Author Topic: Opinions on the Centers in Bonfire  (Read 3643 times)

Offline Wolfie_Lover

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Re: Opinions on the Centers in Bonfire
« Reply #10 on: August 21, 2014, 05:23:36 am »
Mating Center(s) are something I'm okay with as long as they don't try to get me into the center and yell "PICKLES OR PASTA" or whatever at me. I do enjoy going to one out of pure boredom, though I'm always - hilariously - rejected.
Adoption centers are a thing I absolutely adore, well, not their bright, neon-y selves, but I do love the thought of them. They're a great way to get members for a group, start a "family", or just a short-term role-play. I do have to admit that in my younger years (about two accounts ago, meaning once I actually started playing), I ran about the Adoption Centers in my black and white wolf and wanted to be "adopted". I thought it was a cool way to make friends, though I was sad whenever I found out they had a life of their own. -Laughs- I used to wait for hours and hours for a single person to get on, I just find it amusing.
Fight Centers aren't a thing I normally see, though I had spotted two in Ficho the other day. I don't actually role-play too many canines/felines, so I didn't jump in - I would've lost for sure as my tiny human compared to those monsters. I did enjoy watching them, though, but I don't really appreciate the idea of them. Children are exposed to voilence already, and this is a game where you should feel safe and nice, so, I'm not too big on a Fight Center.

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Re: Opinions on the Centers in Bonfire
« Reply #11 on: August 21, 2014, 05:32:31 pm »
Mate Centers
Eheheh... Confession time: I used to have a MC character. -Dun dun DUUUUUUUN-
And I, truthfully think they're fine, except for the... -Ahem-, Mating centers.... Yeah... And the really, really, weird begging that can happen at 'em....

Adoption Centers
Now, I adore these little things. I think they're rather sweet sometimes(Guess why), and they can be pretty cute. And the unborns don't exactly bother me.
But..... The adoptions they..... They can equal to very short-term families most of the time... Which is why I hardly use 'em anymore.

And those are really the only ones I ever see.

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Re: Opinions on the Centers in Bonfire
« Reply #12 on: August 21, 2014, 10:51:20 pm »
Well. I've been to all three, and I've been all three before... Here we go.

Mate Center
I work the Mate Center by calling up the males most of the time, and if we're low on boys, then I go on a girl spree before choosing one of the males again.
There is a way to mess up. Maybe two. Or more.

First Way
Having people whispering you.
If you're not organized, you're going to end up forgetting who's who and who's next. Then you're going to have an angry mob of Mate Beggars yelling how bad you are.

Second Way
Changing it up.
If you try to change it up, and start saying "Oh, females go to the males you like." Then "Okay, males pick which girl you want." One, it's confusing to people. And two, the males are just going to leave because you're forcing them to pick.

So that's my part of Mate Center.

Adoption Center
I think that the AC goes well with a MC around. If you spot people getting their short-termed mate, then see if you can advertise a link with Mate Center. That's what I like to do, though. Sometimes I tell stories to the pups. I think that the AC is not as annoying as MC, but there can be more pups than there are parents.

There are a few ways you can mess up, though.

First Way
Moving around.
The pups will get tired of moving around, and some of the AFK pups will never follow. So now you have a huge line of pups down the wall.

Second Way
Scaring the pups.
If you start telling Creepypasta stories, the RP-Active pups will start crying, screaming, etc. Parents will think the AC is a torture spot, if they are also RP-Active.

Third Way.
Not caring.
You have to be sympathetic. If the pups tell you about their "Tragic" past, you should feel bad... But in real life you can laugh all you want. Tell them that it's okay, and hope that he won't kill his new parents like he did with his others.

So, that's how I think AC should go.

Fight Center
I put rules and guides in my Bio, so I remind people to read it. Fight Center is hard to control, due to it being an uncommon center. I remind the two fighters the important rules. I have two strikes. If you powerplay, that's a first strike. If you do it again, then I'll call off the fight.

Due to it being uncommon, there are lots of ways to mess up, but it might just be your way to do it, since there's no right or wrong to controlling FC.

First Way
If you don't pay attention to the spar, it might just go down-hill, and drag on and on. If it starts to do that, whisper the two fighters to start wrapping it up.

Second Way
Rules and Guides
Since it is an uncommon center, you have to make up the rules. If you make good rules, and continue to hop on and gain attention, those rules will start to become the Center's rules. But, if you make bad rules, you're just making a sight for trolls and power-players.

Third Way
You need to make the space like a proper Mate Center. A full circle with lots of space in the middle. If you cram everyone into a tiny spot, it'll cause lag and it's hard to see who's fighting.

Fourth Way
You might need to make a party or a group for Fight Center due to the fighters. You know how Bonfire is. Busy and chatty. So, you should make a party/group. If you don't, the fighters might be confused and the watchers won't know what is going on.

And that's what I think about Fight Center, and how it should go.

That's pretty much it.


MC: Do it right or get hated.
AC: Be kind and sympathetic or the pups will run off.
FC: Make good rules or you will have a horrible time.


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Re: Opinions on the Centers in Bonfire
« Reply #13 on: August 21, 2014, 11:37:40 pm »
Those are some great points, Sandfury... I couldn't agree more with the flaws.

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Re: Opinions on the Centers in Bonfire
« Reply #14 on: August 22, 2014, 12:41:20 am »
Those are some great points, Sandfury... I couldn't agree more with the flaws.

Thank you. x3 But yeah, sitting around in Bonfire for most of your FH life kinda makes you understand some of the things there.


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Re: Opinions on the Centers in Bonfire
« Reply #15 on: August 22, 2014, 01:25:55 am »
Mate Center: I don't have a problem with these but I don't like how they lag up the game every time I set foot on Bonfire.

Adoption Center: Like mate centers I don't have a problem with them and I think it's fine if people want to adopt or get adopted.

Fighting Center: I really don't have a opinion on this except for the powerplayers.
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Re: Opinions on the Centers in Bonfire
« Reply #16 on: August 22, 2014, 01:47:56 am »
Mate center -I dont have any problem with it but it just lagged the whole map thats just one thing I hate. I only like mate centers who can work well and by not using caps because your name is already in caps, why should you still on it?

Adoption center - I have no problem with it, Its rather reasonable to have an AC around.

Fight center - Ive seen them around last year but it seems theyre disappearing, I'm okay with FC as long no one is powerplaying and thats where the drama starts.

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Re: Opinions on the Centers in Bonfire
« Reply #17 on: August 25, 2014, 11:36:42 am »
Mate Center
I'm okay with it but I tend to avoid going anywhere near it because my lil' computer can't handle all the fluffiness and causes the game to lag. Though it does kind of annoy me by filling up the chat with caps. But of course, we can't forget the "not so appropriate" center that sometimes arises from MCs.
Adoption Center
Awwwww~ These things are adorable! I remember adopting two pups from it once. It's a really nice idea for the floofs or couples out there to get a lil' furball of their own. Usually, I would go there to stalk look at the pups/cubs with my wolf character. It's relaxing to see so many cute little critters in one place.
Fighting Center
This one I don't really approve. It's okay if the FCs are set at a more quiet and not popular place to avoid the chances of having a kid watching and reading the roleplays (which can be quite graphic sometimes). I also don't adore the powerplayers that gathers here. I used to be a Fighting Center once *insert dramatic music here* and learned to dislike it the hard way.

Offline MechanicalMutt

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Re: Opinions on the Centers in Bonfire
« Reply #18 on: August 25, 2014, 12:03:47 pm »

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Re: Opinions on the Centers in Bonfire
« Reply #19 on: August 25, 2014, 08:59:01 pm »
Mate Centers and Adoption Centers: I only dislike them if they spam the chat...which MC does a lot. Usually I tolerate it though.
Fight Centers I understand they a virtual animals, but I question if some children will take it into the real world and either: A. Try to fight someone "like a baws" themselves or B. Get into one of the many illegal fighting things. Also, they're just...just..ugh. They seem to act like people fighting to the death is okay! I thought FH was supposed to be fun, not a fragging Gladiator Pit! And some of them smile as if this is the best thing in the world. Also, if can cause more powerplay and such. I don't really want to see them, and if people ask my character An Kulle to join, well, they'll just get a whole rant on their tails.
I'm sorry, I just hate FCs.