Author Topic: Fight for your life [wolf rp](open & accepting)  (Read 11816 times)

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Re: Fight for your life [wolf rp](open & accepting)
« Reply #40 on: August 27, 2014, 08:12:35 pm »
Lol I wanted to make a new wolf, when I realized I had two more.
I was pacing around the concrete cage. I howled, which sounded more dog, but mostly wolf. It bounced of the walls and through the crack under the door. A human opened the door and smacked my snout. "SHUT UP YOU DANG BEAST." I whimppered and went to the back of my cage. Then as he was closing my cage I jumped up and bit right into his life pumping artery. I made sure I killed him before he could make a noise. ~So much for no killing.~ I tried to free every wolf. I unlatched some wolves before the humans came in. I got away silently as the others fought the monsters who kept us in our cages. I ran into the room and saw the black and white male was there. "Hi I'm Gyris. Now let's go." I unlatched his crate and started running not waiting to see if he left. I ran to the window and jumped out and into the forest.

I woke up from my nap in the mountain side den. I stretched and marked my territory again. I found the scent of reindeer and followed it (bye bye Rudolf, not really). I followed the herd till I spotted a weak old bull. I immediately ran into the herd and the ran too. I split the old buck away from his herd and forced him uphill. I jumped on his back and dug my claws into him. Then I bit his neck, killing him instantly. I sent my thank you up and dragged the carcass to my den I was even hungrier then when I left, especially from dragging the deer. I ate about half of it and curled up in a ball and fell asleep.
« Last Edit: August 27, 2014, 08:15:50 pm by maddie »

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Re: Fight for your life [wolf rp](open & accepting)
« Reply #41 on: August 27, 2014, 08:38:00 pm »
D    A    M    O    N    D  &  T    H    O    K    O

Damond had never figured that he'd be getting food and a new aquaitance on the same day. He must of been relishing in luck or something. Then again, he wasn't one to trust easy or at least accept other's trust. He'd put on a mask of kindness for now, but if something were to slip up, there would be nothing stopping him from shattering that mask. He the tension between Thoko and Suitana, but continued to remain calm -- almost ignoring his familiar's blind spot for meeting new creatures. It was clear to him that Thoko was not interested in this fae, as usual, but maybe he could find some way to get the small bunny to cooperate. Thoko had always been too stubborn to see it -- though everyone had a stubborn side, his was more noticable. He shot a glance at Suitana, hearing her and seeing her actions. The way her lip curled made him sit up a bit, clearing his troath deeply. Thoko wasn't one to be scared of ones bigger than him, which usually got them both into trouble - alas, Suitana didn't seem as if she'd start any unwanted trouble.

He could tell his metaphor about the tree had gotten to her an inch, but it was nothing to take offense to. It merely was referring to some people aren't as they seem on the outside, more than they are on the inside. He had learned that the harsh way, being only a pup when that lesson was tattooed into his mind. His only other option would be to beat it into others that were dull in the head, not like Suitana, of course. The proud smile stayed glued acrossed his trap, listening to Suitana make remarks about his introduction. When she resorted her words to Thoko, he remained silent, with a more lifeless expression. His slits didn't even make the effort of focusing on Thoko.

The brown hued rabbit raised a brow at Suitana, noticing that she had questioned him. He wasn't going to fall into whatever game Damond was planning, though usually, he would. His tiny nose twitched a bit at her, before answering in a calmer pitch. "It's always nice to meet new comers ... though, right now I would disagree with that saying." He took a step forward, getting closer to the she-wolf, close enough to be able to grab a rib bone from the old carcass she had eaten. "Strongly disagree. So, these packs have caribou hm? Then why eat scrap meat like this?" It was as if he was more stuck on the whole 'packs and food' topic.

His words had an end, but were almost cut off by the sound of yet another voice. He instantly fixed his attention on what looked to be another female, dropping the rib bone that he had picked up. It was odd that she was in one of the packs and had just showed up, as they were speaking of packs and food. Very odd. Thoko didn't like the feeling that slithered up his spine. It was restless. He treaded towards the new fae that had arrived, taking a few wiffs of her scent. "Hmph. The last thing I need is to be surrounded by wolves who are so content with food that they will eat anything they see.. I'd rather starve than-" It was at that moment, that Damond lifted his paw to Thoko's snout, hushing his tone down. Then, he rose onto all fours and gave an agreeing nod to the new lass.

"Ah. We would be honored to join a pack such as yours. We have been starving and in need of a group to depend on.." Those words made the little bunny's auditories shoot up a bit. What is he thinking? We've always been loners -- in fact, we have taken out packs with no problem.. That's when the thought hit his minature brain. Thoko knew Damond had a plan. This was a normal sense to him and Damond. The large brute gave a small look to Suitana, almost urging her to join as well. It would pay off in the end.
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Re: Fight for your life [wolf rp](open & accepting)
« Reply #42 on: August 27, 2014, 08:43:50 pm »

The male had been lying in his cage when suddenly the door swung open. He looked out for a few seconds, his face in shock, but watching the other wolves he crawled out from his cage. Afterwards, he bolted quickly towards the window, when his paws felt something they hadn't felt for a long time-grass. But he knew that he couldn't stay here long, otherwise he'd be caught and maybe killed.

He pushed himself, running as fast as he could out into the forest. Everything he smelled seemed so new, unlike the chemicals he was used to. His run slowed to a trot, looking around to see if there were any other wolves.

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Re: Fight for your life [wolf rp](open & accepting)
« Reply #43 on: August 27, 2014, 09:55:27 pm »


"Be strong enough to stand alone, be yourself enough to stand apart, but be wise enough to stand together when the time comes."

It had remained quiet for a few seconds now, the sounds if the other forest animals quickly echoed into her ears causing her head to turn in many different directions, ears remaining atop her head as her eyes darted around whilst she observed their surroundings. As usual, throughout the day everything was quiet and calm, nothing often happened and no movement was usually seen - sure the odd figure in the distance but nothing to exciting. It came as a surprise to her that she had even met Damond and Thoko today, she had never seen them around this forest as well as sniffing out their scents. They were either very secretive or were new here. Taking her focus off of the two for now and continued to observe the area, the day was getting on and soon the humans would be out seeking their next victims. The thought of this sent a shiver down her spine.

Letting out an exaggerated sigh Suitana swung her head back around to look at the duo, her eyes -for now- remaining on the brown pelted rabbit to see if he would add a comment to her statement. And as predicted he did. Between the two there seemed to be a lit of tension and as previous times when Tana bad met other creatures he seemed to hate her - however, this didn't come as a surprise to the she would so instead she just brushed it off. Like herself Thoko appeared very, very stubborn so she didn't take it to heart, she never did. Inhaling a deep breath she cocked her head at the smaller creature with a slight grin " The reason I hunt 'rabbits' is because I don't want to rely on a dumb pack to provide me with food. If I come across a caribou herd that happens to be on their territory I'll do what I please and hunt one down. Although, lately I haven't came across one, so decided to hunt rabbits. Their bones are rather juicy to gnaw on if I must admit " a grin had formed across the white wolfs face as she gestured towards the bones, it wasn't rare to see her teasing another creature this was something she enjoyed. However, she sent Thoko a smile as she hoped be wouldn't take to heart what she bad said - after all it was suppose to be a joke.

She had ignored the comment the fur ball made as he spoke about it not being a pleasure meeting her, all she gave in response was a ghostly smile and a quick chuckle - shrugging her shoulders to show she wasn't really bothered her tail continued to wag and she now had an expressionless face. Deciding the end the topic of what food they ate Suitana decided to block out any of the rabbits comments for now, so instead she looked around. She wasn't one to trust easy and she was still wary of this unique duo, however everyone deserved a chance so that is what she would give them - but she wasn't one to fool and was a tough cookie to deal with, not like your typical she will. Now feeling a little more comfortable she lowered her head into the top of her paws, looking towards the two she remained silent.

The sudden sound of a snapping twig caught the large she wolf to lift her head from her paws, sniffing at the air it seemed to be another wolf - a pack wolf to be precise. How she hated those pack wolves, they were so arrogant at times, stole all the food around and Suitana herself had gotten I to several fights with these canines. As the smell got closer the white pelted female hurled herself onto her paws and glared right in the direction the world was heading - a female the wolf was and she was heading towards them. Narrowing her eyes the white wolf allowed her lips to curl back and her hackles raised, tail swaying in annoyance as she watched the young dog warily approach. But the question she asked caused her to shake her head but Damonds response surprised her. She wasn't to sure what he was playing at but he seemed pretty eagar " Well, I guess I'll just g.....actually, I would love to join." the look she received by the male changed her mind even though she was still unsure Suitana stepped closed towards the two.

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Re: Fight for your life [wolf rp](open & accepting)
« Reply #44 on: August 27, 2014, 11:35:35 pm »
As the other female left Irene trotted off. Turning towards the mountain is was a general direction to tart off with. The red-brown wolf went through the forest until the trees began to thin out. Guessing it's size Irene concluded it was a small one. She had heard from other travelers of much bigger ones far beyond the horizon. She hadn't been to this part of the land before and noticed the walk turning into a climb up a grassy hill. Looking back Irene looked at the forest. She was still close enough to easily distinguish tree from tree. Was it her or had the air changed temperature a little? The air seemed a little more frigid.

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Re: Fight for your life [wolf rp](open & accepting)
« Reply #45 on: August 28, 2014, 12:19:54 am »
The two seemed startled by me, but they joined my pack anyways. "Wow, really. Well follow me to my pack." I was walking when it turned into a trot. The white wolf seemed a little unsure at first. And the grey wolf he seemed to want to join, like he was planning something. I had to be careful, his scent was different. He smelled like a dire. A dire wolf. It was also strange of him to have a friend rabbit. Especially since this white female had just eaten a rabbit. "I know you may think we are fat because of my looks. But I actually have a belly of pups." We found my pack and I howled out to them. The tree others came out and greeted us. "Alpha! These two decided to join our pack, their names are...?" I didn't actually know their names, and I hope they could tell I wanted them to say their names.

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Re: Fight for your life [wolf rp](open & accepting)
« Reply #46 on: August 28, 2014, 09:06:50 pm »
Rollo: *annoyed huff*

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Re: Fight for your life [wolf rp](open & accepting)
« Reply #47 on: August 28, 2014, 09:24:39 pm »

After a bit of walking, he could see the sun was slowly lowering. His walk turned back into a run, looking around for another wolf. They could potentially attack him, but he was hopeful he could find a friendly rogue or something that would know where a den was. He wasn't all too sure friendly rogues existed, all his encounters with rogues ended badly.

Soon the scent of wolf was clear, but not just one wolf, many wolves. "A pack," he muttered. "That's not exactly what I'm looking for. Packs would be able to kill me pretty quickly, especially with me being cooped up in that lab for so long."

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Re: Fight for your life [wolf rp](open & accepting)
« Reply #48 on: August 29, 2014, 12:49:50 am »


"Be strong enough to stand alone, be yourself enough to stand apart, but be wise enough to stand together when the time comes."

Since the she wolf had arrived to offer the two to join a pack she hadn't really spoke much or took any actions. She knew what these pack wolves were like and like several times before she had gotten into many fights with members from the few larger packs, as well as them ganging up on her from time to time - this caused her to be rather wary of packs and caused her to show signs of hostility which would probably get her into trouble sooner or later, but it was no wonder she was wary and even disliked packs and pack wolves. Like many others she had been left for days without food and having to either scavenge or kill smaller prey that wouldn't even fill a wolf for a few hours, they were aggressive, arrogant and hostile as well as thinking they were 'top dogs' which encouraged her hate a little more. However, the large male seemed rather happy with joining this pack and some how the look he had given her convinced the white she to also join the pack - which was pretty rare to happen, especially with her. With no doubt however she wouldn't be in this pack for long if she had anything to do with it, she was very, very dominant and hated being told what to do - often resulting in fights, a reason she was kicked from her old pack. But hopefully Damond and even Thoko would be able to keep the feisty female in line and hopefully encourage her to stay - if Damond did have a plan that was, but for now she would see how things planned out and would try 'try' to keep her cool.

Giving her fur a brisk shake Suitana turned to see that the three creatures had soon setted off, a sigh escaped past her lips as she gave a light shrug to her shoulders and bolted after them. Ears erect and her hackles raised Suitana uncomfortably followed after the plump pack wolf. Feeling a little uncomfortable with what was going on right now Suitana followed slowly and quietly behind, the others were in a trot and she was almost into a fast walk, leaving her several feet behind the others - her muscles were tensed of course as she allowed her ears to flatten against her head, lowering her head towards the ground she begun to sniff around - the pack weren't to far off so it would only take a matter of minutes to arrive at their territory. Allowing her head to lift a little it still remained pretty low. Listening to what the she wolf said she looked up for a second "It appears so..." she spoke with a toneless voice as she allowed her head to lower once again. Suitana rarely showed interest in others apart from prey, however she seemed to have grown a liking to Damond and surprisingly Thoko, however joining this new pack would cause her personality to change a little so without a doubt she would grow a little snappy, or a little harsh at times - maybe, just maybe she would snap out of it but it wasn't certain for now. All she could hope for is that what Damond had planned was right and would work, and hopefully he would at least tell her what he had in mind.

Quietly following behind Suitana had seemed to loosen up a bit, but she wasn't completely at ease for now she had decided to allow herself to relax a bit, for now that was. A slightly familiar scent wafted into the she wolfs snout causing her eye's to wonder off of the back of Damonds heels and towards the familiar face of Thoko. Having the younger creature by her side did actually comfort her a little, which was quite a surprise. Allowing her ears to lift Suitana smiled at the brown rabbit but it soon vanish, but her gaze remained on him. Hearing what Thoko had to say caused a soft glance to take over her eye's and a smile seemed to curl at the corner of her lips "You can both count on me" she whispered back as she watched him hop back towards his long time companion. The strong scent of wolf soon overwhelmed her and her head raised, hackles raised, muscles tensed as she entered the territory.

Many eye's seemed to be on the new canids as they entered, many unfamiliar faces sterring in their direction with cocked heads - seeing wary of the new comers. As they came to a sudden stop Suitana began to glance around, watching as Thoko hopped towards the front a juvenile male seemed to wonder towards them to investigate, small mouth attempting to nip at the rabbits back. Crawling forward she growled at the younger male, parting her jaws she snapped at the grey brute causing him to yip and jump away - lips curled as she watched the young canine stalk off back towards the safety of his pack members. Rolling her eye's Suitana lifted her head to glare at the small crowd that had gathered and the alpha soon came running out - the female she had yet to catch the name of began explaining to her alpha about coming across them, and began to introduce them. Staying quiet she allowed the two males to introduce themselves before she did "The name's Suitana, pleasure to meet your pack" she spoke watching as the others smiled she decided it wouldn't hurt, however the corners of her lips quickly lowered as she stood tall and proud - showing her obvious dominant side as she allowed her eye's to scan across the full back, her tail swaying as she allowed her ears to raise and her bright eye's now glittering a little - she appeared to be one of the few white wolves here which didn't come as a surprise. But like usual she stood quiet for now, she wasn't hoping to be declined at first impressions.

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Re: Fight for your life [wolf rp](open & accepting)
« Reply #49 on: August 29, 2014, 01:27:02 am »
"Ah, it's nice to meet you Damond and your friend here thoko." Alpha looked at the small rabbit. "Its ok little rabbit, we don't eat rabbits here, you are safe." A beautiful white wolf came out. "Oh hello there, Suitana is a lovely name." He quickly realized I forgot to introduce himself. "So sorry, I am Alpha, and this is my brother Kaymion." My mum came out, she was an older wolf. "Hello there newcomers, my name is Lisia. This is my Daughter Kyra here." They treated and we could tell the were hungry. "Would you like to start the day with a nice tasty caribou?" My mate just loved caribou, and I didn't blame him.