Author Topic: Cannibals? How fun.  (Read 5169 times)


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Cannibals? How fun.
« on: August 04, 2014, 12:04:40 pm »
So I'm curious how many of you have come across cannibalistic characters on Feral Heart? Like not the ones who simply mention it in a bio to be cool, but those that roleplay out eating other characters of their species. If you did what did you think of them? Did you ever have one of your characters eaten before? Haha.

Hi I'm Zombie and play Lanie in the Cannibal Canine Chaotics group on Feral heart. Guilty as charged. c;

Personally I find it amusing and it adds a sort of 'spice' to a roleplay that really makes things interesting. I'm ok with cannibalistic characters myself, if the previous statement didn't make that clear. Though there are a few things I see done that really, really irk me. There's a right and wrong way to go about having characters like these and I've seen both ends of that spectrum.

When I hunt, and my group primarily (aside from newer members, that do get taught eventually) we're sort of formal about it. If we're actually going out to hunt down prey we ask that person OOC if it's alright with them and give them the option to pretend none of it happened afterwards. (Because just because death happens in a single roleplay doesn't mean you have to make it happen in others.) If they're ok with it we- well.. use your imagination. :3 If not we go find someone else to eat. Now this isn't always the case and sometimes we'll have wolves pad around our main roleplay area and we'll interact and approach them. It goes either way from there, but unless we run into a rather less advanced roleplayer we have no issues. We make sure to avoid auto-hitting and powerplaying. We're a paragraph roleplaying group.

Now I see other cannibals and in general 'villains' doing the exact opposite. Just blindly attacking people without OOC consent, powerplaying and in general just making huge disasters. *shudders*

No matter how polite and friendly we are out of character however, we always get those people disgusted and flipping out over the concept of our group being cannibals. I don't understand it. I mean I get not wanting to see gory roleplay, but if it bugs them they can just leave the area or block us. It's not like we're harassing anyone or anything, just roleplaying. I've met some very down right rude people, and not in character I'm talking out of character people being mean. I'm not sure if they don't understand the difference between in character and out of character? It's just roleplay calm down. Haha. Just because you don't like how we roleplay doesn't give you a right to be rude.

So what are your thoughts on the matter?
« Last Edit: August 04, 2014, 12:11:05 pm by ZombieKitteh »

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Re: Cannibals? How fun.
« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2014, 01:19:20 pm »
Though I just joined just recently I have already been seeing roleplays about cannibals. I don't think having a character that is a canibal is wrong besides it's only a roleplay not real life. I'm glad to hear that you ask the person to be the prey rather than attacking them no matter what because I have been noticing people who are just anoying other people by attacking them randomly unlike your group you guys ask to attack first. I do find it sometimes disgusting though but I mean its your character do what ever you want. :D

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Re: Cannibals? How fun.
« Reply #2 on: August 04, 2014, 04:35:29 pm »
I have always found cannibalism in general an interesting subject. We all take to the reality cannibalism is eating the flesh of one's own kind. From what I have seen, it is much more complex than that. Cannibalism is usually common in times of famine or part of foreign culture where it is acceptable.

In terms of animals, it is always from the result of starvation, nothing more. Polar bears, for instance, their food supply as well as their habitat is being destroyed. Like any mammal (humans included), in times of desperation, they will do everything and anything to survive. Even if it includes eating their own cubs. With this known, I have come to fully respect the existence of cannibalism. 

However, in Feral Heart, the act of cannibalism is different. I like cannibalism practices in role-play when it is played out in a reasonable and creative manner that derives from its purpose. From what I often see, cannibalism is a trend. It is something cool to do in a role-play or give that edge to an evil-orientated role-play. Not to offend anyone who does this, but I just cannot bring myself to respect this at all.

Added, this could be why some people look down upon "cannibal" role-players. When people think something is cool, it spreads in all kinds of ways. The people who create a good premise and the people who like to be with the popular crowd. Since people very often see the cannibal trend in an unacceptable shade of light, they will often come to criticize anyone else who has a cannibalistic character. Basically, stereotyping.

I dislike that cannibalism is so downplayed. It is more serious than people think give credit for, like killing or robbing valuable property. For anyone who gives cannibalism dignity to continue on with their characters, continue to grow. Happy role-playing to you. For those who just play off cannibalism as a fad or the next cool thing, please cease it until you understand cannibalism itself.
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Re: Cannibals? How fun.
« Reply #3 on: August 04, 2014, 08:50:55 pm »
I've always loved the idea of cannibal animals and made a few, for example, my cannibal deer Tenebris.

And just recently I was asked politely by a CCC if they could hunt my character and when I declined, they simply thanked me for considering and ran away. I was very surprised at this because some of the people I've been around had said the CCC will attack you without permission and powerplay.

And I myself have come across hateful players that have criticized my deer because he was cannibal and that I asked politely if he could attack and kill the character, but still they were rude.

I really don't mind cannibals as long as they don't try to bite my character's head off without permission.

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Re: Cannibals? How fun.
« Reply #4 on: August 04, 2014, 09:11:08 pm »
I have always found cannibalism in general an interesting subject. We all take to the reality cannibalism is eating the flesh of one's own kind. From what I have seen, it is much more complex than that. Cannibalism is usually common in times of famine or part of foreign culture where it is acceptable.

In terms of animals, it is always from the result of starvation, nothing more. Polar bears, for instance, their food supply as well as their habitat is being destroyed. Like any mammal (humans included), in times of desperation, they will do everything and anything to survive. Even if it includes eating their own cubs. With this known, I have come to fully respect the existence of cannibalism.  

However, in Feral Heart, the act of cannibalism is different. I like cannibalism practices in role-play when it is played out in a reasonable and creative manner that derives from its purpose. From what I often see, cannibalism is a trend. It is something cool to do in a role-play or give that edge to an evil-orientated role-play. Not to offend anyone who does this, but I just cannot bring myself to respect this at all.

Added, this could be why some people look down upon "cannibal" role-players. When people think something is cool, it spreads in all kinds of ways. The people who create a good premise and the people who like to be with the popular crowd. Since people very often see the cannibal trend in an unacceptable shade of light, they will often come to criticize anyone else who has a cannibalistic character. Basically, stereotyping.

I dislike that cannibalism is so downplayed. It is more serious than people think give credit for, like killing or robbing valuable property. For anyone who gives cannibalism dignity to continue on with their characters, continue to grow. Happy role-playing to you. For those who just play off cannibalism as a fad or the next cool thing, please cease it until you understand cannibalism itself.

All of the yes to this post. The group in general started as a joke that developed into so much more and has been growing since. I'm not entirely sure if there's a plot behind it, but various characters in the group cannibalize for their own reasons. There are a few that play the insanity card and then you get some that have a history leading up to cannibalism. My character herself was taken in by the CCC as a pup; there for was raised with a very wrong sense of morals and how the world really works. Though she truly believes they're no different then other packs just hunting what they can to survive and killing others helps to limit their competition.

I've personally seen a lot of other cannibal groups springing up and in general cannibal characters that'll bug us that think it's 'cool' and want to get in on the fad. There's even a few probably in our group, guess you can't help it in the end, but I agree with you. Most of them play as heartless monsters that just kill for no real reason, but there's more behind it then that. At the end of the day our group still comes together as a fairly caring family that's loyal to eachother.

I've always loved the idea of cannibal animals and made a few, for example, my cannibal deer Tenebris.

And just recently I was asked politely by a CCC if they could hunt my character and when I declined, they simply thanked me for considering and ran away. I was very surprised at this because some of the people I've been around had said the CCC will attack you without permission and powerplay.

And I myself have come across hateful players that have criticized my deer because he was cannibal and that I asked politely if he could attack and kill the character, but still they were rude.

I really don't mind cannibals as long as they don't try to bite my character's head off without permission.

That may have been me asking you actually. I'm normally the one that goes out to find food to hunt, though lately others have started picking it up more. We hear a lot of people say that about our group and I don't get it. We scold our own members if we see them powerplaying, auto-hitting or causing issues for others. So there may be a few bad eggs among the bunch at times, but they do learn or get kicked out fairly fast. x3 But yeah I don't think people should judge others based on what they roleplay or until they'eve actually seen them roleplay.

Heck I've had my own characters eaten before and not minded at all. Like I let this weird zebra eat my cub one time. And yes we get that too, people being rude or snarky when we simply ask them nicely OOC if we can eat them.

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Re: Cannibals? How fun.
« Reply #5 on: August 15, 2014, 06:01:52 am »
I've just been eaten by your group recently. Honestly, I thought it was very fun and exciting. I see nothing wrong with it. It caught me by surprise (I didn't look at the group name). I love the idea of a cannibal group. I've tried to create one before but it never worked out. Again, it was really fun!

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Re: Cannibals? How fun.
« Reply #6 on: August 15, 2014, 06:45:53 am »
Personally I have never seen nor heard of group of this sort, but it does seem very interesting and fun! It does give the roleplay a little spice and action and I'd love to roleplay as one myself! Though some people may be disgusted with it, I'm all in for blood and gore (horror fanatic)! On top of that, some animals in fact eat their own species. Let's take lions for example: when a new male lion has killed off the other leading male, he will often times kill and eat the previous male lion's offspring to rid the pride of the previous lions blood line. Ok, so we got that, let's take another animal for example. Coyotes, when traveling in pairs, if one gets injured, the other will leave it for dead. But if the hunting is not good that season, the coyote would wait for the other to die/killing the other coyote itself before devouring the corpse.
Now that's just realistically, but a cannibulistic (<- probably spelled that wrong XD) roleplay would be very fun as most animals do eat their own kind! It would make it slightly realistic and just fun in general! I totally agree with this type of roleplay and I hope to find one in the near future. c:

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Re: Cannibals? How fun.
« Reply #7 on: August 15, 2014, 02:31:19 pm »
Don't think I've ever heard of this group...
Anyhow, I'm not really a fan of cannibal characters, mainly because every 'Cannibal' I see, ends up being one of those godmodders or power players.

But I'd actually be interested to see this group, since from what I've been hearing by the lovely people who posted above me, have said some nice things about 'em.

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Re: Cannibals? How fun.
« Reply #8 on: August 15, 2014, 02:36:46 pm »

Ah, the sweet smell of flesh -- is what a cannibal would say, but I choose to stay on the more insane side of the brain. Though cannibal role-plays do fit most of my characters' styles, I choose not to do it on a daily basis. While others do it and get stereotyped through out the whole role-play. There are many groups that have invited me to cannibal role-plays so keep your eye out and you'll have a place to eat others in no time.
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Re: Cannibals? How fun.
« Reply #9 on: August 15, 2014, 04:32:06 pm »
They seem alright. Nothing wrong with RP'ing a cannibal. Only if they power play.


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