Author Topic: The World of Greenore Open And Accepting -REMAKE-  (Read 5577 times)

Offline duna the killer

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The World of Greenore Open And Accepting -REMAKE-
« on: July 17, 2014, 09:30:03 pm »
« Last Edit: July 18, 2014, 11:33:11 am by Dunasaur »

Offline rainbow lion

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Re: The World of Greenore Open And Accepting -REMAKE-
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2014, 02:26:36 pm »

"Those that are free to the heart and the mind are free to the world."

Name: Zemina
Age: Assumed four years.
Gender: Female
Personality: She may not be one of the most colorful characters but since her freedom she has started too enjoy fighting for the war. Zemina on her own though can be found quiet thinking to herself or reading if there was any books. She does not take carelessness lightly being a former general in Mau's army.
Clan: Currently she fights along with Terari among it's elite forces.
Stone of Clan: Emerald-Eye of the Jaguar
Crush: A long dead cat she can't remember.
Relationship: None at the moment
Description: A tired looking she-cat with a black pelt and hazy eyes. Under her pelt ripples strong muscles meant for power not speed.
Bio: Zemina was a kitten when her family left their distant homeland. A country which was poor and tearing it's self apart. They had heard of another kingdom ruled by a wise and merry king and decided to travel to it. As she grew older Zemina became attached to a friend of the family traveling with them. A perfect life of freedom and happiness only to discover that they were wandering into Mau's cruel realm. They were attacked by a patrolling group of soldiers. They had no chance, but Zemina fought hard. She dodged behind rock to avoid fireblasts and stormed right out to land hard blows on the soldiers. When she killed one they sent for Mau. A civilian with that kind of fight in them hasn't come around in awhile. Mau saw Zemina as a fine general, a servant under her to conquer the world. She couldn't trust a completely Flatlined cat to do this for her, so she only entranced Zemina a little. This was a mistake. Zemina stared to grow weary of the conquest. That something had gone wrong here. She decided to escape. The first part getting past the wall was easy, telling the guards she needed to leave under authority of Mau. She knew she would have little time from then on and once out of sight bolted as fast as her paws could carry her. From her wanderings in the forest she encountered the Clan of Terari and their leader took her in kindly. Zemina occasionally has a feeling someone else is watching through her eyes but thinks not too much of it.
(Longlonglong bio...)
Theme Song: More like background music but,

Offline Howl at the Moon

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Re: The World of Greenore Open And Accepting -REMAKE-
« Reply #2 on: July 18, 2014, 09:03:13 pm »
(I am changing the Stone from Eye of the Jaguar to Eye of the Cheetah, it's more fitting since it grants the cats speed.

Name: Essix

Age: 6 years

Gender: Male

Personality: Kind, Loyal, Fierce and Wise. Essix protects his clan from any and all harm. He is never afraid to place himself between Mau and her armada. When not busy he is playful and sometimes jokey. But when issueing orders/fighting/ or doing something serious he is serious, and will not goof around.

Clan: Terari > Eye of the cheetah

Stone of Clan: Emerald

Crush: Relania

Relationship: Relania

Description: A brown tom with stone armour his clan has so amazingly formed. The emerald is placed in a square-shaped hole in the helmet. He has a long tail, smaller ears, but long legs. He is muscular and fast.
Essix was born in the clan Terari, a large clan of 100 cats. His father was leader, and the clan loved him. He had alot of friends, and was usually treated kindly. When he was 1 year old, his father started to teach him about being leader, teaching him the ethics of being leader, as well as what to do in situations. When he was 3, his father died of old age. The clan mourned. The next day Essix was made leader. Essix loved the clan, and they loved him. But there was a certain cat in the clan that stole Essix's heart. Relania was a beautiful white she-cat with a feathery tail and blue eyes. Soon enough Essix and Relania became mates and had two kits, Flint, a grey tom with white paws and a white tail-tip and white muzzle, and Cinnamon, a brown she-kit with black spots. Their kits are currently fighters, increasing the number of fighters in the clan to 30. When word got out that Mau burned the clans, the Terari clan moved away. Only the cats the live there know where they live. There they discovered the Emerald, Eye of the Cheetah. It granted the cats speed.

Theme Song: Leave out all the Rest

Name: Gino
Age: 4 years
Gender: Male
Personality: Calm, but also very reliable
Clan: Terari
Stone of clan: Emerald
Crush: None
Relationship: A cat named Fera
Appearance: A black tom with blue eyes, and a white muzzle
Bio: Not much other than he was born in Deir, and will die to protect them
Themesong: Go the Distance - Hercules

Name: Tellun
Age: 7 years (He be pretty old)
Gender: Male
Personality: He is wise, old, but also very powerful.
Clan: Lynxius, The clan of Lynx-bloods
Stone of the clan: Diamond of the Stars
Crush: None
Relationship: None
Decription: Half Lynx half American Long hair. Tellun has large ears, long fur, a short tail, very powerful legs and claws, and a strong bite. He is twice the size of the average maine coon. He a medium-grey  fur, with darker and lighter spots. He has yellow eyes, and a black nose. He has a scar on his ear.
Bio: Unknown
Theme Song: God of Angel Armies (By Chris Tomlin)

Other: The diamond can control light. It is immune to the power of the Amethyst, making it very useful in battle. But, the Diamond chooses it's owner, not the other way around. It has chosen Tellun. It will blind any who try to claim it as their own. Already it has blinded 42 of Mau's soldiers. Most of the clan he rules is his brothers and sisters, as his father bred many times, to 'spread the lynx blood'. As a result Lynxius has beaten Mau's guards many times over. Tellun currently rules Lynxius.

Offline duna the killer

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Re: The World of Greenore Open And Accepting -REMAKE-
« Reply #3 on: July 19, 2014, 12:30:50 am »
Both of you are accepted! Thanks for joining the remake. We start right where we left off! -will message Homestuck Makara about the rp starting so she can join in again- and Thanks for letting me know Wolf ^^))

Sitka was with the group of slaves who survived the rebellion, which was about 45 cats. The slaves muttered anxiously, while Sitka and his newly found friend Talbet kept them from running away into the woods or back to the castle. These cats are nervous, scared, and starving. No wonder they are so jumpy. They can't go out into the woods. If they do, either sickness, starvation, or other creatures could them. Going back to the castle either means death for rebelling, or having to work even harder than they do! Sitka thought sadly. When a slave tried to make a run for it, Sitka stopped him. "You'll die on your own." He mewed.
"I can fend for myself!"
"No. You can count your ribs and you are in no condition to defend yourself and any prey you catch." Sitka made a point. The slave muttered and talked with his buddy. Sitka began grooming his tail, keeping an eye on the slaves.

Offline rainbow lion

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Re: The World of Greenore Open And Accepting -REMAKE-
« Reply #4 on: July 19, 2014, 12:48:20 am »
So Terari and Lynxius are going to attack Mau, correct?))

Offline Howl at the Moon

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Re: The World of Greenore Open And Accepting -REMAKE-
« Reply #5 on: July 19, 2014, 06:04:48 pm »
(Yup ))

Essix looked at the castle. About 200 cats were lined up behind him, weapons at the ready. He saw a tree stump and leaped on it, then turned to face the cats. Inspirational speech time.. He thought. He then mewed
"I just want to say.. thank you. I'm nervous. I know a lot of you are too. It's ok to be nervous. But this is not our first fight, and want to guarantee it won't be our last. Some of us might not make it back home, but if you do die, make certain the you did with honor, and not in vain. Even if Mau doesn't die today, we still played our part." He leaped off the stump and walked to the front and looked at Tellun the half lynx half American Long hair, who was standing beside him. He commanded the army to advance until they were about thirty feet from the castle entrance. "WE HAVE COME TO FIGHT FOR OUR FREEDOM!" He yowled to both the guards and the army, "LONG LIVE GREENORE! CHARGE!" He plunged forward his stone knife ready. He felt Tellun beside him, and could hear cats beside him. Without a thought of doubt he clashed with the nearest guard. The fight was on.

Offline rainbow lion

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Re: The World of Greenore Open And Accepting -REMAKE-
« Reply #6 on: July 20, 2014, 05:38:40 pm »

Zemina's paws thundered with the advancing army's. The noise was deafening as the crash as the front line drew closer. She felt like she was diving into a river full of turmoil as she leaped into the fight. Immediately Zemina met with an enraged soldier. She jumped on her and they wrestled fiercely. Zemina's heavy stone armor was an advantage in throwing her off balance. Her opponent was strong however and recovered fast. "Trator!" She spat before throwing her full body weight on Zemina. "Maybe your pelt'll earn me a promotion." The she-cat landed a few hard blows as Zemina's head. Fortunately the armor held but the tiny shard mounted on the cat's helmet began to glow. The claw swipes began to burn. Struggling, Zemina was able to slide out from under her. They fought hard until another soldier joined the fight.

He was a big one as well. A Maine Coon. Zemina spat and hissed looking very intimidating. She let her fur swell underneath her armor. She knew she was outnumbered and tried to make the best of the situation. Charging at them Zemina dived for the she-cat sinking her claws into the exposed shoulder. She howled and the other soldier tore at Zemina, pulling her off his ally. Zemina did not want to fight the fire and the claws of the Maine Coon. She tried to get at the smaller female but was blocked by him. Oh well... She thought as they doubled up on her. The fire blast got closer at each shot and Zemina couldn't run in the thick of the battle

Offline Howl at the Moon

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Re: The World of Greenore Open And Accepting -REMAKE-
« Reply #7 on: July 23, 2014, 11:37:01 pm »
Gino slashed a guard with his knife. His paw was hooked in it, and he stabbed the guard in the head. He saw too guards ganging up on Zemina and he ran over. He cut off a guards head then knocked over the other, leaving him to Zemina. He leapt off and battled a strong Maine coon. The guard knocked him over and lifted his axe. Gino rolled over and stabbed the guards neck. He grabbed his knife and ran off, searching for an opponent.

Offline duna the killer

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Re: The World of Greenore Open And Accepting -REMAKE-
« Reply #8 on: July 28, 2014, 12:58:07 pm »
Sitka heard howling and screeching in the direction of the castle. He turned, and squinted. He could barely see it, but from the loud battle cries he guessed there was a battle. But who's attacking? Then he heard The cry of Essix, the Terari leader. Terari. Wow. They are a powerful clan, strongest weapons in Greenore. But I hope they win. We need their fire power is we want to win against Mau. He turned away and shook the thought from his head.

Offline Hennessy

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Re: The World of Greenore Open And Accepting -REMAKE-
« Reply #9 on: July 30, 2014, 06:01:03 am »
I remember this RP! Though I never got to join. :P))

Name: Rayn [Pronounced Rain]
Age: 3 Years
Gender: She-Cat
Personality: Rayn is a rather shy she-cat. Her mouth is often sealed as she watches the other slaves like herself being pushed around and occasionally beaten. She does want to speak out but fears for her life and that of others if it's bad. She is also very kind and obediant you could say, considering following orders as soon as they are given. She has a soft spot for the young and protects them by getting them food when needed. She does have a sharp tongue when she snaps, which is very rare because she has a high tolerence level.
Clan: Nychta
Stone of Clan: Spinel
Crush: Nobody
Relationship: None
Description: Above
Bio: She prefers not to tell. (This is actually a W.I.P. I plan on going back to it later on))
« Last Edit: July 30, 2014, 06:07:15 am by ~|Lakota|~ »

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