Author Topic: L??????s B????????/H?s???? [WIP, Updated 8/3/14]  (Read 1524 times)

Offline femalecreature

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L??????s B????????/H?s???? [WIP, Updated 8/3/14]
« on: August 04, 2014, 01:50:38 am »
Hello, you guys might have seen me floating around on the forums before. I have finally manned up and decided to tell you guys about myself, so let's start.

My name is Kate. I'm not really comfortable talking about my age because it makes me feel bad, young, or immature, but trust me, I'm mature for said age. But I am 12 years old, almost 13 (just a month away - I'm kind of excited.)

I live in a small town within the Bible Belt, even though I'm an atheist (it's hard to go to school because of that, but that issue is personal). I do live in America, though I really want to live in the Netherlands, Canada, Ireland, or Britain. I'm in middle school, 7th grade, to be exact. I don't really get along too well with people in real time, and have a hard time making friends also in real time because of my shy/introverted personality. I don't usually handle emotions too well, because it's not that often that they affect me. Unless it's "book feels." I'm so bookish like that. I'm not usually one for romance, but I do occasionally find myself with a "normal" crush and a celebrity crush.

Let me lay down some basics, going over stuff so far:

My name is Kate.
I am 12 years old, but I'll be 13 real soon.
I'm in the 7th grade.
I don't like people that much, and I have a hard time communicating with them.
I have crushes though I'm not the hopeless romantic type.

Now on to some other things.


All sorts of sweets.
My crushes.
Writing. Especially writing. I love writing.
Drawing, though I'm terrible at it. Bloody horrible.
Doctor Who.
Any combination of the previous three.
Panic! At The Disco.
Brendon Urie:

My phone, my laptop... okay, electronics in general.
Martin Freeman.
The Hunger Games and any other trilogy such as Divergent.
Roleplaying with my friends.
My grandparents and dad. Especially my step-dad, he's so epic.
My pets. ESPECIALLY my pets, including my dog and my piglet.
The "Russian side", as nicknamed by my friend, of my family. I try to associate myself with them more than the other side because they are a well-educated line of professional doctors, scientists, authors... you name a professional, successful career and it'll be in there. I'm on pressure to perform in life better than my mother, however.
The Giver! Good book. <3


My mother. We don't get along that well.
Some of my family members. I don't get along too well with them, either. Probably because one of them tried to drown me once.
Driving a car... I don't wanna grow up.
Illiterates. Godmodders. The works.
Vegetables. I somehow live off of pizza, sweets, meat, and fruit. How am I not fat?!
Someone taking away my electronics... B( I don't think they understand it's my "safe haven."
Badly written books and movies.
Over-emotional people.
Disney's "Frozen" and most Frozen fangirls. I'm sorry, it's just not that entertaining to me.
Sarah Urie (Brendon Urie's wife)... but not for the reasons you think. I see her as selfish and trying to use Brendon as a stepping stone to fame. The engagement photos say it all.
Going to bed early - I like staying up!
This thing. I despise this thing so much:

And yes, I do have this thing IN MY MOUTH. WITH BRACES. And yes, IT'S PAINFUL.
Braces. Ugh.
Anything related to teeth, actually.
Disney World/Disneyland. I'm sorry, I'm just a naturally grumpy person and all these people having fun without realizing they will fade into oblivion one day gets on my nerves. Oh, and it gets boring after a while. I don't like upbeat people, I'm a normally quiet, grumpy person. No offense.
People who say FH is 4+ years old. IT'S NOT EVEN FOUR YET.

Fun Facts

Okay, this not may not be that much "fun" but it's just random trivia.

1) I have a pet pig named Fudge. He's a teacup Juliana piglet and he grows fast, but he's still really cute.
2) I almost drowned once. My cousin held my head underwater for longer than I could breathe and I almost went unconscious until someone called him off me.
3) I have hair that looks like fire.

Here's an example, but imagine it curly and with brown roots:

It faded when I went into the ocean. Originally, it was red, but the ocean faded it orange and blonde, I guess.
4) I have hyperhidrosis. It's really gross: your palms and feet sweat involuntarily. Luckily, they have medication for it.
5) My celebrity crush is Brendon Urie (heyyy, thanks OhKelseyYou >BI) and my regular crush is adorable. The regular guy is sweet and hilarious, and I like that he's free-spirited.
6) When and if I get married, I will always leave a Nerf gun outside the front door with a note saying,

"Here's your gun, husband. I am hiding inside armed. The first one to get shot cooks dinner. May the odds be ever in your favour. -Wife"

7) I love playing the Sims 3.
8) My closest FH-friends are Hugrf, BulletProof, Faisavant, Wolfeffect, and GraveyardQueen. Sorry for pointing you guys out, but you guys are awesome.
9) I love writing, but it doesn't get noticed too often. I think my life goal is to become a famous publisher, but in the mean time, nobody really recognizes that's what I want to do as a career path. My mother and grandmother tell me I'm going to be a doctor, but I don't want to be that.
10) I think my favourite inspirational YouTube video is "To This Day" by Shane Koyczan. Whenever I was sad and stuff I'd watch it until the end and grow happier.
11) I adore converse shoes.
12) Sometimes, I'll look at a person, judge what they look like, then guess stuff about them. It stemmed from when I started watching Sherlock and thought hey, I want to be like him! So I started learning about how to notice things that others wouldn't pick up, and to this today I still surprise my family with quickly-made guesses. I'll notice things they don't and say, "Our waitress isn't married, but she's in a relationship with someone."
13) People assume that I never, ever want to talk, that I'm always angry, or that I'm depressed because I wear all black. Uhhhh. No. I wear all black because I want to blend in, to not be noticed too much. I don't like having all eyes on me.
14) I swear, if you were to invite me to a party, I would stand off to the side looking at walls and saying, "That's a nice wall. I really like this wall."
15) I am a really strong boxer. Seriously, my dad wants me to consider becoming a female boxer. He trained me when I was younger and I have a natural arm for it.
16) When I was younger, I was a jack-of-all-trades. I seemed to be able to do everything, but I can't do much more these days. I'M GETTING OLD- /shot
17) I roleplay mainly supernatural-like characters, or characters with some sort of powers. A lot of times you'll see me on cats, which I also roleplay. Some good examples are the following:

- Anxo Airdsgainne, typical angel.
- Lumaia Aithne, a shapeshifter whom has a bio you will find in the Characters section.
- Benedict Thorton, a demon-turned-good. He has a long backstory, though.
- Fallenash, a fiery-tempered she-cat you'll frequently find me on.
- Ardan. I seem to love these "A" names, don't I? Ardan's a tom that I enjoy playing.

18) I have OCD. I can't stand numbers like 47... every number has to end in a 5 or 0, and if it isn't, it'll drive me crazy. Basically, whenever the volume is on said number 47, I'll change it to 45. Whichever is closest. This probably explains why all my character's color codes end in 5 or 0.
19) I like weird words like "supper," "cupboard," and "apple." Anything with a p in it sounds really smooth to me.
20) For some reason, when I was little, I really like playing with keys, locks, and seatbelts. Whenever we went on an airplane, the hostess would have to give me the demonstration seatbelt because I'd cry if I saw it and didn't get it. That might sound spoiled but if you were listening to a baby's cry for over 3 hours you'd tell the hostess to give the baby the stupid seatbelt, too.
21) I have social anxiety, which means I'm not comfortable in social situations. I am also EXTREMELY self-conscious, and I need permission/confirmation to do a lot of things because I just need reassurance.
22) I don't post much in the forums, but I've been here for almost 2 out of FH's 3, almost 4 years (I think) and I frequently stalk the forums, though you don't know it.
23) Most of the things I worry about are made-up scenarios that will never happen. But I'm really, REALLY easy to worry. Tell me if I forgot something you didn't need and I will probably freak out over it. And I tend to look back on my mistakes too, so it makes it hard for me to look forward to the future.
24) I'm hard to excite. If you tell me we're going to Disney World while I'm eating, I'll literally say, "Really? Cool." and go back to eating. My mother says it's depression but I honestly don't think it is. I'm just a person that's hard to excite.
25) A lot of times, my favorite characters in movies/books are the villains. But that's only if they've got a good motive that makes sense for being evil. I simply base my opinions on who sounds like me the most, and it turns out that the villain is, well, the villain because of a long history of hate for some princess or whatever. Yeah, sure, my life is kind of like that, but I don't like, cast spells on the person. I PRANK THEM. I'm good at pranking, too, so that helps. And even though I like villains from stories/movies, I really don't like the evil cats I find in this game. Their motives are poor, and some just do it for fun. See, most of my evil cats were slowly driven to the point of insanity and may have schizophrenia or be a sociopath, which leads to their "evil" ways. Other people's evil cats tend to rub me the wrong way because their motives are, "He/She wants to do it for fun." That's what they're really doing it for: fun. Sure, there might be a backstory to why, but it's poorly thought out and goes alone with the cliches and stereotypes I find oh-so repulsive.

Funny Stories

Funny story no. 1:

Recently I was sitting at the Stone Bridge, chillin' like a villain, like I often do. Somebody said they were new and someone else piped up,

"Ahhh, I remember when I was new, too. I joined 16 years ago, so I shouldn't be able to remember."

I was like, wait what. I mentioned that FH was only 3 years old and they defied me. Other people joined in the conversation saying that FH was actually 5 years old, but I whispered a staff member (Red, I think it was) how old FeralHeart was. He responded with "3 years old" and I announced it to a now-arguing Stone Bridge. Some people said it was 5, some said 16, others said 2, and someone else agreed with me that it was only 3.


That shut them right up.

Funny story no. 2:

Once upon a time, little Lumaia (me) was sitting outside a den when some wolves that were 0, 0, 0 black with 255, 255, 255 white underfur and pink/blue/red markings came into the den and started roleplaying (illiterately, mind you). I sat by quietly, observing them patiently, until one of them piped up,

"-looks at brown wolf and growls-"

I started to explain that I wasn't roleplaying, and no, I wasn't here to "eat their pups." And I wasn't brown, nor a wolf, too. Just sayin', Lumaia's not a wolf. >:U BIOS, READ THEM.

They then began to tell me that they were there first, though their group bio stated they were new and had recently moved camps, I guess. I had a hard time reading it. Anyways, they got on my case IC and OOC, sometimes telling me I was being a distraction although I was quietly sitting nearby, uttering not a word in their presence (some lions had passed by earlier and I struck up a chat with them, but they'd left earlier).

Eventually, they gave up and moved. Some blocked me, I think. I did get screenshots, however.

"But Lumaia," you cry out, "why did you not report them? They were breaking the rules!"

Well, I later got a formal apology, although it was hard to understand. They said they were sorry about the incident and that they had only just realized I wasn't being a distraction at all.

And I took pity on them. I'm so kind, aren't I?

My Mewzicz

I've added this little section for my favorite bands and songs.

Through the influence of my father, I've come to praise rock bands, though I do listen to the occasional pop/pop-rock alternations. Here's a list of some of the bands I've come to enjoy:

1 - Panic! At The Disco
2 - Fall Out Boy (let's talk about that. I've seen them live before.)
3 - Foxy Shazam (also seem them live before. The lead singer dumped water on my head.)
4 - Paramore (ALSO SEEM THEM LIVE, almost front row. The lead singer has cool hair, FYI.)
5 - Death Cab For (well, I've seen them live, too. But my dad introduced me to this band.)
6 - Tegan And Sara (I'm not the biggest fan, but I have seem them live before.)

As you can see, I've got a list of bands that I've seen before.

IN ONLY 3 DAYS, I am going to add One Republic, American Authors, and another band I forgot onto that list. ONE REPUBLIC. Isn't that epic? :D

Some of my favorite songs, by band/singers.

- Panic! At The Disco -

1 - "This Is Gospel"
2 - "Ballad Of Mona Lisa"
3 - "Girls/Girls/Boys"
4 - "I Write Sins Not Tragedies"

- Fall Out Boy -

1 - "Phoenix"
2 - "Young Volcanoes"
3 - "Dance, Dance"
4 - "This Ain't A Scene, It's An Arm's Race"
5 - "Thnks fr th Mmrs"
6 - "Alone Together"
7 - "My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark"

- Tegan And Sara -

1 - "Closer"

- Death Cab For Cutie -

1 - "I Will Follow You Into The Dark"
2 - "I Will Possess Your Heart"
3 - "Soul Meets Body"

Okay, that's about it. I can't go on forever, because I like so many songs it's not even funny. And no, I don't like Iggy's "Fancy" because that is total crap to me.

Thanks for reading so far, this is still a WIP. Stay tuned.
« Last Edit: August 04, 2014, 12:16:04 pm by L????? »
egg me up inside (can't egg up)

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Re: L??????s B????????/H?s???? [WIP]
« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2014, 02:23:43 am »
hrnnng - Love all this... Free... Information you've given me. >D //Pets your bio//

No seriously, sweet bio, Lummeh! <3 There's actually a few things I never knew... Like Fun Fact 12. I think that's actually really interesting, and especially you in general. I think you're pretty unique, I mean. :o

But bby, when will we be able to see a picture of you? </3

« Last Edit: August 04, 2014, 02:25:21 am by Hugrf »

Offline femalecreature

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Re: L??????s B????????/H?s???? [WIP]
« Reply #2 on: August 04, 2014, 12:01:48 pm »
Aw, thanks, Hugrfbae<3

Number 12 is kinda weird, but hey, it's a fun fact.

And to answer your question, probably never. My insecurities are not limited to confirmation to do something and stretch especially to what I look like, so I will probably never show you guys a picture of me.

Plus, if I did, I think my mom would go bonkers about it and get on my case.
egg me up inside (can't egg up)