Haiii, I is in need of a warrior cat map.
There are four clans. GlacierClan, YewClan, HemlockClan and CloverClan.
GlacierClan live in the tundra. Their territory is very hilly and rocky, but there are no mountains. They should have a lot of dried or dead plants and trees as well.
YewClan live in a taiga forest with a lot of red and yellow pine trees. There's tall grass and large rocks there as well, and a few scattered ponds.
HemlockClan lives in a deciduous forest. The trees there are very cluttered as well as the tall grass and weeds.
CloverClan lives in a meadow with lots of flowers and grass. Their camp is down a small slope as well.
There's a Twoleg Place in CloverClan's territory with just a couple of houses and a small, abandoned barn/shed. There should be a few animals, for it is a farm, so.. huehue, yea.
Please please please do not use the default objects. Use objects like Theirry's, Glave's, Jayfeather's, etc. I also need an advanced map maker, not a newbie. Thanks!