Author Topic: A map for my witch rp.  (Read 537 times)

Offline Derpiederp

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A map for my witch rp.
« on: September 20, 2014, 08:40:35 am »
I was just walking around in the magical word of FH and BAM. An idea of a mapped witch RP came into my mind. Of course as a map loving person started planning a map but when I remembered my older maps I made, they weren't that good. So, I am terribly sorry that I have nothing to give in return, but I'd love it if someone made a map for me. I would of course give credit to the person who created it and stuff...                           
Stuff the map should have:
-A school-like building(if possible)or a big house
-About 5 to ten houses
-A pond
-Some mountains and rivers
-Trees, they should have leaves but something that fits a dark-ish theme
-A green moon (not bright)
-Some plants like flowers and stuff
-Not too much light at day, but there must not be too dark and creepy at night                                               
-and last, roads to walk on and torches.

If that is too much for everyone, it's okay if this is too hard to make. I'm not forcing anyone ^^;

There is a thing that hurts more than pain. Most people call it sadness.
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