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Offline Jane-Doe

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« Reply #30 on: July 08, 2014, 02:33:23 pm »
Elrick Sadover
"From the moment we are born, we start dying. So this isn't life, this is death."
Interacting With Jeaniene

"Elrick. Elrick Sadover." The Reaper replied with a wave of charisma. Normally, he was a little wary on giving out his name and he usually just made one up on the spot, but they seemed reliable enough- and they didn't seem to pose a threat. With all of these spirits dropping dead lately, you had to be careful with whom you befriended. However, he wouldn't reveal his 'Grim Reaper' status just yet, seeing as most other spirits began blaming him for these spirits disappearance- since he could lead them over to the other side. Yet, that wasn't the case. Elrick would only lead another spirit over with his or her consent, and would ocassionaly ask for something in return.

Elrick raised his hand, the one that his fingers were drumming, and outstretched it towards them for a quick shake. "And yours? I, for one, dont really conversate that much, so I would appreciate learning your name since you happened to catch mye eye. I'm sure it's an interesting one." Arching a sly eyebrow, the Reaper gave a small, lopsided smile and bobbed his head at them. Tilting his head and awaiting an answer, the bartender soon replaced his empty bronze rum bottle with a brand new, fresh one. Ah, great. He gave a curt, thankful nod to the brunette bartender.
"The mouth speaks what the heart is full of."

Offline Vask

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« Reply #31 on: July 08, 2014, 04:40:12 pm »

Health: 90/100
Injuries/Illness: Small lack of sunlight but fine other than that
Interacting with: None at the moment

Pushing a hand through his hair, Dakota walked down the sidewalk of the strange town. His strides were long and confident as he scanned the stores lining the roads. The moon above him shined brightly overhead. A few people looked at him funny, obviously staring at his hypnotically and shockingly bright green eyes. Although, since it was late, most people were too drunk to think twice about his eyes. Plus, many people asked him about his eyes. Dakota just simply said that he was wearing contacts, which seemed to fool everyone enough.  With a small sigh, Dakota pushed through the door of a bar, loud drunken shouts and murmurs of conversation immediately filled his ears. He didn't drink. Nor did he ever plan to drink. But humans and most spirits alike loved to drink. He'd look peculiar if he just sat and hung around. The Lignum tugged on his jacket sleeves to make sure they were down all the way, for they concealed his Lignum markings just perfectly. After scanning the room, he grabbed a bar seat, and sat down. A chair down he saw, what seemed to be a female and male mingling. The male seemed dark, and the female confident. His thoughts were interrupted by the perky voice of the bartender. "What can I get ya?" Dakota turned his head to see her behind the bar, waiting for his answer. She had long brunette hair, and too much cleavage showing. The girl widened her eyes when she saw his own. "Wow...dude what's with the eyes?" She said with a sharp inhale of air. Dakota made a small humorous 'Hm' sound. "Contacts. And I'll take a whiskey." The girl seemed pleased enough by his answer. "One whiskey comin up." She said in a more perky voice. In a matter of seconds a glass of whiskey was in front of him. He nodded a thank you to the girl. Dakota wasn't going to drink it, obviously, but he should at least look it. He turned to face the other way on his chair, and leaned back, resting his elbows on the bar. A few people glanced at his eyes here and there but were quickly consumed again by drunken conversation.
« Last Edit: July 08, 2014, 04:42:33 pm by Vask »

Offline IndigoCloud

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« Reply #32 on: July 09, 2014, 11:35:48 am »

Freya Lycanscope
Interacting with: Heath Samus Velt, Wolfie_Lover

"Ah, hello." The figure was quick to reply, his tone and body language clearly expressing his 'only violent if necessary' intentions. "Beautiful night, huh?" He added. Freya didn't fail to notice that this was a common so-called 'pick-up line' used by most men, but he seemed to say it as if just stating a fact. A ripple of surprise spread across Freya's usually impassive features, but she was quick to recover her open smile. Her glowing grey eyes examined the man. He swung gently on the swings, his feet a few inches above the ground. Although most would of been put off by his almost child-like stance, Freya was curious. Most men held themselves with pride, sub-consciously flexing their muscles. This man seemed to do the opposite.

"You could say that. It is a bit cold though." Freya even shivered to emphasise the fact but was disappointed to see that his attention was elsewhere. She followed the man's gaze to where a group of mortal teenagers stood. She resisted the urge to roll her eyes, leaning back on her sharp elbows. "What leads a beautiful lady such as yourself out here?~" Freya couldn't help but chuckle at the question. "I was planning on going down to the beach. Those mortals don't scare me." She said, but she said it as a fact, not to boast. Those words had been dangerous. For all she knew, the man could be a so-called 'Spirit hunter'. "Would you care to join me?" She offered, sliding off of the frame with inhuman grace.
;;I'm so sorry for my recent unexplained absence. It hasn't been a good year for me so far, but I'd like to say that I'm back for good now;;

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Offline AbbyJoyce

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« Reply #33 on: July 11, 2014, 06:15:27 am »
(Awaiting crystwolf before I post again)
I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.

Offline Spottedbears

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« Reply #34 on: July 11, 2014, 03:47:25 pm »

interacting with:
Elrick Sadover/Jane Doe, Dakota/Vask


The spirit's eyes shifted when they sensed someone approach a seat away. They decided to ignore it, and proceeded to pick up the conversation. "Jeaniene. Sometimes," they replied with a slight smile. Behind them, they heard the word "contacts" emerge from the man. Swiveling around in the barstool, quite unnaturally excited, their pointed ears looked almost perked up in interest. Eyes glowing in the dim light, they quickly spoke up: "Contacts!? How do they work? Does it hurt? Why do you wear them? Do you have glasses?" Jeaniene's eyes sparked with curiosity. Being the kind of spirit that they were, they were attracted to technology and how it worked. Especially for them, the ones that affected human lifestyles. They could barely keep from holding the huge grin back on their face, and it looked as if they could explode at any minute. However, they kept their cool and only let a small, curious look emerge on their skin. As they had turned in the chair so fast, they figured that they had probably scared him as well as been quite rude to their previous conversation with Elrick. "Oh, erm, sorry," she muttered, slowly turning the chair back, "I can't help my interest for technology. Comes with turning into a spirit. So, er, what're you doing in a bar?" she apologized, then asked with a slight tilt of her head to show that she was actually interested.

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Offline crystwolf

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« Reply #35 on: July 11, 2014, 05:48:54 pm »
(Sorry, got a little busy these past few days.)


Health: 20/20
Problems/Injuries: Nothing, just a little hungry.

Alexcs' frown deepened when Thief didn't reply, only shifting so that he resembled the pose of a guy whom had given up. It was strange to see that, from Thief out of all people - Though he was the youngest of both his family and his group, he didn't seem like the miserable runt and was in fact the loudest, most annoying person hanging around, never one to fall behind. The silence felt even more awkward with the teenager around and the vampire suddenly shifted to the side, the movement giving an invitation for Thief to sit down on the couch. He kept his gaze fixed on the boy, carefully seeing what injuries he had gained and how bad it was. He was definitely no doctor, but maybe he could do something to help.

Well, the first thing he noticed was that the blood wasn't entirely Thief's. A mortal's blood and a Spirit's blood smelled entirely different, and tasted different as well. To him, at least. He quickly focused somewhere else - Having not eaten his fill for more than 4 days was rather stressful, especially when somebody comes lumbering in, absolutely drenched in the drink that he so liked. The boy's face was a mess, covered in dirt and grime with cuts littered all over. His lip was split in two places and his left eye seemed to be nearly swollen shut, his nose just about as crooked as his fingers. From the way he hardly breathed and leaned a little to the side, he could guess that there were multiple cracked ribs. His right side was where most of the blood had leaked from, and without a thought he shifted Thief so he could see better, ignoring the boy's protests. A gunshot wound. Alexcs pursed his lips in thought, humming lightly. That was probably a rather big fight there, enough to disorient Thief and get him so many injuries. But, there wasn't many who could...

The vampire's eyes widened, and he shifted back, turning to the younger male. "Those mortals could see you?" He muttered, stopping himself from rolling his eyes at Thief's blunt reply and suspicious look afterwards. Alexcs scratched his chin again, gaze shifting blankly to the door. "I'm pretty sure that a whole group of mortals wouldn't be... Depressed. Especially when they were experimenting him." He continued, gesturing to the corpse in front of them. "Yet, they could see you."


Health: 13/20
Problems/Injuries: Severely injured from a recent fight.

Thief finally glanced up when Alexcs made room, and he quietly walked towards him and sat down on the empty  space, shifting to not put pressure on his wounds. He brought a hand up, wiping away both the blood from his nose and his mouth on his already bloodied knuckles. He gave another glance at the vampire when the silence seemed to stretch on, narrowing his eyes when he noticed the other clearly staring at him. He didn't know how the other 'weirdos' - The group of misfits - could handle silence - He couldn't. If anything, it was unbearable.  He was sure that if he was locked in a room with nobody for 15 minutes he would lose it and start talking to himself... Though he probably had already done that many times. Thief shook his head, about to reach over and grab the dirtied cloth on the table to wipe his face when a hand suddenly grabbed his arm and shifted him so that his side with the gunshot wound would be facing Alexcs.

"Hey!" He yelled in surpise, jerking away from the vampire and raising a brow. He was unprepared for Alexcs' question and snorted. "Well, of course, dummy." He sneered, looking more directly at the older this time. After Alexcs' little talk of his thoughts the Half-Demon stared at him as though he had grown a second head, then promptly let out a rather obnoxious, sarcastic laugh. "Shut it, Mask-Face. Those mortals are not getting the better of us, even with their fancy machines and whatnot." He snarled,  legs lifting to rest on the coffee table in front of them. His denial made no sense and was very weak, but he couldn't simply accept the fact that the humans, the ones who were supposed to be their prey, supposed to be afraid of them, were getting the advantage. He hardly noticed that he was slowly coming back to his old self, though whenever he took a glance at the dead corpse near the door he almost felt like going silent again. Audibly swallowing, he crossed his arms and leaned back, wincing when sharp pain assaulted his chest. "So what if they can see us? I'm way too fast for them." He added quietly in a mumble, though he knew that this would be a huge problem for the vampire, who relied on not being seen and used it many times to his advantage.


Health: 20/20
Problems/Injuries: None.

She shrugged at Fithel's words, choosing to keep silent again, moving to lean against the crate, facing the opposite side. Her grey eyes searched the streets, randomly stopping on empty spots as though she was actually looking at something. At least, that was what it looked like to most people. Though they would probably see a completely empty area, Eirinn could see a few dead, ghost-like mortals wandering around aimlessly, though she wasn't sure what they were doing. Her gaze stopped on each and every one of them, though it quickly moved away - until she finally settled on staring at one lone soul, who was openly staring back at her, standing still with his arms flopping by his side, as though he was waiting for her. He had bags under his eyes and only had one leg, but was still somehow standing without any support. It took a moment before she realised who he was exactly - A random guy she had met on the streets, who had managed to see her even as a mortal and had begged her for death. She had ignored him then, but he still ended up dead anyway. Eirinn raised a brow, then made a dismissive gesture with a wave of her hand, to which the dead human scowled at.

She didn't bother to see if he had left or not and instead turned back to Fithel, suddenly replying to his words after that brief moment of silence. "You never know what they might be doing." She murmured, a hand shifting to rest on the crate, fingers lightly tapping a gentle rhythm as she directed her gaze to the ground.

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Offline Jane-Doe

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« Reply #36 on: July 11, 2014, 08:00:16 pm »
Elrick Sadover
"From the moment we are born, we start dying. So this isn't life, this is death."
Interacting With Jeaniene And Dakota

"Pleasure to meet you, Jeaniene." Elrick states with an emphasized hospitality, however it was a tad forced. Bringing the fresh, new bronze bottle of rum, he strirred around the liquid contents, before finally bringing it to his lips, and taking several long gulps before releasing the new bottle- which was already running dry. Out of his peripheral vision, he watched the masculine figure with vibrant green eyes take a seat, and Jeaniene's sudden interest in his "contacts." Such a bubbly, curious little spirit, weren't they? He, too, was a bit curious as to why this unknown figure was wearing such prominent green contacts? If they even were contacts at all. Despite those thoughts stirring around in his head like the rum in its bronze bottle, Elrick gave a small, lopsided smirk.

At Jeaniene's apology, Elrick let an amused breath flicker between his lips, shaking his head slowly. "Don't fret." He reassured them with a mumble, before drumming his fingers lazily on his thigh. However, at their comment Elrick's brown eyes widened an ounce or two. "A spirit." He repeated, giving a small grin, approving of the species very much. Yet, he had yet to share his own species, but wouldnt even bother bringing that topic up. "How very interesting." Elrick muttered to himself, being genuine about his interest to the species as a whole. What seems like a lifetime ago, Elrick actually had a band of spirits, constantly following him as he led others, and themselves to the other side. It was a fun little band of brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, strangers, old time friends- all mixed into one, offering their services to Elrick in return for a one way ticket home. Ah, the memories were cute, that was for sure.

Snapping his attention back to the conversation, Elrick's eyes light up. "What am I doing here? Well, I wanted a drink, of course. How about yourself- you dont take me for an alcoholic type." His dry tone stated rather lively, giving a small smile before letting his gaze roam past them, and onto the male with the contacts. Wondered what the story was behind that. Nevertheless, he returned his attention to Jeaniene, giving her a small tilt of his head.
"The mouth speaks what the heart is full of."

Offline AbbyJoyce

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« Reply #37 on: July 11, 2014, 09:59:55 pm »

Max Fairfield

The pain waved through her cranium with heated thuds of noise and vision. "Oh, tsk tsk tsk." The voice barely stood out amongst the deep walls of yells and shouts already within Max's mind, but the figure before her did. "Look what we have here, a fledgling with no maker?" The voice was deep and rough like nails scratching wood. Max peered up past her brow, baring her newly found fangs as another figure approached. The neighborhood was dark, a path Max rarely took. It was filled with abandoned houses and the poor. And the homes of spirits. A large, brutish handand was pushed Max's way, and instinctively, she flinched away, baring her fangs further. "Oh.." The man laughed wholeheartedly, "Okay." Moving quickly, he reached down, yanking Max to her feet. She gasped as his hand clenched around her throat, her feet dangling from the ground as he held her against the stop sign. "What kind of spirit just wanders about at night. huh?" He growled through clenched teeth. "I'm not a spirit!" she hissed back. Another laugh escaped the man as he slipped out a hunting knife, its silver depths glimmering in the lamp light. "You're in denial sweetheart." Max kicked out, her feet colliding with nothing but air as he tightened his grip. "This is..dumb." Max gasped, "This is a neighborhood of spirits..if I am one.."

Another deep chuckle cut her off, "You think Spirits stick together? That they protect one another? They aren't people, girl. They're monsters, like you." His grip tightened with each word, and with each word, she found the world growing dimmer and dimmer.

I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.

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« Reply #38 on: July 11, 2014, 10:54:35 pm »

Heath "Sammy" Samus Velt
Interacting with Freya Lycanscope, Sherlolly.

He thought about her offer, wondering what would happen if he went or didn't. The male shook his head. "I have to apologize, but I cannot go. Or not rather than 'cannot', but 'do not want' to go." He spoke with a slight smile still on his face, but strangely, he felt estranged and neutral. "I don't exactly have the best feeling towards, erm, you. Perhaps later, though~?" It wasn't often that he was invited to really anywhere, but he had told her the truth, even if he couldn't tell humans apart from "spirits", which wasn't the best of things. She was beautiful, and he should've been nervous or shown some sign of enjoying her company, or appearance atleast, but he hadn't. He continued to swing with the child-like posture and small smile, despite giving her a truthful answer.

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« Reply #39 on: July 12, 2014, 08:31:43 am »

Freya Lycanscope
Interacting with: Heath Samus Velt, Wolfie_Lover

Freya couldn't help but be surprised at the stranger's answer. "Oh, no. That's alright." She waved the apology off, but her tone had a hint of something else in it. "I was just being polite." She turned away and jumped gracefully down from the frame. "Maybe later, Spirit." She hissed the last word, quickening her pace to catch up with her earlier aquaintences, muttering to herself. She jumped the fence once again with ease despite her dress, approaching the three that had been waiting for her.

"What was that about?" Lilliana was eyeing Freya warily. "Oh, nothing. Just some guy that turned down the pleasure of our company." She smiled as her gaze landed on the mortal boy. She waved him away, laughing as he looked around him in bewilderment. "Go away, little mortal boy." She teased, shooing him off with her hands. The remainder three set off towards the glistening water, continuing their 'drunken teenager' act.
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