Author Topic: The Annual Purge [Open and Accepting Applications!]  (Read 13090 times)

Offline Vask

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Re: The Annual Purge [Open and Accepting Applications!]
« Reply #20 on: July 12, 2014, 05:15:22 am »

The bright blue eyes of Avery Harrison scanned over the brightly shining city. She stood quietly on a flat rooftop, surveying the streets. With one foot on the rim of the roof, she ran a hand through her brightly colored red hair. As she scanned the area, as she did before every Purge, she saw mechanics installing new security systems, people sharpening weapons in their front yards, even families praying. The few weaponry and gun shops around town prices were high, and their stock was probably 100% empty. Avery drummed her fingers on her thigh as she thought about this years Purge. Over the years, good numbers were rising in her 'Purge Group' so to speak. Of course, Avery Purged alone for her first two years until people realized just how serious she was. Then well known purgers started to join her in purging. Now, many years later, Avery had several people on her side. MANY Experienced Purgers were loyal in purging with er every year, and new people seemed to tack on each Purge. They were never an official group. They had no name, but boy did they have a reputation. They did not bargain, and they did not squander on keeping people safe for amounts of money. Her group slaughtered any unlucky enough to be out on the street. They never argued or had any talk on who is leader, but Avery seemed to be giving the orders- weird enough.

Avery shook her head, dissmissing her thoughts. The wind blew gently, caressing her hair gently. She sighed, taking a big breath of air in. The sounds of sharpening blades and loading guns was like music to her ears. These people seemed like decent folks. Smiles passed around, shared ideas. Too bad about half of them would be dead day after tomorrow. And a lot of that blood might just be on her hands.

Putting her hands habitually to her hips, she felt her dagger on one side, and pistol on the other- both tucked safely in their holsters. Letting out a long breath of air she didn't know she was holding, Avery turned and easily jumped to the next rooftop. Her sneakers hit the rooftop silently and she looked around again- nobody seemed to notice. A middle-aged looking man seemed to call out to her however. He had aged lines, and bags under his eyes, but also had smile lines and experienced grey eyes. "Excuse me. Miss." He said, somewhat nervously. Avery closed her eyes for a moment, and opened them with a new face. A young, slightly innocent look on her face. "Yes?" She said, sitting down on the edge of the roof and looking at the man. He swallowed. "Are you uh...have some call you Red?" He said, stuttering on his unsure words. Avery then narrowed her gaze at the man, "What's it to you?" She said slightly more stern, but still in a small young-girl voice. The man found an interesting spot to look at on the ground. "Look...I just was wondering if you would please tell you' stay away from my family. We are having problems with our security system and it's too late to fix them. We would pay you handsomely." The man plastered a tight smile onto his face. Avery let her innocent look back on. Barely any knew who her Purge identity was. Most just thought she was a quiet girl who stayed home and seemed to survive each year. "My apologies, sir. But I can't help you. I've never Purged a day in my life." She said somewhat convincingly, getting up to walk away. The man spoke again, more urgent this time. "Please..." He swallowed, "I can pay y-" Avery cut him off, "I'm sorry sir but I don't want your money. I do not Purge nor have I ever." The mans face got desperate, and she thought she saw a tear. But before she could see, she turned and jumped to the next roof.

The next roof she landed on had a latch and small door. It was slightly rusty from the lack of use since last year. The building itself was relatively larger than the others around, and Avery was proud of that. She tugged on the handle and opened the door, with a loud protest from the hinges. Silently, she slipped through. Right when she dropped to the ground of the second floor, a long pointed spear was pointed at her chest. A slender boy, 16 years of age, with large deep brown eyes and olive skin was behind the point. It took only a split second for her to remember the name. Ben. A boy who had just recently decided to become a loyal Purger with her group. Avery raised an eyebrow at him, though could understand his jumpy instinct. His eyes widened a bit once he came to his senses, and quickly lowered both his spear and his gaze. "My apologies, Avery." He mumbled. Avery decided to cut him some slack, since he was so new. Usually she would have left him some cuts to remember her by, but she was in a particularly good mood today. "I admire your instinct. It's exactly what we need here," Avery said, giving him a genuine smile. Ben looked up at her and returned the smile, his teeth amazingly white. "They're waiting for you." He said simply, surprising his grin now as he gestured towards a door behind him. Avery nodded and walked through the door. Ben followed behind her, and once inside, stood by the frame of the door with his spear. A single table was in the middle of the room. Several of her most trusted and loyal Purgers were gathered around the table. They looked up and nodded at her when she entered, many then looked back down at papers sprawled across the table. Right. Planning time.

Offline DuskWolfy

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Re: The Annual Purge [Open and Accepting Applications!]
« Reply #21 on: July 12, 2014, 06:11:47 am »

Marley Blue

Marley's green brown eyes shifted finally as she slid to her feet. She slid her sudagger into a slot on her right hip and exited the house once again to survey her surroundings. Not too far away she knew the Swarm was. She never got involved with them until the year before when she helped one of their Purge 'victims' escape. She had a feeling the group she saved him from would remember her so she decided to avoid that area. She exited her small fenced in yard and began to walk down the road once more, this time finding escape routes and hiding places. Marley walked with the small crowds of the city till something caught her eye in a certain area. She watched from a distance as a man spoke to a girl sitting atop a roof. She didn't go and speak with the man but she kept a note in her mind to watch him and his family close. Marley continued on her way as she continued to survey the area. Her gaze stayed low, along with her head as she tried to lay low, incase anybody was watching her at that moment.

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Re: The Annual Purge [Open and Accepting Applications!]
« Reply #22 on: July 12, 2014, 07:14:41 am »
Life is just a loop, untill you get too tiered to continue

Offline IndigoCloud

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Re: The Annual Purge [Open and Accepting Applications!]
« Reply #23 on: July 12, 2014, 08:18:03 am »
@ Phroghress: I'm terribly sorry, but I'm afraid you're not accepted. I had just earlier placed a temporary ban on female characters to give people a chance to even out the genders. I'm really sorry :/

Alaska May| Ally
Location: Her house, alone.
Health: 20/20. Perfect health.

24 hours. 24 hours until the world goes wild. 24 hours to set up equipment, find a Purging group- or, at least, partner- and to come up with a plan. Alaska May stood at her window, sharpening a small knife she carried around with her at all times. Dusk had already set in, giving the darkening sky a sinister orange glow. The streets were almost empty, barring the few homeless that dared to sit on the sidewalk asking for money, but a few stragglers still went about their daily business. Not long ago, Ally had hung up her blue ribbon along with sticking a piece of paper on her mailbox. It read: 'Purge group needed. Willing to join any without payment. If interested, consult occupant of house." Her mobile phone number and address were hastily scribbled onto the bottom of the paper in her looping handwriting, signed with only a love heart containing the letter A. That was her signature sign, one that was sewn onto all of her Purging clothes and engraved into the wood of her beloved crossbow. It had earned her a good amount of fame along with fear, which was often seen as a good sign.

Testing the sharpened knife out on her finger, Alaska winced as the blade pierced her skin, drawing a crimson bead of blood. Her fingers sub-consciously traced the scars running across the inside of her wrist. It had been a while since she had been able to go a week without self-harming. That week had slowly turned into months, months that seemed like eternity as she crawled out of her depression. But she was better now. The last Purge had helped her, it have her a chance to finally let go of the constant worries clawing at her mind.

Alaska pulled herself out of her thoughts, she didn't have time to feel sorry for herself. She was meeting a friend soon, someone that could have a good enough Purging group. It's name had been something cheesy, like 'Swarm'. Ally rolled her eyes and briefly glanced at her watch. Time to go.
;;I'm so sorry for my recent unexplained absence. It hasn't been a good year for me so far, but I'd like to say that I'm back for good now;;

If you need any help around the forums, feel free to PM me :3

Offline AbbyJoyce

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Re: The Annual Purge [Open and Accepting Applications!]
« Reply #24 on: July 12, 2014, 08:46:29 am »


"We need to check our advances and our routes. I do not want a mistake like last year. We almost lost one of our men due to you." The clipping of the ebony heels upon the offices dark wooden floors mirrored Malice's confidence with each steady beat. The anxious, fearful girl before her nodded. "Ma'm, we've already checked them. And with all do respect, we have dozens of men. Hundreds, even. We're the largest group for states, I doubt my mistakes would have.." The room's air thickened as Malice turned, her body lessening the space between her and the girl in seconds. Malice's icy glare dug into the girls. "Check it again, and do yourself a favor. Don't question me again." With a hesitant nod, the girl turned on her heels, exiting the office with speed.


Malice's annoyed expression quickly faded into nonchalance as a familiar face revealed itself. "Ah, Bryan. Tell me, what news do you possess today?" Malice's arms crossed as Bryan bowed slightly, before clearing his throat. "There is rumor that a request will be made today to join our group." Malice's perfectly manicured fingertips tapped against her elbows in thought. "Is that so? And without a warning?.." Malice pursed her lips, "They're ballsy, I like that..sometimes." She slowly leaned back, sitting atop her desk. "Who is this mystery figure?"

"I don't know, ma'm. All I know is that she will arrive shortly." Bryan replied quietly. "Well, let's hope they're entertaining. I don't have time to waste, and I'd rather not shoot the pistol twice today. He needs a rest before tomorrow."
I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.

Offline Jane-Doe

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Re: The Annual Purge [Open and Accepting Applications!]
« Reply #25 on: July 12, 2014, 03:55:57 pm »

Xander Drake
"After all, to the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure."

Xander closed the apartment door behind him with a small thud, not bothering to lock the door behind him. Hopefully, no human was stupid enough to purge the day before. That, was punishable by death- either by Xander himself, or the government themselves. Sauntering over towards the kitchen, Xander outstretched his arm to one of the taller counters, and opened it- It was a medicine cabinet. He pulled out several bottles, sorting through them to find one that stood out from the rest.

It had a red banner, and read something that obviously wasn't of English language. Xander pressed his palm to the cap, twisted, and turned it open. The pills were orange and red, and he popped four of them. Taking out a cup, he filled it with tap water, and tilted his head back, pouring the drink in his mouth, and swallowing the pills alike.

Strolling over towards his room, he went into the closet, pulled out his artilary, an ak47, dual hand guns, and  a large, jagged-tipped hunting knife. He let his bright, silvery green eyes scan over the weapons. First, he'd sleep for a bit, then once awake, he'd ready his weapons. He'd sharpen the blade, ready the bullets, count his rounds, and gear up for a night of hellish fun. "Can't wait." Xanders dry tone muttered to himself.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2014, 03:59:04 pm by Jane Doe »
"The mouth speaks what the heart is full of."

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Re: The Annual Purge [Open and Accepting Applications!]
« Reply #26 on: July 12, 2014, 05:33:10 pm »

Ashley Lee Storm

Perfect Health
Location~ Home With Her Father

Ashley, walked out of the living room and saw her father standing near the door. He looked worried at his daughter. She showed a big smile on her face and his father smiled. Finally, he spoke up to her. "Ashley, my daughter! I want you to be safe! Tomorrow is the Purge! I fear something will go wrong!" Asley, huffed and walked to her dad. She gave him a hug, then looked him in the eye, before she spoke up. "Daddy! Don't you just worry! Everything will be alright. Nothing, bad will go wrong tomorrow! I promise!" Ashley, promised, until his dad, kissed her forehead and let her go. She smiled and put on her favorite shoes. She took a small black jacket with her and left the house.
She saw as the guards observed her. She gave a smile, before she walked outside her territory. But before she even left, she turned to see her father looking outside just the window, observing her. She gave a smile and left.

Finally, arriving at the mall. She looked around. She didn't saw anyone around. Just her and a couple of girls. That wasn't strange, everyone knew the purge is coming tomorrow and they hide or collected the rightful items. She huffed and went shopping.

Profile picture by me! ^.^

Offline Vask

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Re: The Annual Purge [Open and Accepting Applications!]
« Reply #27 on: July 12, 2014, 05:42:29 pm »

Avery stepped out of the large room, sighing loud. Her group made wonderful plans, and it was finally over. Running a hand through her hair, she watched the people that had been in the room as well saunter out. The week before the Purge was always when the most people joined in on their group. This week she had approved 5 people already, and she was more than pleased. A tall pale brute with short black hair stepped up to her as the others talked, worked, etc. Avery looked up from her thoughts, smiling when she saw him. Avery knew right away who he was. Her most trusted Purger, and one of the most lethal, Rohn. He cleared his throat before he spoke, "Shall we?" Avery nodded, giving a quick sigh. In the corner of her eye she saw the new one...Ben watching them. Avery payed no attention though and instead turned back to her task. She jumped up easily, opening the hatch on the roof and slipping out onto the roof. Rohn followed her out immediately, and they slowly walked along the roof. They both stopped and scanned the streets, looking at the people.

Her bright aqua colored eyes studied the people. She eyed a girl with blonde hair, seemingly in a hurry. "Hmmm" Avery said to herself. Rohn looked to where she was looking, "Should we try that one?" He said, his voice dark. Avery thought for a moment , then shook her head, "No. Wherever she's going, I'm sure she won't want to stop." Rohn narrowed his eyes, trying to see what Avery was seeing, then it finally clicked. She had a dagger. Rohn made a displeasured noise, "Damn Swarm. So many Purgers joining them instead each year." Avery rolled her eyes, "They may have the numbers, but we have the skill. They take anyone they can get, I only take best." Rohn nodded, knowing it was true. Avery glanced at Rohn. He was 26, and had a sharp look. They could have been siblings, if it weren't for the hair of course. "C'mon." Avery said quietly. They both jumped down the roof, landing on their feet unharmed. That was one of the reasons Rohn was so good at what he did. He was agile like Avery, and could keep up. They both walked down the street slowly.

Offline IndigoCloud

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Re: The Annual Purge [Open and Accepting Applications!]
« Reply #28 on: July 13, 2014, 10:01:18 am »
Quick note: I won't be as active as usual for the next week as I am away on holiday, but I will try to post as much as I can ^^

Alaska May| Ally
Location: Her house, alone.
Health: 20/20. Perfect health.

Equipped with only her dagger, Alaska exited her run-down house. She wore a pair of black skinny jeans and a grey hoodie. Now was not the time to draw attention to herself. As she dug her hands deep into her pockets, she couldn't help but get the feeling that she was being watched. Raising her head, she scanned the streets while walking only for her gaze to land on two people looking straight at her. She resisted the urge to wave at them and continued on her way, stopping only to step over junk that littered the streets.

Ally had been walking for a while in unfamiliar territory, following her friend's exact instructions. Left here. Straight on until you reach the 'Lost cat' poster and so on. Although her heart's pace was gradually quickening, her body language remained calm and collected after years of practise. She sub-consciously ran an unshaking hand through her hair as she stopped outside of a large mansion, run-down and unsafe, but still better than what she could afford. She had received many glares and non-verbal threats as she had entered the Swarm's territory, but her features remained expressionless, almost bored.

Glancing at the number of the mansion, Ally brought her small knuckles down on the door, it's peeling paint flaking off as the knocks echoed inside her head. Leaning against the porch, she twirled the sharpened knife around her fingers, the blade only touching the skin of her fingertips with perfect precision as she waited for someone to answer the door. Alaska had heard of the Swarm before and greatly respected them, but in order to get in, they needed to respect her.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2014, 11:41:23 am by Sherlolly »
;;I'm so sorry for my recent unexplained absence. It hasn't been a good year for me so far, but I'd like to say that I'm back for good now;;

If you need any help around the forums, feel free to PM me :3

Offline Jane-Doe

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Re: The Annual Purge [Open and Accepting Applications!]
« Reply #29 on: July 14, 2014, 02:28:59 am »

Xander Drake
"After all, to the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure."

Xander arose from his slumber. A massive headache struck his temples, causing him to groan and roll over on his bed. Forking his fingers through his tousled dark locks, Xander sits up, and slowly pulled himself up. Apparently Xander rose too quickly, since after taking his first step, he stumbled to the side.  A small growl erupted from his full, pursed lips. "Where did I set those damn pills?" Xander's dry, gruff tone mutters to himself under his breath. His nails dug into his curled fists as he turned his apartment upside down in attempts to find them- when, they were only sitting on the counter.

A soft sigh of relief washed through him as he neared the pill bottle with the red banner and foreign title on it. Picking it up with a content expression, Xander popped the cap open, tapping the bottle into his hand. Once nothing came out, he shook a little harder and still- nothing. His content expression quickly turned sour, his eyebrows knitting and his lips twitching down in a scowl. He took the bottle and hurled it across the room, letting it bounce off the wall, and roll onto the floor, under his bed.

Then, Xander stripped free of his plain tank, and exchanged it for a longsleeve red and plaid button down, dark pants, and boots with good traction. Xander slung a bag filled with his essentials-along with his mask inside- over his shoulder. Then, strapping the holstier around him, Xander placed his dual hand guns in their pockets, as well as a few extra rounds. Placing a leather strap of some sorts around his arm, Xander ties it around his large hunting knife- the jagged end of the blade concealed in a leather case. "This year, I think the purge will come a little earlier." Xander muttered coldly under his breath.

"The mouth speaks what the heart is full of."