Author Topic: Life In The Deep : Official Role-Play  (Read 949 times)

Offline FullFeralMetal

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Life In The Deep : Official Role-Play
« on: August 16, 2014, 03:51:42 pm »
First, the rules will be posted. So don't think this is a free get-away. x'3 Click me to get to the rules.
D  A  M  O  N  D  &  T  H O K O

The sound of faint grass could be heard in the distance, crackling. While the night breeze slithered through the hollow dens nearby, causing a lonely howl to immerse and break the silence. These noises were nothing, but the usual in the land of Mourn. The decades that grew to make the land become so barren had been the same time that changed the locals who had resided on the land. With not many sources of food, one would go insane -- which is what was done most of the time. A small brownish rabbit darted through the half-dead forest, not stopping for anything. His aqua hued irises quickly scanned the area with each footstep he took. When he finally slid to a halt, it appeared that the air had grown thin. He could just feel the distant treading coming closer to him. Then it all became dead silent.

His right auditory flickered a bit, the anxious feeling slithering up his spine. He focused his attention on the ground, before a presence could be felt not too far away from him. When he finally fixed his attention on what was behind him, his optics met with a dark tinted brute wolf. The loner parted his jaws apart, almost looking as if he was about to chomp on the little bunny -- but he did not. Instead, he began to cackle loudly, in his usual low and scratched pitch. "It looks as if you were too slow, again, Thoko." The rabbit's blue orbs rolled a bit, before words began to flow from his trap as well. "I wouldn't have been slow if you knew how to use your legs.. Damond, we'll never survive like this-" The canine cut him off, as he was speaking, almost to hush him. "Alas, my young friend, we have been surviving like this and we will continue to do so.. at least before we start eating each other." The thought just made Damond laugh hysterically, though it only made Thoko wince a bit.

The two seemed like an odd pair, a rabbit and a massive wolf, but it was as if they both needed each other. Thoko was Damond's familiar, as was Damond to him. The two's figures began to disappear into the depths of a cave mouth.
« Last Edit: August 18, 2014, 07:36:08 pm by FullMetal »
Rollo: *annoyed huff*

Signature made by Ugly Queen, SoapBox, Optimistic
In-game User : FullFeralMetal