Author Topic: The End|Open+Accepting|  (Read 6373 times)

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Re: The End|Open+Accepting|
« Reply #10 on: August 06, 2014, 09:09:03 pm »

[[I'll let someone post before I go ahead]]
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Re: The End|Open+Accepting|
« Reply #11 on: August 08, 2014, 02:02:41 am »

Erin Duty

Nightfall was quickly approaching, Erin had manged to lose the horde that had separated her from her friend, Cedric. They were looking for supplies when a large horde managed to get the jump on them and cause them to go their own ways. That was the last time she had seen her friend. Erin kept a quick pace as the sounds of growls and moans seemed to get closer by the second. The sun was quickly setting and making it harder to see, causing her to stumble and trip over objects. She kept glancing over her shoulder every few minutes to be sure nothing was sneaking up on her, she wasn't going to get caught with her back turned again. She knew she had to get to the hotel she and Cedric had said to meet if they ever got separated, the Plaza Hotel. She knew it was pretty safe there, well the last time she checked, which was a few weeks ago. Erin hoped she would find her friend waiting inside. She traveled down a long cracked road filled with rusted cars and 'human' remains until she finally found herself in front of the large hotel. The doors were partially opened, she could have swore she closed them last time she was here..Erin took a deep breath then pushed it the rest of the way open and went inside.

(I hope you don't mind that she and Cedric are friends ^.^
Also, this post was rushed x.x)

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Re: The End|Open+Accepting|
« Reply #12 on: August 08, 2014, 12:03:31 pm »

Charlotte Fradgely

It felt like only two seconds ago when she had woke from her uncomfortable slumber and now it was already dawning to night, some days would go so fast where as others would go incredibly slow. As she glared around the open, rubble coated streets she examined the buildings that were crumbled and wrecked, cars had been smashed and glass covered the floors and the roads and pavements seemed a lot more uneven and more holes had been created in the ground. Not just a normal pot hole -no- these were huge holes in the ground where a wondering being, biter or a wondering animal would fall down and come to their death, around here you had to be carefully. Not only were there risks of falling to your death but you also had the chance of being crushed by a falling building, a hostile survivor or even a group killing you, being killed by an infected animal or worse - being killed by your own species, that now only have a lust for blood, even your own friends and family could have turned on you as well as a love family pet. This place was just a giant hell hole and nothing was going for it any more, even the uninfected have got a lab and are capturing their own species to do tests on them, you are not safe any where you go.

Charlotte allowed a sigh to brush past her lips as she let out a sigh, slowly walking forward back to the place she rested - but Leila and Tatum were no where to be seen. They were probably off sniffing somewhere or Tatum would be chasing after the adventurous pup. Turning around she glared behind her towards a few shops, the dimming light allowed her to make out the two figures of a larger and a smaller creature who seemed to be hurling towards her chuckling she knew it was her two canine companions returning. Char had owned Tatum ever since he was a pup, her brother worked in the army and her uncle was a police man so they trained up the brute for her - making him into not just a good companion but a good service dog. Her brother had to go away and her uncle was assigned with a new dog named Bullet, so the 24 year old get her young pup back at the age of 2 and a half. And well it was the same for Leila, before havoc struck the city she purchased her second dog which was also a German Shepherd. Tatum showed Leila most of the ropes and Charlotte only stepped in to teach her the basics. But both of her companions listen like a dream, so she has no problems with them. Having no friends nor family around any more these were the guys Charlotte counted on, but she knew also that they counted on her - so she would do her best to protect them and allow them to see their future.

Felling a smooth texture brush across her leg a smile grew across the 25-year old's leg caused her to look down with a smile, kneeling down she placed out both hands and grabbed Tatum and Leila in each of her hands and rubbed their faces gently "Come on you two, we're heading back now its getting late and without a doubt we'll have trouble with those beasties" she spoke towards the two rolling her eyes, Leila letting out an almost silent yip and Tatum licking his owners arm. Raising to her feet Charlotte whipped out her hand gun that she carried around with her all the time in case of an attack but this would also help her protect herself and her two dogs - even though they were trained to attack and even kill. The sun was slowly dropping and the moon would soon be rising, it was already getting rather dark and the sounds of moans from several alleys sounded, but this didn't startle the woman nor the duo of dogs - they continued their way down the street towards their resting point, the longest it would take would be at least 10 minutes - but at a quick pace it could be faster. With dogs at either side and a gun as protection they were sure to be safe for now.

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Re: The End|Open+Accepting|
« Reply #13 on: August 17, 2014, 02:11:45 am »

"Lunatic? Ha, well I prefer chaotically advanced."
Oliver Hayes
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Personality: Due to his injury, Oliver often has an unconscious lack of emotion. Other times, he reacts like any normal human. His injury also has caused him to acquire nightmares. They are his elder memories struggling to return, but failing and showing up as distorted images and twisted things. Due to this, he attempts to avoid sleep. Oliver is shrewd, calculating, and charming. He often struggles to grow connections with anyone other than himself and Jim. Due to this, he often feels little remorse for the use of others to achieve what he desires. After losing all memory and connections with his family, he also lost all feeling towards them. For this, he shows a lack of desire to learn who they are and this often unsettles others. Oliver is smart and skilled in combat and agility, but he is known to have a dark side to him and will ruthlessly punish any who defy him or stand in his way. There are several aspects to Oliver's deep personality and ways, to learn them all is to learn who he truly is. (Meaning he will reveal more of himself in the
History: Much of Oliver's past is a mystery to not only others, but himself. Due to a temperal-lobe injury during his service in the U.S. marines, he lost his memory from the age of 19 to his birth. All except for his trained instincts in combat and reactions. Due to a blank mind and a quick hit, Oliver was ordered to the U.S. Special forces Branch 8902, or what the few that are aware of it's existence call The Fade. The Fade was a Top Secret branch of the U.S. Government's military, used only when all else had failed. Their main jobs were to deal with the problems when lawful precautions had gone haywire. Meaning, they were highly trained in the art of torture and punishment. They had few rules aside from remaining loyal. The Government and the President were trained to turn a blind eye to the branch, allowing them to do whatever necessary to get the job done as long as they remained hidden. They also dealt with the issues kept from the U.S. population including many top secret cases such as the virus, though only hours of data were collected before the virus took full affect. Oliver was trained and conditioned into what can only be described as a flesh-weapon. He was promoted to Commander of the T.R.F. leaf of the branch. The Torture, Retrieval, and Finish leaf. They specialized in just that. Torture, Retrieval, and Finishing the job. Oliver, due to his personality, was known for being flip-floppy when it came to the Government. Willing to turn his back on the President even in the blink of an eye, he remained loyal to one, and only one person. His Senior-Chief of the Fade. The Leader of the entire branch, Jim Hendricks was Oliver's mentor. When the Virus hit, The Fade was ordered to escort the President to Bolivia in hopes of safety. Oliver and Jim boarded the Private jet set for Bolivia when in the chaos of the virus, the pilot, already infected ahead of time, began to show symptoms. Within minutes, the plane failed and crashed in the midst of one of the largest cities. Oliver awoke from the crash within a lab. Despite his objections and claims of being in the Fade, he is held captive and tested upon. He is determined to do one thing only. Find Jim.
Occupation: Commander of the T.R.F. in The Fade.
Family: Lost connections after his injury, closest thing to family would be Jim Hendricks.
Relationships: Jim Hendricks; Friend
Location: Within a remaining lab being tested on for the cure.
Pet(s): N/A
Other: N/A

-This is what he will be wearing-

I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.