Author Topic: || Tenebrous || -Horror; Gore; Rated TVMA-R; Open and Accepting-  (Read 12893 times)

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Re: || Tenebrous || -Horror; Gore; Rated TVMA-R; Open and Accepting-
« Reply #30 on: July 04, 2014, 10:21:39 pm »

Forum Username:

Danika Mcallister


16 years old

Danika is a very strange girl as many would say, she doesn't have a 'set' personality hers is more mixed with many, many different things although it's a surprise they mix. Many see her as a bubbly young girl who has a kind heart and gets along with basically anyone who gets along with her - unless she gets a negative vibe from the person. She's rather good at giving people advice and does sometimes give it when its not needed - she tends to speak her mind which can sometimes be a positive and a negative thing. Away from her kindness Dan is a very stubborn girl who won't let anyone push her around she also often sticks up for people who are in bad situations. Sometimes she can seem mysterious - although everyone in her class knows what she's like people still seem wary around her, but she doesn't know why. It is hard to gain her trust but once you do it will last for a life time, unless you do the stupid decision in upsetting her in a way it will take her a while to forgive you. But Di is a very caring girl who often puts those in front of her unless faced with danger. Danika has always been the brave soul who jumps head first into things to make sure everything and everyone is safe.

Basically she lived a normal life, her parents weren't rich nor poor - they had the money they needed with a few hundred pounds left over, I guess they just got a good pay - enough to buy nice cars and houses but not to buy a mansion. Anyways, her and her family haven't got the closest of bonds although she does tell them stuff most teens wouldn't dare to tell their parents - but sharing close connections with your parents is pretty damn good. Although they were protective and very caring they would let Dan have her freedom and let her do what she wanted - hence how she's turned into a caring yet daring being.

They live in a large house with four bedrooms - her and her parents having the large room, one room a games room and the other for her dogs. They have a gym, an attic, a basement, a pool, two floors, two bathrooms, one large kitchen, a dining room, a living room, a study room, a garage and a large garden. Many see this as sort of 'luxury' living although she doesn't see it as that she sees it as regular - if her parents didn't work their socks off they wouldn't have any of it.

Anyways the only siblings she has it two older brothers who go by the names of Christopher and Stephen - them to sharing a close bond with their sisters and parents. In the house Danika is the youngest - her brother Chris has moved out and Stephen is only 18 so is still living at home - in the pool house of course where he wanted. Everything was running smoothly for the 16-year old, school was going great and she had excellent friend and family. That was until the school decided to go on a trip - something they rarely done. Now, they're stranded somewhere and trapped in fog - she can only hope for the best.

Theme Song:
Bastille - Pompeii
Avicii - Hey Brother
Angel - The World

- Roublus
- Has a strong Geordie accent
- Belly piercing
- Anger problems

Role-play Sample:
It was early hours in the morning when Danika had woke, the constant, annoying, ringing sound of her alarm pierced her ears at exactly 6:30 am - the time she woke almost everyday. But today like no other she felt rather tired, it had just been the weekend and the night before she was at a party - today, she would be going to school with a hangover. One of the reasons why she wished her parents were a little more strict, but then again she didn't. Slinging her arm from the covers a groan escaped the brunettes lips as she let put an exaggerated huff, bags had formed under her eyes a little and her face appeared a little pale. Sighing she lifted herself fro, the double bed and headed into the shower - which only took her about 15 minutes.

Once returning to her bathroom the girl threw on a baggy top and a pair of perjama short, the clock had just stuck '6:50' and it was time to have breakfast. Grabbing her Iphone Dan hurried down stairs, she was starving - that much she could probably eat a horse. The cold surface of the laminated floor caused a shiver to run down the 16-year olds spine which caused her teeth to chatter a little, but her small feet soon got use to it. It took seconds for her to get downstairs and into the kitchen where her mother already had her a bacon sandwich.

Smiling revealing her pearly whites the tanned teen hurried into the room and gave her parents their usual morning kiss and grabbed her plate "Thanks![/color[" she shouted as she hurried up stairs to get dressed properly. Today her school was going on a trip, they weren't really told much information apart from the times which was pretty odd - but she dared to question it, it was rare for her year group to get out on trips let alone the whole school. All she could do was hope it was some place good when on the bus.

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Re: || Tenebrous || -Horror; Gore; Rated TVMA-R; Open and Accepting-
« Reply #31 on: July 04, 2014, 10:46:24 pm »
Kaoru Rouzier

Kaoru gave a casual roll of his shoulders, and offered a reassuring smile to Simon, who he felt like if he pressured him to answer- he'd be the type to faint, or just crawl back to the bus shaking. While Kaoru might very well be wrong, he didn't press the issue. He only rasied an interested eyebrow to ensue that he was, indeed, curious about what the male had to say. Stuffing his hands into the pockets of his dark colored jeans, Kaoru kept an upbeat expression- whistling under his breath lowly.
"The mouth speaks what the heart is full of."

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Re: || Tenebrous || -Horror; Gore; Rated TVMA-R; Open and Accepting-
« Reply #32 on: July 04, 2014, 10:48:47 pm »
((@Taylor: Accepted! Feel free to join in.))

Offline Vask

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Re: || Tenebrous || -Horror; Gore; Rated TVMA-R; Open and Accepting-
« Reply #33 on: July 04, 2014, 10:55:35 pm »

He stood with the rest of the group. "Uh..." He could hardly remember. Simon nervously scratched the back of his neck, trying to remember desperately. "I-I wish I could. I might have been here when I was 13...or younger. I-If that's the case, I'm not so sure I'll be of any help." Wow talking made him nervous. Especially to new people. He pushed his glasses higher on his bridge, a look of deep thought on his face. "Maybe walking around would jog my memory. That's what they do in the TV shows, right?" He said, now wondering what lye beyond the walls of his mind. Simon looked down at his feet for a minute, at the foggy gravel. They'd probably brush his lost cause off. That's what most did. Whenever anyone asks him to remember something, they just brush it off without helping him remember. Like anyone cared enough to do so. He looked back up, examining the shop with his icy blue eyes.

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Re: || Tenebrous || -Horror; Gore; Rated TVMA-R; Open and Accepting-
« Reply #34 on: July 04, 2014, 11:49:57 pm »

Danika Mcallister

It hadn't been long since the bus had crashed in this unfamiliar area, her eyes were locked on the view outside the bus - well what she could see, it was just covered in fog only the dark faint figures of the trees were visible. Narrowing her eyes Dan lifted herself from her seat and glanced at one of the teachers "Care to tell us where the hell we are?!" she shouted slamming her hands around the bars of the seat in front of her as she pulled herself along and into the clear middle 'path' of the vehicle. Apparently the teaching staff knew nothing either, which came to a surprise as her - they planned a trip but don't know where they were? This all seemed funny to her. Many students were still asleep and others had woke with the crash.

But as soon as they had all settled once again the teachers had decided to take it upon themselves to go and find help, finally she thought to herself she was sick of being stuck here you could see nothing. "Pretty intelligent leaving a school alone why you all wonder off for 'help'.." she muttered to herself as she grinded her teeth - but quickly stopped, she needed to text her parents they would probably be worried about her even though it had only been 2/3 hours or so. Grabbing her phone from her bag she headed out the bus.

As she looked into the distance it appeared a fair sized group of students had ventured off not long after the teachers to find help - shrugging she clicked the button on her phone 'SOS' the right corner of the screen read causing her to growl a little "You can never seem to get any signal out here?" she mumbled to herself as she held the phone up towards the sky hoping to get at least one bar of signal - but still nothing. Slinging the black phone into her bra Danika headed back onto the bus and looked around, at least 10 students remained sleeping. Sighing she headed back outside "I guess I'll tag along with the group." she smiled as she hurried up the street - it only took a few minutes for her to catch up with them.

It appeared they were in some sort of town? But it seemed strange, you couldn't see anywhere because of the fog but also no one seemed to be around? If she guessed correctly they were in an abandoned town, and since Simon - who she now knew the boy as spoke his suggestions she decided she would pipe up. "Do you reckon we have arrived at an abandoned town?" she questioned wiping steam from the outside of a shop window and looking in - everything was still. Raising her brown she backed away from the window and shrugged - the fog had a pretty icey feeling to it and she didn't like it. But, being the brave student she was Dan hurried towards the front of the group hoping to find answers.

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Re: || Tenebrous || -Horror; Gore; Rated TVMA-R; Open and Accepting-
« Reply #35 on: July 05, 2014, 05:33:03 am »

Aki Regine

Aki gave a nod. "Sure, why not? It could actually help us." She nodded again, though mainly to herself rather than anyone else. As long as we stay together, She thought, trying to bring her knowledge of horror movies and video games to use. we should be fine.
She turned towards the girl that spoke towards the group. What was her name? Den... No... Oh well. "I think so, but for some reason it feels warm..." Aki didn't even know exactly why she called it warmth, but it felt like there was someone else there - besides them and the school bus that was outside the town. "Maybe it's just me, though." She spoke her thoughts out loud, turning around away from the shop and towards a large building that was obviously coming down on itself.


William Veal

William flashed a small smile towards the girl who had given him the tissues, feeling slightly guilty for just giving her a 'Thanks' - he had probably sounded a little angry and sarcastic. His head felt like he would literally explode, so his smile quickly faded. "I feel like I should apologize..." He started saying to her. "I don't think I've actually met you around the school. Um, my name's William." It wasn't the best time to introduce himself, and he knew it, but he might as well if they were going to be stuck there for a while. Better than not knowing anyone there and being stuck in that group.

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Re: || Tenebrous || -Horror; Gore; Rated TVMA-R; Open and Accepting-
« Reply #36 on: July 06, 2014, 04:51:20 am »

Trace Adam Bing & Madison Le Blanc

With a sudden rush, Trace lifted his hands in mock surrender. "Well, I'm not gonna sift around a barren town looking for god knows what." With that, he turned on his heels, heading away from the group. "Seriously? Have you ever seen a scary movie?" Madison muttered, squeezing the bridge of her nose in exasperation before turning to a girl she recognized as Danika. "Well, it seems pretty empty." Pausing, Madison listened to Aki. "Thank god, I thought I was the only one who felt it. I feel like..there's eyes on me."

"Well, you are in a group, sweetheart. People tend to look at other people." Trace called out as he strolled further down the sidewalk. "Please let him leave." Madison growled, "Even if it isn't abandoned, where the heck is everyone? I mean, there aren't even any vehicles."
I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.

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Re: || Tenebrous || -Horror; Gore; Rated TVMA-R; Open and Accepting-
« Reply #37 on: July 06, 2014, 08:25:12 am »

North Anderson

A brief smile arose on North's face as the boy muttered a 'thanks' and caught up with the group. It wasn't as if she wasn't used to people disregarding her, but she has hoped that since they were out of school things would be different. "I don't think I've actual met you around the school. Um, my name's William." A voice interrupted her thoughts as North looked up at the boy, William. He was quite a bit taller than her, but most people were. She couldn't help but notice that he looked extremely uncomfortable, even in pain. "No, it's fine. Not many people know me." She smiled gently. "I'm North." She added, trying to prevent the blush coming to the apples of her cheeks at the mention of her embarrassing name.

Once again, North opened her mouth to ask if William was okay but was interrupted by the group's conversation. She looked a around, taking in their surroundings. A shiver went down her spine, the town was completely deserted. She gazed around her with her soft brown eyes and her lips parted slightly, she let out a shaky breath. "Creepy." She muttered, folding her arms around herself to prevent herself from shivering.
;;I'm so sorry for my recent unexplained absence. It hasn't been a good year for me so far, but I'd like to say that I'm back for good now;;

If you need any help around the forums, feel free to PM me :3

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Re: || Tenebrous || -Horror; Gore; Rated TVMA-R; Open and Accepting-
« Reply #38 on: July 06, 2014, 10:39:49 pm »

Danika Mcallister

What the others had said caused the brunette to nod in agreement, despite this town seeming deserted there was still something about it. Why was there no people here? And why the hell was everywhere just covered in fog? It all seemed confusion on how they even stumbled across here in the first place, she's sure the teachers and the bus driver would have known where they were going, if not that was just stupid. Or maybe they brought them here on purpose, no teachers in their right mind would leave a bus load of pupils alone in an unknown place - especially when you can't see anything. It was all very strange to her.

But, before Danika could utter a word the sound of bickering drifted into her ears causing her head to turn - ah yes, two students she recognised as Trace and Madison, despite the two seeming close they did always seem to be arguing. But for some reason Dan found this rather amusing - she didn't know why she just did. Watching as Trace had suddenly started to wonder off she shook her head in disapproval, they didn't know where they were and couldn't see anything for that matter - so wondering off alone was probably a stupid thing to do "Hey um..Trace is it? Anyways, maybe you should hang around for the time being - we don't know where the heck we are or what's out there. Safety in numbers?" she spoke with a slightly questioning tone.

Danika had seen her fair share of horror movies and the out come for wondering people wasn't always the greates - but even with some groups there was a few slaughtered victums, but she didn't want to think about that - they needed to think positive if they had any chances of surviving. Allowing 'Trace' to make his decision her attention turned back towards the two females who had answered her question "I feel it to, when t off the bus I could see a dark shadow in the opposite direction to which we left - and it felt like I was being watched, just like it does now..." she muttered as she felt a shiver run down her spine. She wasn't one to complain or feel things, but there was something off about this place.

What she's wearing:

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