Author Topic: Pretty please? :3  (Read 917 times)

Offline Kharress

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Pretty please? :3
« on: September 30, 2014, 08:53:54 pm »
Hello there!

Well here's the dealio, I've tried many a time to make presets of my OCs but they never come out looking acceptable. So I have turned to the general public for help!

I would really appreciate it if someone (or multiple someones) could help me by making me a few lovely presets of my characters. I'm willing to pay DA points and/or art. You can find my DA account here:

It would be great if this someone:

~Could make different-sided markings (two different eye colors, markings that are not the same on both sides)
~Could make the preset look realistic/have a nice fur pattern so it doesn't look flat or cartoon-ish
~Has some preset making experience already and is willing to show me an example of their work.

Now on to my lovely canines! These are the characters I'd love a preset for(:


Don't pay mind to the tan wolfie, Kha is the russet one(: For the preset can she have a naturally dark pink-ish tongue and a black nose? Thanks<3


Her paw pads are grey and pink, and her tongue is natural light pink with a dark grey patch(: Also, her base fur is cream colored not white.


Her leg, face, tail, and ear markings are all how I'd like them but her body markings are not symmetrical on both sides, they are random so you can draw them as you'd like. Please though, she is primarily white so not too many black patches and please make sure they aren't too large. Also, as a side note, she doesn't really have that mane-thing on her back but she does have a grey/black stripe that runs between her shoulders that tapers out about half way down her back. Thank you!

Linearts (c) SnowBody, KayFedewa, and THE -- bunny on deviantart.
Characters (c) Kharress

That's all for now folks! (I might add some more characters later on though lol)

Thanks so much for taking a look and please let me know if you're interested in helping me so we can discuss the details!

<3 Kha
« Last Edit: September 30, 2014, 08:56:05 pm by Kharress »
[[These scars we wear remind us; the more we change, the more we're all the same.]]