
Who is YOUR favorite character?

Flint Fireforge
Sturm Brightblade
Tanis Halfelven
Tasselhoff Burrfoot
Raistlin Majere
Caramon Majer
Kitiara Uth Matar

Author Topic: Dragonlance Lovers!  (Read 22282 times)

Offline RavenShai

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Re: Dragonlance Lovers!
« Reply #10 on: May 16, 2011, 09:42:31 pm »
Yeah, it was something like that. I want to mention something about Raistlin but it might be a spoiler for you xD
Its nothing to big, like it won't ruin much but its mentioned in either "The Second Generation" or "Dragons of Summer Flame". I think it was the second one. I'll just wait until you've read those x3

Thankfully, in The Second Generation, like the name implies, its about the heroes children but it still talks about Tanis and them. I think it talks about the book at the end of Test of the Twins. A good read, though I liked the older ones better because of all the favorite characters <3. But its still a very good read, along with Dragons of Summer Flame. Both worth reading x3 Except the ending and maybe some parts of Dragons of Summer Flame were a little odd.

But Tanis is still my fave! In the earlier books, it had Tanis not believe the "gods and goddess" didn't exist anymore and for awhile he didn't believe they came back. I think even later he was still a little doubful but, eh. He was the reasonable one in the group, the one who got them all out of trouble. He had quite a temper with certain things, and a lot of people admired him. He was a good fighter with a bow and with a sword, and could also plan fights. He didn't let others beliefs and opinions cloud his judgement and stuck with his own.
I forget which book this part happened in, but a good example of how he viewed things was when Riverwind was going to give up or something after losing Goldmoon. Its been a VERY long time since I read it, so I forgot exactly what happened but I think he was going to sacrafice himself or something because Goldmoon was gone and he had nothing left, yeah I can't remember xD
What I do remember, though, was that Tanis wanted to stop him, but Sturm and I think Caramon along with the rest were telling him to let Riverwind do it. They all understood why he had to do it but in Tanis's mind it was a ridicules thing to do and it was what all humans did, and believed Riverwind shouldn't do it. I hope that made sense xD
The Hobbit

"Where did you go to, if I may ask?" said Thorin to Gandolf as they rode along.
"To look ahead," said he.
"And what brought you back in the nick of time?" "Looking behind,"...

Offline dragonlover6

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Re: Dragonlance Lovers!
« Reply #11 on: May 16, 2011, 09:47:26 pm »
Haha, I know a bit about those two books since Mom likes to talk about them (her and I are major Dragonlance dorks. XD)

I love Tanis, too! It really makes it interesting in his character that he constantly duel his elf/human halves. Rarely with hybrids like that you have similar traits. I personally prefer leader-type characters like him, and his dialogue and way of doing things always just pleased me for some reason... I don't remember Riverwind trying to sacrifice himself at all, but that sounds like a thing he would do with Goldmoon. XD

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Offline RavenShai

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Re: Dragonlance Lovers!
« Reply #12 on: May 16, 2011, 09:55:31 pm »
I couldn't remember if it was sacraficing himself or just staying behind because of a heavy heart. I'm going to have to find out or otherwise it'd kill me xD
Yep, Tanis is an amazing leader in my opinion, and so far one of a kind. I haven't seen another character simular to him haha. Raistlin is wise and knowledgeable, and sometimes Tanis takes advice from him, but he wouldn't be the leader type because he mostly did things for his own benefit instead of for others V.V

Also, I just had a brain flash (my way of saying recieving an idea 8D)
A Dragonlance Rp O.o
I started thinking about making one, but make it to where you didn't have to read the books to understand it, or necessarily be a fan. Tanis and them wouldn't really be in it, and possibly Fistandtilus (how is it spelled?) probably wouldn't have existed either, but it'll have the Conclave, the three robes: Red, Black, and White, along with the moons and those gods, and all of the other gods and the monsters such as the Dracovians and the good and bad dragons, and everything else.
Not sure for a story line yet, though xD
The Hobbit

"Where did you go to, if I may ask?" said Thorin to Gandolf as they rode along.
"To look ahead," said he.
"And what brought you back in the nick of time?" "Looking behind,"...

Offline dragonlover6

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Re: Dragonlance Lovers!
« Reply #13 on: May 16, 2011, 10:00:20 pm »
Well, Raistlin is just so deliciously evil you kind of overlook the kind of selfish part of him. XD Yarr, Tanis is unique indeed... none of my characters can match up =P

Whoo! An RP would be epicsauce! I'd soo be a dragon. XD *notobsessedcough* I actually have a little inside joke with Mom about Fistandantilus, because right after I got my braces taken out and had to wear a retainer for a few nights, she'd make me say all the things in Dragonlance with an 's' sound and laugh at my lisp... Lawl.

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The name's Vant, don't wear it out hunny |3

Offline RavenShai

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Re: Dragonlance Lovers!
« Reply #14 on: May 16, 2011, 10:11:45 pm »
xD Haha

I'm not entirely sure of allowing people to be dragons, though, otherwise I fear that everyone who joins will be a dragon xD
If so, I may only allow a certain amount of people be dragons, and  they may have to have human partners. Not sure haha, I just thought up of all this. I think a type of story line should be made, so things can get interesting and there's a type of goal to accomplish, otherwise things will get pretty boring. I also may have a few characters xD

I wish I knew how to make images show, though > <
That would help for a map and such haha.

Scratch that, I JUST figured it out XD
Cannot believe it took me this long to do so lol
« Last Edit: May 16, 2011, 10:15:13 pm by ~Katsa~ »
The Hobbit

"Where did you go to, if I may ask?" said Thorin to Gandolf as they rode along.
"To look ahead," said he.
"And what brought you back in the nick of time?" "Looking behind,"...

Offline dragonlover6

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Re: Dragonlance Lovers!
« Reply #15 on: May 16, 2011, 10:18:31 pm »
Very, very true. But then again, not many people even know what Dragonlance is so we probably wouldn't get any other members... I also know that dragons have human/elf forms and stuff, and maybe they have to be in that form for part of the RP? Also, each dragon has their own abilities/personalities so for someone to actually play one of them would require quite a bit of work.

Haha wow, fail XD

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The name's Vant, don't wear it out hunny |3

Offline RavenShai

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Re: Dragonlance Lovers!
« Reply #16 on: May 16, 2011, 10:28:06 pm »
I know right? xD

Yeah, thats also true, and thats my second fear, about not recieving any members. I was hoping just the setting of the theme and how its not completely based on the books will attract some members, hopefully those interested in being mages, warriors, mercenaries, knights, dragonlords, etc. But, the rp may also require a lot of work, having to explain what everything is and who everyone is. Anyway, I was also thinking of making this other type of rp, still trying to come up with ideas though and thinking if anyone will join.
Perhaps if we find more fans we can do an rp. I think we're the only ones right now though xD

How I got into the series was that my sister actually got the books for our either our birthday or chirstmas. I think our Aunt gave them to her because my sister is a complete dragon freak fan, and of course the books had "dragon" in the names xD
It was the first set, Dragons of Autumn Twilight, Winter Night, and Spring Dawning. She read them first and I began taking interest in them, so I decided to read them after she did. I was immediatly hooked. We both then read the Legend series, and my sister stopped there when I continued on to the Second Genration and Dragons of Summer Flame, along with the Forgotten Chronicles x3
The Hobbit

"Where did you go to, if I may ask?" said Thorin to Gandolf as they rode along.
"To look ahead," said he.
"And what brought you back in the nick of time?" "Looking behind,"...

Offline dragonlover6

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Re: Dragonlance Lovers!
« Reply #17 on: May 16, 2011, 10:33:42 pm »
We are so allooneee D: But hopefully if we get something out people will join but you're right; explaining things can be difficult...

Mom actually got me interested in a similar way. She knows how much I love dragons and fantasy, and she always pestered me about this Dragonlance thing. I was younger and didn't like long novels, but last year I started to read them and got hooked! :3

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The name's Vant, don't wear it out hunny |3

Offline RavenShai

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Re: Dragonlance Lovers!
« Reply #18 on: May 16, 2011, 10:36:44 pm »
Lets see, I think I started about... *counts in head*...Four years ago 8D

Between two or four years at least haha. It took longer to read them all because I'd have to find them and due to moving all the time I couldn't always get them haha. I have a Kindle now, so I can order them but sadly, they don't have the next set I want to read for the Kindle D:
The Hobbit

"Where did you go to, if I may ask?" said Thorin to Gandolf as they rode along.
"To look ahead," said he.
"And what brought you back in the nick of time?" "Looking behind,"...

Offline dragonlover6

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Re: Dragonlance Lovers!
« Reply #19 on: May 16, 2011, 10:38:12 pm »
Daaammn... Dragonlance is so underground it's hardly on the Kindle XD Shame, because it's such an amazing and unique series.. Wish it got the fame it deserved, and not things like Twilight. =_=

Don't kick me when I'm down. Because when I get up, you're screwed.

The name's Vant, don't wear it out hunny |3