Author Topic: Suicidal Characters  (Read 3893 times)

Offline Wyldercat

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Suicidal Characters
« on: September 23, 2014, 10:17:03 pm »
Oi. Every single time I go to Bonfire, I see tons of characters who are killing off their characters for no reason. Wha- Why?! Just

I mean, suicide is a real thing, and is NOT something to laugh at. Sometimes a see unofficial CENTERS where people do group drownings after being cast off by the Mate Centers... uh... that's just wrong.
And what's this teaching the younger floofs? Killing ourselves is fun?

And some characters make pups/kits/cubs that jump off cliffs because "no 1 luvs me" when they were literally JUST BORN 5 minutes ago.

This is just one of those things that gets me... anyway, what do you guys think of these?

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Offline Kwibjo

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Re: Suicidal Characters
« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2014, 10:29:19 pm »
Oi. Every single time I go to Bonfire, I see tons of characters who are killing off their characters for no reason. Wha- Why?! Just

I mean, suicide is a real thing, and is NOT something to laugh at. Sometimes a see unofficial CENTERS where people do group drownings after being cast off by the Mate Centers... uh... that's just wrong.
And what's this teaching the younger floofs? Killing ourselves is fun?

And some characters make pups/kits/cubs that jump off cliffs because "no 1 luvs me" when they were literally JUST BORN 5 minutes ago.

This is just one of those things that gets me... anyway, what do you guys think of these?
What really annoys me more is when I see characters complain about their problems like the whole pride/clan/pack just *has* to know what exactly they're feeling even if they're out of range for any normal person to hear them and then they complain about it in group/ooc that no one cares about them.

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Re: Suicidal Characters
« Reply #2 on: September 23, 2014, 11:00:30 pm »
Omg I agree with you. I really do, and honestly suicide is nothing to be laughed abut. It should be taken very seriously. I know I am very sensitive about suicides, and every time I see it I ask other members to please try to refrain from seeing that as a fun thing to do because:

1} Someone may have witnessed suicide and talking about it may frighten or hurt them.
2} It could teach the younger ones to do wrong things.
3} May cause a huge hate chat to start going and then a huge fight.

Yet no one really cares to listen or anything or they just flat out say, "Are you a Mod?"
"If you are not a Mod I don't have to listen to you!"
Then they continue doing it...honestly out of the list I wrote I am the first one, and I don't like hearing about suicide. I wish members would stop playing with that subject.

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Re: Suicidal Characters
« Reply #3 on: September 23, 2014, 11:07:38 pm »
I have to agree with you on this this. Suicide is definitely something you shouldn't joke around with especially when their are younger members who play this game. I've seen way to many people killing their characters because others won't adopt them or no one likes them. I mean really just really your going to kill off your character because of these reasons. If you don't get adopted or people won't notice you that's not a reason for you to do so. And as said before others might be sensitive about the subject of suicide and would rather avoid bringing it up.
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Re: Suicidal Characters
« Reply #4 on: September 24, 2014, 02:19:07 am »
suicide shouldn't be taken lightly like that. i wouldn't say they are joking about it, but certainly kids are doing this for attention and this is possibly teaching others (mainly small children) that killing yourself or threatening to do so is a way to get attention, which is a very wrong thing to do. suicide is very serious because attempting it in real life can result in something permanent and can't be changed back whatsoever, which is death.

the way players act like this is also very offensive to people who have got through thoughts or attempts of suicide because the act is showing to others that are oblivious to how serious this subject is that suicide is acted upon for attention and not for anything really serious.


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Re: Suicidal Characters
« Reply #5 on: September 25, 2014, 12:23:00 am »
You beat me to this topic! I was about to go on a raging rant sooner or later. Ahem, anyways.

Why? Well, exactly what everyone else is saying.


The real reason why this makes me writhe in agony is because my best friend was suicidal. I've met other floofs on here who are also suicidal. It took a lot of words to help them feel better, and many reasons why they shouldn't kill themselves either. Heck, even my sister helped her friend as well to stop her from "ending it all". It takes loving words and kind acts to make them think otherwise, and it's a VERY serious topic. From working hard to change your friend's minds, to just seeing THIS...
It's just so... SOOOO...

(Warning, rage spam below.)
qwgjukiyhlafgjhlkBASGFHLKJAEDSKJHLAGHKHJLADGaghlkJdKJHLDJSGHKLJSDhkjlSADkljhASDGKHLJSDGHJKDSGKJHSDGHSEDUJILRSYTHIUESHIYRIUOYR(#&$%y69783ew654wa9784we8079r6weoi7rtwdfveiuyadsrgiyohusaedghoiusadgiuysdagiupyASihA I HATE IT SO MUCH!!

*Heavy breathing* (I'm seriously raging right now.)

And that's how I feel about suicidal characters. I mean, it's okay if your character is suicidal, but you shouldn't just have them mope around all day and have them just randomly fling themselves off of cliffs just for attention. As long as you can actually roleplay your suicidal character correctly, it's fine.

Sorry about the rage, but people who do that are just really.. REALLY aggravating.


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Re: Suicidal Characters
« Reply #6 on: September 25, 2014, 12:42:06 am »
Im sorry to jump in the tracks and completely throw you all of this raging subject. But it's only a character. If someone wants to /Properly/ play a suicidal character in a role-play then fine, so be it. It add's a little more drama into the role-play and sometimes it's actually fun to see how different people reach to, or how different people portray their characters. If someone wants to kill their character fine, It's theirs to do so with. This is exactly the same if you want your character to be a cannibalistic murderer. At the end of the day, it's yours to do with.

Lets not forgot suicide isn't a 'new' thing. It's happened for thousands of years, it's just not something that has been published as much as it is today. If someones is actually doing to do it, In real life, then you won't be able to stop them.

I understand some people are sensitive with some subjects like suicide or rape or abuse. But honestly, ( I'm so sorry if it makes me sound like a horrible person ) But if you don't like seeing it. Don't look. Don't be sensitive and get effected by it. You cant stop it, so just get on with it.

I've been through my own problems, some of the closest people here may know this. I just get on with. I suck it up and deal with it. I dont get offended, or get sensitive, I just think it's stupid.


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Re: Suicidal Characters
« Reply #7 on: September 25, 2014, 02:37:24 am »
this indeed angers me. however- i'm going to go a bit off topic here and i'm going to speak about suicidal characters the right way.

my warrior cat character, Ravenstorm in TGF- well, she's had a tough life so far. she's gone so far as to wondering if she shouldn't exist anymore. it would be better for everyone.

the way to get to this point is not 'no one loves me.' i hate the fact that people never develop their characters enough to have them go through life's turmoils and actually have them affect them in some way. however, this is quite a hard goal to achieve. you need to know your character well enough to do this kind of stuff. but you'll never get to know your character if you don't stick with them.

this is precisely the reason i dislike characters like these. yes, depression is erratic. can come to anyone. but it isn't 'no one likes me so i am going to kill myself,' it's 'i feel awful. i feel like i have this terrible, pressing weight on me.' and after a while- it seems like the best option to rid yourself of it is to die.

and that's why it kills me to see it be roleplayed incorrectly. i have depression. i have anxiety every day. but not all depressed people commit suicide

sorry this went a bit off topic, heh

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Re: Suicidal Characters
« Reply #8 on: September 25, 2014, 10:18:15 am »
I just flat out hate these sort of people... It's ridiculous because it isn't even truly the character itself getting butthurt from it, but the person controlling that character. And they resort to such to gain some odd sort of pity.

I hate attention seekers in general but when you're to the point you say you want to throw oyur life away cause your neglected, it's quite sickening. You've been granted the miraculous gift of life and you spend it fake suiciding on a videogame?? x.x its just... wow...

Im sorry to jump in the tracks and completely throw you all of this raging subject. But it's only a character. If someone wants to /Properly/ play a suicidal character in a role-play then fine, so be it. It add's a little more drama into the role-play and sometimes it's actually fun to see how different people reach to, or how different people portray their characters. If someone wants to kill their character fine, It's theirs to do so with. This is exactly the same if you want your character to be a cannibalistic murderer. At the end of the day, it's yours to do with.

Heheh... i have a murderous cannibal as a matter of fact. Though i don't think this is the issue. If it was suicides in rps then it wouldn't matter so much as its your mind, no one should be allowed to tamper with your creativity. But what most are referencing is when someone gets rejected from what they see as an online relationship and think there life is the worst thing in the world and over.

Its more along the lines of people that cant distinguish fantasy from reality, not acting in character. These people get too emotionally attached to pixels and make believe characters. And when something doesn't go there way, they resort to saying im going to commit suicide to hope there 'mate' or someone will pay attention to them and stop them. Trust me, ive seen this plenty of times, on more game other than feral heart as well. Its extremely childish...

And the sad part is that ive had quite a few community members act up like this due to them not being mates with one of my characters and throwing immature temper tantrums. Even quite a few of my friends STILL deal with this issue! It's just... no... x.x I really wish people wouldnt joke around with a topic like this because some do get offended, but its the only way they can see themselves getting pity...


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Re: Suicidal Characters
« Reply #9 on: September 25, 2014, 01:13:06 pm »
Im sorry to jump in the tracks and completely throw you all of this raging subject. But it's only a character. If someone wants to /Properly/ play a suicidal character in a role-play then fine, so be it. It add's a little more drama into the role-play and sometimes it's actually fun to see how different people reach to, or how different people portray their characters. If someone wants to kill their character fine, It's theirs to do so with. This is exactly the same if you want your character to be a cannibalistic murderer. At the end of the day, it's yours to do with.

Lets not forgot suicide isn't a 'new' thing. It's happened for thousands of years, it's just not something that has been published as much as it is today. If someones is actually doing to do it, In real life, then you won't be able to stop them.

I understand some people are sensitive with some subjects like suicide or rape or abuse. But honestly, ( I'm so sorry if it makes me sound like a horrible person ) But if you don't like seeing it. Don't look. Don't be sensitive and get effected by it. You cant stop it, so just get on with it.

I've been through my own problems, some of the closest people here may know this. I just get on with. I suck it up and deal with it. I dont get offended, or get sensitive, I just think it's stupid.
I see where you're coming from, Kroven. But the thing is, suicide is a very sore subject for some people, especially since it's happened recently to a beloved member of the FeralHeart community. Also, as I stated before, younger kids are open to suggestion, as they're still learning about this world, so with all these people killing themselves in game, it could teach them the wrong lesson. If your in a roleplay and your character really has a reason, then fine. But we're talking about the characters that people make JUST to kill them without even roleplaying them first for attention.

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