Author Topic: Alone and Afraid(Canine,Experiment RP,Open and Accepting!)  (Read 8585 times)

Offline kayla1235

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Re: Alone and Afraid(Canine,Experiment RP,Open and Accepting!)
« Reply #10 on: July 09, 2014, 05:11:33 pm »
« Last Edit: July 09, 2014, 05:15:39 pm by Subject_16 »

Thanks for the great sig Tinytail!
What's wrong? I like to smile that's all. I'm quite a nice dog really. -Subject_16

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Re: Alone and Afraid(Canine,Experiment RP,Open and Accepting!)
« Reply #11 on: July 09, 2014, 07:56:07 pm »

Subject 8923

"You are a diamond dear, they will never break you."

As the Kai-Ken sat quietly watching the dogs slam themselves against the bar of their cages hoping to get out, as some appeared normal some had actually went pretty insane - all the tests caused the dogs to change in manny different ways whether that me physical, emotional or intellectual, somehow some had changed. But for some reason Marsha was her same old self, nothing had changed with her she was still her normal self - and she didn't know what they had been injecting her with. It was all still a mystery to her, but she wasn't ready to give in, sure they were humans and had a few tools - but a dogs bite could possibly be a lot more deadly. A chuckle escaped the dogs maw as she glared at the several humans who had filled the room - a look of disgust on her face as she turned her back.

Remaining on her haunches the brindle canine listened as the humans continued their conversations about the subject numbers and discussing their breeds and other information they needed. But, Marhsa decided to zone out. She didn't want to hear about names or subject numbers, she wanted to know about the tests and what they actually tested on them - but that would take years to even find out, they seemed pretty secret about that stuff.

Raising her paw the large canine began licking at her paw that had previously been cut when trying to escape her cage - the wound wasn't to deep nor to wide, and it had slowly began to heal up - but she needed to continue cleaning the area in order for it to heal faster. After tending to her cut paw Mar raised her hind leg towards the bag of her ear and began scratching at an itch that had begun to irritate her. But the sudden sound of a clank caused the dogs head to turn - her eyes resting upon three humans standing outside her cage holding clipboards and what appeared to be a metal-type breef case. Narrowing her eyes the she-dog lifted to her paws and whipped around to face the humans.

Marsha was a rather well known dog in the facility so why would they have a reason to be stopping outside her cage? Sure they could be discussing any 'changes' they assumed they had accomplished or what tests they would be doing on her next, despite trying the listen they seemed to whisper almost silently between themselves and the constant barking of the canines around her didn't help. "You mutts mind quieting down!" she growled slamming her paw against the cage - her brown gaze then darting back towards the humans who seemed to be reading the sign on her cage "I see this is subject 8923, and she is a dangerous dog. Real name being Marsha, she is female and at the age of 4 and a half. Am I correct?" one spoke then another "Yes, and her breed is Kai-ken...She has also had three tests done to her.." then the tird one spoke "And interestingly, no changes have happened!" then the older gent who spoke first "Interesting, keep and eye on this one. She could be a strong subject." why were they talking about this? Growling, she launched forward and snapped at one of the mens hands "Don't worry, she's always been like that" and then they moved. Growling Marsha remained on all fours watching the three men curiously.

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Re: Alone and Afraid(Canine,Experiment RP,Open and Accepting!)
« Reply #12 on: July 09, 2014, 08:22:21 pm »

? Yara ?
Subject 28

"Everything Scares me."

Yara looked around, her vision was limited. All she knew was that people had taken her. The young pup watched as people took the crates into a scary looking building, she had yet to learn what happened in there but it must've been terrible, Yara could hear howls and barking coming from the building. Yara gave a whine and her ears moved back. She crouched down as the door to the building opened.

Yara saw many cages that held dogs, each had some number on them. Many of the dogs had marks on their skin or fur, and some looked like they were a mutation of something else. Her ears were pinned against the back of her head and she kept quiet as she was carried over into another section of the building, with more cages. She looked around at some of the dog warily as most seemed to be aggressive. Yara heard a dog say 'Welcome to hell' and she believed it. Yara watched the dog for a few more seconds before turning back. The human who had been taking her into the building put her into a new cage, it smelled like another dog but there was no evidence of the dog living there. "Number 28" the human said and walked away. Yara just sat there, silent and huddled in the back of her cage.


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Re: Alone and Afraid(Canine,Experiment RP,Open and Accepting!)
« Reply #13 on: July 09, 2014, 08:31:39 pm »

Thanks for the great sig Tinytail!
What's wrong? I like to smile that's all. I'm quite a nice dog really. -Subject_16

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Re: Alone and Afraid(Canine,Experiment RP,Open and Accepting!)
« Reply #14 on: July 09, 2014, 09:47:52 pm »

Subject 8923

"You are a diamond dear, they will never break you."

Growls and snarls continued to erupt from the mixed-coloured dog as she remained standing at the front of her cage - eyes locked on to each crate as they were carried today. Today seemed like a large shipment, more then she had seen in any other day - there was quite a wide variety of different dogs but one which caught her eye first was a merle pup. Tilting her head the Kai-Ken watched as the humans threw the pup into a cage and named her 'Subject 28' it baffled her why they didn't give them proper names - giving them a number was hardly respectful despite all the other horrid and unnatural things they done to the creature that was one names mans best friend. A shiver ran down the canids spine as she watched the pup be placed into the opposite cage to her - the one on her left.

At this point the humans seemed to avoid the large canine and focus more on their work, but weren't doing it as pleasant as she assumed they would - especially when handling a small pup. Watching as the humans passed her cage tMarsha bared her teeth and let out an echoing growl to warn the beings - one loving humans she now hated the ground they walked on, all weren't the same - but the ones in here were near enough the same, not in looks but in the things they would do.

Turning, Mar looked at the small pup who was cowered in the back of her cage - the poor thing looked terrified. But who wouldn't be especially when a young pup coming into a horrible place like this. It was no place for a pup. Despite not really being socialised since being here and many seemed to avoid Marsha because of her large size but the way she sometimes acted she wanted to reassure the pup, but not put words into her head that this is a good place. Because it certainly is not.

Turning her back towards the front of her cage and blocking out most of the dogs that were opposite to her she examined the pup for a few seconds - sympathy suddenly overwhelmed the she-dog. "You have a right to be scared pup, this isn't a nice place for a dog to be and especially a young pup. Now I don't want to lie to you and say this is a good place because it certainly isn't." she spoke stopping for a minute but then quickly continuing "And understand you must be terrified with all the change and especially those idiotic humans and those crazy canines - but I would advise you not to show fear, that's what those two-legged creeps want. Now I don't often offer help, but since you're young...and cute - I guess I could help you if you need anything." she smiled.

Feeling a sharp shooting pain up her back Marsha let out a quiet yelp - that only those right beside her would be able to hear. Ears pressing against her head she slowly lifted to her paws and turned around - her lips were curled back and saliva had dripped from her maw as she looked at the humans dead on, two were standing there - one with a clipboard and the other with a needle held firmly in his hand. The dogs muscles tensed and for a second she had receieved a crazed look in her eyes - hackles raised as she stalked towards the front of her cage. Then suddenly launching. "This should calm her down, we can't have an angry subject." the humans cackled then walked away. Narrowing her eyes Marsha stepped back from the door of the cage and sat on her haunches sterring out of the front of her cage - seeing a Husky looking at her who went by the name of 'Subject 16' by the looks of things - raising her ears she dipped her head.

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Re: Alone and Afraid(Canine,Experiment RP,Open and Accepting!)
« Reply #15 on: July 10, 2014, 03:06:04 am »

Thanks for the great sig Tinytail!
What's wrong? I like to smile that's all. I'm quite a nice dog really. -Subject_16

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Re: Alone and Afraid(Canine,Experiment RP,Open and Accepting!)
« Reply #16 on: July 10, 2014, 11:49:31 pm »

Subject 8923

"You are a diamond dear, they will never break you."

Carefully the canine watched the humans, making sure they weren't planning on injecting her with anything else - although they often used this injection on her to calm her down making her less aggressive when around humans and even other dogs - although she was rarely violent towards her own species. Giving her fur a brisk shake the brindle canine slammed her paw against the hard ground to her cage as she continued letting out growls towards the humans who seemed to still be checking in the newcomers. Rolling her eyes she began to examin a few dogs in the room - many seemed calm and others seemed rather frightened and wary of their new surroundings. She felt pitty on the new comers, they had no idea what was coming, but she didn't want to scare them with storys and what not.

Running her tongue across her dry lips the large canines eyes soon wondered across a Husky that seemed to be speaking to her - many times she had been injected with this so it wasn't anything different, but he didn't know that. Smiling, Marsha nodded her head "Yes thank you, I'm fine - its not the first time I've been injected with that shit." she spoke with a slight shrug to her shoulders - spending time here you kind of got use to being constantly prodded and poked by the humans. But unlike most of the dogs here Marsha hadn't been broke of her persoanlity and still gave the beings a run for their money, which often annoyed them and caused her to receive punishments - but what did she care, she would rather die trying than die being a loser who didn't fight for herself.

Not wanting to seem mean or ignorant but Mar couldn't help but chuckle at the brutes comment about the horrid smell - and yes he was correct, the fluids they did inject her with did smell rather odd, but that didn't seem to bother her to much at the moment "It smells disgusting I agree.." she replied giving her eyes a role "Yeah thanks, the effects wear off but I still seem rather calm - unforunately - but I'm ok thank you!" she spke once again dipping her head. The effects had already started to kick in and she could feel herself going a little dizzy and light headed, the effects only lasted for up to 5/10 minutes and the actual calmness would last for an hour or so. All she had to do was play the waiting game, but she wasn't going to let this stop her snapping.
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Re: Alone and Afraid(Canine,Experiment RP,Open and Accepting!)
« Reply #17 on: July 11, 2014, 08:30:57 pm »

? Yara ?
Subject 28

"Everything Scares me."

Yara heard a dog speaking to her from another cage.
"Huh?" She said quietly before looking at the dog and listening. "This is place scares me... I wanna go home" she yipped louder than she usually would. She saw the dog that was talking to her had the number '8923' "D-do you have a name besides that number?" Yara asked "Is this our new name? I don't wanna be here." Yara said.

The pup heard the dog next to her give a yelp of some sort and heard another dog ask if she was okay. Yara went quieter and tried not to look entirely scared but her ears kept pinned against the back of her head.


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Re: Alone and Afraid(Canine,Experiment RP,Open and Accepting!)
« Reply #18 on: July 12, 2014, 03:19:09 am »
« Last Edit: July 12, 2014, 02:13:03 pm by Subject_16 »

Thanks for the great sig Tinytail!
What's wrong? I like to smile that's all. I'm quite a nice dog really. -Subject_16

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Re: Alone and Afraid(Canine,Experiment RP,Open and Accepting!)
« Reply #19 on: July 12, 2014, 11:13:00 am »

Subject 8923

"You are a diamond dear, they will never break you."

It didn't take long for the drugs to take effect on the large dog - although it took longer than it would on most, since she was much larger. Her muscles had grown more relaxed and her temper seemed to decrease, some things appeared a little blurry and she felt rather drowsy - these were usual effects that the dose had on her, so she was kind of use to this by now so it didn't come off as strange to her - the two leggeds would often inject the dog with a drug that seemed to calm her down, although sometimes it took longer than usual or didn't work at all - it was pretty strange but with the amount of times she was being injected she would probably soon grow to fight off the drug so it would have no effect on her.

Hearing the large doors creek open Marsha turned her head and watched, the group of people slowly exited the room with their clipboards in a firm graps - one was pushing a trolly that seemed to carry liquid, tableds and needles which were used to inject the liquid drugs into the dogs. How she would love to knock over that trolly and rid of their years of work - but what wouldn't work, she wasn't getting out of her cage for a long time now. Unless she was getting tested on or going to the socialization room - which was rare.

The sound of the pups quiet and shaken voice quickly entered the Kai-Ken's ears causing her head to whirl around - from what the pup said her actions also proved it. She was pressed against the back of her cage and slightly shaken - you could see the fear in her eyes, but Mar understood. She was still a young pup and coming into a place like this at such a young age was enough to scar a dog for life - like most here. But Mara was ready to give the pup guidence and protect her if needed - until she was old enough to defend herself. The humans usually took advantage of the pups since they were labelled defenseless. "I agree, this can be a scray place for the young and I to will offer you protection. Just follow our lead and I'm sure you'll be fine, although try not to be an angry pants like me - you don't want to be injected with that crap" she spoke reassuringly to the pup. "Yeah, that's just my 'subject' name - the real name is Marsha. They seem to think these are our new names, but I don't go by it" she smiled "And yours?" she questioned to both dogs inparticular

Her eyes then rested upon the Siberian Husky that sat not far off their cages, a smile on her face as she dipped her head towards the canine that had made sure the she-dog was alright "It sure is, thank you. But that idiot will pay, watch when he returned." she growled looking towards the metal double doors. Against humans Marsha usually held grudges, and packed a pretty painful bite - which often caused her to be hit with a stick or something, but she was use to this treatment and these idiots wouldn't break her spirit. She wasn't one to give in yet, or any other time in her life.

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