Author Topic: Barakitteh'z Biography  (Read 1931 times)

Offline Barakat

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Barakitteh'z Biography
« on: October 18, 2014, 12:53:33 am »
Hello. I go by the name Barakat or Barakitty :3

So I just thought I would do a biography to tell you all a little more about myself in real life.
Music & Bands
FeralHeart, of course
Animals - wolves, lions, hairless cats, etc.

People who judge
Rap music {some I don't mind}
Candy Corn -nohatepls-
Character / Art stealers

Here are some random facts as well~

 I am a female, but for whatever reason I like making male characters. I can roleplay as them better and make them more unique looking/personality wise than female characters. I don't know, I'm weird. ;^;
I am seriously obsessed with a lot of bands. All Time Low, especially. You can probably tell because of my signature {unless you don't know the band}. Music has got me through a lot so yeah. C:
What I am looking for as a job / part time job is helping out at a Humane Society or some type of non-kill shelter. Other than that, I also have some plans on becoming a tattoo artist or piercer. I know they are totally different jobs, but I am still debating.
I do gymnastics and a little dance. Kind of random, but it's an awesome part of my life and something I enjoy doing.
I dye my hair a lot. It was blue, then red, then blue again, then purple, then red, then black and purple. Now it's my natural hair color for once.
I am very short for my age. I am only 5'0 holla.
I have 3 pets. A dog named Sandy, a hamster named Link, and a guinea pig named Cynder. I used to have a gerbil named Captain but he passed away. My neighbours had a cat named Shady that I knew since I was probably 5, but we also considered her ours because everyday she would be at our house until night. Mainly because her owners were dealing with the cops. But she ended up passing away due to old age.
I am on a volleyball team. I actually just found out I made it on the team today.
I am around / over half Russian. I would have a strong accent but because I'm not fully Russian I don't.

Well I guess that's all for my biography for now. I might add to this later on but I don't know what else to put at the moment. Thanks for reading though. C:
« Last Edit: October 18, 2014, 12:59:28 am by Barakat. »

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Re: Barakitteh'z Biography
« Reply #1 on: October 18, 2014, 07:24:00 pm »
What a wonderful bio for such a wonderful young lady.
It was nice readin' your bio, Ms. Barakat. You seem very interestin'. c:

stinky dog coming through, don't mind me!