Author Topic: Forest of Eden | Literate Deer Roleplay | Accepting Members!  (Read 8943 times)

Offline IndigoCloud

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Forest of Eden | Literate Deer Roleplay | Accepting Members!
« on: August 30, 2014, 12:04:29 pm »
The forest is filled to the core with wildlife. It is one of the purest places in the world if left untouched by man. From the tiniest of butterflies to the fiercest of mountain lions, each animal plays a very important role in the life of the forest. Every species knows and respects the circle of life, in order to let one creature live, another creature that has already experienced their share of life must die.
In a stretch of land as old as time itself and left forgotten by the human race is a beautiful forest. This forest is the life source of all forests. This forest's name is Eden. In Eden lives something so sacred it is only a rumour even in the animal kingdom. In Eden lives the Spirit herd. All animal souls are centered to one herd of sacred deer, said to each be touched by the breath of angels. Each deer in this herd are spirits of animal heroes and posses supernatural powers unique to only them.

Post 1: Intro & Contents
Post 2: Current Plot & Rules*
Post 3: Character Form
Post 4: Characters & Mini-Plot*

(*)= Will be regularly changed, be sure to check often.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2014, 09:38:26 pm by Sherlolly »
;;I'm so sorry for my recent unexplained absence. It hasn't been a good year for me so far, but I'd like to say that I'm back for good now;;

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Offline IndigoCloud

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Re: Forest of Eden | W.I.P No posting yet
« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2014, 10:41:34 pm »
.:Current Plot:.
It has been a long time since any being has heard of the Spirit herd of Eden; many have lost hope and belief entirely. But there are some that keep their faith strong in their protectors. The animal kingdom is going through a tough time. Man threatens to take over even more of the forests around the globe, driving wild animals from their homes. The Spirit herd, as usual, remain calm and collected although are beginning to show tiny cracks in their foundation of strength. The whole herd are doing their best to protect their people from the clutches of man. You are one of the herd. Can you do enough to save the animal kingdom?

These are the meadows of Eden, territory of the Spirit herd. Your herd. This is the main council area and meetings are often held here. It is the main home of all communications, this is where stags will fight for does and mothers will care for their fawns.

There is one main water source that stretches from one side of the island of Eden to the other. Some say that the water is blessed and the purest on earth. Some say that those that drink it will be given eternal life. Some even say that this was the river Aphrodite, the Greek Goddess of Love and Beauty, once bathed in.

These are the beaches of Eden. The place where the sea meets the land. The beach is not sandy, it is over shadowed by awesome rock formations and unexplored cave structures. Crystallised salt moulds the earth beneath one's hoof and it is a truly beautiful sight to see. It can also be used as a refuge if needed, the labyrinth of tunnels and dead-ends can only be navigated by true Spirit deer.

These are the legendary forests of Eden. The thick canopy of leaves are lush with greens and spring yellows, alive with the whispers of the trees. Although Eden is not completely perfect. The forest contains a darkness that is guarded by the Spirit herd, holding demons, dark spirits and the stench of death. The patch of darkness is not only a tunnel leading to the demon world, it is the place that keeps Eden part of this earth. The darkness is guarded impeccably, so is not to worry about for now. The real threat

Deer of the Spirit Herd

Earth Ability
These deer are the ones most in tune with nature; the majority of the Spirit herd possess this talent in some way or another. Some can speed up the growth of plants, others can speak to the trees. More information.

Water Ability
These deer are seen as the wisest and most controlled, often belonging to the council of the Spirit herd. Some can control the movement of water whereas others can breathe underwater. More Information.

Air Ability
These deer are the sharpest, often the most lively and restless. They are often the warriors of the Spirit herd along with the Fire Abilities. Some can control the temperature whereas others can control the strength of the breeze. More Information.

Fire Ability
The most unpredictable and dangerous deer; although still sacred, these beings are the most likely to turn to the 'dark side'. From exploding themselves and reforming to summoning the holy fire, these abilities are the rarest of all. More information.


Just like any other herd, there are leaders. These leaders have been brought up to rule and make the best out of the Spirit herd. They must be wise, trusting and pure; they must have a strong bond with nature. The king and queen of the herd are NPCs until someone trusting is chosen to roleplay them. (0/3)
The council are the group of deer that make all of the decisions for the Spirit here. They are the voice of the herd. They pass the law, give out punishments and are the wisest of the herd. The majority of the council possess water abilities. (0/7)

The warriors are the only deer that have the chance to leave Eden. They travel on quests around the world to aid the animal kingdom and are the source of all of the legends. They are the Spirit herd's connection to the human world. Unlimited spaces.


1] Please. No Godmodding, Powerplaying or anything of that sort. Quite frankly it is extremely frustrating to have to deal with these people and it pretty much gets on everyone's nerves.
2] Do not do anything that exceeds the FeralHeart Rules. If you are not familiar with them, please take time to read over them before you roleplay.
3] I will permit mild gore and violence, but cussing and mature themes are not allowed. Please fade to black or take it to pm.
4] Your character must be a White-tailed deer. No other species and no exceptions. Your character cannot be an outsider welcomed in.
5] Each character can only possess a maximum of three specific powers according to their ability. One main power and two optional sub-powers.
6] Please do not ignore anyone during the roleplay. It is rude and can hurt feelings. If your characters font get along, keep it IC.
7] I will not allow roleplaying to commence until there is a decent amount of both male and female characters.
8] This is a semi-realistic roleplay. Characters can talk and the way the herd works will only be similiar to real life, not exactly the same. But at least know your fair share about white-tailed deer.
9] This is also a literate roleplay. Each post must be at least seven decent sentences long. No exceptions. If you have read the rules put protection somewhere in your app.
10] Keep in kind that romance is allowed, but the way stags and does usually mate is by two stags fighting over one doe. This fight does not necessarily have to end in death and the mating does not have to be until 'death do you part'.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2014, 11:48:52 pm by Sherlolly »
;;I'm so sorry for my recent unexplained absence. It hasn't been a good year for me so far, but I'd like to say that I'm back for good now;;

If you need any help around the forums, feel free to PM me :3

Offline IndigoCloud

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Re: Forest of Eden | W.I.P No posting yet
« Reply #2 on: September 13, 2014, 06:49:54 pm »

 .:Character Form:.

Code: [Select]
[center][img height=20][/img]
[img]Picture(s) of Character[/img]
[color=grey][size=17pt]C[/size]haracter's Name Here
[i]"Quote/Song lyrics ect."

[right][color=grey]Name: [color=khaki]Full name and meaning. [/color]
Alias:[color=khaki] Any nicknames ect. [/color]
Age:[color=khaki] Fawn/Young Adult/Fully Grown. [/color]
Gender: [color=khaki]Doe or Buck. [/color]
Role: [color=khaki]Royalty/Council-member/Warrior/Guard/Normal Deer. Royalty and council members must ask permission.
Personality: [color=khaki]Character traits. Bullet points or decent sentences. [/color]
History: [color=khaki]Optional. If not said, explain during roleplay. [/color]
Distinctive Features: [color=khaki]What stands out about you character.[/color]
Ability: [color=khaki]Your character's ability. Short description of powers. [/color]
Crush: [color=khaki]Optional. State if not interested.[/color]
Mate(s): [color=khaki]State current and previous. [/color]
Offspring: [color=khaki]Optional. State parent and age. Picture(s) optional. [/color]
Antler Size: [color=khaki]Stags/Bucks only. From 1-10. Ten being the best. Ask permission if 9 or more is wanted.[/color]
Other: [color=khaki]Anything you would like to add.[/color]
« Last Edit: September 13, 2014, 09:32:07 pm by Sherlolly »
;;I'm so sorry for my recent unexplained absence. It hasn't been a good year for me so far, but I'd like to say that I'm back for good now;;

If you need any help around the forums, feel free to PM me :3

Offline IndigoCloud

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Re: Forest of Eden | W.I.P No posting yet
« Reply #3 on: September 13, 2014, 09:36:50 pm »

Will be made soon.

;;I'm so sorry for my recent unexplained absence. It hasn't been a good year for me so far, but I'd like to say that I'm back for good now;;

If you need any help around the forums, feel free to PM me :3

Offline IndigoCloud

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Re: Forest of Eden | W.I.P No posting yet
« Reply #4 on: September 13, 2014, 09:37:17 pm »

"I always find beauty in things that are odd or imperfect- they are much more interesting."

Name: Astraea Deora. Astraea is the Greek goddess of justice; Deora is Gaelic for tears.
Alias: Astra; Deo.  
Age: Young adult- Fully Grown.  
Gender: Doe.
Role: Royalty. She is the king and queen of the forest's eldest daughter.

Personality: Astra is often underestimated. She is surprisingly strong-minded and stubborn, not one to give up easily. Her intentions are almost-always good, she is often referred to as having a 'heart of gold'. She has good social skills, mingling well with other deer and is seen as being a very understanding doe. Her loyalty is extremely fierce and she trusts other almost too easily. Astra's downfall is possibly her pride. She is extremely indie pendant, so isn't willing to accept much help from others. She very much prefers to be alone rather than surrounded by a large amount of others. Her interests in bucks are quite high, but she has never mated before. She refuses to act any differently towards males, not willing to change for anyone but herself.
Distinctive Features: Astra's pelt is ages shades darker than the average white-tailed deer's, but not enough to be seen as abnormal. Her large doe eyes are deep chocolate brown, almost black, and are surrounded by patches of lighter white. Her neck has a white patch just beneath her chin, thinning out into a thin white strip leading down to her chest. He is quite thin for a white-tailed deer, but not unhealthily so, and her legs are strong and perfectly agile.
Water Ability
Main Power: Ice Manipulation.
Sub-Power(s): Water Pressure Manipulation. She can lower or increase water pressure in anything, even another deer. This causes the opponent to be unable to move.  

Crush: None. Open and interested.
Mate(s): N/A
Offspring: N/A. Alb tough she is wanted to have some in the futur.

Other: Protection.
« Last Edit: September 14, 2014, 06:50:48 am by Sherlolly »
;;I'm so sorry for my recent unexplained absence. It hasn't been a good year for me so far, but I'd like to say that I'm back for good now;;

If you need any help around the forums, feel free to PM me :3

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Re: Forest of Eden | Literate Deer Roleplay | Accepting Members!
« Reply #5 on: September 14, 2014, 12:01:26 am »

"The turning point in life is when you discover the strength within you that survives all hardships."

Name: Edvyn Snow (Edvyn-- varient of the Scandinavian name "Edvin" meaning son of prosperity; Snow-- default name given to bastard-borns originating from the northern parts of Eden)
Alias: N/A, but has been referred to by several rude names. Including things along the lines of "The bastard", "Bad Blood", etc. (Open to any nicknames)
Age: Fully Grown
Gender: Buck
Role: Warrior, but was born a royal bastard.

Personality: Edvyn's emotions are somewhat sheltered, a shell that was built up from the years of name calling, embarrassment, and countless other ways to hurt him. He'll often put up a poker-face attitude to hide his inner suffering, and to make himself feel both bolder and stronger. He's never had any close friends before, in fear of letting someone get to know him when he's been strictly ordered by his tyrant of a father to never speak to anyone about himself. "Bad blood" is what the council members have always said behind his back, "There is evil in bad blood". Beyond the stone wall that blocks his heart, Edvyn can be very gentle and always trying to make the right decisions that are for the good of Eden. It was his curiosity as a fawn that grew into a desire of adventure and doing challenging but dangerous things.

History: Not much is known to the public about the white-tailed buck, though its not like anyone cares to know anything about him. The deer never seem to look past a part of his identity- the part that he's a bastard. Born to a well-known stag who was born under royalty and a close friend to the king, along with a lowborn deer of a mother, he is viewed as a disgrace in the herd's social structure. Edvyn had been kept a secret for most of his fawnhood, but after the death of his mother his father had reluctantly took it upon himself to raise the fawn. Only, he too mistreated his own son because of his bastard status and kept Edvyn segregated from his "rightfully" born offspring. His father's royal mate had always treated Edvyn with disgust and bitter disrespect. Her words where always sharp and painful, often leaving a very hurt Edvyn to wonder off on his own in search of somewhere far away (More parts of his history will be revealed during the roleplay).

Distinctive Features: His coat is a duller grey-brown with a darker chestnut brown patch between his antlers that stripes down the back of his neck. He has a thin dark brown patch on his lower chest that has smaller white spots beside it. His ears have a few notches in them and a small, jagged scar over his right eye from an incident he'd rather not explain. From his love of adventure with a twist of physical endurance, some of Edvyn's muscle toning is visible through his coat. His antlers have an unique structure, with three oddly longer points and one short stub-like point.

Ability: Air ability (Main power-- wind manipulation; Sub-powers-- electricity/light manipulation by manipulating atoms in the air to make an ionic charge which produces electricity. He can sometimes hear nature's "voices" when the breeze rattles the leaves, grass, etc)

Crush: None (Open)
Mate(s): None. He once attempted to compete in the rut, but was taunted by the other bucks and most does turned away from him. Edvyn has never since attempted to find a mate.
Offspring: None, but is interested in being a father someday.
Antler Size: 4 Points per antler (3 long and 1 short), making a total set of 8.

Other: N/A

« Last Edit: September 21, 2014, 11:49:36 pm by Oak »

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Re: Forest of Eden | Literate Deer Roleplay | Accepting Members!
« Reply #6 on: September 14, 2014, 12:07:23 am »
(Is it ok if I can make a royalty character? Specifically the king of the forest? If not it's ok)

Offline Vask

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Re: Forest of Eden | Literate Deer Roleplay | Accepting Members!
« Reply #7 on: September 14, 2014, 12:46:22 am »
Curious if I could make a Royalty character? Astraea's sister?

"How big is this world?"

Name: Annette Jezabelle
Alias: Anny
Age: Fawn
Gender: Doe
Role: Royalty. Youngest daughter of the King and Queen and little sister of Astraea(if that's alright :3)

Personality: Annette is the herds little sweetheart. She is very kind towards everyone no matter who they are. Her face is naturally filled with an unexplainable curiosity. Annette isn't the MOST talkative, but can't resist asking anything about the world. If someone can't explain something to her, she often goes and finds out for herself. She tries her best to follow in her sisters footsteps. Annette can sometimes be a handful, but at the end of the day remains loyal to her herd.  Her curiosity can sometimes lead her into trouble, but she tries to follow both her sister and mothers training. Her bubbly outlook and friendly traits clearly show her positive outlook on life. All in all Annette just wants to have fun, but also live up to her name.
Distinctive Features: She currently has a rich golden pelt with white fawn markings. Her eyes are large and round with deep pools of brown. She is incredibly small, as fawns are, with long wobbly legs. She has no distinctive scars yet, but one of her white spots got merged with a few smaller ones at birth. This makes one of the white spots on her back look much like a flower.
Ability: Nature.
Main Power: Plant Manipulation
Secondary Powers: Enhanced Healing & Move/Lift Rock

Crush: None at the moment.
Mate(s): None
Offspring: None

Other: None at the moment~

Hope it's alright that I made a Royalty character. Just tell me if you'd rather me not to. Thanks!))
« Last Edit: September 14, 2014, 04:12:17 pm by Vask »

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Re: Forest of Eden | Literate Deer Roleplay | Accepting Members!
« Reply #8 on: September 14, 2014, 06:32:54 am »
@Dunasaur: I'm afraid I'm keeping the king and queen of the forest a NPC's for the time bring until the roleplay strengthens. Feel free to make another character though and maybe after a while you can apply for king c:
@Vask: Your character is beautiful but I think you missed something out in the app, forgive me if I'm mistaken.
@Oakfrost: I can't wait to see your completed app!
;;I'm so sorry for my recent unexplained absence. It hasn't been a good year for me so far, but I'd like to say that I'm back for good now;;

If you need any help around the forums, feel free to PM me :3

Offline duna the killer

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Re: Forest of Eden | Literate Deer Roleplay | Accepting Members!
« Reply #9 on: September 14, 2014, 03:02:23 pm »