Author Topic: If You Had to Buy Feralheart  (Read 5871 times)

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Re: If You Had to Buy Feralheart
« Reply #10 on: July 26, 2014, 04:54:35 pm »
If FH needed to be bought.. No. I'm sorry, but it's not going to happen.
In the state where it's in, as several had said, I just don't think it would be worth it. There haven't been updates in years, what updates there have been have usually been in forums, or I haven't noticed.
But I do believe if it was a tangible game in stores, there would be more players, being that the registration couldn't just be flipped off like a switch, due to people actually paying to get the game.
And fortunately to the consumer it would probably be cheap. (If it is the same as the game it is now, it would be around nine dollars. Around the same price of a used, and to no offense, cheesy, game. Like one of those glitchy Harry Potter Nintendo DS remakes.)
But it wouldn't honestly be worth buying. Most I think would ignore it, although there would be more members-- forcing updates and such so that the servers can hold a larger number of people. And there would be upgrades to some of the codes so that it would be of a higher quality. (Along perhaps with several server additions, like those in WoW.) Which might expand the business, so that eventually after it has been out for quite a while, it would be better and more noteworthy than when it first came out.

But still, being there is no purpose to this game other than communication- it would be highly ignored. And I wouldn't touch it, being that I'm eating dirt and ramen noodles, and can't even buy a good pair of shoes.

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Re: If You Had to Buy Feralheart
« Reply #11 on: July 28, 2014, 09:42:03 am »
To be quite honest with you, I would probably not go for it. Sure enough I'd register on the forums but I would steer clear of ever buying the game. All the awesome and worthwhile games are for free so....

Hmmm, I am also lacking money to be able to go and buy games online. Its not like I've own a bank or something, to be spending my money on just anything. But.... If I was going to buy the game or let's say I happened to have enough money to buy 1 game, I'd sure buy Feral Heart however I'd first check if it was worth buying. I'd see how many downloads it has, how many users bothered to buy it and most of all if the staff were active. Then I would proceed with buying it.
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Re: If You Had to Buy Feralheart
« Reply #12 on: August 20, 2014, 09:58:57 am »
I think I don't necro this thread? xD My answers (I will be honest):

1. If you saw this game in stores and hadn't known about it, do you think that you would think about buying it?
- Ok. If I saw this game in stores, I will actually go and take a look for what is the game and etc, cause I like felines and canines.. and lions. <3 But, I don't think I will be buying it, since I don't use the game often and the roleplaying.. to switch languages it's not so easy, so maybe I will not buy the game. But if there were updates that makes the game more interesting, maybe I would think about buying it.

2. How much do you think Feralheart would cost if it was in stores?
- How much FeralHeart will cost if it was in stores.. hm, really good question. Maybe around 10-15 USD?

3. Do you think Feralheart would have more or less members than it does being a game you can get online?
- There will be less member, but that doesn't mean FeralHeart is a terrible game (NO!!!). But in this community, there will be so many cool and funny floofs, even if FeralHeart is not a game that you can get online.

4. Would Feralheart be worth buying?
- Hmm... maybe. I'm not really sure what to say to answer this question..

Anyway, this topic is interesting. It attracts my attention. +floof for making this topic

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Re: If You Had to Buy Feralheart
« Reply #13 on: August 17, 2015, 12:50:31 am »
Bumping this since I thought that this was an interesting topic. I updated the main post a little, with some updated questions and stuff. c:

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Re: If You Had to Buy Feralheart
« Reply #14 on: August 17, 2015, 01:34:19 am »

If you saw this game in stores and hadn't known about it, do you think that you would think about buying it?
Yes, I love games with animals.

How much do you think Feralheart would cost if it was in stores?
15-25 bucks.
Would you buy Feralheart in its current state, or would you only buy it if there were updates?
I would if it was updated.
Do you think Feralheart would have more or less members than it does being a game you can get online? How different do you think the community would be?
Very different, I would think maybe the game would be in a better state with more staff and a smooth server.

Would Feralheart be worth buying?
« Last Edit: August 17, 2015, 01:36:57 am by RebelEcho »

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Re: If You Had to Buy Feralheart
« Reply #15 on: August 17, 2015, 02:02:07 am »
Ooo, interesting topic yesyes. I haven't even thought of this.

If you saw this game in stores and hadn't known about it, do you think that you would think about buying it?
I most likely would. I'm all for trying out new games and if this one had interested me right off the bat, then it would definitely interest me even in this type of scenario. I would probably buy it and give it a shot, so yes.

How much do you think Feralheart would cost if it was in stores?
Hm- I don't believe it would cost too much. Perhaps $10, give or take a few.

Would you buy Feralheart in its current state, or would you only buy it if there were updates?
I happen to really enjoy Feral-Heart in its current state. I do love game updates, don't get me wrong. But if I learned later on after buying the game that updates are not possible, I wouldn't entirely mind and enjoy playing what I have at the moment. It is better than nothing at all, no?

Do you think Feralheart would have more or less members than it does being a game you can get online? How different do you think the community would be?
I think the game would have less members if it costed something. Perhaps not everyone would be able to pay for the game and if they hadn't known much about it beforehand, it would be a risky purchase as to whether or not they'd enjoy it. Who knows, though. Perhaps it would have the same amount it has now, or more. It depends on the situation.
As for the community, I don't really know. It could most likely end up being different to what it is currently. I can't tell.

Would Feralheart be worth buying?
It depends. I really enjoy this game, so of course it would be worth it in my personal opinion. Others might have different views and that's completely fine as well.

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Re: If You Had to Buy Feralheart
« Reply #16 on: August 17, 2015, 02:14:07 am »
I genuinely like this topic for a few reasons, one of them may be because it makes you really think about how much Feral Heart means to you. .

-If you saw this game in stores and hadn't known about it, do you think that you would think about buying it?-
If I saw something lion/wolf related for a game, I would probably glue my eyes to it. I wouldn't buy it (especially if it was pricy) without knowing more details about the game, so I would probably go home and do some research on it. Check out the website (if one was created), look at the reviews, see what else I could find. After a while, though, I'd probably end up getting so curious, I would just buy it anyways.

-How much do you think Feralheart would cost if it was in stores?-
My guess would be around 20-30$, as previously said before me. I suppose it all depends on the game's features, updates, and multiplayer interaction, but it seems like a decent price for a game such as it is.

-Would you buy Feralheart in its current state, or would you buy it if there were updates?-
As it is now would be just fine.

-Do you think Feralheart would have more or less members than it does being a game you can get online? How different do you think the community would be?-
Fewer. As an online game, people are able to tell their friends about Feral Heart, and they're able to create an account in a matter of seconds (Assuming Registrations are open.) There's no hassle about money (assuming the game was free) so people may be more likely to download on-sight. I can't determine how the community would be different/similar, because it would be a whole-different playing field. There may be less "spam" accounts, because it would require payment from users, but as for the community as a whole, it's really hard to tell.

-Would Feralheart be worth buying?-
It depends. If the creator/publishers offered a free trial/demo, I might delve into it. If I liked the demo version, I might buy it. If I knew that Feralheart would be a great game as it is now, I definitely would, but I wouldn't have any way of knowing beforehand, so I can't say for sure.

For most of the questions, I answered based on Feralheart starting out as a game requiring payment. If the game were how it is now, accessible without payment, and then suddenly were thrown into costly requirements from the users willing to pay, that would be a slightly different story.  


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Re: If You Had to Buy Feralheart
« Reply #17 on: August 17, 2015, 05:02:40 am »
Wow.. What a topic. Of Feral Heart had to be bought..

Hm.. I'd have to go with what Sura said. It all just depends on the platform. If it were to be released on xboxlive, I would more than likely buy it, but it would need a regular flow of updates and downloadable content. It could make for an interesting addition to xbox as well, considering the mods and user created content made by all the members.

As for fan base and price, I think there would be considerably less  members if it was released as it is today. And for price, I'd pay ten bucks tops for it as is.

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Re: If You Had to Buy Feralheart
« Reply #18 on: August 17, 2015, 05:48:18 am »
Depending on the price, i'd probably buy it. I was into the game alot when I first joined, now I hang around and role-play. More on the site then in-game for nowz(been busy or I would :B). But eh, $20.00 wouldn't be too bad(considering my sims game...was $50.00 with and expansion pack o3o).

- Smaller user base is a yes!
Why? Typically if you have to buy it, you loose members. Not everyone has alot of money anymore. Especially if FH was in the state it is now. Asking for someone to buy it would be kinda a long shot. Not many would buy it(younger people would for sure), but what happens when they out grow it?

- Would I buy it?
Yeah, again depending on the price. If I had the ability, I myself would update the game, but right now, in this state, probably not. I'd stalk the updates on the web before even considering purchasing the game. I love it in all, but I wouldn't pay for it in it's current state.

It's all in all my general opinion. Games that jump out with awesome content I would definitely buy, but, eh, FH is kinda stuck right now. I'd purchase it knowing the addons are there tho o:

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