Author Topic: ? ???????? ??? ????? ?????? ?  (Read 430 times)

Offline blackhorse0720

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? ???????? ??? ????? ?????? ?
« on: June 28, 2014, 08:34:54 pm »
? ???????? ??? ????? ?????? ?
? i would like more than the normal default meshes used. most likely jayfeather, thierry, and glave meshes, as this is a detailed map.
? make this as non-lag possible. maybe make trees scattered around the map not have collision?
? this is a warrior's based map, so i'd like one good, well protected/hidden camp, and another camp that isn't as well hidden, and not as well made as the good camp. if at all possible, add prey such as jayfeather's animals.
? for the good camp, there shall be 7 dens, same for the bad camp. both camps will be described below.
? the terrain is a marshy, with a beach off to the edge, and rivers running around. i'll upload a picture at the bottoom of the main lay out.

?? main camp- Brookclan
Leader's den : two boulders fallen together, forming a triangle. lichen/moss hanging down at entrance, with a big mossy nest inside. possibly a flat surface on top of the den for clan meetings?
Medicine cat den : a large den with two dens off in the corner, hidden by bushes. near the edge of the camp, with a small drinking hole. herbs are stocked near the water and at the back, and the nests for the sick are near the entrance.
Warrior's den : a large den with many nests.
apprentice's den : same as warrior's den. maybe a bit smaller
nursery : possible a fallen tree with a rock supporting it, and bushes with a protective barrier around it. the fallen tree and rock are the entrance.
elder's den : a fallen log, most likely. if not, make it a rock pile.
main terriain, etc : a large covering of trees and bushes around the camp, with an arch from two trees over the entrance. a marshy land, with a river running right in front of the camp, which is on a small incline. the river feeds into a pond. the sandy hollow is near the river.

?? rogue camp- Rapturedclan
Leader's den : a large tumble of rocks/rock pile with a slightly flat top for clan meetings.
Medicine cat den : a covering of trees and a few bushes, with herbs, and a small water source. there is two nests near the water and the other nests are near the herbs, against the wall
Warrior's den : a large den with many nests.
apprentice's den : same as warrior's den. maybe a bit smaller
nursery : a scoop out of the ground, with bushes hiding it, a small space open for the entrance.
elder's den : a clump of bushes with two rocks fallen against each other, creating a triangle
main terrain, etc. : same as brookclan's. less dense vegetation, and small scatters of water. more marshy, less thick with mice. training hollow is anywhere, doesn't matter.

? large map- preferably with a mountain range between the two camps, so they cannot see each other. ponds/rivers scattered among the map. a moor is needed, along with a small forest near the corner.

? for moonstones, i'd like it to be placed among the line of mountains between the territories.

? i think that's it! oh, and this is a private map, please. and, both .rar and .zip files please. if any more info is needed, just ask, please!