Author Topic: Jimmy's Little Basket Cases {Updated! 10/21/15}  (Read 7633 times)

Offline Jackkdaw

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Jimmy's Little Basket Cases {Updated! 10/21/15}
« on: August 25, 2014, 02:43:50 pm »
**New: Updated stories and a new character!***

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.: Jackdaw :.
{Male} {5 Years of Age}

Species: Native American Indian Dog
]Devoted to: Ashera
Family: Gringo (younger half-brother)
Father of: Gavroche & Nazita (step-father of Courfeyrac)
Jackdaw's personality has changed drastically through the years. While he served as an Assassin, his actions were purely selfishly driven. He only did things that benefitted himself. He was loud-mouthed, holding very little back, and would easily cause tension with his harsh words. It seemed a lot of times as if he was out looking for a fight because he'd get into pointless scraps so often thanks to his bold, sarcastic attitude. Upon meeting Ashera, however, he discovered the lighter side of himself, and his demeanor changed- for the most part.

Jackdaw is still very blunt and straight forward. While he is very caring, and even overprotective, of those close to him, he will come off as sarcastic and snappy to strangers. He has a good sense of humor and is always open for fun. His general personality is laid back and care-free, except when it comes to his family, who he will jump to protect and brood over in an instant. Though he does get a little selfish sometimes, he is generally selfLESS- hating injustice and not thinking twice about putting himself in danger to save another. Despite his fatherly demeanor, his morals are a bit off- he sees no wrong in stealing or killing. In fact, thanks to his sarcasm and up-front personality, he picks fights quite often, and when challenged, he won't back down. Because he is quite protective, he's usually quick to get jealous over Ashera. One of his major flaws is the fact that he's still a bit of a kleptomaniac, going out of his way often to snatch something beneficial or shiny.

Jackdaw was born in an old beached wooden ship (teehee), thus getting his love of the ocean early on. Leaving his mother at age one(dog years of course), he set off to experience life on his own, his strong sense of adventure fueling his every step. With his mischievous young mind, it didn't take long for him to begin making a name for himself in a negative light. He quickly became a well known trouble maker, a thief and even a killer, as he sought his own glory in the taking of others possessions and taking down anyone who stood in the way. During his exploration of the large island on which he lived, he happened across a certain group who took him in. The Assassin Brotherhood worked training Jackdaw use his full potential for their good purpose. He worked alongside the Brotherhood as a fellow assassin for a couple years, doing each task given to him whole-heartedly. It seemed he'd rediscovered his sense of purpose, however, soon the temptations that he'd struggled with through life began to get a hold of him again, and he began to use his skills to fuel his own gain once again. Through the course of the years, he happened across his younger half brother, Gringo by chance in a town, and took him in as a guardian-like figure. The responsibility of keeping an eye on the youngster helped Jackdaw regain the sight of what was important, and he returned fully to the Assassins. It was then when he got a contract to take out the leader of a wolf pack who were known to be notorious Templars, and were a growing threat. However, as he went to fulfill the contract, he met a black-furred she-wolf from the pack, the Alpha's daughter. Though he had technically returned to the Brotherhood, his heart was still only half in it, as he frankly did not care much for their philosophies and restrictions. He was immediately distracted from his goal, for obvious reasons, and the two met in secret often. The two natural enemies, before long, chose a compromise of their differing philosophies, and decided to leave both of their groups to be together.
Eventually, they both turned to pirating to pass the time- having the shared interest for shiny things, adventure, and the general thrill; also in order to provide for Ashera's young pup, Courfeyrac as well as Gringo.

 Before too horribly long, they were forced to settle down thanks to the birth of their own youngsters. They all now call the beached shipwreck Jack was born in home.

.: Gringo :.
Male}  {2 Years of Age}
Breed: Native American Indian Dog x Shepherd mix x Various others.
Family: Jackdaw (Older half-brother)
Personality: Gringo is a generally upbeat, playful youngster.
Always seeming super happy, his overly enthusiastic nature makes him a bit annoying to those who live with him. Anything and everything makes him happy, especially being around his family and making friends. He'll always go out of his way to help someone, or at least try to. His care-free attitude, though it can be annoying, always lightens the mood at the end of the day. When it comes to smarts, he's no border collie. In fact, he's quite dim-witted. His sweet, caring nature, though, overshadows his lack of brains. Being quite immature and naiive, Gringo always only sees the best in others, and almost seems to overlook their negative traits. He has a blissful ignorance of the world's troubles. His overly-friendly personality does tend to be a flaw sometimes, as he often gets himself into sticky situations when trying to befriend those he probably should not, such as the local humans, or random wolves he meets. Despite his flaws, he is wholly, undoubtedly loyal to his big brother, and would do anything for him. Thanks to that, he tends to be a bit clingy to Jackdaw, and doesn't seem to notice the many times Jackdaw gets annoyed with him.

Gringo was born in the human village on his home island to his stray mother. Right from the beginning life threw difficulties at him. His tiny family being only local strays, the humans and other dogs looked down upon them, forcing them to scavenge if they wanted to eat. Somehow, Gringo was the only survivor of his litter of 4. Around 7 months of age, his mother grew ill thanks to the constant rain, and would eventually die. Little Gringo took to life on his own, getting by by rummaging through the trash bins or begging for scraps. Despite his situation, he remained optimistic. A few months later, he bumped into an older dog, whom he would come to discover was his half-brother, them both having the same mother. The other dog, Jackdaw, took in the youngster, and began trying to teach him the ways of the world. When Gringo's short attention span lead him to epically fail all hunting lessons, much to Jackdaw's annoyance, he eventually decided scavenging would be the best way for the youngster to get food, and would often send him off into the village to find some. Gringo loved doing little tasks for his brother, and did so whole-heartedly. It was around this time when he found his love for garbage in general, enjoying rummaging through the bins, and occasionally rolling around in the clutter.

Jackdaw was scarcely home, off busy with whatever it was he was doing. When his brother was absent, Gringo would take to adventuring around and making friends. Eventually, Jackdaw met his mate, and had pups of his own. Gringo gleefully welcomed his new niece and nephew, plus little Courfeyrac, who was sort of a packaged deal with Ashera as she moved in. He often runs around and romps with the youngsters, enjoying having someone to play with finally, and lives contently with their weird little pack.

.: Kelso :.
{Male} {5 Years of Age}

Species: Canis Dirus (Dire wolf)
Devoted to: No female. You kiddin'?! (Formerly Ashera)
Father of: Courfeyrac
Personality: Kelso, well... Kelso is, in words, a womanizing, lazy, selfish, sarcastic, scumbag. I would back him up by mentioning his good traits, but, there are very few- if any at all.. Unless you want to count his heavy, word-distorting Cockney accent as one (which I sure do). While he is not the sharpest tool in the shed in the common sense department, when it comes to getting what he wants, he has a certain way with words. He can be very deceiving, being an awesome liar, and takes advantage of situations, even others, to get his way. When it comes to vanity, he thinks he's just the bee's knees, coming off as very self-absorbed. He only looks out for number one. Though he will take orders and perform tasks given to him by a pack superior, his lazy, careless nature often causes him to cut corners. As for females, well, he'll flirt with any female with a pulse, and he's very good at it- most times.... (honestly it usually ends to him getting beat up) He lacks a verbal filter, so he will spit out whatever the first thing to come to his mind happens to be, which gets him into trouble a lot. He will easily admit his lack of care for others or for a situation, making sarcastic remarks or flat out complaints or insults whenever the opportunity presents itself. Since he doesn't take anything seriously, he tends to crack jokes and laze around more than doing his actual pack-appointed job. His up front, blunt personality always causes friction, which more often than not results in him picking fights. Kelso has only met one of his children, Courfeyrac, and flat out could care less about him. Isn't he just a wonderful soul! <3


Born into a wild pack, Kelso grew up to be the leader of the pack's guard. His pack had a sort of deviousness to it, known well by the locals and themselves as one of the many branches of the Templar Order, and he was often sent to do dirty deeds for the Alphas- be it stealing from neighboring packs, or even killing higher-ups there for the sake of conquest or "order" as the leaders put it. Whatever task it was, he had no convictions against doing it, and happily did so without question. Kelso always lacked the motivation and utter devotion of the Order's cause that the others in the pack had; he always looked at it as an easy, prosperous place to stay for little price. Though his obnoxious, arrogant personality caused sparks among his community, his success in his little jobs gave him a bit of favor in the eyes of the Alpha. Because of this, he was set up into an arranged relationship with the Alpha's daughter- Ashera, due to her refusal to even shoot a glance at the pack's males, and the Alpha's requirement of carrying on their royal bloodline. Through this arranged relationship, Kelso became the father of Ashera's first pup, Courfeyrac. Through it all, Kelso was very disinterested in the whole fatherhood concept. While he may have even, dare I say, /cared/ for Ashera, he could care /less/ for his own son, often leaving Ashera to do all the work with the youngster. Kelso chose instead to go loll about with his acquaintances and even with other females. Ashera, while admittedly she was fond for him at the start, by now had had more than enough of his antics, and just the Order in general. After everything was said and done, Ashera wound up leaving him for another, though Kelso cared little, far too content with his own life of sin. He did, however, harbor quite a bit of bitterness to the other male, Jackdaw.

(Totally inspired by Thomas Hickey from Assassin's Creed 3 >;3 I regret nothing. <3)

.: Chemosh :.
{Male} {6 Years of Age}
(Name: Pronounced "Kee-mosh."Derived from the ancient Moabite god Chemosh- the destroyer, or subduer, who demanded human sacrifice as a form of worship.)

Species: Grey Wolf
Family: Molek (younger brother)
Personality: Ah, where to begin. Chemosh is a very straight forward being. Cruel, merciless, homicidal, would be a few words to describe him. He cares not for anything other than himself, and would kill without even thinking twice about it. He plays by his own rules. A sadistic mindset fuels his passion for blood, and every murder is different, as he enjoys physical torture of the victim, and inflicting as much pain as possible out of nothing other than his own enjoyment. Who he's hurting matters little to him. He'd just as quickly kill a blind youngster as he would an elk or any other prey item. When he commits murder against his own kind, it is never for cannibalistic reasons, he sticks to natural prey for that- killing is either, to say the least, merely to satisfy a debt, or just because why not. I guess you could call him a homicidal psychopath, but he has good reason for what he does...

Ever since Chemosh was young, he's had a lust for power and control, but his scrawny nature at the time prevented him from jumping ranks in his pack. So, in exchange for physical power, he sold his soul to a counsel of demons. The demons gave him his brawn, as well as heightened his senses, but not without a price. Because of this, Chemosh became their very willing slave, and even friend. His demons demand at least one monthly offering of blood as payment. If the debt is not payed each month, Chemosh will face their consequences (be dragged to Hell.) This does not serve as much of a problem for him, though, and he gladly satisfies his friends' bloodlust. Ever since first bidding with the dark side, Chemosh recieved odd markings on his pelt- the shaman-like patterns stained into his fur, painted with the blood of others. The blood dried onto his pelt, and the patterns remain neatly swirled on. The demons appear around him in the form of his shadow- which will shift and move independently, even branch out into other separate shadows as his demon friends communicate with him. They help him with matters such as hunting, by spreading out and locating an easy prey item, and he can often be observed talking with the misshapen little shadows. It is a true friendship they share, but still always a business deal. His life depends on killing for them.

[[More images to be added later]]

.: Molek :.
{Male}  {3 Years of Age}
(Name- Pronounced "Mole-ehk," derrived from the ancient Moabite god Molech, who was worshiped by the burning sacrifice of human infants.

Species: Timber Wolf
Devoted To: None
Father of: Lol nope
Family: Chemosh (older brother), and his collection of skulls.
Personality: Molek- well- Molek is certainly quite a character. Plagued by mental illnesses including severe psychotic disorder, dissociative identity disorder and OCD, he acts impulsively- and violently. Upon his maw curls a wide smirk, accented by his wide-eyed stare. This expression rarely leaves his face, but don't be fooled by his- err- unsettling smile. He is extremely unpredictable. This loose cannon personality always has one motive- murder and mayhem. Since he kills basically everyone to get close to him with the exception of his older brother, whom he loyally serves, he seeks friendship in the form of skulls. He kills not to eat, more often than not, but merely to extract the skull and innards of his victim, often enjoying fashioning the intestines of an animal into a scarf or other clothing items. He has grown to enjoy the taste of his own species, and has been frequently observed consuming the flesh of a fellow wolf- after tugging out its skull, of course. He will spend hours on end having a "conversation" with his "friends" (the skull of his most recent kill), and usually kills to free them from their "flesh containers." He refers to himself in plural,  and can usually be found babbling to himself, having a conversation- and often arguing- with nothing more than empty space. He has two personalities- one bad and one 'good', who will often talk to each other. He likes toying with his victims, whether it be a game of "hide and seek" or physical torture, and will sometimes appear quite casual when speaking with a potential victim, as if to gain their trust before murdering them. He never kills stealthily or in ambush, and when he finally does make the final move, he often achieves overkill by proceeding to aggressively thrash and mangle the victim well past its death by his jaws.

Molek was born a couple years after his brother Chemosh. He had two siblings in his birth litter, his small family consisting only of them and his mother. Since he was born, Molek was scrawny, being the runt of the litter. Due to his different physique as well as his mental problems which had him frequently talking to himself and acting out, he was alienated and picked on by his bulkier siblings. He spent most of his time alone with the voice in his mind as his only friend, until one day when the voice offered a solution to his loneliness when he was a year older. Wholeheartedly agreeing with it, Molek proceeded to savagely kill first both of his siblings, then his own mother, without hesitation or mercy. Carried away by the blood-painted scenario, he filled his belly for the first time with the meat of his own family, all the while laughing manically and rubbing his fur with the blood. After the murder of his family, he cleaned up and wandered off, carrying the skull of his mother, which became the physical aspect of his friend in his mind, and so began his obsession with skulls. Two more years passed, and each week his collection grew- stashed safely in a shallow cave. Before long, he came across who he would soon learn to be none other than his older brother, Chemosh, who's dried blood-painted fur markings immediately snagged Molek's interest and adoration. Molek quickly clung to his brother, and became Chemosh's loyal partner. The two now wander, helping each other to fuel and quench their blood lust.

.: Canton :.
{Male}  {2 1/2 Years of Age}

Species: Coydog (Coyote x Shepherd mutt)
Devoted To: None yet
Father of: None.
Family: N/A
Personality: Canton is known to be a little cutie pie. He has an innocent look to him, but do not be deceived. The snarky little coydog is a well known outlaw, and a dangerous one at that. While he is very light-hearted, silly, and humorous, he can be a bit of a loose cannon. He acts on his own convictions, always having struggled taking full orders from another. He finds utter joy and amusement in his lawless acts, finding life on the run to be the most exhilarating thing. Canton is a huge risk taker. His friends are the most important thing to him, considering all close to him to be family, who he loves very dearly. He finds great amusement in causing trouble and just generally messing around. While he is often regarded to as nothing more than a kid, he often proves that ideal wrong by his actions, being oddly skilled in the art of the kill. He hardly thinks before he acts, and is quite spontaneous and unpredictable. Despite his seeming immaturity and bad morals, Canton is actually an excellent, caring leader and friend. If he sets his mind to something, there's nothing at all that can keep him from fulfilling it. He can come off as very sassy, and careless, as he always finds something to laugh at in a situation, but he is very quick-witted and agile. He's got a big mouth, never holding anything back, and takes full confidence in his skills.

Canton was born in the wild mid 1800's time period in New Mexico to a coyote mother. Ever since he was little, he was always a fist full of dynamite; always picking fights and stirring up a muck within his siblings despite his smaller, scrawny size, which was one of his defining traits. His nose for trouble and adventure quickly drove him away from his family, and he ran off on his own, seeking out the excitement of the tempting human establishments. It was there, at the young age of one, he began making a name for himself through skillful stealing. He was quick to catch the attention of a local pack of dogs, a wily gang, that was known very well in the area both by canines and by humans for their constant farm raids in which they would make off with a good amount of a farmer's animals for meals. The pack's leader (whom I still have to come up with a name for XD) took Canton under his wing, and in no time, the young coydog was running with them on their raids. While tangling with a human was not encouraged or even thought of, there was always a guard dog to take care of on said raids. Things would go smoothly, and after each successful run, Canton found a new sense of thrill in it. One day, however, things went bad. One dog who was assigned to take out the farm's guard dog, underestimated his opponent, and wound up pinned beneath the large hound. Canton immediately went to help his friend, but soon, the farmer made an appearance, armed with a shot gun, and ready to finish off the struggling dog that was still pinned by the hound. Canton quickly made a leap and tackled the human, receiving a shot gun blast that skimmed the rim of his ear in the process. After some struggling, he'd managed to kill the man, much to the astonishment of his gang members. It was then when he fully experienced the thrill of the kill and the exhilaration of life outside the law. The man's brown bowler hat had been toppled aside, and Canton took a fancy to it. He lopped it right onto his head, a sort of memento, and retreated back to his pack. Since then, he became that crazy gang member who could be asked to do the wildest thing, and do it fully. He enjoyed killing. Soon, news of the notorious dog gang reached human ears, and hunters launched a culling effort, using dogs and guns to track them down. The pack of human owned dogs was the first to find them, and the whole gang was exterminated. Canton, who was injured, lay still, pretending to be a casualty, which allowed him to escape. Since then, Canton became hell bound on avenging his friends, and moved on, making a bigger name for himself as an outlaw. A few dogs who'd heard of him insisted to tag along, and so Canton grew his own little gang of hooligans, leaving a trail of mayhem wherever they trod, even growing a notoriety level and a bounty on his head. Before long, his gang was slowly killed off one by one, but Canton always managed to escape. Now, he hangs around a crow named Charlie, who is his only remaining friend. The duo is constantly on the move, stealing what they please, and fighting to keep their freedom, and their lives. To this day he continues seeking out those who slaughtered his friends, feeling his sole purpose in life at the moment to be revenge, to take an eye for an eye.

.: Oko :.
{Male} {3 Years of Age}

Species: Grey Wolf
Family: Doe. {Adoptive mother}
Personality: Oko, in general, is a very kind, gentle soul. Despite his physical situation, he is incredibly optimistic, always looking on the bright side of life.
No matter what, he puts others before himself, and often goes out of his way to lend a helping paw. He loves to make others happy. Though Oko is good natured, he does have his obvious short comings. Due to his lack of vision, he is obviously quite clumsy- bumping into things and tripping often. He is not the most skilled hunter, and prefers to scavenge unless he detects an easy prey item. Due to the way he was raised, by a deer, he even can be observed eating berries on occasion. He is slow to anger, and has a very sweet, forgiving demeanor. Though others often make fun of him due to his missing eyes, he hardly takes offense, and would rather turn the other cheek than start any trouble. He has a submissiveness about him, and he is always respectful of others.

From birth, Oko was always the oddball. He was the only unlucky pup from his litter to get the odd physical mutation that made his fur white, and flesh and eyes a pale pink. Being the runt of the litter, he was pushed around from the start, and his 'odd' appearance by wolf standards didn't help much. He tended to stick close to his loving mother rather than romping with the other pups. Despite this, he still had an adventurous nature. One day, the pup wandered too far from the den. His light fur contrasted the darker, forest-like environment around him, and caught a few onlooking eyes from some animals- one in particular. A large eagle, searching for some prey, spotted the little white wolf cub from above, and made its move. As if he were a mere fish in a barrel, Oko was snatched up by the eagle's mighty talons, unbeknownst to his pack. The bird of prey took the squirming, yapping pup to a nearby tree branch and pinned him with its claws. Oko wasn't about to go down without a struggle, and over-ridden with fear, he furiously squirmed and flailed, frustrating the hungry bird. As the eagle attempted to keep its grasp on the wriggling pup, it lashed out a couple vicious pecks with its hooked beak. In the midst of the struggle, the bird managed to pluck out one of the yelping pup's eyes. He would then go on to lose the second eye as he went to escape only to be snagged by the face by one of the eagle's talon. Both eyes lost now, Oko kicked and wriggled some more until he barely managed to flop out of the tree branch and land in a bush not far below. The trauma from the situation left him unconscious, but safe inside the protective bush.

Not long after, he was found by a lone doe, who out of the kindness of her heart, took pity on the battered youngster, and against any natural laws, began to look after him and nurse him back to health. In time, the bloody voids where his eyes once were healed, and a thin layer of skin grew over the empty sockets. As he grew, the doe taught Oko to focus on his other senses, and he quickly adapted to life without sight. During his time with his foster mother, he learned to eat berries and other natural fruits, only eating meat whenever he happened across a carcass. Around the time he turned 2, he decided to leave and start his own life as a wolf, tired of playing pretend as a 'deer'. In his past year, he learned more and more of how to be a wolf again, and taught himself how to hunt and survive on his own, without coming across an accepting pack just yet. He continues to wander around the vast wilderness of Alaska, hoping to come across a place that he could call home, or maybe another friendly face.

Download his preset to see him in-game, here: Click Me!

.: Bishop :.
{Male} {3 Years of Age}

Species: Dire Wolf
Family: Imani- best friend.
Personality: Bishop, basically, is a big teddy bear. Though his large size and bulky build can come off as intimidating at first, he would much rather flee than fight in most circumstances. He's clumsy, often tripping over his own feet, and honesty not very graceful in general. He prefers to keep to himself, or near his closest friend, Imani's side, where he feels most comfortable. When around friends, (or- friend. Imani is really his only friend. -insert forever alone meme here- -cri-) he comes out of his shell, and is actually quiet humorous and silly,  but the second someone else is near, he immediately becomes anxious and very quiet. He tends to be a bit of a doormat, letting others push him around due to his submissive nature. Bish is very slow to trust others, and really leaves most of the decision making to Imani- which usually ends up in them getting chased by something...
The large canine is constantly in a state of anxiety or nervousness, always keeping a cautious eye out, and looking out for his friend. While he would much rather flee than be involved in a fight, if it comes down to defending those he loves, he will stand in the way of danger and do whatever it takes to ensure the safety of his friends.

Bishop was born to a decent sized pack around the Ice Age era. Right from the start, they noticed he was a bit different, as he would spend much of his time as a pup chasing butterflies, and hanging close to his family rather than exploring like the other pups. When it came to teaching him to hunt, he was a slow learner, simply because he didn't like killing things. When he was around 1 year of age, there was an earth quake, which triggered a landslide. The shaking earth sent the youngster tumbling over the edge of the small cliff the pack lived on as the mountain crumbled overhead. once the shaking stopped, he climbed back up, only to see his entire pack dead, crushed to death under the boulders. With no other choice, the yearling was forced to leave. Not even an hour after leaving his home, he encountered a short-faced bear, who chased him into the confines of a hollow tree, giving his hindquarters a good slash with its claws in the process.

The next day, the poor youngster attempted a hunt, where he ran into a young Pseudaelurus (a small-medium sized prehistoric feline), whom he would later learn was named Imani. The two were quite curious of each other, and wound up sticking together. As they grew, they learned from each other, though their personalities were exact opposites. Imani was rambunctious, always looking to play. She ended up being the sort of group leader, simply because of Bishop's shy, submissive personality, which made him leave the decision making up to her for the most part. Because it's hard for him to say no, the two often end up getting into trouble due to Imani's "fun" little schemes, such as poking sleeping bears, or startling horse herds. While her mischievous ways usually have Bishop in a state of anxiety at the end, he admittedly does enjoy the time spent together.
« Last Edit: October 21, 2015, 04:13:08 pm by Jackkdaw »
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Re: Jimmy's Little Basket Cases {New & Improved}
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2014, 03:03:31 pm »
*squeeeeeeee* I love yer characters<3 ouo This reminded me that I need to update my character thread xD

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Will be less active until October 7th.

Offline Jackkdaw

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Re: Jimmy's Little Basket Cases {New & Improved}
« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2014, 03:13:56 pm »
Nyeheh, tankies, Starry-poo! >;3
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Re: Jimmy's Little Basket Cases {New & Improved}
« Reply #3 on: August 25, 2014, 07:28:28 pm »
-rolls around approvingly on your characters-

I love dem AAALLLLLL
Lol dat one AC pic of Gringo LOL
But like srsly really fab members you've got here.

-throws you all the loves-

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Re: Jimmy's Little Basket Cases {New & Improved}
« Reply #4 on: August 25, 2014, 08:06:24 pm »
I love your characters, mate!
I love the Happy Wheels picture of Jackdaw. C;
stinky dog coming through, don't mind me!

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Re: Jimmy's Little Basket Cases {New & Improved}
« Reply #5 on: August 25, 2014, 09:32:57 pm »
Lovely characters, Jim. *cries when reads Omaha's story* Love the happy Wheels picture and Gringo the Assassin. XD

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Offline Jackkdaw

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Re: Jimmy's Little Basket Cases {New & Improved}
« Reply #6 on: August 25, 2014, 11:49:06 pm »
Teehee, thanks y'all. OuO
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Re: Jimmy's Little Basket Cases {New & Improved}
« Reply #7 on: August 27, 2014, 02:51:47 pm »
Iv'e seen you before o:
awesome charries :3

Offline Jackkdaw

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Re: Jimmy's Little Basket Cases {New & Improved}
« Reply #8 on: August 28, 2014, 02:12:01 am »
Oh, really? :O
Feel free to come up 'n say hello. ;3
And thank 'ye!
In-Game as: Jackkdaw
On DeviantART as Jackkdaw
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Offline MechanicalMutt

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Re: Jimmy's Little Basket Cases {New & Improved}
« Reply #9 on: August 29, 2014, 05:19:57 am »
I love your characters so much omg<33

FH User: MechanicalMutt
Skype: mechmutt
DeviantART: Carxalckz