Author Topic: F O R E S T P I R A T E S l Mapped l Literate l Semi-realistic l Open! l  (Read 1457 times)

Offline warroiranimals

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Long ago, when Pirates still ruled the seas, there were two cats. Two brothers to be exact. Tiberius and Cradar. They were very different; Tiberius was wise and quiet, rather thoughtful. Cradar was sly but often said before he thought. They, however, shared one similar love: gold. And how to get it. These two weren't just any cats: they were PIRATES. And damn proud too. Together, they lived on a pirate ship, catching rats and mice to keep their right on the ship to the humans. They helped them time and time again to collect items from other ships. They enjoyed sitting and watching the water. They even loved the rum.

But it wasn't meant to last. One day, the ship stopped at an unknown land to collect some food. The two brothers climbed down from the ship to stretch their tired legs only to find the ship accidentally leaving without them. Both were devastated. But as they met cats on the land, they told them stories about their adventures. About the thrill, about the gold. The rum. The humans. The water and everything else possible. As days turn to weeks without life on the sea, they begun to get more popular with the 'land cats'. Cradar let this get to his head. He begun to make up lies about his brother, causing him to become more popular than Tiberius. Tiberius was confused, blinded by his brother's greed. However, some cats begun to still believe him over Cradar, causing the darker-pelted tom to become outraged. He collected a group of his 'followers' and attacked Tiberius, whom was aided by the cats who disliked Cradar. The battle was viscious and bloody. Some cats died; the remaining cats fled with their leaders. Thus the groups began, creating a tradition of stealing from humans and others and hoarding their treasure. Now, after generations, the two groups still live on today, named after the two brothers.
However, times are changing. Humans are leaving the island for unknown causes. Treasure is becoming more rare. No ship has docked at the shore. What's worse is that prey is running out. The two groups are beginning to argue over prey and treasure. The Cradars are looking for a fight, and for the first time in over one hundred years, the Tiberiuses aren't backing down.


The groups

The Cradars

Prey: Rabbits, birds (eagles mostly), fish, water-voles, when desperate rats
Personality traits: The Cradars are the darker group. They have a nasty bite and scratch and love to use them. Skilled thieves and spies, they're not to be trusted. A Cradar member normally have a  way with words to charm their way out of trouble, though they love a good fight. They love to swim and will teach kittens at a young age how to.
Pelt colors: Black, dark gray, dark brown, anything dark
Captain: Ragnar
Lieutenant: None

The Tiberiuses

Prey: Birds, squirrels, mice, voles

Personality traits: The Triberiuses are noble but have a bad habit of stealing. Their 'sticky paws' can cause a bit of trouble, but their hearts are as gold as their stolen objects, so it's hard not to forgive them. Stealing aside, they're the more peaceful of the two, often trying to avoid battles, which can be hard, but possible in their eyes. Rarely is a Tiberiuse Member a bad cat.

Average Colors: White, brown, tan, gray

Captain: Anubis

Lieutenant: None

Captain - The leader of the group (Tiberiuses: N/A  Cradars: Taken)

Lieutenant - The second-in-command and future leader (Tiberiuses: N/A  Cradars: N/A)

Delta - Future Lieutenant (hand-picked by the current Lieutenant) (N/A for both groups)

Oracle - The three cats whom see prophecies ( Each group: N/A/3)

Healer -  The cat who is able to heal wounds (unlike Clans, are permitted to have a mate and kittens) (Open for both groups)

Buccaneer - A normal member. A Buccaneer protects his/her group.

Spy - Exactly the name. Spies spy on the other group.

Recruiter - Recruiters seek out cats worthy of joining the group.

Collector - Collectors take the gold and return them to their group's camp.

Trainees - Trainees are six months of age and train until twelve months of age. They are mentored by one from the rank of their choice (Buccaneer, Spy, Recruiter or Collector) to learn about their future job.

Mothers - Females currently raising/expecting kittens

Kittens - Young cats six months and under
Loner - Cat whom isn't within the groups

Rogue - Cat who was once in a group but left/was kicked out

House cat -  A cat owned by humans


Role-play Rules
o Do not powerplay. Do not kill others without permission. Do not steal food/herbs/kittens/etc. without permission. Do not severely injure without permission.
o Stay in your own territory unless given permission to be rebellious and cross over.
o No mate-begging, kit-begging and parent-begging. No crush-begging, drama-begging, etc.
o Off-topic chat goes in Group. Role-playing will take place in general
o Be realistic. For example, you cannot hear one's cry for help if they're way across the map.
o Keep mating in whisper/party and to yourselves please

Character Rules
o Realistic colors and markings only
o If you are a kitten, you stay a kitten for two days in real life
o If you are a adult, you stay an adult for at least an in real life month before becoming elderly
o Items must be realistic. Earrings, (small) swords and/or knives, collars, necklaces, etc. are allowed due to the fact these are pirates. Nothing large. No guns. Cats cannot use weapon items in battle due to unfairness.
o No mary/gary-sues. This means no perfect characters. Every character has a flaw. Find yours.

Off-topic Rules
o All Feral-Heart rules apply
o Respect and include everyone no matter what happens in the role-play
o I'm sorry, but if you cannot download/install the map, you cannot join. We will not move to a public map because of a couple of members.
o If you are asked to stop doing something, stop
o Respect high ranks
o Keep cursing to a minimum (this applies in role-play as well) so not to disturb others
The Pirate Code

o Kittens shall not be harmed
o Trainees must be six months of age
o Mothers will go unharmed unless they attack you
o No trespassing in the other group's territory
o No battles will commence at a gathering (gatherings are called by Captains when something important happens)
o Kits may not attend gatherings
o Avoid the life of house cat
o You are not permitted to become united with a cat from the opposite group
o If a cat from the opposite group is found in your territory, they may call 'Pact'. 'Pact' will mean you must take them - unharmed - back to their camp to their Captain so they may receive punishment from their own group. You may not lay a claw on the cat who pleads Pact but that cat must not resist being taken back to their camp.
o Whatever the Captain says goes
o If the Lieutenant is left in charge by the Captain, his/her orders are to be followed
o Deltas must be trained by the Captain about their future job
o Healers and Oracles may not be harmed


o Trainees will be tested by their mentors before recieving their new names by racing to the Human Village, stealing two pieces of gold, and returning back without being caught.
o The groups' names are, unlike Clans', normally one word. For example: Dust, Bird, Cookie, Ragnar
o Oracles will share their prophecies (if receiving one) in a gathering unless it is private.
o Once every month, all the cats will gather and say good-bye to any of those who have died and wish them good guidance to the afterlife.
o Dead bodies are buried with pieces of gold and - at times - a prized possession of theirs.

Joining code

Username in-game:

Picture of character (optional - you may type his/her design description instead):

Character's Quote (optional):

Character's name:

Character's Gender:

Character's Personality:

Character's Past:

Desired Group:

Desired Rank:

Activity rank from 1-10 (be honest!):

Please go to the website to download the map! You do not have to sign up at the website to see everything.

To get into the map thread, here's the password (do NOT click the Spoiler if you have NOT yet been accepted into the role-play!)

Password: Gold

Owner: Warrioranimals, aka Ragnar, Captain of the Cradar Group
« Last Edit: August 26, 2014, 01:09:30 am by Warroiranimals »

Back up account: ~Jay~

"I may not be smart enough to do everything, but I'm dumb enough to try anything!"

Offline Sandytails

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Hello, are you still accepting?

Username in-game: Sandytails

Picture of character (optional - you may type his/her design description instead):

Character's Quote (optional): -

Character's name: Anubis

Character's Gender: Female

Character's Personality: Anubis is silent and deadly. Yet, at the same time, kind and thoughtful. Anubis barely ever talks. If she does, it is in a faint whisper. While having trouble expressing her emotions, she cares immensely about her own cats, and would give her own life for them. She will often take it on her own if kits need a mentor, willing to take in more at one time. This is to make sure she KNOWS they will survive in battle.

Character's Past: Anubis grew up wealthy and respected. And while she had all of the food she could possibly have in the world, she had always gifted it to other cats who didn't have that advantage. She had always been kind of heart, even when everything turned against her. At one point, she found her way into the Tiberius clan. She used her wealth to help said clan in secret, helping them in any way she could possibly help. When the former leader died, he had appointed her as the new captain, thanks to her great contribution to the survival of the clan.

Desired Group: Tiberiuses

Desired Rank: Captain

Activity rank from 1-10 (be honest!): 7-8
Gif of Bitobae by Deathy <3

Find me on FH with the usernames Sandytails, Clawingeyes, Magolor, Spring-trap and Whirl!

Offline warroiranimals

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Hello, are you still accepting?

Username in-game: Sandytails

Picture of character (optional - you may type his/her design description instead):

Character's Quote (optional): -

Character's name: Anubis

Character's Gender: Female

Character's Personality: Anubis is silent and deadly. Yet, at the same time, kind and thoughtful. Anubis barely ever talks. If she does, it is in a faint whisper. While having trouble expressing her emotions, she cares immensely about her own cats, and would give her own life for them. She will often take it on her own if kits need a mentor, willing to take in more at one time. This is to make sure she KNOWS they will survive in battle.

Character's Past: Anubis grew up wealthy and respected. And while she had all of the food she could possibly have in the world, she had always gifted it to other cats who didn't have that advantage. She had always been kind of heart, even when everything turned against her. At one point, she found her way into the Tiberius clan. She used her wealth to help said clan in secret, helping them in any way she could possibly help. When the former leader died, he had appointed her as the new captain, thanks to her great contribution to the survival of the clan.

Desired Group: Tiberiuses

Desired Rank: Captain

Activity rank from 1-10 (be honest!): 7-8

I am still accepting! You are accepted.

Back up account: ~Jay~

"I may not be smart enough to do everything, but I'm dumb enough to try anything!"

Offline Sandytails

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;u; Thank you for accepting me! I will be in-game soon!
Gif of Bitobae by Deathy <3

Find me on FH with the usernames Sandytails, Clawingeyes, Magolor, Spring-trap and Whirl!