however, was half-asleep and lying on top of her unmade bed despite her current appearance. Her father, who'd left to go to work two hours earlier had woken her up in his blind stumbling through the house so she had gotten dressed and already eaten breakfast. And then she'd fallen back asleep.

The familiar buzzing of her alarm (put on snooze five times by now) made her groan and attempt to press the snooze button once more. Unfortunately for her, her hand coordination wasn't the best in the morning and she ended up slamming her hand against the side of the bedside table.

"Rissa! Hurry up and come downstairs!" Her mother's voice was the thing that finally snapped her awake from the sweet lull of sleep. Larissa fell ungracefully out of bed and took a good five minutes trying to tie her shoes before giving up and letting the white-colored laces dangle from the sides as she rolled her suitcase down two flights of stairs. The kitchen was bustling, even this early in the morning. The White family, even if there were only three of them, were always busy. Her mother was barking out commands to their three assistants (each for a different aspect of their lives) and didn't even look up when Lars entered the kitchen and picked up the keys to one of their cars. "Larissa leaves at 7.00 to head to school. I have a meeting at 7.45 with that famous business guy what's-his-name. Someone needs to call John at 9 to confirm his doctors' appointment..."

"I'm taking the Porsche!" Lars called over her shoulder as she left and headed out back to the garage, picking up a denim jacket off the coat rack on the way. Three assistants, two sports cars, one driver, two housekeepers, and not to mention the big-ass mansion they lived in. Her family was loaded whether she liked to admit it or not.

Lars threw her suitcase into the passenger's seat and hopped in on the driver's side and finally tied her shoelaces. A wild gleam filled her eyes when the garage door opened. She switched it to reverse and slammed on the gas, sending the car flying backwards, down the long driveway and into the street. Not many people drove on their street, so she usually had no worries about crashing into another car. She sped out onto the highway, hair flying. Lars loved driving the Porsche. It was the only way of truly getting out of that house.

An hour later, she was pulling into the school parking lot. She received a few stares from passing students, but paid no attention as she pulled her suitcase out of the car and pressed the lock button on the keys. Almost immediately, she spotted Tamzen talking to some guy in a car. She waved, "Hey, Tam!" Unlike a lot of the girls she was friends with, Lars wasn't in the middle of hating Tamzen's guts. She started to approach the front doors of the school, only to pause mid-step with annoyance. Who let the camera monkeys out of their cages, Rissa thought dully, looking for another way to get into the building. The last encounter with paparrazi had ended with her smashing down a camera with a lacrosse stick in the middle of a McDonalds parking lot.

*wink wink*

?  There's this little thing called love ?

Offline Wolfie_Lover

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Re: Life is Perfection [Teenage Roleplay][OPEN AND ACCEPTING]
« Reply #25 on: July 04, 2014, 02:32:40 am »

William Veal

William flinched a little when the girl - who introduced herself as Tam - moved a little closer. "Celebrities." He blinked a few times, then looked behind Tamzen to see a blonde girl wave hello and yell a greeting before looking for a way inside. The same, semi-nervous look glazed his face as he focused back on the girl that was leaning in his window. He was glad that it was mainly his brothers that got tangled in the media, but he would sometimes get a few as well. "U-um, yeah, first day." He finally replied, trying to gather enough courage to speak. "William." Atleast I don't sound like a stupid five-year-old by screwing up my name. He thought.


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Re: Life is Perfection [Teenage Roleplay][OPEN AND ACCEPTING]
« Reply #26 on: July 04, 2014, 08:17:34 am »

Tamzen Phoebe

Tamzen's lips turned up into a smile as her name was called out from behind. "Oh my God, Lars. Come here! They won't be gone for another ten minutes at least." She called out, grinning as the blonde stopped mid-step as she encountered the press. "William." A voice from the car caused her to turn again. She took a moment to examine the boy. He was cute, especially his messy hair. She was forced to take a step towards the car once more as another pulled into the parking space beside them. "Oh look, it's our lovely Tam." A sneering voice coming from the car beside them caused Tam to roll her eyes, but not turn. "Sweetie, I don't belong to anyone. Lovely as I may be, I'm certainly not yours." Her voice was as smooth as silk, but somehow at the same time dripping with venom. Her calm, collective expression stayed out on her face, not faltering even once. She was an expert at covering her face with happy masks. She shook her head a few times in exasperation and looked back at William. "Can I call you Will?" She asked, out of the blue.

As if making a decision, Tam nodded her head, mainly to herself. "What's your first class?" She asked. There was still the morning announcements and registrations in the hall, but she had a rough idea of what classes she would be in and at what time. "Don't worry, the first day's always the worst. But luckily you've got moi." She gestured to herself dramatically, flicking a lock of hair from her shoulder.
;;I'm so sorry for my recent unexplained absence. It hasn't been a good year for me so far, but I'd like to say that I'm back for good now;;

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Re: Life is Perfection [Teenage Roleplay][OPEN AND ACCEPTING]
« Reply #27 on: July 04, 2014, 03:49:24 pm »

Amber Ashley[/grey]
"When you have a hundred reasons to give up, just remember you have a million reasons to keep going."

Aliases: Ash
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Faceclaim: name of face you used
Sexuality: Straight

Personality: An artist, who prefers the company of animals over people.
Habits: Amber enjoys drawing, and often finds herself exploring new places.  She also loves to read, she owns over 100 books and has read them all at least twice.
Likes: Science, history, music, drawing, and art.
Dislikes: Bullies, math, and rap.
History: WIP



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Re: Life is Perfection [Teenage Roleplay][OPEN AND ACCEPTING]
« Reply #28 on: July 04, 2014, 09:03:28 pm »

Renesmae Kendall
"Its gonna get harder before it gets easier. But it will get better, you've just got to make it through the tough stuff first."

Aliases: Res, Esmae, Kall, Mae or any others really.
Age: 17 years old
Gender: Female
Faceclaim: Kristen Stewart
Sexuality: Straight

Personality: Renesmae is a very laid back woman who loves spending her time in the element of music - whether it be her playing the guitar, singing, listening to it or all she just loves it, it seems to relax the young woman quite a lot. Res is a very social and confident being who will speak to anyone she comes across if she has a relevant thing to say or whether its just a simple 'hello' but also isn't afraid to act things out in front of people she knows and doesn't know. Despite having a rather bad temper and quite the foul mouth Esmae is a nice person to be around and gets on with most - unless on first impressions she gets a bad feeling about the person. She's quite a stubborn person who won't give in easy and often likes her say in things as she is rather opinionated and speaks her mind. She can be a little moody at times but she is a party animal who loves to have a good time and have a laugh - around those she is possibly interested in she may come across as a little 'shy' but will always act herself.
- Biting her nails or chewing something
- Feeling soft/silky things (often runs her hair across her lips)
- Twiddling her fingers
- Alcohol
- Singing
-Playing guitar
- Animals
- Listening to music
- Parties
- Snobby/stuck up people
- Revising
- Rock music
- Being nagged
History: As a young girl Renesmae lived with both her mother Lisa and her father Malcolm, they were a very close family and done everything together - Esmae had a very close bond with both her mother and father and could tell them anything from 'woman' problems up in to normal conversation. Many people would say they loved the family bond and despite being a only child she never got lonely - her parents were also like her best friends. But at the age of 9 her mother had begun to get rather unwell - she was totally unaware to what was wrong with her mother until both her parents sat her down and told her the sad news.

It turned out her mother had a brain tumour and only had a year to live - this broke the young girls heart and caused sadness to overwhelm the family. Despite being upset Renesmae was going to be strong for her mother, her last year should not be spent with her upset daughter with failing grades. Picking herself back up into a happier state Mae began succeeding in school in all of her lessons and was a rather happy child - despite being a rich family Renesmae didn't see money as happiness it was only her family. Soon enough the year came to an end and Mae was only 10 when her mother tragically passed away.

But this didn't dampen her spirits her mothers last words made her promise she would do good in school and keep up with the happiness the family always held - and she did promise. Every 2/3 days Renesmae would visit her mothers grave to put flowers on and sing the song her mother would before she slept. And like promised she stuck in at school and achieved all C/A grades in all lessons. Her father was proud with his daughter obviously - which father wouldn't be? He always told her that her mother would be proud.

When reaching the age of 16 Res asked her dad if she could go to a popular yet kind of private school that was located not to far from their family home. Since his daughter done well in school Malcolm allowed his much loved daughter to enter the all familiar school. So far she has been there a year and is now starting her 2nd year, she is a much loved member/student of the school.

Locker: Although her locker looks rather organised instead of the pocket under the mirror she has drew a large, colourful image that fills most of the inside of her locker.

Phone: She has an Iphone 5 with an Olaffrom Frozen phone case

Friends: Renesmae hangs around with her best friend Analyse whom she has known ever since going to primary - she to is rich although isn't snobby either.
Enemies: Mae doesn't really dislike many people she gets on with most people in the school as she is one of the 'popular' girls, although she tends to hang around with guys or unpopular people as the popular girls seem a little snobby.
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Single, subject to change.
Crush: No one, subject to change.

- Has a short temper
- Rich family
- Deceased mother
- Into sports
- Popular

Discord: Most active here, DM me for it.
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Signature: ImmatureGirl on DA.

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Re: Life is Perfection [Teenage Roleplay][OPEN AND ACCEPTING]
« Reply #29 on: July 04, 2014, 10:24:10 pm »

Zoe reached the school steps, her eyes pierced the crowd of paparazzi. "Excuse me." muttering quietly, Zoe pushed through the crow and managed to step into the school, taking a deep breath before she finally relaxed, gripping on her bag tightly as she moved through the hallway, keeping her eyes low so she won't make any eye contact.

Yes, Zoe is a very shy girl. She usually goes to the empty library corner and decides to sit there with sandwiches in one hand and book rammed on her legs. And this 'Don't make eye contact rule' was ringing in her head, repeating itself like a stuck disk.

She quickly reacher her locker, gripping on her silver keys just to put them in and quickly unlock the locker, grip on the 'door' and open it half way. There were books, her MP3 player, school books, her family picture. It was glued on the back wall, three of them were sitting on the porch, the background was sunset in Italy. That picture was taken when they had to leave, her father's cancer got worse and doctors gave them tickets to America. Zoe still doesn't know how they will help him, if they will even manage to do it.

Shaking her head just to get the memory away, Zoe gripped on her bag, placing it on the edge of the locker just to open it and place few things in. In there she placed her books, leaving in the bag her phone, 'The fault in our stars' book and sandwiches. For few seconds of standing there, she finally took school books and 'threw' them in white bag, zipping it and as well closing the locker.

((So much for a post. >.< -sarcasm-))
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